Conflict of Laws 2018 - Case #4 - Stephen B. Cabaltera

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Republic ve. Manalo, GR. No. ee Agr. 4,209 _Fasls: Marelyn Tancde Manale fled 0 ection for divorce, ageinct ho- husband in Ean whide vas daly grankA on Dec. , Bal by a Tspanere Court. She then Sled a geblion, for tre canccllation of caley of Wasriage, in the Gill Regicieum of San Tian, Mehvo Merila con Tan: 10, 208 using he wai dlvorce decree. On OdF. 6, 20%, she trial court denied the gebtin_and cubed Shak Art. 16 oF tre, Cl Cole, docs net afford Fiiginas the rigfk Yo fle dor a Aiverce , whdlner they are in to Coury or living aloroad, if they axe marcA Yo Fil- iginas or to foreignan, or i Yooy cclebrale Shei mania, in toe Prilppings or in archer aunty. On aggeal, the CA eveclumid the gekition and hel Yrak Act 2 of the Family (sa ay Hen eho fe eee A Hoc decree. thay cetacned, che no Inger was mawricd, and thus capaci niall ee be igyutie to covider Manale as cl mand 40 the Japanese nation) who, in ten i ne lergor manicd 40 her. ‘the fn filed “hn i SPE but i+ was doricd hence, Ye gettion. _ Issue. whether a divorce Acace initiated alread iy a Filiping againd an alten spene boe given etfech in the Philippines’? Hod. Yes. Ad. 0, gor 2 speaks of “a divowe validly abbeincd abredd by the alien senses capseltatig him or her Yo canaeny only requires hab there be a divorce, validly Chained aoread. T does nck distinguidh whelnar the Hlipino ypouic i the pebihionr or he rapomdont in He feruign divorce preceéclings The pumpok. of Par Z of Att. Qs ic Yo auoid te absurd sluakon where the Filipino ype remaine mamcd te on alien pout, who, afer 9 fomin divorce, decree, that ic efectie, in toe counby where it ir rended , iC 10 longer mand 10 9 Filipino pose. there is ne ral and substantial difference, bchween a Fligine who initiateA a foreign divore. and a Filing who obtained a divorce decree upon she indence of his or ham alin Speuic, Jn the, ayes of Yoo Palligine and foreign lau both are conidercA ar Filipinos whe have the stume, dbts and. oblgalims in an alien land. To make a didhncion bdhween trem based, ery on the Superficial difference of wher Yayy inihated Ye divorce, proceeding or noch I< utlely unfair. Howcuor, peaankahion solely of divorce, Acorce will Mot Suffice . The fack of divowe ruc Sill be protan before, it aan be receapiacd ley eur courts, ids ack anc ifs conformity 40 Woe foreign law allowing it must Fint be presented. ‘ “Re case wat remanded to the vourt of origin for futhte proceedingy and recephion ©} ciidonce oc Yo the relevant lao of Sayan on dlvercen . | et Stephon © + Caairora, Lamina’ v. Co Liong Grong, 189 SRA 842 Fads: Febitioners leased their commeroia\ - residential land ia Vrerc, Gstamduares vomehme in HEH fo Co Nong Chong , then a Chincie national for @ period Of 18 years jn an a conideration 2} PG )150..00 for the whol, period. “Knowing that the leaie would expire in GH, pchibisnocr Invited, Or, to a. Comference, lout St laler did not hemor these request ow irasteael imme then that he bad built a howe there wortin fze, 000, 00, the leaie contrack war a pied for 0 years and thak be is now a Fligioo ceo. the atin wire Guxprid ay Hoey dic nck remeber having agreed 40 0 G0 year Kase agreement a) would virtually make Cheng, the euner tthe really which ar a Chincte national, he kad no right Jo awn ard acre oma le, howe acquired Such ownertip after raburalitaton . When Chong again _ dd not honor the Haines Her fer conterente, toe latter sled a case for quitting, Hike with the CF of Calanduone The CH uphold He validity of the lease and dumtand the Conplocn}. fekHones aualed on appeal te. (Fs rary conkeding that sehen they crlered fo tre. sonvack sought to be dedared void, Chong was vill a Griocse national. Ohong maintained Yak although he war an alien al the time he, onered inte the tonirack, he was nick prohibited, by law to do vo . leur whethor ov net Chong sas apna af te time he enkred ino tre act Cie elds Yes. The lemar cout coreciy yuled the Ororg Inada the fine othe oeibion, Hoe vight to held by lease. the Property layolwed\ tn fre case although at the time of the exe- Gukion of the Contrack, ne war villa Chircie nakond]. Under Wnt circumstances a tease #0 an alien for a reaenalae, period is valid.

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