Cópia de GSheet v2.1-1

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Click [File] then [Make a copy...] to use the sheet for yourself.

Check [?] for help. And read all the notes!




[3] [4] BACKGROUND: [6]


- - - -

00 Saving throws auto-populate. Hit Point Max -

〇 - Strength [8]


〇 - Dexterity
〇 - Intelligence Condition
〇 - Wisdom
〇 - Charisma

Fill skill bubbles with '1' (one).

- 〇 - Acrobatics (Dex) SUC. 〇 〇 〇

00 〇 - Animal Handling(Wis) FAIL. 〇 〇 〇
INT 〇 - Arcana(Int)

- 〇 - Athletics (Str) ALIGNMENT:

〇 - Deception (Cha)
- 〇 - History (Int)
WIS 〇 - Intimidation (Cha) - -

- 〇 - Investigation (Int) - -

〇 - Medicine (Wis) - -

- 〇 - Nature (Int) - -

00 〇 - Perception (Wis) - -
CHA 〇 - Performance (Cha)

- 〇 - Persuasion(Cha)
〇 - Religion (Int)
- 〇 - Sleight of Hand (Dex)
00 〇 - Stealth(Dex)
〇 - Survival (Wis)
Clear bubbles with '0' (zero).


Armor Proficiencies: Autofills based on Class & Race

Weapon Proficiencies: Autofills based on Class & Race

Vehicle Proficiencies: [10]

Tool Proficiencies: [11]

Other Proficiencies: [12]

Other Speeds: -



Right click and 'Insert note' to add details on any box.


[15] - - -

◉ ◉ ◉

◉ ◉ ◉
◉ ◉ ◉


〇 〇 〇
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〇 〇 〇

〇 〇 〇
〇 〇 〇
〇 〇 〇
〇 〇 〇
You can hide each level of spells individually by hiding the rows (on the left).

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〇 〇 〇
〇 〇 〇
〇 〇 〇








v2.1 sheet by I F Evans based on v1.3 sheet by DM David Lester based on the official D&D character sheet available at Wizards.com/DnD. (TM & © 2014 Wizards of the Coast LLC.)

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〇 〇 〇
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〇 〇 〇


Total Level
Use the '#' columns for the amount of an item. Make sure to check [?] for how to properly fill out cost & weight.


0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

Coin .00 gp 0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

.00 gp
0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

WEALTH 0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

Max - 0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

.00 lb.
0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

WEIGHT 0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.

0 lb. 0 lb. 0 0 lb. 0 0 lb.


Make a Copy
To use the sheet at all, you need to first go to File > Make a copy... to make your own copy to edit.
Don't move any of the cells around and never insert extra rows or columns.

Most boxes automatically calculate, including modifiers, skill totals, PHB weapons and the equipment section. Check the formula bar at the top
to see if there is a formula before filling out a field. If you have a bonus from another source that isn't accounted for, DON'T DELETE THE FORMULA,
just add an extra +# in there along with other +'s at the end. Some things are now accountable for using the Info tabs.

Radio Buttons / Blank Diamonds

The sheet includes some faux radio buttons. To "fill in" the buttons, enter any character you wish ('x', '1', etc) except '0'.
Entering '0' into a radio button will clear it. The skill buttons additionally support 'e' for expertise, and double proficiency bonus appropriately.
Half proficiency is accounted for automatically if you are a bard of appropriate level.

Read ALL the notes I've added! And you can add your own. Right click and "Insert note" to add details for features, traits, and so on.

Equipment & Treasure

The sheet auto-calculates total weight and wealth (coin wealth separately) along with comparing total weight to your carry capacity.
When filling in value, you're free to use denomination symbols, like "cp" and "gp" after the value. Otherwise the sheet will assume gp.
(Ex: "2 cp", "1 sp", "500 pp", "100,000 gp") In contrast, weight is always lb. so just use plain numbers. (0.5 will be converted to 1/2 lb. and so on.)
Never drag entries around, this ruins the formatting, only copy/paste and delete the previous. This goes for most of the sheet.

Radio buttons are used to represent prepared spells You can hide spell level blocks by selecting/hiding their rows, convenient for lower-level
characters. Multiclassing isn't well supported in the spells section if you have different spellcasting abilities for each class, but the granted spell slots
by level will add up to the correct amount.

Weapons, Equipable Items, Races, & Classes

The sheet automatically recognizes all PHB weapons and armor, along with most races and classes. To add your own homebrew, navigate to the
appropriate Info sheet (e.g. Gear Info for Armor) and fill in the details for your weapon/armor/item/race/class. It will then be selectable from the
appropriate dropdown menus in each section (classes aren't dropdown, just fill the Class and Levels cell in and spell everything right).

You can use the dropbown boxes to select alternate headers or color schemes. If you don't select a header, the header will automatically change to
the header for the class you chose at 1st level. You can copy the blank headers and make your own as well. You can insert your own images for your
character's appearance and symbol, just paste the image's URL in Customization where noted. Appearance images should be 251x335+ pixels while
symbol images should be 188x188+ pixels. Entering a faction name ("Harpers", "Order of the Gauntlet", etc) will make a banner automatically appear.

Blank Space
A lot of the blank space around the sheet is now used. To the right of the HP/AC/INIT section is a column for entering your rolled hit points at each
level. To the RIGHT of the skills and saves is where you can override the automatically calculated adv/dis. And more. See the notes.

Have Fun
Send questions/comments/suggestions about the original sheet to dallanlester@gmail.com. (Don't bother him about formulas though) Seriously, there
isn't much for you to email him about at this point. Send any questions/comments/suggestions about the 2.x stuff to 8.3.ife.e@gmail.com
or find me on the Avrae Dev Server, @Derixyleth#0636. While you're here, if you want to check out other stuff I've made for D&D, you can find links
to it all at my website: https://thecoppersanctum.github.io/thecoppersanctum/

Below is a section that can no longer be copy/pasted over anything since PROFICIENCIES is used in the formulas.

Coming Eventually
The big plan is to create a Builder page to have things even more automated and also include better support for homebrew. That takes time though.
And time is money. If you want to see more updates to the gsheet sooner rather than later, consider buying me a ko-fi. https://ko-fi.com/derixyleth


DON'T copy and paste this box over NOTES for a companion. NOTES has been changed to
PROFICIENCIES, and is referenced by the formulas used to determine attack bonuses.
AC HP / Speed


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
NOTE: Classes with spaces in their names will not work due to limitations of the system.
I might eventually figure out a workaround for this, but don't hold your breath. Even once
I get space-name classes working, Blood Hunter will probably still not fully be supported
because there are several things the class does that are unlike anything else and working
COMPANION all that into the system simply isn't worth my time.
WEAPONS & ATTACKS If a weapon/attack doesn't have a certain quality,
If you are adding weapons/attacks, be sure to follow
put only a minus sign (-) in that cell.
the format of the existing weapons.
Bonus Bonus Attack Apply
Damage Damage Proficiency Range Monk Enchantment
Attack/Weapon Name Damage Damage Ability Weapon Properties [28] Ability
Die [21] Type [22] Category [23]Classification [24]
Weapon [25]Bonus [26]
Die Type Override [27] Mod? [29]
Unarmed Strike 1 bludgeoning Unarmed Melee ◉ - - - - - ◉
Unarmed Strike
1 bludgeoning Unarmed Melee ◉ - - - - - ◉
Natural Attack 1 - Natural Melee ◉ - - - - - ◉
Melee or
Improvised Weapon 1d4 bludgeoning Improvised
〇 - - - - - ◉
Club 1d4 bludgeoning Simple Melee ◉ - - - - Light ◉
Offhand Club 1d4 bludgeoning Simple Melee ◉ - - - - Light 〇
Melee or Finesse, Light, Thrown (range
Dagger 1d4 piercing Simple
◉ - - - -

Melee or Finesse, Light, Thrown (range
Offhand Dagger 1d4 piercing Simple
◉ - - - -

Greatclub 1d8 bludgeoning Simple Melee 〇 - - - - Two-Handed ◉
Melee or
Handaxe 1d6 slashing Simple
◉ - - - - Light, Thrown (range 20/60) ◉
Melee or
Offhand Handaxe 1d6 slashing Simple
◉ - - - - Light, Thrown (range 20/60) 〇
Melee or
Javelin 1d6 piercing Simple
◉ - - - - Thrown (range 30/120) ◉
Melee or
Light Hammer 1d4 bludgeoning Simple
◉ - - - - Light, Thrown (range 20/60) ◉
Offhand Light Melee or
1d4 bludgeoning Simple
◉ - - - - Light, Thrown (range 20/60) 〇
Mace 1d6 bludgeoning Simple Melee ◉ - - - - - ◉
Offhand Mace 1d6 bludgeoning Simple Melee ◉ - - - - - 〇
Quarterstaff 1d6 bludgeoning Simple Melee ◉ - - - - Versatile (1d8) ◉
1d8 bludgeoning Simple Melee ◉ - - - - Versatile (1d8) ◉
(Opposite End)
1d4 bludgeoning Simple Melee ◉ - - - - Versatile (1d8) ◉
Sickle 1d4 slashing Simple Melee ◉ - - - - Light ◉
Offhand Sickle 1d4 slashing Simple Melee ◉ - - - - Light 〇
Melee or Thrown (range 20/60), Versatile
Spear 1d6 piercing Simple
◉ - - - -

Thrown (range 20/60), Versatile
Spear (Opposite End) 1d4 bludgeoning Simple Melee ◉ - - - -

Thrown (range 20/60), Versatile
Two-Handed Spear 1d8 piercing Simple Melee ◉ - - - -

Ammunition (range 80/320),
Light Crossbow 1d8 piercing Simple Ranged 〇 - - - -
Loading, Two-Handed

Dart 1d4 piercing Simple Ranged 〇 - - - - Finesse, Thrown (range 20/60) ◉
Ammunition (range 80/320), Two-
Shortbow 1d6 piercing Simple Ranged 〇 - - - -

Sling 1d4 bludgeoning Simple Ranged 〇 - - - - Ammunition (range 30/120) ◉
Battleaxe 1d8 slashing Martial Melee 〇 - - - - Versatile (1d10) ◉
1d10 slashing Martial Melee 〇 - - - - Versatile (1d10) ◉
Offhand Battleaxe 1d8 slashing Martial Melee 〇 - - - - Versatile (1d10) 〇
Flail 1d8 bludgeoning Martial Melee 〇 - - - - - ◉
Offhand Flail 1d8 bludgeoning Martial Melee 〇 - - - - - 〇
Glaive 1d10 slashing Martial Melee 〇 - - - - Heavy, Reach, Two-Handed ◉
Glaive (Opposite
1d4 bludgeoning Martial Melee 〇 - - - - Heavy, Reach, Two-Handed ◉
Greataxe 1d12 slashing Martial Melee 〇 - - - - Heavy, Two-Handed ◉
Greatsword 2d6 slashing Martial Melee 〇 - - - - Heavy, Two-Handed ◉
Halberd 1d10 slashing Martial Melee 〇 - - - - Heavy, Reach, Two-Handed ◉
Halberd (Opposite
1d4 bludgeoning Martial Melee 〇 - - - - Heavy, Reach, Two-Handed ◉
Reach, Special - You have
disadvantage when you use a
lance to attack a target within 5
Lance 1d12 piercing Martial Melee 〇 - - - -
feet of you. Also, a lance requires

two hands to wield when you
aren't mounted.
Longsword 1d8 slashing Martial Melee 〇 - - - - Versatile (1d10) ◉
1d10 slashing Martial Melee 〇 - - - - Versatile (1d10) ◉
Offhand Longsword 1d8 slashing Martial Melee 〇 - - - - Versatile (1d10) 〇
WEAPONS & ATTACKS If a weapon/attack doesn't have a certain quality,
If you are adding weapons/attacks, be sure to follow
put only a minus sign (-) in that cell.
the format of the existing weapons.
Bonus Bonus Attack Apply
Damage Damage Proficiency Range Monk Enchantment
Attack/Weapon Name Damage Damage Ability Weapon Properties [28] Ability
Die [21] Type [22] Category [23]Classification [24]
Weapon [25]Bonus [26]
Die Type Override [27] Mod? [29]
Maul 2d6 bludgeoning Martial Melee 〇 - - - - Heavy, Two-Handed ◉
Morningstar 1d8 piercing Martial Melee 〇 - - - - - ◉
Offhand Morningstar 1d8 piercing Martial Melee 〇 - - - - - 〇
Pike 1d10 piercing Martial Melee 〇 - - - - Heavy, Reach, Two-Handed ◉
Pike (Opposite End) 1d4 bludgeoning Martial Melee 〇 - - - - Heavy, Reach, Two-Handed ◉
Rapier 1d8 piercing Martial Melee 〇 - - - - Finesse ◉
Offhand Rapier 1d8 piercing Martial Melee 〇 - - - - Finesse 〇
Scimitar 1d6 slashing Martial Melee 〇 - - - - Finesse, Light ◉
Offhand Scimitar 1d6 slashing Martial Melee 〇 - - - - Finesse, Light 〇
Shortsword 1d6 piercing Martial Melee ◉ - - - - Finesse, Light ◉
Offhand Shortsword 1d6 piercing Martial Melee ◉ - - - - Finesse, Light 〇
Melee or Thrown (range 20/60), Versatile
Trident 1d6 piercing Martial
〇 - - - -

Thrown (range 20/60), Versatile
Two-Handed Trident 1d8 piercing Martial Melee 〇 - - - -

War Pick 1d8 piercing Martial Melee 〇 - - - - - ◉
Offhand War Pick 1d8 piercing Martial Melee 〇 - - - - - 〇
Warhammer 1d8 bludgeoning Martial Melee 〇 - - - - Versatile (1d10) ◉
1d10 bludgeoning Martial Melee 〇 - - - - Versatile (1d10) ◉
Offhand Warhammer 1d8 bludgeoning Martial Melee 〇 - - - - Versatile (1d10) 〇
Whip 1d4 slashing Martial Melee 〇 - - - - Finesse, Reach ◉
Ammunition (range 25/100),
Blowgun 1 piercing Martial Ranged 〇 - - - -

Ammunition (range 30/120),
Hand Crossbow 1d6 piercing Martial Ranged 〇 - - - -
Light, Loading

Ammunition (range 100/400),
Heavy Crossbow 1d10 piercing Martial Ranged 〇 - - - -
Heavy, Loading, Two-Handed

Ammunition (150/600), Heavy,
Longbow 1d8 piercing Martial Ranged 〇 - - - -

Thrown (range 5/15), Special - A
Large or smaller creature hit by a
Net 0 - Martial Ranged 〇 - - - -
net is restrained until it is freed.

See `!item net` for more details.
Make a ranged spell attack
against the target. On a hit, the
target takes 1d10 force damage.
The spell creates 1 beams. You
Eldritch Blast 1d10 force Spell Ranged 〇 - - - -
can direct the beams at the same 〇
target or at different ones. Make
a separate attack roll for each
Melee or Finesse, Light, Thrown (range
Dagger +1 1d4 magical piercing Simple
◉ 1 - - -

Melee or Finesse, Light, Thrown (range
Offhand Dagger +1 1d4 magical piercing Simple
◉ 1 - - -

Versatile (1d10)
**Flame Tongue**
You can use a bonus action to
speak this magic sword's
command word, causing flames to
erupt from the blade. These
flames shed bright light in a 40-
Flame Tongue
1d8 magical slashing Martial Melee 〇 - 2d6 fire - foot radius and dim light for an ◉
additional 40 feet. While the
sword is ablaze, it deals an extra
2d6 fire damage to any target it
hits. The flames last until you use
a bonus action to speak the
command word again or until you
drop or sheathe the sword.
WEAPONS & ATTACKS If a weapon/attack doesn't have a certain quality,
If you are adding weapons/attacks, be sure to follow
put only a minus sign (-) in that cell.
the format of the existing weapons.
Bonus Bonus Attack Apply
Damage Damage Proficiency Range Monk Enchantment
Attack/Weapon Name Damage Damage Ability Weapon Properties [28] Ability
Die [21] Type [22] Category [23]Classification [24]
Weapon [25]Bonus [26]
Die Type Override [27] Mod? [29]
Versatile (1d10)
**Flame Tongue**
You can use a bonus action to
speak this magic sword's
command word, causing flames to
erupt from the blade. These
flames shed bright light in a 40-
Two-Handed Flame
Tongue Longsword
1d10 magical slashing Martial Melee 〇 - 2d6 fire - foot radius and dim light for an ◉
additional 40 feet. While the
sword is ablaze, it deals an extra
2d6 fire damage to any target it
hits. The flames last until you use
a bonus action to speak the
command word again or until you
drop or sheathe the sword.
On a hit, the target takes 1d10
fire damage. A flammable object
Fire Bolt 1d10 fire Spell Ranged 〇 - - - int
hit by this spell ignites if it isn't

being worn or carried.
**Luck Blade**
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and
damage rolls made with this
magic weapon. While the sword is
on your person, you also gain a +1
bonus to saving throws.
If the sword is on your person,
you can call on its luck (no action
required) to reroll one attack roll,
Luck Blade Rapier 1d8 magical piercing Martial Melee 〇 1 - - - ability check, or saving throw you ◉
dislike. You must use the second
roll. This property can't be used
again until the next dawn.
The sword has 1d4-1 charges.
While holding it, you can use an
action to expend 1 charge and
cast the wish spell from it. This
property can't be used again until
the next dawn. The sword loses
this property if it has no charges.
Giant's Bane (Requires
Attunement). You must be
wearing a belt of giant strength
(any variety) and gauntlets of
ogre power to attune to this
weapon. The attunement ends if
you take off either of those
items. While you are attuned to
this weapon and holding it, your
Strength score increases by 4 to a
maximum of 30. When you roll a
20 on an attack roll made with
this weapon against a giant, the
giant must succeed on a DC 17
Hammer of magical Constitution saving throw or die.
Martial Melee 〇 1 - - - The hammer also has 5 charges. ◉
While attuned to it, you can
expend 1 charge and make a
ranged weapon attack with the
hammer, hurling it as if it had the
thrown property with a normal
range of 20 feet and a long range
of 60 feet. If the attack hits, the
hammer unleashes a thunderclap
audible out to 300 feet. The
target and every creature within
30 feet of it must succeed on a DC
17 Constitution saving throw or be
stunned until the end of your next
turn. The hammer regains 1d4+1
expended charges daily at dawn.
Ammunition (150/600), Heavy,
Longbow +1 1d8 magical piercing Martial Ranged 〇 1 - - -

Silvered Rapier 1d8
Martial Melee 〇 - - - - Finesse ◉
〇 〇
〇 〇
〇 〇
〇 〇
〇 〇
WEAPONS & ATTACKS If a weapon/attack doesn't have a certain quality,
If you are adding weapons/attacks, be sure to follow
put only a minus sign (-) in that cell.
the format of the existing weapons.
Bonus Bonus Attack Apply
Damage Damage Proficiency Range Monk Enchantment
Attack/Weapon Name Damage Damage Ability Weapon Properties [28] Ability
Die [21] Type [22] Category [23]Classification [24]
Weapon [25]Bonus [26]
Die Type Override [27] Mod? [29]
〇 〇
〇 〇
〇 〇
〇 〇
〇 〇
〇 〇
〇 〇
〇 〇
〇 〇
〇 〇
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〇 〇
〇 〇
〇 〇
〇 〇
〇 〇
〇 〇
〇 〇
〇 〇
〇 〇
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〇 〇
〇 〇
〇 〇
〇 〇
〇 〇
〇 〇
〇 〇
〇 〇
〇 〇
〇 〇
〇 〇
〇 〇
〇 〇
〇 〇
〇 〇
〇 〇
〇 〇
〇 〇
WEAPONS & ATTACKS If a weapon/attack doesn't have a certain quality,
If you are adding weapons/attacks, be sure to follow
put only a minus sign (-) in that cell.
the format of the existing weapons.
Bonus Bonus Attack Apply
Damage Damage Proficiency Range Monk Enchantment
Attack/Weapon Name Damage Damage Ability Weapon Properties [28] Ability
Die [21] Type [22] Category [23]Classification [24]
Weapon [25]Bonus [26]
Die Type Override [27] Mod? [29]
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WEAPONS & ATTACKS If a weapon/attack doesn't have a certain quality,
If you are adding weapons/attacks, be sure to follow
put only a minus sign (-) in that cell.
the format of the existing weapons.
Bonus Bonus Attack Apply
Damage Damage Proficiency Range Monk Enchantment
Attack/Weapon Name Damage Damage Ability Weapon Properties [28] Ability
Die [21] Type [22] Category [23]Classification [24]
Weapon [25]Bonus [26]
Die Type Override [27] Mod? [29]
〇 〇
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ARMOR & WEARABLES If an item doesn't have a certain quality,
If you are adding items, be sure to follow
put only a minus sign (-) in that cell.
the format of the existing items.
Armor Maximum
Proficiency Skills Saves
Class Dexterity Strength Stealth Enchantment Additional
Armor/Wearable Name Category [32] Bonus Bonus Bonus
Bonus Modifier Required Dis/advantage Bonus [33] Properties [37]
Bonus [34] [35] [36]
[30] [31]
Padded 1 - Light Armor - Disadvantage - - - - -

Leather 1 - Light Armor - - - - - - -

Studded Leather 2 - Light Armor - - - - - - -

Hide 2 2 Medium Armor - - - - - - -

Chain Shirt 3 2 Medium Armor - - - - - - -

Scale Mail 4 2 Medium Armor - Disadvantage - - - - -

Breastplate 4 2 Medium Armor - - - - - - -

Half Plate 5 2 Medium Armor - Disadvantage - - - - -

Ring Mail 4 0 Heavy Armor - Disadvantage - - - - -

Chain Mail 6 0 Heavy Armor 13 Disadvantage - - - - -

Splint 7 0 Heavy Armor 15 Disadvantage - - - - -

Plate 8 0 Heavy Armor 15 Disadvantage - - - - -

Shield 2 - Shield - - - - - - -

Common Clothes 0 - Clothes - - - - - - -

Costume 0 - Clothes - - - - - - -

Fine Clothes 0 - Clothes - - - - - - -

Traveler's Clothes 0 - Clothes - - - - - - -

Robes 0 - Clothes - - - - - - -

Vestments 0 - Clothes - - - - - - -

Plate +1 8 0 Heavy Armor 15 Disadvantage 1 - - - -

Shield +2 2 - Shield - - 2 - - - -

Cloak of Protection 1 - Wondrous Item - - - - - 1 -

Stone of Good Luck - - Wondrous Item - - - - 1 1 -

While wearing this
brooch, you have
resistance to force
Brooch of Shielding - - Wondrous Item - - - - - - damage, and you have
immunity to damage
from the magic missile
While wearing these
bracers, you gain a +2
Bracers of Defense 2 - Wondrous Item - - - - - - bonus to AC if you are
wearing no armor and
using no shield.
While wearing these
bracers, you have
proficiency with the
longbow and shortbow,
Bracers of Archery - - Wondrous Item - - - - - -
and you gain a +2 bonus
to damage rolls on
ranged attacks made
with such weapons.
ARMOR & WEARABLES If an item doesn't have a certain quality,
If you are adding items, be sure to follow
put only a minus sign (-) in that cell.
the format of the existing items.
Armor Maximum
Proficiency Skills Saves
Class Dexterity Strength Stealth Enchantment Additional
Armor/Wearable Name Category [32] Bonus Bonus Bonus
Bonus Modifier Required Dis/advantage Bonus [33] Properties [37]
Bonus [34] [35] [36]
[30] [31]
An Ioun stone is named
after Ioun, a god of
knowledge and prophecy
revered on some worlds.
Many types of Ioun stone
exist, each type a
distinct combination of
shape and color.
When you use an action
to toss one of these
stones into the air, the
stone orbits your head at
a distance of 1d3 feet
and confers a benefit to
you. Thereafter, another
creature must use an
action to grasp or net
the stone to separate it
Ioun Stone, Mastery - - Wondrous Item - - - 1 - - from you, either by
making a successful
attack roll against AC 24
or a successful DC 24
Dexterity (Acrobatics)
check. You can use an
action to seize and stow
the stone, ending its
A stone has AC 24, 10 hit
points, and resistance to
all damage. It is
considered to be an
object that is being worn
while it orbits your head.
Your proficiency bonus
increases by 1 while this
pale green prism orbits
your head.
While wearing this
armor, you have
resistance to piercing
Curse: This armor is
cursed, a fact that is
revealed only when an
identify spell is cast on
the armor or you attune
Plate Armor of
8 0 Heavy Armor 15 Disadvantage - - - - to it. Attuning to the
Vulnerability (Piercing)
armor curses you until
you are targeted by the
remove curse spell or
similar magic; removing
the armor fails to end
the curse. While cursed
you have vulnerability to
bludgeoning and slashing
ARMOR & WEARABLES If an item doesn't have a certain quality,
If you are adding items, be sure to follow
put only a minus sign (-) in that cell.
the format of the existing items.
Armor Maximum
Proficiency Skills Saves
Class Dexterity Strength Stealth Enchantment Additional
Armor/Wearable Name Category [32] Bonus Bonus Bonus
Bonus Modifier Required Dis/advantage Bonus [33] Properties [37]
Bonus [34] [35] [36]
[30] [31]
Dragon scale mail is
made of the scales of
one kind of dragon.
Sometimes dragons
collect their cast-off
scales and gift them to
humanoids. Other times,
hunters carefully skin
and preserve the hide of
a dead dragon. In either
case, dragon scale mail
is highly valued. While
wearing this armor, you
gain a +1 bonus to AC,
you have advantage on
Black Dragon Scale Mail 4 2 Medium Armor - Disadvantage 1 - - - saving throws against the
Frightful Presence and
breath weapons of
dragons, and you have
resistance to acid
Additionally, you can
focus your senses as an
action to magically
discern the distance and
direction to the closest
black dragon within 30
miles of you. This special
action can't be used
again until the next
While you are holding
this wand, you gain a +1
Wand of the War Mage bonus to spell attack
- - Wand - - - - - -
+1 rolls. In addition, you
ignore half cover when
making a spell attack.
While holding this rod,
you gain a +1 bonus to
spell attack rolls and to
the saving throw DCs of
your warlock spells.
Rod of the Pact Keeper In addition, you can
- - Rod - - - - - -
+1 regain one warlock spell
slot as an action while
holding the rod. You
can't use this property
again until you finish a
long rest.
ARMOR & WEARABLES If an item doesn't have a certain quality,
If you are adding items, be sure to follow
put only a minus sign (-) in that cell.
the format of the existing items.
Armor Maximum
Proficiency Skills Saves
Class Dexterity Strength Stealth Enchantment Additional
Armor/Wearable Name Category [32] Bonus Bonus Bonus
Bonus Modifier Required Dis/advantage Bonus [33] Properties [37]
Bonus [34] [35] [36]
[30] [31]
This rod has a flanged
head and the following
Alertness: While holding
the rod, you have
advantage on Wisdom
(Perception) checks and
on rolls for initiative.
Spells: While holding the
rod, you can use an
action to cast one of the
following spells from it:
detect evil and good,
detect magic, detect
poison and disease, or
see invisibility.
Protective Aura: As an
action, you can plant the
haft end of the rod in
the ground, whereupon
the rod's head sheds
Rod of Alertness - - Rod - - - - - -
bright light in a 60-foot
radius and dim light for
an additional 60 feet.
While in that bright
light, you and any
creature that is friendly
to you gain a +1 bonus to
AC and saving throws and
can sense the location of
any invisible hostile
creature that is also in
the bright light.
The rod's head stops
glowing and the effect
ends after 10 minutes, or
when a creature uses an
action to pull the rod
from the ground. This
property can't be used
again until the next
Your Strength score is 19
while you wear these
Gauntlets of Ogre Power - - Wondrous Item - - - - - - gauntlets. They have no
effect on you if your
Strength is already 19 or
higher without them.
While wearing this belt,
your Strength score
changes to 27. The item
Belt of Cloud Giant has no effect on you if
- - Wondrous Item - - - - - -
Strength your Strength without
the belt is equal to or
greater than the belt's
This elegant garment is
made from exquisite
cloth of white, gray, or
black and adorned with
silvery runes. The robe's
color corresponds to the
alignment for which the
item was created. A
white robe was made for
good, gray for neutral,
and black for evil. You
can't attune to a robe of
the archmagi that
Robe of the Archmagi 5 - Wondrous Item - - - - - - doesn't correspond to
your alignment.
You gain these benefits
while wearing the robe:
- If you aren't wearing
armor, your base Armor
Class is 15 + your
Dexterity modifier.
- You have advantage on
saving throws against
spell and other magical
- Your spell save DC and
spell attack bonus each
increase by 2.
ARMOR & WEARABLES If an item doesn't have a certain quality,
If you are adding items, be sure to follow
put only a minus sign (-) in that cell.
the format of the existing items.
Armor Maximum
Proficiency Skills Saves
Class Dexterity Strength Stealth Enchantment Additional
Armor/Wearable Name Category [32] Bonus Bonus Bonus
Bonus Modifier Required Dis/advantage Bonus [33] Properties [37]
Bonus [34] [35] [36]
[30] [31]
Your base walking speed
Red Sneakers - - Wondrous Item - - - - - - increases by 20 feet.
Gotta go fast.
These gloves are
invisible while worn.
While wearing them, you
gain a +5 bonus to
Gloves of Thievery - - Wondrous Item - - - - - -
Dexterity (Sleight of
Hand) checks and
Dexterity checks made to
pick locks.
This book contains
memory and logic
exercises, and its words
are charged with magic.
If you spend 48 hours
over a period of 6 days
or fewer studying the
Tome of Clear Thought - - Wondrous Item - - - - - - book's contents and
practicing its guidelines,
your Intelligence score
increases by 2, as does
your maximum for that
score. The manual then
loses its magic, but
regains it in a century.
ARMOR & WEARABLES If an item doesn't have a certain quality,
If you are adding items, be sure to follow
put only a minus sign (-) in that cell.
the format of the existing items.
Armor Maximum
Proficiency Skills Saves
Class Dexterity Strength Stealth Enchantment Additional
Armor/Wearable Name Category [32] Bonus Bonus Bonus
Bonus Modifier Required Dis/advantage Bonus [33] Properties [37]
Bonus [34] [35] [36]
[30] [31]
ARMOR & WEARABLES If an item doesn't have a certain quality,
If you are adding items, be sure to follow
put only a minus sign (-) in that cell.
the format of the existing items.
Armor Maximum
Proficiency Skills Saves
Class Dexterity Strength Stealth Enchantment Additional
Armor/Wearable Name Category [32] Bonus Bonus Bonus
Bonus Modifier Required Dis/advantage Bonus [33] Properties [37]
Bonus [34] [35] [36]
[30] [31]
ARMOR & WEARABLES If an item doesn't have a certain quality,
If you are adding items, be sure to follow
put only a minus sign (-) in that cell.
the format of the existing items.
Armor Maximum
Proficiency Skills Saves
Class Dexterity Strength Stealth Enchantment Additional
Armor/Wearable Name Category [32] Bonus Bonus Bonus
Bonus Modifier Required Dis/advantage Bonus [33] Properties [37]
Bonus [34] [35] [36]
[30] [31]
RACE OPTIONS If a race doesn't have a certain quality,
If you are adding races, be sure to follow
put only a minus sign (-) in that cell.
the format of the existing races.
Ability Natural Bonus Bonus Weapon Other
Resistances, Immunities, and Natural
Race Name Score Armor Speed HP per Languages and Armor Features &
Vulnerabilities Attack [38]
Increases Class Level Proficiencies Proficiencies
Dwarven Resilience
You have advantage on saving Battleaxe, Handaxe,
con +2, wis Common,
Hill Dwarf - 25 1 throws against poison, and you - Light Hammer, 1 Tool (Artisan's Tools)
+1 Dwarvish
have resistance against poison Warhammer
Dwarven Resilience Battleaxe, Handaxe,
con +2, str You have advantage on saving Common, Light Hammer,
Mountain Dwarf - 25 - throws against poison, and you - Warhammer, Light 1 Tool (Artisan's Tools)
+2 Dwarvish
have resistance against poison Armor, Medium
damage. Armor
dex +2, int Common, Longsword, Keen Senses
High Elf - 30 - - Elvish, 1 - Shortsword, You gain proficiency in
extra Shortbow, Longbow the Perception skill.
dex +2, wis Common, Longsword, Keen Senses
Wood Elf - 35 - - - Shortsword, You gain proficiency in
+1 Elvish
Shortbow, Longbow the Perception skill.
dex +2, cha Common, Rapier, Shortsword, Keen Senses
Drow - 30 - - - You gain proficiency in
+1 Elvish Hand Crossbow
the Perception skill.
Lightfoot dex +2, cha - 25 - - Common, - - -
Halfling +1 Halfling
Stout Resilience
dex +2, con You have advantage on saving Common,
Stout Halfling - 25 - throws against poison, and you - - -
+1 Halfling
have resistance against poison
str +1, dex
+1, con +1, Common, 1
Human - 30 - - - - -
int +1, wis extra
+1, cha +1
choose 2:
str +1, dex Skills
Common, 1
Variant Human +1, con +1, - 30 - - - - You gain proficiency in
int +1, wis one skill of your choice.
+1, cha +1
Black str +2, cha Damage Resistance Common,
10+dex 30 - You have resistance to Acid - - -
Dragonborn +1 Draconic
str +2, cha Damage Resistance Common,
Blue Dragonborn 10+dex 30 - You have resistance to Lightning - - -
+1 Draconic
Brass str +2, cha Damage Resistance Common,
10+dex 30 - You have resistance to Fire - - -
Dragonborn +1 Draconic
Bronze str +2, cha Damage Resistance Common,
10+dex 30 - You have resistance to Lightning - - -
Dragonborn +1 Draconic
Copper str +2, cha Damage Resistance Common,
10+dex 30 - You have resistance to Acid - - -
Dragonborn +1 Draconic
Gold str +2, cha Damage Resistance Common,
10+dex 30 - You have resistance to Fire - - -
Dragonborn +1 Draconic
Green str +2, cha Damage Resistance Common,
10+dex 30 - You have resistance to Poison - - -
Dragonborn +1 Draconic
str +2, cha Damage Resistance Common,
Red Dragonborn 10+dex 30 - You have resistance to Fire - - -
+1 Draconic
Silver str +2, cha Damage Resistance Common,
10+dex 30 - You have resistance to Cold - - -
Dragonborn +1 Draconic
White str +2, cha Damage Resistance Common,
10+dex 30 - You have resistance to Cold - - -
Dragonborn +1 Draconic
Forest Gnome int +2, dex - 25 - - Common, - - -
+1 Gnomish
Rock Gnome int +2, con - 25 - - Common, - - 1 Tool (Tinker's Tools)
+1 Gnomish
cha +2,
choose 2: Common, Skill Versatility
Half-Elf str +1, dex - 30 - - Elvish, 1 - - You gain proficiency in
+1, con +1, extra two skills of your choice.
int +1, wis
str +2, con Common, Menacing
Half-Orc - 30 -- - - - You gain proficiency in
+1 Orc
the Intimidation skill.
int +1, cha Hellish Resistance Common,
Tiefling - 30 - You have resistance to Fire - - -
+2 Infernal
Protector cha +2, wis Celestial Resistance Common,
- 30 - You have resistance to necrotic - - -
Aasimar +1 Celestial
and radiant damage.
RACE OPTIONS If a race doesn't have a certain quality,
If you are adding races, be sure to follow
put only a minus sign (-) in that cell.
the format of the existing races.
Ability Natural Bonus Bonus Weapon Other
Resistances, Immunities, and Natural
Race Name Score Armor Speed HP per Languages and Armor Features &
Vulnerabilities Attack [38]
Increases Class Level Proficiencies Proficiencies

cha +2, con Celestial Resistance Common,

Scourge Aasimar - 30 - You have resistance to necrotic - - -
+1 Celestial
and radiant damage.
cha +2, str Celestial Resistance Common,
Fallen Aasimar - 30 - You have resistance to necrotic - - -
+1 Celestial
and radiant damage.
wis +2, str Common,
Firbolg - 30 - - Elvish, - - -
str +2, con Common, Natural Athlete
Goliath - 30 - - - - You gain proficiency in
+1 Giant
the Athletics skill.
Kenku Training
You gain proficiency with
dex +2, wis Common, two of the following
Kenku - 30 - - - - skills of your choice:
+1 Auran
Acrobatics, Deception,
Stealth, and Sleight of
Hunter's Lore
You gain proficiency with
con +2, wis 30, Swim Common, Bite 1d6 two of the following
Lizardfolk 13+dex - - - skills of your choice:
+1 30 Draconic piercing
Animal Handling, Nature,
Perception, Stealth, and
Cat's Talents
dex +2, cha 30, Climb Common, 1 Claw 1d4 You gain proficiency in
Tabaxi - - - -
+1 20 extra slashing the Perception and
Stealth skills.
str +2, wis Common, Claw 1d4 Survival Instinct
Tortle 17 30 - - - You gain proficiency in
+1 Aquan slashing
the Survival skill.
Guardians of the Depths
str +1, con 30, Swim You have resistance to cold Common,
Triton - - damage, and you ignore any of - - -
+1, cha +1 30 Primordial
the drawbacks caused by a deep,
underwater environment.
str +2, dex Common, Sneaky
Bugbear - 30 - - - - You gain proficiency in
+1 Goblin
the Stealth skill.
Goblin dex +2, con - 30 - - Common, - - -
+1 Goblin
Hobgoblin con +2, int - 30 - - Common, - Light Armor -
+1 Goblin
Kobold dex +2, str - 30 - - Common, - - -
-2 Draconic
str +2, con Common, Aggressive
Orc - 30 - - - - You gain proficiency in
+1, int -2 Orc
the Intimidation skill.
Yuan-Ti cha +2, int Poison Immunity Common,
- 30 - You are immune to poison damage Abyssal, - - -
Pureblood +1
and the poisoned condition. Draconic
Dwarven Resilience Common,
You have advantage on saving Battleaxe, Handaxe,
con +2, str Dwarvish,
Duergar - 25 - throws against poison, and you - Light Hammer, 1 Tool (Artisan's Tools)
+1 Undercomm
have resistance against poison Warhammer
dex +2, cha Common, Keen Senses
Eladrin - 30 - - - - You gain proficiency in
+1 Elvish
the Perception skill.
dex +2, con 30, Swim Common, Spear, Trident, Light Keen Senses
Sea Elf - - - Aquan, - You gain proficiency in
+1 30 Crossbow, Net
Elvish the Perception skill.
dex +2, con Necrotic Resistance Common, Keen Senses
Shadar-Kai - 30 - You have resistance to necrotic - - You gain proficiency in
+1 Elvish
damage. the Perception skill.
Light Armor, Medium Decadent Mastery
str +2, int Common, Armor, Shortsword, You learn one language
Githyanki - 30 - - - of your choice, and gain
+1 Gith Longsword,
Greatsword proficiency with one skill
or tool of your choice.
Githzerai wis +2, int - 30 - - Common, - - -
+1 Gith
int +2, dex Gnomish,
Svirfneblin - 25 - - - - -
+1 Undercomm
Asmodeus cha +2, int Hellish Resistance Common,
- 30 - You have resistance to Fire - - -
Tiefling +1 Infernal
Baalzebul cha +2, int Hellish Resistance Common,
- 30 - You have resistance to Fire - - -
Tiefling +1 Infernal
RACE OPTIONS If a race doesn't have a certain quality,
If you are adding races, be sure to follow
put only a minus sign (-) in that cell.
the format of the existing races.
Ability Natural Bonus Bonus Weapon Other
Resistances, Immunities, and Natural
Race Name Score Armor Speed HP per Languages and Armor Features &
Vulnerabilities Attack [38]
Increases Class Level Proficiencies Proficiencies

Dispater cha +2, dex Hellish Resistance Common,

- 30 - You have resistance to Fire - - -
Tiefling +1 Infernal
cha +2, wis Hellish Resistance Common,
Fierna Tiefling - 30 - You have resistance to Fire - - -
+1 Infernal
cha +2, dex Hellish Resistance Common,
Glasya Tiefling - 30 - You have resistance to Fire - - -
+1 Infernal
cha +2, con Hellish Resistance Common,
Levistus Tiefling - 30 - You have resistance to Fire - - -
+1 Infernal
Mammon cha +2, int Hellish Resistance Common,
- 30 - You have resistance to Fire - - -
Tiefling +1 Infernal
Mephistopheles cha +2, int Hellish Resistance Common,
- 30 - You have resistance to Fire - - -
Tiefling +1 Infernal
cha +2, str Hellish Resistance Common,
Zariel Tiefling - 30 - You have resistance to Fire - - -
+1 Infernal
dex +2, wis Common, Talon 1d4
Aarakocra - 25, Fly 50 - - Aarakocra, - -
+1 slashing
Air Genasi con +2, dex - 30 - - Common, - - -
+1 Primordial
Earth Genasi con +2, str - 30 - - Common, - - -
+1 Primordial
con +2, int Fire Resistance Common,
Fire Genasi - 30 - You have resistance to fire - - -
+1 Primordial
con +2, wis Acid Resistance Common,
Water Genasi - 30 - You have resistance to acid - - -
+1 Primordial
Ghostwise dex +2, wis - 25 - - Common, - - -
Halfling +1 Halfling
cha +2,
choose 2: Common,
High Half-Elf str +1, dex - 30 - - Elvish, 1 - - -
(Cantrip) +1, con +1, extra
int +1, wis
cha +2,
High Half-Elf choose 2: Common, Longsword,
(Weapon str +1, dex - 30 - - Elvish, 1 - Shortsword, -
Training) +1, con +1, extra Shortbow, Longbow
int +1, wis
cha +2,
Wood Half-Elf choose 2: Common, Longsword,
(Weapon str +1, dex - 30 - - Elvish, 1 - Shortsword, -
Training) +1, con +1, extra Shortbow, Longbow
int +1, wis
cha +2,
choose 2: Common,
Wood Half-Elf str +1, dex - 35 - - Elvish, 1 - - -
(Fleet of Foot) +1, con +1,
int +1, wis
cha +2,
Wood Half-Elf choose 2: Common,
(Mask of the str +1, dex - 30 - - Elvish, 1 - - -
Wild) +1, con +1, extra
int +1, wis
cha +2,
choose 2: Common,
Half-Drow str +1, dex - 30 - - Elvish, 1 - - -
+1, con +1, extra
int +1, wis
cha +2,
choose 2: Common,
30, Swim
Aquatic Half-Elf str +1, dex - - - Elvish, 1 - - -
+1, con +1, 30
int +1, wis
Devil's Tongue cha +2, int Hellish Resistance Common,
- 30 - You have resistance to Fire - - -
Tiefling +1 Infernal
cha +2, int Hellish Resistance Common,
Hellfire Tiefling - 30 - You have resistance to Fire - - -
+1 Infernal
RACE OPTIONS If a race doesn't have a certain quality,
If you are adding races, be sure to follow
put only a minus sign (-) in that cell.
the format of the existing races.
Ability Natural Bonus Bonus Weapon Other
Resistances, Immunities, and Natural
Race Name Score Armor Speed HP per Languages and Armor Features &
Vulnerabilities Attack [38]
Increases Class Level Proficiencies Proficiencies

cha +2, int Hellish Resistance Common,

Winged Tiefling - 30, Fly 30 - You have resistance to Fire - - -
+1 Infernal
dex +2, int Hellish Resistance Common,
Feral Tiefling - 30 - You have resistance to Fire - - -
+1 Infernal
Feral Devil's dex +2, int Hellish Resistance Common,
- 30 - You have resistance to Fire - - -
Tongue Tiefling +1 Infernal
Feral Hellfire dex +2, int Hellish Resistance Common,
- 30 - You have resistance to Fire - - -
Tiefling +1 Infernal
Feral Winged dex +2, int Hellish Resistance Common,
- 30, Fly 30 - You have resistance to Fire - - -
Tiefling +1 Infernal
cha +2, Changeling Instincts
choose 1: You gain proficiency with
str +1, dex Common, 2 two of the following
Changeling - 30 - - - - skills of your choice:
+1, con +1, extra
int +1, wis Deception, Insight,
+1, cha +1 Intimidation, and
Dwarven Resilience
Mark of Warding con +2, int You have advantage on saving Common,
- 25 - throws against poison, and you - - -
Dwarf +1 Dwarvish
have resistance against poison
Mark of Shadow dex +2, cha - 30 - - Common, - - -
Elf +1 Elvish
Mark of Scribing int +2, cha - 25 - - Common, - - -
Gnome +1 Gnomish
Mark of Healing dex +2, wis - 25 - - Common, - - -
Halfling +1 Halfling
Mark of dex +2, cha Common,
Hospitality - 25 - - - - -
+1 Halfling
wis +2,
Mark of choose 1: Common,
Detection Half- str +1, dex - 30 - - Elvish, 1 - - -
Elf +1, con +1, extra
int +1, cha
Mark of Storm cha +2, dex Common,
- 30 - - Elvish, 1 - - -
Half-Elf +1
Mark of Finding wis +2, con - 30 - - Common, - - -
Half-Orc +1 Goblin
Mark of Finding wis +2, con - 30 - - Common, - - -
Human +1 Goblin
wis +2,
choose 1:
Mark of str +1, dex Common, 1
- 30 - - - - -
Handling Human +1, con +1, extra
int +1, cha
int +2,
choose 1:
Mark of Making str +1, dex Common, 1
- 30 - - - - -
Human +1, con +1, extra
wis +1, cha
dex +2,
choose 1:
Mark of Passage str +1, con Common, 1
- 35 - - - - -
Human +1, int +1, extra
wis +1, cha
Mark of Sentinel con +2, wis - 30 - - Common, 1 - - -
Human +1 extra
Mental Discipline Common, Dual Mind
wis +2, cha You have advantage on
Kalashtar - 30 - You have resistance to psychic Quori, 1 - -
+1 all Wisdom saving
damage. extra
Primal Intuition
You gain proficiency with
two of the following
str +2, con Common, skills of your choice:
Orc (Eberron) - 30 - - - -
+1 Orc Animal Handling, Insight,
Intimidation, Medicine,
Nature, Perception, and
Beasthide con +2, str Natural Athlete
- 30 - - Common - - You gain proficiency in
Shifter +1
the Athletics skill.
RACE OPTIONS If a race doesn't have a certain quality,
If you are adding races, be sure to follow
put only a minus sign (-) in that cell.
the format of the existing races.
Ability Natural Bonus Bonus Weapon Other
Resistances, Immunities, and Natural
Race Name Score Armor Speed HP per Languages and Armor Features &
Vulnerabilities Attack [38]
Increases Class Level Proficiencies Proficiencies

Longtooth str +2, dex Bite 1d6 Fierce

- 30 - - Common - You gain proficiency in
Shifter +1 piercing
the Intimidation skill.
Swiftstride dex +2, cha Graceful
- 35 - - Common - - You gain proficiency in
Shifter +1
the Acrobatics skill.
wis +2, dex Natural Tracker
Wildhunt Shifter - 30 - - Common - - You gain proficiency in
the Survival skill.
Constructed Resilience
• You have advantage on saving
con +2, throws against being poisoned,
choose 1: and you have resistance to poison Specialized Design
str +1, dex 10+dex damage. Common, 1 You gain proficiency with
Warforged 30 - - -
+1, int +1, +1 • You don’t need to eat, drink, or extra one skill and one tool of
wis +1, cha breathe. your choice.
+1 • You are immune to disease.
• You don’t need to sleep, and
magic can’t put you to sleep.
You gain proficiency with
str +2, wis Common, Hooves 1d4 one of the following
Centaur - 40 - - - skills of your choice:
+1 Sylvan bludgeoning
Animal Handling,
Medicine, Nature, or
Loxodon con +2, wis 12+con 30 - - Common, - - -
+1 Loxodon
Imposing Presence
You gain proficiency with
str +2, con Common, Horns 1d6 one of the following
Minotaur - 30 - - -
+1 Minotaur bludgeoning skills of your choice:
Intimidation or
con +2,
choose 1: Common, 1
str +1, dex extra
Simic Hybrid - 30 - - - - -
+1, int +1, (Elvish or
wis +1, cha Vedalken)
con +2,
choose 1: Common, 1
Simic Hybrid
str +1, dex 30, Climb extra
(Nimble - - - - - -
+1, int +1, 30 (Elvish or
wis +1, cha Vedalken)
con +2,
choose 1: Common, 1
Simic Hybrid
str +1, dex 30, Swim extra
(Underwater - - - - - -
+1, int +1, 30 (Elvish or
wis +1, cha Vedalken)
con +2,
choose 1: Common, 1
Simic Hybrid 10+dex
30, Climb extra
(Nimble Climber str +1, dex +1NoH - - - - -
+1, int +1, 30 (Elvish or
Carapace) eavy
wis +1, cha Vedalken)
con +2,
Simic Hybrid choose 1: Common, 1
(Underwater str +1, dex 30, Swim extra
+1NoH - - - - -
Adaptation +1, int +1, 30 (Elvish or
Carapace) wis +1, cha Vedalken)
con +2,
choose 1: Common, 1
Simic Hybrid str +1, dex extra
- 30 - - - - -
(Acid Spit) +1, int +1, (Elvish or
wis +1, cha Vedalken)
con +2,
choose 1: Common, 1
Simic Hybrid str +1, dex extra
+1NoH 30 - - - - -
(Carapace) +1, int +1, (Elvish or
wis +1, cha Vedalken)
RACE OPTIONS If a race doesn't have a certain quality,
If you are adding races, be sure to follow
put only a minus sign (-) in that cell.
the format of the existing races.
Ability Natural Bonus Bonus Weapon Other
Resistances, Immunities, and Natural
Race Name Score Armor Speed HP per Languages and Armor Features &
Vulnerabilities Attack [38]
Increases Class Level Proficiencies Proficiencies
Vedalken Dispassion
You have advantage on
all Intelligence, Wisdom,
and Charisma saving
Tireless Precision
You gain proficiency with
one of the following
skills of your choice:
Common, Arcana, History,
int +2, wis
Vedalken - 30 - - Vedalken, 1 - - Investigation, Medicine,
extra Performance, or Sleight
of Hand. You also gain
proficiency with 1 tool of
your choice.
Whenever you make an
ability check with the
chosen skill or tool, roll
a d4 and add the number
rolled to the check’s
Observant and Athletic
str +2, dex 30, Swim Common, You gain proficiency in
Locathah 12+dex - - - -
+1 30 Aquan the Athletics and
Perception skills.
cha +2, con Common, Persuasive
Verdan - 30 - - - - You gain proficiency in
+1 Goblin
the Persuasion skill.
Abyssal Tiefling cha +2, con - 30 0.5 - Common, - - -
+1 Abyssal
There will be no more races
added to this sheet. Technically, I
should remove many of the races
that appear on this sheet, but the
SRD races simply don't provide
enough examples to show how to
do things and I don't want to fill
the entire list with "placeholder"
races. If you want an easier
system to enter new races and a
Builder page to make creating
characters easier, check the ?
page and contribute to my Ko-Fi
to motivate me to devote my free
time to making the next version
of the sheet.

RACE OPTIONS If a race doesn't have a certain quality,
If you are adding races, be sure to follow
put only a minus sign (-) in that cell.
the format of the existing races.
Ability Natural Bonus Bonus Weapon Other
Resistances, Immunities, and Natural
Race Name Score Armor Speed HP per Languages and Armor Features &
Vulnerabilities Attack [38]
Increases Class Level Proficiencies Proficiencies
RACE OPTIONS If a race doesn't have a certain quality,
If you are adding races, be sure to follow
put only a minus sign (-) in that cell.
the format of the existing races.
Ability Natural Bonus Bonus Weapon Other
Resistances, Immunities, and Natural
Race Name Score Armor Speed HP per Languages and Armor Features &
Vulnerabilities Attack [38]
Increases Class Level Proficiencies Proficiencies
If you are adding classes or subclasses, follow
CLASSES & SUBCLASSES If a class doesn't have or a subclass doesn't alter
the format of the existing classes and ADD THEM TO THE something, put only a minus sign (-) in that cell.
END, after the existing entries. DO NOT LEAVE CELLS BLANK.
1st Level
Alt Bonus Saving Throw Additional/ Speed
Hit Die Init Exclusive Spellcasting Spellcasting
Class Name Subclass Armor HP per Proficiencies & Multiclassing Increase
Size Bonus [39] Proficiencies Type [43] Ability
Class Level Class Skills [40] Proficiencies [42] [44]
Constitution, Intelligence, Simple Light Armor, Medium
Choose 2, Arcana, History, Weapons, 1 Armor, Shields, 2 Artificer
Artificer - - d8 - - Investigation, Medicine, Tools (Thieves' Intelligence - 0
Tool (Artisan's Casting
Nature, Perception, Sleight Tools) Tools, Tinker's
of Hand Tools)
Artificer Alchemist - - - - - 1 Tool (Alchemist's - - -
- Supplies)
Artificer Artillerist - - - - - 1 Tool (Woodcarver's - - -
- Tools)
Artificer Battle Smith - - - - - 1 Tool (Smith's - - -
- Tools)
Strength, Constitution, Shields, Simple
10+dex Choose 2, Animal Handling, Light Armor,
Barbarian - d12 - - Weapons, Martial - - - 0
+con Athletics, Intimidation, Medium Armor
Nature, Perception, Survival
Barbarian Ancestral - - - - - - - - -
Guardian -
Barbarian Battlerager - - - - - - - - - -

Barbarian Berserker - - - - - - - - - -

Barbarian Storm Herald - - - - - - - - - -

Barbarian Totem Warrior - - - - - - - - - -

Barbarian Zealot - - - - - - - - - -
Dexterity, Charisma, Choose
2, Acrobatics, Animal
Weapons, Hand
Handling, Arcana, Athletics,
Deception, History, Insight, Light Armor, 1 Skill,
Bard - - d8 - - Intimidation, Investigation, 1 Tool (Musical Full Caster Charisma - 0
Medicine, Nature, Instrument)
Shortsword, 2
Perception, Performance,
Tools (Musical
Persuasion, Religion, Sleight
of Hand, Stealth, Survival
Bard Glamour - - - - - - - - - -

Bard Lore - - - - - - - - - -

Bard Swords - - - - - Medium Armor, - -

- Scimitar
Medium Armor,
Bard Valor - - - - - Shields, Martial - - -
- Weapons
Bard Whispers - - - - - - - - - -
Wisdom, Charisma, Choose 2, Light Armor, Medium
Cleric - - d8 - - History, Insight, Medicine, Simple Weapons Full Caster Wisdom - 0
Armor, Shields
Persuasion, Religion
Cleric Arcana - - - - - - - - - -

Cleric Death - - - - - - Martial Weapons - - -

Cleric Forge - - - - - - Heavy Armor - - -

Cleric Grave - - - - - - - - - -
2 extra languages,
Cleric Knowledge - - - - - Choose 2, Arcana, - - -
History, Nature,
- Religion
Cleric Life - - - - - - Heavy Armor - - -

Cleric Light - - - - - - - - - -

Cleric Nature - - - - - - Heavy Armor - - -

Cleric Order - - - - - - Heavy Armor - - -

Cleric Tempest - - - - - Martial Weapons, - - -

- Heavy Armor
Cleric Trickery - - - - - - - - - -

Cleric War - - - - - Martial Weapons, - - -

- Heavy Armor
Club, Dagger,
Dart, Javelin, Light Armor, Medium
Intelligence, Wisdom, Choose Mace, Armor, Shields,
Druid - - d8 - - Full Caster Wisdom - 0
2, Arcana, Animal Handling, Quarterstaff, NoMetal, Druidic, 1
Insight, Medicine, Nature, Scimitar, Sickle, Tool (Herbalism Kit)
Perception, Religion, Survival Sling, Spear
Druid Dreams - - - - - - - - - -

Druid Spores - - - - - - - - - -

Druid Land - - - - - - - - - -

Druid Moon - - - - - - - - - -
If you are adding classes or subclasses, follow
CLASSES & SUBCLASSES If a class doesn't have or a subclass doesn't alter
the format of the existing classes and ADD THEM TO THE something, put only a minus sign (-) in that cell.
END, after the existing entries. DO NOT LEAVE CELLS BLANK.
1st Level
Alt Bonus Saving Throw Additional/ Speed
Hit Die Init Exclusive Spellcasting Spellcasting
Class Name Subclass Armor HP per Proficiencies & Multiclassing Increase
Size Bonus [39] Proficiencies Type [43] Ability
Class Level Class Skills [40] Proficiencies [42] [44]
Druid Shepherd - - - - - - - - - -
Strength, Constitution, Light Armor, Medium
Choose 2, Acrobatics, Animal Armor, Shields,
Fighter - - d10 - - Handling, Athletics, History, Heavy Armor - - - 0
Simple Weapons,
Insight, Intimidation, Martial Weapons
Perception, Survival
Fighter Arcane Archer - - - - - - - - - -

Fighter Battle Master - - - - - 1 Tool (Artisan's - - -

- Tools)
Fighter Cavalier - - - - - - - - - -

Fighter Champion - - - - - - - - - -

Fighter Eldritch Knight - - - - - - Third Intelligence -

- Caster
Fighter Purple Dragon - - - - - - - - -
Knight -
Fighter Banneret - - - - - - - - - -

Fighter Samurai - - - - - - - - - -
Strength, Dexterity, Choose 1 Tool (Artisan's
10+dex 2, Acrobatics, Athletics, Simple Weapons,
Monk - d8 - - Tools or Musical - - - 0
+wis History, Insight, Religion, Shortsword
Monk Shadow - - - - - - - - - -

Monk Drunken Master - - - - - 1 Tool (Brewer's - - -

- Supplies)
Monk Four Elements - - - - - - - - - -
1 Tool
Monk Kensei - - - - - (Calligrapher's - - -
Supplies or Painter's
- Supplies)
Monk Long Death - - - - - - - - - -

Monk Open Hand - - - - - - - - - -

Monk Sun Soul - - - - - - - - - -

Wisdom, Charisma, Choose 2, Light Armor, Medium
Paladin - - d10 - - Athletics, Insight, Heavy Armor Armor, Shields, Half Caster Charisma - 0
Intimidation, Medicine, Simple Weapons,
Persuasion, Religion Martial Weapons
Paladin Conquest - - - - - - - - - -

Paladin Devotion - - - - - - - - - -

Paladin Redemption - - - - - - - - - -

Paladin Ancients - - - - - - - - - -

Paladin Crown - - - - - - - - - -

Paladin Vengeance - - - - - - - - - -

Paladin Oathbreaker - - - - - - - - - -
Light Armor, Medium
Strength, Dexterity, Choose Armor, Shields,
Ranger - - d10 - - 2, Animal Handling, Athletics, - Simple Weapons, Half Caster Wisdom - 0
Insight, Investigation, Nature, Martial Weapons, 1
Perception, Stealth, Survival Skill
Ranger Beast Master - - - - - - - - - -

Ranger Gloom Stalker - - - - - - - - - -

Ranger Horizon Walker - - - - - - - - - -

Ranger Hunter - - - - - - - - -

Ranger Monster Slayer - - - - - - - - -

Dexterity, Intelligence, Simple
Choose 3, Acrobatics, Weapons, Hand
Athletics, Deception, Insight, Light Armor, 1 Skill,
Rogue - - d8 - - Intimidation, Investigation, Thieves' Cant, 1 Tool - - - 0
Perception, Performance, (Thieves' Tools)
Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, Shortsword
Rogue Arcane Trickster - - - - - - Third Intelligence -
- Caster
Rogue Assassin - - - - - - - - - -

Rogue Inquisitive - - - - - - - - - -
If you are adding classes or subclasses, follow
CLASSES & SUBCLASSES If a class doesn't have or a subclass doesn't alter
the format of the existing classes and ADD THEM TO THE something, put only a minus sign (-) in that cell.
END, after the existing entries. DO NOT LEAVE CELLS BLANK.
1st Level
Alt Bonus Saving Throw Additional/ Speed
Hit Die Init Exclusive Spellcasting Spellcasting
Class Name Subclass Armor HP per Proficiencies & Multiclassing Increase
Size Bonus [39] Proficiencies Type [43] Ability
Class Level Class Skills [40] Proficiencies [42] [44]
3 Tools (Disguise Kit,
Rogue Mastermind - - - - - Forgery Kit, Gaming - - -
Set), 2 extra
- languages
Rogue Scout - - - - - - - - - -

Rogue Swashbuckler - - - - - - - - - -

Rogue Thief - - - - - - - - - -
Constitution, Charisma, Dagger, Dart,
Sorcerer - - d6 - - Choose 2, Arcana, Deception, Sling, - Full Caster Charisma - 0
Insight, Intimidation, Quarterstaff,
Persuasion, Religion Light Crossbow
Sorcerer Divine Soul - - - - - - - - - -

Sorcerer Draconic 13+dex - - 1 - - - - -

Bloodline -
Sorcerer Shadow Magic - - - - - - - - - -

Sorcerer Storm Sorcery - - - - - - 1 extra language - - -

Sorcerer Wild Magic - - - - - - - - - -

Wisdom, Charisma, Choose 2,
Arcana, Deception, History, Light Armor, Simple
Warlock - - d8 - - - Pact Magic Charisma - 0
Intimidation, Investigation, Weapons
Nature, Religion
Warlock Archfey - - - - - - - - - -

Warlock Celestial - - - - - - - - - -

Warlock Fiend - - - - - - - - - -

Warlock Great Old One - - - - - - - - - -

Medium Armor,
Warlock Hexblade - - - - - Shields, Martial - - -
- Weapons
Warlock Undying - - - - - - - - - -
Intelligence, Wisdom, Choose Dagger, Dart,
Wizard - - d6 - - 2, Arcana, History, Insight, Sling, - Full Caster Intelligence - 0
Investigation, Medicine, Quarterstaff,
Religion Light Crossbow
Wizard Bladesinger - - - - - - Light Armor - - -

Wizard Abjuration - - - - - - - - - -

Wizard Conjuration - - - - - - - - - -

Wizard Diviniation - - - - - - - - - -

Wizard Enchantment - - - - - - - - - -

Wizard Evocation - - - - - - - - - -

Wizard Illusion - - - - - - - - - -

Wizard Necromancy - - - - - - - - - -

Wizard Transmutation - - - - - - - - - -

Wizard War Magic - - - - - - - - - -

There will be no more class
options added to this sheet.
Technically, I should remove
many of the class options
that appear on this sheet,
but the SRD options simply
don't provide enough
examples to show how to do
things and I don't want to fill
the entire list with
"placeholder" options. If you
want an easier system to
enter new class options and a
Builder page to make
creating characters easier,
check the ? page and
contribute to my Ko-Fi to
motivate me to devote my
free time to making the next
version of the sheet.

If you are adding classes or subclasses, follow
CLASSES & SUBCLASSES If a class doesn't have or a subclass doesn't alter
the format of the existing classes and ADD THEM TO THE something, put only a minus sign (-) in that cell.
END, after the existing entries. DO NOT LEAVE CELLS BLANK.
1st Level
Alt Bonus Saving Throw Additional/ Speed
Hit Die Init Exclusive Spellcasting Spellcasting
Class Name Subclass Armor HP per Proficiencies & Multiclassing Increase
Size Bonus [39] Proficiencies Type [43] Ability
Class Level Class Skills [40] Proficiencies [42] [44]
If you are adding classes or subclasses, follow
CLASSES & SUBCLASSES If a class doesn't have or a subclass doesn't alter
the format of the existing classes and ADD THEM TO THE something, put only a minus sign (-) in that cell.
END, after the existing entries. DO NOT LEAVE CELLS BLANK.
1st Level
Alt Bonus Saving Throw Additional/ Speed
Hit Die Init Exclusive Spellcasting Spellcasting
Class Name Subclass Armor HP per Proficiencies & Multiclassing Increase
Size Bonus [39] Proficiencies Type [43] Ability
Class Level Class Skills [40] Proficiencies [42] [44]
Let's start a changelog. Tons of stuff had been changed up to this point from the original 2.1, but oh well.
4.29.2021 Fixed the calculation for tool proficiencies in cell C52.
6.13.2021 Added more conditional formatting to highlight when cells have not been filled in on the Info pages since that is the most common error.
6.25.2021 Made it actually look for Armor and Shield proficiency when it's written in manually in the Other Proficiencies area instead of just taking the Armored feats or multiclassing like normal.
6.25.2021 Accounted for people manually adding proficiencies to classes that have no armor proficiencies.
7.4.2021 Fixed that google cut off the ranges during import for race info.
7.29.2021 Added check for Lifedrinker invocation. If you have the invocation and an attack that has "pact" in it, it will apply properly now.
8.11.2021 Stopped giving racial tool proficiencies twice. The fix did not take 4 days, I just forgot to erase that from the name cell.
8.15.2021 Fixed Data Validation range for Equipped Items section. Only saw up to row 95, now sees the whole Gear Info page.
9.18.2021 Added support for the Lightly Armored feat because the other two Armored feats were already in there.
9.20.2021 Finally gave rogues proficiency with Thieves' Tools so it'll say they right number of Tool Proficiencies in the Proficiency box.
[1] Enter your first chosen class first. If you have a subclass, enter it anywhere before another class, e.g.
"Champion Fighter 4 Berserker Barbarian 3"
The first class entered will be used to determine your 1st level hit die and saving throw proficiencies.

Important: Do not neglect to set your Subclass. Under various circumstances, not intentionally setting a
subclass can end up with the sheet giving you a subclass you don't have.

[2] When you update your experience total, most other fields will automatically update as you level up. Also
adjust the CLASS cell accordingly, the level or sum of levels from there needs to match your total level.

[3] Enter your base ability score, before any modifiers, in the cell in this column UNDER each Ability Score
block. The cells with 00 in them.

[4] Enter Ability Score Improvements and racial Ability CHOICES in the cell in this column UNDER each
Ability Score block.

When this cell turns blue, it means you have racial Ability Scores Increases to choose below.

[5] IF you roll for HP, input your maximum HP according to hit die from 1st level here without con mod, then
each line after is for the amount rolled on hit dice for each level. If you enter nothing in this column, it
assumes average.

[6] Your background gives you skills. If you want to modify which skills a background lets you choose, or
you want to add new backgrounds, they're the one piece of customization done on this page. If you unhide
the columns to the right (by clicking/tapping the tiny little arrows that show up on the "AP" column header,
thanks google /s), you'll find the Backgrounds listed starting in cell AX69, the associated skills starting in
AY69, the number of extra languages starting in AZ69, the number of tool proficiencies granted starting in
BA69, and the number of vehicle proficiencies granted starting in BB69. You can alter the skills to be any
two you desire or add to the list of recognized Backgrounds by adding the Background to the AX column, its
associated skills to the AY column, and its number of languages, tools, and vehicles proficiencies to the
proper columns, starting at row 82.

[7] Overriding Initiative Advantage and Disadvantage

Enter 'adv' in this cell to override for advantage on initiative.

Enter 'dis' in this cell to override for disadvantage on initiative.

Enter almost anything else in this cell to override to normal initiative.

[8] Overriding Advantage and Disadvantage

Enter 'adv' in this column to override for advantage.

Enter 'dis' in this column to override for disadvantage.

Enter almost anything else in this column to override to normal.

[9] Skill names get colored and underlined until you select what you are granted by your class, race, and

Class skills are blue.

Racially granted skills are purple.

When you have a choice of racial skills, they are magenta.

Background skills are dark orange.

Class skills are blue.

Racially granted skills are purple.

When you have a choice of racial skills, they are magenta.

Background skills are dark orange.

[10] The sheet doesn't automatically populate any vehicle proficiencies. It just counts how many you should
have. Fill this in yourself.

[11] The sheet doesn't automatically populate any tool proficiencies. It just counts how many you should
have. Fill this in yourself.

[12] Add any bonus proficiencies to this cell. Things like Kensei's weapon proficiencies (don't forget to mark
it as a Monk Weapon on the Attack Info sheet) or weapon proficiencies from the Weapon Master Feat or
the two Martial Weapon proficiencies for Hobgoblins.

[13] This only autofills with languages from your race. If you gain languages from another source, enter
them on the lines after the automatically populated ones.

[14] Formulas check what is written here. Fighting Styles are supported with the exception of Protection, as
are most Feats that matter for the sheet For feats and fighting styles, enter in
"Feat: [feat name]" format:
Feat: Mobile
Feat: Dual Wielder
Fighting Style: Dueling

Some abilities let you choose things, like saving throw proficiencies. Include those things in parentheses, e.
g. Iron Mind (Wisdom).

If you take the Skilled feat, put your chosen skills in parentheses, e.g. Skilled (Acrobatics, Athletics,

[15] Enter your main spellcasting class here. If you have multiple spellcasting classes, the sheet will figure
out spellslots properly, but can't handle setting up separate DCs and Spell Attack Bonuses for classes with
different Spellcasting Abilities.
If you have the Magic Initiate feat and no other spellcasting classes, enter the class for that feat and make
sure you have Magic Initiate listed in your features.
If you have the Magic Initiate feat in conjunction with a spellcasting class, put it in your features and the
sheet will add an extra 1st-level slot for you.

[16] If you want to add your own custom header image, unhide the columns on the right and follow the link
to one of the "blank" headers, make your own, and then add it to the list.

[17] Classes and Levels in each will autopopulate when you fill in the 'CLASS(ES) & LEVEL(S)' cell on the
first page according to the directions.

[18] Resistances populate based on race and certain items. If you have additional resistances, enter them
after the automatically populated ones.

[19] Immunities populate based on race and certain items. If you have additional immunities, enter them
after the automatically populated ones.

[20] Vulnerabilities populate based on race and certain items. If you have additional vulnerabilities, enter
them after the automatically populated ones.

[21] Unarmed Strikes and Monk Weapons use a special formula to determine their damage dice correctly. If
you want to include cantrip attacks, the cantrip scaling is included with Fire Bolt for an example.

[22] Include 'magical' before the damage type if the weapon deals magical bludgeoning, piercing, or
slashing damage.

The same applies for adamantine, silvered, or whatever other kind of damage you might be dealing.
[22] Include 'magical' before the damage type if the weapon deals magical bludgeoning, piercing, or
slashing damage.

The same applies for adamantine, silvered, or whatever other kind of damage you might be dealing.

[23] Accepted Categories are:


[24] Accepted Ranges:

Melee or Ranged

[25] Enter anything but a zero (0) to classify the weapon as a monk weapon.

[26] Enter the numerical value only, not the plus sign.

[27] Accepted Ability Overrides:


[28] Enter weapon properties here exactly as printed for best results. Some formulas look for specific

[29] Offhand weapons have a formula in this column to check and see if you have the Two Weapon
Fighting fighting style.

[30] As shown with the PHB armors, include just the amount over the base of 10 for all armors.

[31] Copy the formula for the Medium Armors to have it scale with the Medium Armor Master feat. For non-
armors and armors without a maximum Dexterity modifier, put a minus sign (-). For armors that don't allow
you to add your Dexterity modifier, put a zero (0).

[32] Checked for Categories:

Light Armor
Medium Armor
Heavy Armor
Other Categories:
Wondrous Item

[33] For Armor and Shields. Enter the numerical value only, not the plus sign.

[34] This column is for bonuses to your proficiency bonus.

[35] This column is for bonuses to ALL skill/ability checks.

[36] This column is for bonuses to ALL saving throws.

[37] Enter item properties here exactly as printed for best results. Some formulas look for specific wording.

[38] Enter exactly like the other entries or you're going to have a bad time.

[39] You can set this to a flat number, =abilityMod, or `adv`

[40] Note that if a class gets a bonus skill when you multiclass into it, the sheet actually adds that extra skill
to the base skills even if you aren't multiclassed. This is why the "Choose X" are one less for bard, ranger,
and rogue than they "should" be.

[41] This column is for proficiencies that can only be gained by taking your first level in the class. The rest of
a class's proficiencies and any proficiencies from subclasses are granted through the
"Additional/Multiclassing Proficiencies" column.

[42] The formulas care about Armor, Weapons, and additional skills. If you put tool proficiencies here, they
will show up in your weapon proficiencies and have no effect.

[43] Accepted Casting Types:

Artificer Casting
Full Caster
Half Caster
Third Caster
Pact Magic
(Half Pact Magic is not a thing the sheet handles)

[44] There are formulas in this column for Barbarian, Monk, and Scout Rogue. Reference them if you have
a homebrew class that has a speed bonus.

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