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1 Go Went Gone To move from one place to another.

2 Swim Swam Swum To move through water.
3 Fly Flew Flown To travel through air.
4 Leave Left Left To go away from someone or something.
5 Sink Sank Sunk To go under water.
6 Feed Fed Fed To give food to.
7 Have Had Had To own something.
8 Buy Bought Bought Top pay money for something.
9 Sell Sold Sold To give something in exchange of money.
10 Fall Fell Fallen To drop towards the ground.
11 See Saw Seen To recognize with your eyes.
12 Fell Felt Felt To have a certain sensation or emotion.
13 Be; am, is, are Was-were Been To describe a person, place or thing.
14 Hide Hid Hidden Top ut something where it cannot be seen.
15 Eat Ate Eaten To take food trought your mount.
16 Fight Fought Fought To try to hurt another person.
17 Break Broke Broken To make something go into pieces.
18 Drive Drove Driven To make a motor vehicle travel.
19 Make Made Made To build or to create something.
20 Do Did Done To act.
21 Wear Wore Worn To hace clothes on your body.
22 Take Took Taken To hold something.
23 Run Ran Run To move quickly on your feet.
24 Write Wrote Written To make words or numbers on paper with a pen or pencil.
25 Sleep Slept Slept To rest with your eyes closed.
26 Give Gave Given Tol let somebody have someting.
27 Speak Spoke Spoken To say words.
28 Read Read Read To look at words and understand them.
29 Ride Rode Ridden To travel on a vehicle or on an animal.
30 Drink Drank Drunk To swallow liquid.
31 Steal Stole Stolen To take something that is not yours.
32 Tell Told Told To give information to someone.
33 Say Said Said To speak a word or some words.
34 Sit Sat Sat To rest your bottom on something.
35 Think Thought Thought To use your mind.
36 Bite Bit Bitten To cut something with your teeth.
37 Hear Heard Heard To receive sounds through your ears.
38 Put Put Put To return something to its usual place.
39 Set Set Set To fix or establish something.
40 Teach Taught Taught To give lessons.
41 Hit Hit Hit To touch something with a lot of force.
42 Get Got Gotten To buy or obtain something.
43 Forgive Forgave Forgiven To pardon someone for something.
44 Hang Hung Hung To suspend to fasten something from above.
45 Bring Brought Brought To carry something to the place where the speaker is.
46 Catch Caught Caught To get something or someone that is movement with your hands
47 Come Came Come To move towards the speaker or place.
48 Find Found Found To get or to see something you have been looking for.
49 Kwow Knew Known To have information about something.
50 Draw Drew Drawn To make a picture with colors.

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