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Liceul Teoretic J. L.

Calderon Timi oara Comisia Limbi Moderne

Lesson Project
Date: 30.03.2011 Teacher : Cr ciun Oana Class: 8th A Lesson: Conditional type two Unit: 11 I wish Type of lesson: grammar, integrated skills Coursebook: Snapshot intermediate Objectives of lesson: By the end of lesson the students will have:

- improved recognition of the second conditional form used in conditional statements; - used its form in a meaningful context; - worked in groups to do the tasks

Time 5`

Lesson stage Greeting, warm up & checking homework. Focus on.

Ts activity T. greets the students, checks homework.

Students activity


Technique Reading/ checking

Aids Students notebooks


Answer Ts greetings. Read -to revise and reinforce homework, correct if necessary previous knowledge;


T. announces the title and Listen. objectives of the class.

-to attract students attention on the lesson;

Speaking/ exposing


Presentation Gives instructions. Writes examples on the board. Monitors and checks understanding: Did I become a handball player? (Yes)
Did I become a football player? (No) Is this situation real or are we imagining? (Imagining) Are we talking about the past, present or future? (The past). T. explains

task. We use the second conditional to talk about unlikely situations in the present or future, to talk about imaginary situations or to give advice. Check with the whole class.

Ss are given the following text: "I decided to play handball when I was 15th because I wanted to keep fit and healthy. If I were a boy I would play football. " Ss are invited to make the rule for the second sentence of the text. (If/ unless+ simple past + would/ wouldnt). It is used for used for hypothetical situations. Ss go at page 64 and identify the constructions with the second conditional from the text. Ss look at the examples in the course book about I wish constructions. Then they check the meaning of the first sentence. Have I got a lot of

-to focus students attention on the types of Deductive teaching of Students action in the sentences grammar book, The -to monitor Ss` whiteboard understanding of Explaining/ discovery conditional type II. technique

T. writes the rule on the table. I wish/ If only + past tense/ past perfect tense. We use hypothetical constructions to express regrets about a current situation: (I wish I had a motorbike = imi doresc sa am o motocicleta) or to express regrets about a past situation (I wish I hadnt seen him = imi doresc sa nu il fi vazut).

money.(No). Would I like more money? (Yes). Ss complete the sentence in Make rule.



T. explains task

1. Ss look at the exercise 1 from the course book in which they have to complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

-to practice newly acquired information -to practice the structures

Fill in exercise

-to practice the 2. Ss solve the exercises from language in a less the handout in which they have stressing way. to match the sentence beginnings in list A with the sentence ending in list B. 3. In the second exercise from the handout Ss have to read the sentences and choose the correct answer.

Matching exercise

Students book, The whiteboard Students notebook Handouts

Choose the correct answer



T. explains task , monitors activity

4. Ss look at the exercise 4 from the handout where they have a game: What would you do if? The student will choose one of his colleagues who has to answer his question.

-to consolidate the structure -to develop fluency in English

Oral practice: what would you do if?



Setting homework

Appoints task

Listen and write down the exercise for homework.

Written assignment


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