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Curriculum and Syllabus for Classes XI





One Paper Marks:70

Units Title Marks

I Some basic concepts of Chemistry
II Structure of atom 18
III Classification of elements and periodicity in properties
IV Chemical bonding and molecular structure
V States of matter : Gases and liquids
VI Thermodynamics 16
VII Equilibrium
VIII Redox reactions
IX Hydrogen 18
X S-block elements
XI Some p-block elements
XII Organic Chemistry: Some basic principles and techniques
XIII Hydrocarbons 18
XIV Environmental chemistry
Total 70
Unit I : Some basic Concepts Of Chemistry.
Importance of Chemistry, properties of matter and their measurement, uncertainty
in measurement, Atomic and Molecular masses, Mole concept and Molar masses,
Percentage composition, Stoichiometry and Stoichiometric calculations.

Unit II : Structure of Atom.

B concept of shells an sub shells, dual nature of

matter an B H
orbitals, quantum numbers, shapes of s, p and d orbitals, rules for filling electrons in
orbitals-A P H
configuration of atoms stability of half- filled and completely filled orbitals.

Unit III : Classification of Elements and Periodicity in properties.

Modern Periodic Law and the present form of the Periodic Table, nomenclature of
elements with Atomic number >100, Electronic configurations of elements and the periodic
table, Electronic configurations and types of elements, periodic trends in properties of
elements-, s, p, d and f-blocks, periodic trends in properties of elements- atomic radii, ionic
radii, electronic gain enthalpy, electronegativity, ionization enthalpy, periodic trends in
chemical properties.

Unit IV : Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure.

Kossal-Lewis approach to chemical bonding, Ionic or Electrovalent bond, Bond

parameters, The Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) Theory, Valence Bond theory,
Hybridization, Molecular Orbital theory, bonding in some Homonuclear diatomic molecules,
Hydrogen bonding.

Unit IV : States of Matter.

Intermolecular forces, thermal energy, Intermolecular forces vs thermal interaction,

The Gaseous state, Gas laws, Ideal gas equation Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gas, Behaviuor
of Real Gases : Deviation from Ideal Gas behaviour.

Unit V : Thermodynamics

Thermodynamic terms, Applications, Measurement of U and H: Calorimetry,

Enthalpy change Hr of a reaction, Enthalpies for different types of reactions, Spontaneity,

Unit VI: Equilibrium.

Equilibrium in physical processes, Equilibrium in chemical processes-Dyanamic

Equilibrium, Laws of chemical equilibrium and equilibrium constant, Homogeneous
equilibria Heterogeneous equilibria, Application of equilibrium constant, Relationship
between equilibrium constant K, reaction quotient Q an G G F
equilibria, Ionic equilibrium in solution, Acids, Bases and Salts, Ionization of acids and
bases,Buffer solutions, Solubility equilibria of sparingly soluble salts.

Unit VIII : Redox Reactions.

Classical idea of Redox reaction Oxidation and Reuction Reations, Redox reactions
in terms of Electron transfer reactions, Oxidation number, Redox reactions and Electrode

Unit IX : Hydrogen.

Position of Hydrogen in the Periodic Table, Hydrides, Water, Heavy water,

Dihydrogen as fuel.

Unit X: The s Block Elements.

Group I elements : Alkali Metals, General Characteristics of the compounds of Alkali

Metals, Anomalous properties of Lithium, Group 2 elements : Alkaline Earth Metals,
General Characteristics of the compounds of Alkaline Earth Metals, Anomalous properties of

Unit XI : The p Block Elements.

Group I3 elements : The Boron family, Important trends and , Anomalous properties
of Boron, Uses of Boron and Aluminium and their compounds, Group I4 elements : The
Carbon family, Important trends and , Anomalous properties of Carbon, Allotropes of

Unit XII : Organic Chemistry Some Basic principles and Techniques.

General Introduction, Tetra valence of carbon : shapes of organic compounds,

structural representations of organic compounds, classification of organic compounds
,Nomenclature of organic compounds, Isomerism of, Fundamental concepts in organic
reaction mechanism.

Unit XIII : Hydrocarbons.

Classification, Alkanes Nomenclature, isomerism, conformations (ethane only),

Preparations, Physical properties, Chemical properties including free radical mechanism of
halogenations, combustion and pyrolysis.

Alkenes Nomenclature, Structure of double bond (ethene) geometrical isomerism,

Physical properties, methods of preparations, chemical reactions : addition of hydrogen,
halogen, water, hydrogen halides (Markovni
oxidation, mechanism of electrophilic addition.
Alkynes Nomenclature, Structure of triple bond (ethyne) Physical properties,
methods of preparations, chemical reactions : acidic character of alkynes, addition reactions
of hydrogen,halogens,hydrogen halides and water.

Aromatic hydrocarbons Introduction, IUPAC nomenclature, Benzene, resonance,

aromaticity, chemical properties : mechanism of electrophilic substitution nitration,
sulphonation, halogenations, Friedel Craft alkylation and acylation :directive influence of
functional group in mono- substituted benzene ;carcinogenicity and toxicity.

Unit XIV : Environmental Chemistry.

Environmental pollution Air , water pollutions, major atmospheric pollutants,

global warming, strategy for control of environmental pollution.


Evaluation scheme Marks

for Examination
A Volumetric analyss 10
B Salt analysis 8
C Content based Experiment 6
D Class Record and Viva 6
Total 30

A . Quantitative estimation

Using a chemical balance

Preparation of Standard solution of oxalic acid.

Determination of strength of a given solution of sodium hydroxide by titrating it

against standard solution of oxalic acid.

Preparation of Standard solution of sodium carbonate.

Determination of strength of a given solution of hydrochloric acid by titrating it

against standard solution of sodium carbonate.

B. Quantitative analysis.

Determination of on cation and one anion in a given salt

Cations : Pb+2, Cu+2, As3+, Fe3+, Mn2+, Ni2+, Zn2+, Co2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+, Mg2+, NH4+

Anion : CO32-, S2-, SO32- , SO42-, NO2- , NO3-, Cl-, Br-, I-, PO43-, C2O42-, CH3COO-

(Note : Insoluble salts Excluded)

C. Content based experiment

(i) Basic Laboratory Technique :

(a) Cutting glass tube and glass rod

(b) Bending a glass tube

(c) Drawing out a glass jet

(d) Boring a cork

(iI) Characterization and Purification of Chemical Substances :

(ii) Determination of melting point of an organic compound.

(ii) Determination of melting point of an organic compound.

(iii) Crystallization Involving impure sample of any one of the following:

Alum, Copper sulphate, Benzoic acid

(iv) Detection of nitrogen, sulphur, chlorine

D. Class record and Viva voce.



Evaluation scheme Marks

for Examination
A Volumetric analysis 10
B Salt analysis 8
C Content based Experiment 6
D Class Record and Viva 6
Total 30

A. Determination of concentration/molarity of KMnO4 solution by titrating it against a

standard solution of :

(a) Oxalic acid,

(b) Ferrous ammonium sulphate

(Students will be required to prepare standard solutions by weighing themselves)

B. Quantitative analysis.

Determination of on cation and one anion in a given salt

Cations : Pb+2, Cu+2, As3+, Fe3+, Mn2+, Ni2+, Zn2+, Co2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+, Mg2+, NH4+,Al3+

Anion : CO32-, S2-, SO32- , SO42-, NO2- , NO3-, Cl-, Br-, I-, PO43-, C2O42-, CH3COO-

(Note : Insoluble salts Excluded)

C. Content based experiment

(i) Surface Chemistry :

(a) Preparation of any one lyophilic and one lyophobic sol.

Lyophilic sol- Starch, Egg albumin and gum

Lyophobic sol Aluminium hydroxide, Ferric hydroxide, Arsenious sulphide

(B) Study of the role of Emulsifying agents in stabilizing the emulsions of

different oils.
(ii) Test for Functional Groups in Organic Compounds.

Unsaturation, alcoholic, phenolic, aldehydic, ketonic, carboxylic amino

(primary) groups.

(iii) Characteristic tests of carbohydrates, fats and proteins I pure samples and
their detection in the given food stuffs.

D. Class record and Viva voce.



SL. Unit Portion to be Reduced

1 Some Basic Nature of Matter, Laws of Chemical combination, Daltons Atomic
Concepts of theory
2 Structure of Discovery of electron, proton and neutron, atomic number,
Atom. isotopes and isobars, T
3 Classification of Why do we need to classify elements? Genesis of periodic
Elements and classification.
Periodicity in
4 Chemical
Bonding and
5 States of Matter.Kinetic energy and Molecular speeds, Liquefaction of Gases,
Liquid State
6 Thermodynamics Heat capacity , Relationship between Cp and CV
7 Equilibrium Hydrolysis of salts and the pH of their solutions
8 Redox Reactions
9 Hydrogen Di hydrogen preparation and properties, types of hydride,
hydrogen peroxide
10 The s-Block Some important compounds of sodium, Biological importance of
Elements sodium and potassium, some important compounds of calcium,
Biological importance of calcium and magnesium.
11 The p-Block Some important compounds of boron, some important
Elements compounds of carbon and silicon.
12 Organic Methods of purification of organic compounds, Qualitative
chemistry some analysis of organic compounds, Quantitative analysis.
basic principles
and techniques
13 Hydrocarbons Free radical mechanism of halogenation, combustion and
14 Environmental Soil pollution, chemical reaction in atmosphere, smog, acid rain
Chemistry ozone and its reaction, effect of depletion of ozone layer, green
house effect, pollution due to industrial wastes ,green chemistry
as an alternative tool for reducing pollution.
Curriculum and Syllabus for class XII



Time: 3 Hours Marks : 70

Units Titles Marks

i Solid state
ii Solutions
iii Electrochemistry 23
iv Chemical Kinetics
v Surface Chemistry
vi General Principles and processes of isolation of Elements
vii p-Block elements
viii d- and f- Block Elements 19
ix Co-ordination compounds
x Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
xi Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
xii Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic acids 18
xiii Amines
xiv Biomolecules
xv Polymers 10
xvi Chemistry in everyday life
Unit I: Solid State

General characteristics of solid state, Amorphous and Crystalline solids, Classification of

crystalline solids, crystal lattice, and unit cell, Number of atoms in a unit cell, Closed packed
structures, Packing efficiency, Calculations involving unit cell dimensions.

Unit II: Solutions

Types of solutions, Expression of concentration of solutions of solids in liquids, Solubility

of gases in liquids, solid solutions, Colligative properties- lowering of vapour pressure, Raoult’s
law, elevation of boiling point, depression of freezing point, osmotic pressure, determination of
molecular masses using colligative properties.

Unit III: Electrochemistry

Electrochemical cells, Galvanic cells, Nernst equation, Conductance of electrolytic solutions.

Unit IV: Chemical Kinetics

Rate of a reaction (average and instantaneous), factors affecting rates of reaction:

concentration, temperature, catalyst, Order and Molecularity of reactions, rate law and
specific rate constant, integrated rate equations and half-life (only for zero and first order

Unit V: Surface Chemistry

Adsorption- Physisorption and Chemisorption, factors affecting adsorption of gases

on solids, Colloidal solutions and suspensions; lyophilic, lyophobic, multimolecular and
macromolecular colloids, properties of colloids-Tyndall effect, Brownian movement,
Electrophoresis, Coagulation.

Unit VI: General Principles and Processes of isolation of elements

Principles and methods of extraction- concentration, oxidation, reduction,

Electrochemical principles of metallurgy and refining.

Unit VII: The p-Block elements

Group 15 elements: Dinitrogen, Ammonia, Nitric acid, Phosphorus, phosphorus

halides, Oxoacids of phosphorus.

Group 16 elements: Dioxygen, Simple oxides- ozone, Sulphur- sulphur dioxide,

oxoacids of sulphur, Sulphuric acid.

Group 17 elements: Chlorine, Hydrogen chloride, Interhalogen compounds.

Group 18 elements: General introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence,

trends in physical and chemical properties.
Unit VIII: The d- and f-Block elements:

General introduction, electronic configuration, occurance and characteristics of

transition metals, general trends in properties of the first row transition metals- metallic
character, ionization enthalpy, oxidation states, ionic radii, colour, catalytic property,
magnetic properties.

Lanthanoids- electronic configuration and oxidation states.

Actinoids- electronic configuration and oxidation states.

Unit IX: Coordination compounds

Werner’s theory of co-ordination compounds, Definition of some important terms

pertaining to co-ordination compounds, Nomenclature of co-ordination compounds, Bonding
in coordination compounds, Bonding in metal carbonyls.

Unit X: Haloalkanes and Haloarenes

Haloalkanes: Classification, Nomenclature, nature of C-X bond, methods of

preparation of haloalkanes, physical and chemical properties, mechanism of substitution

Haloarenes: Nature of C-X bond, methods of preparation of haloarenes, substitution

reactions (directive influence of halogen for mono substituted compounds only).

Unit XI: Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers

Classification, Nomenclature and structure of the functional groups, Praparation,

physical properties and reactions of alcohols and phenols. Preparation, physical properties
and chemical reactions of ethers.

Unit XII: Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic acids

Nomenclature and structure of carbonyl group, preparation of aldehyhydes and

ketones, physical properties and chemical reactions.

Nomenclature and structure of carboxyl group, methods of preparation of carboxylic

acids, physical properties and chemical reactions.

Unit XIII: Amines

Structure of amines, classification and nomenclature of amines,, preparation

methods, physical properties and chemical reactions.

Unit XIV: Biomolecules

Carbohydrates: Structure of glucose and fructose.

Proteins: Amino acids- classification, structure of proteins, denaturation of proteins.

Nucleic acids: Chemical compositions, functions of nucleic acids.

Unit XV: Polymers

Classification of polymers, types of polymerization reactions, biodegradable polymers

of commercial importance.

Unit XVI: Chemistry in Everyday life

Drugs and their classification, Drug-target interaction.

Class XII


Sl.No. Unit Portion to be removed

I Solid state Imperfection in solids, Electrical and Magnetic properties.

II Solutions Abnormal molecular mass, van’t Hoff factor and calculations

involving it.

III Electrochemistry Electrolytic cells and Electrolytes, Batteries, Fuel cells and

IV Chemical Kinetics Concept of collision theory, Activation energy, Arrhenius


V Surface Chemistry Catalysis-Homogenous and Heterogenous, activity and

selectivity, enzyme catalysis, emulsion-elementary idea of

VI General Principles and Thermodynamic principles of metallurgy, Uses of

processes of isolation aluminium, copper, zinc and iron.
of Elements

VII p-Block elements Group 15 elements: Oxides of nitrogen, allotropic forms of

phosphorus, phosphine, PCl5, Hypophosphorus acid,
Cyclotrimetaphosphoric acid, Polymetaphosphoric acid

Group 17 elements: Oxoacids of halogens.

Group 18 elements: Xenon oxygen compounds, uses of

noble gases.

VIII d- and f- Block Some important compounds of transition elements.

Elements Chemical reactivity and lanthanoid contraction and its
consequences. General characteristics and comparison of
actinoides with lanthanoids.

IX Coordination Isomerism in coordination compounds, stability of

compounds coordination compounds. Importance and applications of
coordination compounds.

X Haloalkanes and Stability of carbocations, R,S- and D,L-configurations, uses

Haloarenes and environmental effects of dichloromethane,
trichloromethane, tetrachloromethane, iodoform, freons,
XI Alcohols, Phenols and Some commercially important alcohols-methanol and
Ethers ethanol,

XII Aldehydes, Ketones Uses of aldehydes, ketones and carboxylic acids.

and Carboxylic acids

XIII Amines Diazonium salts, preparations, properties and its

importance in synthesis of aromatic compounds.

XIV Biomolecules Disaccharides, polysaccharides, cellulose and importance of


Enzymes, Vitamin and Hormones

XV Polymers Molecular mass of polymers,

XVI Chemistry in everyday Therapeutic action of different classes of drugs, chemicals in

life foods, cleansing agents

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