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What Will You Learn from this Module?

Technology innovations are having a significant impact on educational system at all

levels. Online courses, teaching aids, and educational software, social networking tools,
and other emerging technologies are disrupting the traditional classroom environment.

Digital Technologies enable opportunities for greater active student learning that is
valued, visible, connected and progressive.

This module will provide learnings that it is not the technology but it is how you use it.
Lesson 1- Innovative Technologies for Teaching Learning and Assessment Task in
Lesson 2- Technology Assisted Tools in Language Learning
Lesson 3- Technology enhanced Lesson using the ASSURE as Technology Integration
Model in English
Lesson 4 - Collaborative Projects Used In Teaching Language

After studying this module, you should be able to:

 explain the different innovative technologies and learning tasks;

 explain what is ASSURE model of teaching-learning;
 identify five benefits of using new technology in language learning; and
 discuss ways on how to use ASSURE as Technology Integration Model in

Let’s Read

Innovative Technologies for Teaching Learning and Assessment Task in English

Innovative educational technology might represent a completely new way of teaching, or

it can reflect a better way to use an existing teaching tool.

These three examples of innovative educational technology range from the most
advanced electronic classrooms to the more modest technologies used in the developing world.
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A. Computer-assisted instruction

The current buzz in education surrounds Common Core State Standards implementation and
computer-assisted instruction. The basic idea of Common Core is that all the K-12 schools across
the World will offer similar instructional content at each grade level.

Computer-assisted instruction will benefit greatly from the Common Core initiative. This
technology has been around for some time, but it has been slow to develop because, in the past,
each school district offered different instructional content at each grade level. With Common
Core, this technology is poised for rapid adoption across the country.

Basically, computer-assisted instruction allows teachers to spend more time with individual
students who are having difficulties. Meanwhile, other students in the class can work through
their lessons at their own pace. This improves classroom efficiency and allows for one-on-one
attention in larger classrooms. A study by Lisa Barrow et al. showed a marked improvement in
heterogeneous classes with more than 15 students. As states are forced to educate more students
with tighter budgets, computer-assisted instruction offers a promise of higher test scores.

B. Websites and social media

A commonly overlooked trend in education technology is the use of websites and social media.
Students, teachers and parents are all connected through social media and the Web. This allows
parents and teachers to maintain communication about classroom events and assignments.

Some teachers have used these technologies to create a homework blog, a classroom website or
student blogs. Another innovative use of social media and the Web is the creation of education-
related Pinterest boards. Each of these technologies opens up the classroom a little and facilitates
communication between students, educators, parents and the broader community.

This can be seen as the technological extension of the traditional schoolhouse and its connections
with the community. In a way, these innovations are bringing the world back to a time when
your parents knew what happened at school even before you returned home. This is because the
whole community was, and increasingly still is, built around the local school.

C. XO laptops
Although it is not the most high-tech device, the XO laptop is very innovative in its simplicity
and its approach to global problems with access to educational resources.

This computer is completely open-source, including the hardware, software and drivers. This
means students using the device can begin by learning basic lessons in reading, writing and
arithmetic. However, they can eventually progress to program and reconfigure the laptop in any
way that suits their needs.

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The major benefit of introducing these open-source technologies in the developing world is that
they do not foster reliance on outside assistance to support and maintain these devices. This
fosters local development of information technology infrastructure and develops job skills that
can be traded on global markets. The One Laptop Per Child initiative has been in operation for
several years now and it continues to expand its projects around the globe.

The aforementioned innovative learning technology are a great help for both students and
teachers to consistently be aware of the wide ways of learning. Also, it is a helpful tool to turn
one’s weaknesses into strength by overcoming one’s shortcomings such as failures by specifically
exploring these technologies. With this it will push an individual to successfully achieve a
specific goal.

Let’s Try

A. Compare and contrast the three examples of innovative educational technology range
from the most advanced electronic classrooms to the more modest technologies used in
the developing world. Send your output through google classroom or FB messenger.


Technology Assisted Tools in Language Learning

Let’s Read
The use of technology has become an important part of the learning process in and out of
the class. Every language class usually uses some form of technology. Technology has been
used to both help and improve language learning. Technology enables teachers to adapt
classroom activities, thus enhancing the language learning process. Technology continues to
grow in importance as a tool to help teachers facilitate language learning for their learners.

Technology Assisted Language Learning (TALL) is an infallible means to develop

profound knowledge and wide range of language skills. It instills in EFL learners an
illimitable passion for task-based and skills oriented learning rather than rote memorization

Technology in language learning within educational centers is not the future, but the
present of education. The use of new technology in the classroom has become the perfect
complement to mastering or gaining command of a language, and English courses

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accompanied by technological support are the most effective and attractive to students who
want to be successful in their learning.

Five Benefits of Using New Technology in Language Learning

1. The best complementary tool for teachers in the classroom

Educational technology today is advantageous for teachers in so many ways. Traditional
education is not so efficient anymore and teachers need to motivate their students more than
ever when presenting any material in the classroom. Books are taking a back seat and new
technology means that classes can be much richer in content and more participative than
2 Technology in language learning is motivating and stimulating for students
The use of technology as much in the classroom as outside it makes the students feel
much more motivated, using devices with which they can practice a language through
features such as voice recognition and interactive multimedia exercises etc. For young
students it’s much more stimulating to learn with a tablet or smartphone than with a
traditional textbook and its CD of practice exercises. Technology in language learning
transforms students from passive recipients to active learners and allows more profound and
enriching linguistic immersion. Students can study their English course using a variety of
comprehensive apps which are able to synchronize even without the internet.
3. Ease in managing and monitoring student progress
Making and keeping lists of groups of students, managing courses, evaluating
students with tests and exams, and many other tasks which are administrative in nature, are
these days managed thanks to online educational platforms which offer innumerable
functionalities tailored to educational center’s needs.
Not only do they give educational institutions the best and most effective control over
activities such as activating student accounts, creating groups, sending out communications
and automatic notifications etc., but also they can perform important tasks such as
monitoring the progress of students through specialized software.
4. Create a unique experience as much for the teacher as the students
The flipped classroom method in English courses, along with technology in language
learning to complement it, is turning English classrooms into an environment where sharing,
debating, creating and forming opinions is nurtured, a space which is much more creative and
participatory. English classes stop being boring and bland with a teacher merely explaining
something at a blackboard, and become much more active in all senses.

Learning is better with virtual whiteboards, the students are a lot more involved, and online
exercises and interactive multimedia content are motivating for them.

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5. Promote interactivity and collaboration within learning
The use of new technology allows students to be much more creative and participative in
the classroom. They prepare a basis of knowledge outside the classroom engaging with all
the content in the course, when they arrive to the classroom they share this knowledge with
the rest of the students and the teacher to demonstrate what they have learnt and reinforce it
in a coordinated way.
Educational technology allows students to be much better prepared for class, and
provides teachers with attractive resources to make their classes much more human and
sociable, where all students have the opportunity to participate regardless of their level.
When used alongside traditional teaching, new technology can differentiate between
educational centers, taking English teaching one step further in paying attention to diversity
in the classroom and enriching the language learning process.

Let’s Try


EDUCATOR? Give three Positive and three negative effects.


Technology enhanced Lesson using the ASSURE as Technology

Integration Model in English

Let’s Read

The ASSURE model is an instructional system or guideline that teachers can use
to develop lesson plans which integrate the use of technology and media (Smaldino,
Lowther & Russell, 2008). The ASSURE Model places the focus on the learner and the
overall outcome of accomplishing learning objectives. The ASSURE model is an
enriched evolution of the ADDIE general model. Although the ASSURE model has six
steps, which do not exactly correspond to ADDIE’s five, ASSURE also presents design
phases, and shares with it the two main features: the initial focus on analysis and the
cyclic structure.

It is a well-known instructional design guide that uses the constructivist

perspective, which integrates multimedia and technology to enhance the learning
environment (Lefebvre 2006). The ASSURE model was modified to be used by teachers
in the classroom by Smaldino, Lowther & Russell, 2008.

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Teachers prefer the ASSURE model because it is designed to be used for a few
hours of instruction and for each individual student. This model does not require high
complexity of delivered media, deep ID knowledge, or high revision of designs
(Gustafson & Branch, 2002). The main difference between an inexperienced teacher and
an expert teacher is that an expert teacher can easily decide on content, appropriate
teaching strategies, and delivery medium.   The ASSURE model gives new
(inexperienced) teachers a general roadmap to follow to help them think more like expert

ASSURE is an instructional design model that has the goal of producing more
effective teaching and learning. “ASSURE” is an acronym that stands for the various
steps in the model. The following is a breakdown of each step.

A – Analyze Learners

The first step in the process is that the teacher should analyze the attributes of her learners. There
should be a focus on those learner characteristics which are associated with the learning
outcomes desired. The information gathered will help you in the decisions that you make with
respect to the other steps in the process. When you determine the character of the learners, it will
guide you in choosing specific strategies and resources to aid the learning process.

The analysis of your learners should include:

 The general attributes of your learners, such as age, academic abilities, gender, interests,
 Prior competencies

 Learning styles, such as auditory, visual, and tactile

S – State Standards and Objectives

After the analysis of the learner attributes, the teacher must state standards and objectives for the
learning module. This statement consists of a specification of what the learners will be able to do
as a result of the instruction.

To be more concrete about things, this statement will focus on what the learner will know or be
able to do as a result of the instruction. An example of this is with medical students. The learners
will be able to name at least two databases and two search techniques that they can use to locate
medical evidence for particular cases.

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The objectives can be used in assessing the success of the students, perhaps for the grading
process. Also, you can use them to let the learners know what they will accomplish through the

The mark of a good set of learning objectives is conformity to the ABCDs of well-stated learning
objectives. They are as follows:

 Audience – For whom is the objective intended?

 Behavior – What is the behavior or performance to be demonstrated?

 Conditions – What are the conditions under which the behavior or performance will be

 Degree – To what degree will the knowledge or skill be mastered?

The objectives statement should be formulated with verbs that pinpoint the learning objective. A
useful guide to the appropriate verbs to use is contained in Bloom’s Taxonomy. Remember that
assessment can only be based on your learners’ behavior. A learner may know some material
backwards and forwards but may not be able to perform well on a test.

S – Select Strategies, Technology, Media, and Materials

The second “s” in the acronym stands for select strategies, technology, media, and materials.
Given what your learning objectives are, it’s necessary to pick instructional strategies,
technology, and media that will bring about the results that you want.

First, you should figure out what which delivery method will be best for your instruction. For
instance, what proportion of your instruction will be instructor-centered and what proportion of
will be student-centered? The first of these are strategies such as lecture, demonstration or
showing a video. The second are strategies such as group discussion or cooperative group work.

Common sense weighs in on the side of learner-centered strategies. Learning becomes more
exciting when there is more class participation. Ultimately, it’s the learner who must gain
mastery over the material, not the teacher. However, there will be a certain amount of crucial
information and technique that the teacher must give over and demonstrate.

Learning is at its best when the teacher merely leads the student into discovering the correct
answer to a problem themselves. An effective teacher is merely a facilitator to the process of

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Once you select your teaching strategy, then it’s time to figure out which technology, media, and
materials best support the method of teaching that you’re using. This ranges from simple tools
such as chalk and blackboard to more sophisticated ones such as power-point presentations.
What must be remembered is that the instructor is the essential ingredient in giving over the
material. Fancy tools are useful, but it ultimately boils down to having someone who knows
more than what the textbook contains.

U – Utilize Technology, Media, and Materials

This step in the ASSURE process concerns making a plan as to how you will utilize the
technology, media, and materials that you have selected. As with all of the instructional steps,
you must make sure that your plans contribute towards producing the objectives that you have
laid down.

It’s important to follow the “five p’s” process to achieve this:

Preview the Technology, Media, and Materials

This means that it’s important to plan ahead of time just how you’re going to use them. It’s good
to do a dry run of your lesson before you actually teach it. Make sure that the whole lesson will
go smoothly and seamlessly.

Prepare the Technology, Media, and Materials

You need to gather together all of the things that you will need to teach your lesson. They must
be working properly. For example, if you are making a power-point presentation, then you ’ll
need to create the text and graphics for each screen.

Prepare the Environment

There is some minimal preparation required to set up the learning environment. Simple things
like making sure that you have enough desks are important. Also, if you have control over the
situation, you should make sure that there are no sources of noise that will disturb the students.

Prepare the Learners

First, you need to clearly inform the learners as to what the learning objectives are. This will help
the learners create a mental map of what they need to absorb. Next, it’s important to tell the
students how they will be assessed. You need to tell them what their assignments will be, how

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they will be graded, if there are tests, etc. Also, you should explain to the students what the
benefits of learning the material are.

Provide the Learning Experience

You then actually carry out the lesson. This is where all of your planning takes effect. You
should be prepared to carry out the lesson with every prior step of the process in mind. This will
insure your success as a teacher.

R – Require Learner Participation

This step actually belongs within earlier steps. It requires that you make plans to how you are
going to actively engage your students in the material that you are teaching. This needs to be
figured out both at the class level and the individual level.

The most basic step that you can take is requiring participation of the students in class
discussions. A more sophisticated approach would require that students prepare questions and
comments at home to bring into the class. You might try even allowing individual students to
lead classes or discussions in the style of a seminar.

Beyond this, you need to plan exactly how the students will participate in the learning process
generally speaking. How will they learn the information and techniques included in a lesson?
This plan needs to be more specific than just saying that they will listen and absorb the material.
Maybe you will encourage a specific kind of note-taking or other learning strategies.

E – Evaluate and Revise

The final step in the ASSURE process is just as crucial as all of the others. In this step, you
evaluate the impact of your teaching on student learning. This includes an evaluation of your
teaching strategies and the technology, media, and materials that you used. The following
questions are useful to ask during this evaluation:

 Did your lesson meet the learning objectives that you planned? How will you determine
whether the students reach the objectives? Is your way of assessing the students in line
with your learning objectives?
 Can this lesson be improved? How? How are you going to assess the weaknesses in your

 Was your choice of media and materials a good one? How will you assess the
effectiveness of these tools?

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 Is it possible that other technologies, media, and materials would have done a better job?

The final step in your evaluation should focus on feedback from your students. Was their
experience positive overall? Do they feel that they have reached your objectives and their own
personal objectives? How will you determine whether or not your performance was effective?

In conclusion, the ASSURE process is really just a matter of common sense. However, it is
good to follow a regimented guide to improve your teaching technique. Any effective teacher
knows that the perfection of their technique does not come overnight, and there is always room
for improvement. By following the ASSURE process, you will be sure to improve your teaching
for many years to come.

Let’s Try

- Prepare an English subject lesson plan using ASSURE Model. Submit your output
through Google Classroom.

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What will you learn from this activity?

What is language? How do I help my students the value of learning language and its
application on real-world context? What collaborative projects would enable the students to learn
to use language meaningfully and in context?

This activity will provide opportunities for you to explore what and how of teaching
English language and enable your students to apply their knowledge of language to become
perceptive readers and vigorous communicators.

This activity composed of the following:

1. Problem-Based Project
2. Project-Based Project Technology Tools
3. Google Drive
4. Edmodo
6. Wikispace

Let’s Read

Teaching Language

According to the dictionary, “language” is the principal method of human

communication, consisting of words used in a structured and conventional way and conveyed by
speech, writing, or gesture. For Noam Chomsky, the father of modern linguistics, “language is
a set of sentences, each finite in length and constructed out of a finite set of elements.”
According with him language should be taught of as a device of some sort of producing the
sentences of languages under analysis Such linguistic analysis of a language should attempt to
sort out grammatical sentences from the ungrammatical ones and study the structure of the
grammatical sentences.

We need to give importance to language because it allows us to communicate and shares

our ideas. These are the tips in teaching English as second language: (1) Expose students to as
much of the language as possible. Less them use of native language and focus to the target
language for interactions. Students can use simple commands. Let them use the simple sentence
that they can apply in their activities inside the class. (“May I have that book please?” and “Can
you explain it?”). In doing it, the students can use the target language as fast as possible; (2)Get
hands-on: Encourage participation with games learning language is fun through the use of
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games. Let your students have games and role-playing. Topic in grammar can lead to
introductory games that stimulate the interest of the students. In this way, they can practice to use
the language skills while enjoying: (3) Studying a new language can be inter-active outside the
classroom. Assign first the project by group . Let them talk about on how to accomplish, give
them time to execute it. Then, let them apply it .For example ordering food for dine-in or take-
out. It is a real-world application of the foreign language; and (4) Teach culture alongside the
language. It is important that students understand the language itself. Let them have news
demonstration or a political update. In this way, they use the foreign language and at the same
time they know what are happenings in the real world through the use of foreign language; and
(5) Use the multi-media to enhance the learning experience. Nowadays, especially when this
pandemic strikes, multi-media is very likely to use. Students will hint how the language flow,
how the gestures are used, and how fast the native speakers converse.

Aside from the tips on how to teach English as a second language, there are some
collaborative projects that we can use in teaching language. These are:

1) Problem-based Project
Problem-based learning is a student-centered approach in which students learn about a
subject by working in a group to solve an open-ended problem. This problem is what drives the
motivation and the learning.
“What would happen to the sentence if we inserted adverb after the verb?” This open-ended
question is a problem –based which the students need to answer. Through this question, the
students will collaborate, have a research and brainstorm to come up with final answer to this
question. This approach is a good practice of cooperation, problem-solving and language skills
for they go together, share what they have researched, and they can manipulate the final answer
through the use of foreign language.

 Development of long-term knowledge retention
 Use of diverse instruction types
 Continuous engagement
 Development of transferable skills
 Improvement of teamwork and interpersonal skills


 Potential poorer performance on tests

 Student unpreparedness
 Teacher unpreparedness
 Time consuming assessment
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 Varying degrees of relevancy and applicability

2) Project-Based Project Technology Tools

Project Based Learning is an instructional approach that lends itself easily to the creation
of projects. A project is an open-ended assignment that uses technology to create a unique
product that the student-driven with the goal of achieving specific learning objectives from
multiple subject areas.

1. Making Community Services Brochure. The whole class is divided by 5 to 7 Groups to

hold a Group Interview in the community . They are given the set of questions to ask
to the people who are serving the community and come up with one Community
Services Brochure by group.

2. Collaborative video making is an example of project-based technology tool. Students

are expected to do in a group project with technology as their medium of making the
project. It enables the students to practice speaking the language, gestures, the flow of
language and how to manipulate technology.
 Enhancing learners’ autonomy
 Fostering motivation and engagement
 Developing language learning and skills
 Catering for individual differences
 Authentic use of the L.2
 Developing problem-solving skills
 Enhancing cooperative learning
 Integrating content and language learning
 Help students to manage cognitive load which increase retention.
 Make learning easier because simulations allow students to visualize real-life
situation, and motivation is increased as students are able to see the relevance of
 Classroom management changes radically
 Students and teachers need to undertake different roles and they might probably feel
uncomfortable with that change.
 Students without experience in group work may have difficulties negotiating compromise
 Classroom management becomes increasingly difficult for the teacher role is a facilitator
rather than an instructor

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3) Google Drive
Google Drive is a cloud-based storage solution that allows you c to save files like
videos,photos, Google Docs,PDF and etc. online and access then anywhere and anytime from
your smartphone, tablet, or computer. It is a drive that you can use your computer or mobile
device to secure upload files and edit them online. Other makes it easy to edit and collaborate on
files. It can store files up to 15GB for free. It is a great help not only to the learners but also to
the teachers because you can store important files that you are needed. It will make it easier for
you to locate the files. It is very accessible in teaching language because right away you can open
it to share your files to the learners. And vice-versa it is easy for the learners to submit the
projects by sending it online to the email or messenger account of the teacher or professor.
The English activities like role play, video clip or exercises as files can be stored in Google
drive for teaching the English language online.

 Access your files everywhere
 Can edit or change the file
 Able to access with various devices
 Easy to search the file
 Can share files with your friends
 Open discussion
 5GB Disk space for free


 Hacker can hack your files

 Upload and download speed issue
 Can be Wrapped up

4) Edmodo
Edmodo is a global education network that helps connect all learners with the people and
resources needed to reach their full potential.
Advantages of using Edmodo:
 It is secured.
 It is easy and institutive.
 It allows customization of classroom based on the learners ‘needs.
 It offers flexibility for teachers, students and parents.
Disadvantages of using Edmodo
 Not allowed students to student’s interactions
 Students’ focus and being responsible are questionable because the platform of
delivering information is so leisurely.
 Lack of audio capability
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5. Wikispaces
Wikispaces are simple web pages that groups, friends, and families can edit together. It
allows users to add, edit and update content on the site using their own browser. It is created
mainly by a collaborative effort of the site visitors. An example of this is the Wikipedia, a free
encyclopedia in many languages that anyone can edit.

Wikipedia is a web page that enable the visitor to edit ,update or change the information in it.
1. There are plenty of good open source versions available at a little or no cost
2. It is extensible, can customize
3. Facilitate collaboration
4. Enable social learning and peer feedback


1. Wikis can be a challenge for IT to manage

2. Can be a challenge for users to learn
3. It helps share information but not manage projects
4. They aren’t secure.
5. They don’t share data well

Let’s Try

Answer the following questions briefly.

1. If you have an action research, what tool/s will you use to accomplish it? Why?
2. Google Drive has an issue of the files can be hacked, as teacher will you still use it? Why?
Why not?

3. Teachers are always using messenger to update and communicate to their advisory class, can
you change your platform into Edmodo? Why? Why not?

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4. Recall the activities which you have given to your learners what is the most tool that you have

5. As a a language teacher, why do we need to study many tools as possible? How do these tools
help us in teaching language?


1. Language is a medium of communication which need to learn from the fundamental to the
complexity of it.
2. A problem-based project is a tool to develop language and skills.
3. A project-based project technology leads learners the practice of manipulating language from
the gain knowledge and skills.
4. Google Drive is a cloud storage which enables files to store.

Let’s See What You Have Learned?

A. Answer the following questions briefly.

1. What are the three innovative educational activities?
2. Do you agree that our country can access all three innovative educational activities?
Why and why not?
3. How does Online courses, teaching aids, and educational software, social networking
tools, and other emerging technologies disrupt the traditional classroom environment?
Explain and cite examples.
4. What are the five benefits of using new technology in language learning?
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5. In what ways an ASSURE MODEL differs from other models of learning or lesson


There are countless reasons why technology is a key aspect of learning in the schools.
Whether we like it or not, technology is everywhere; and in order for our students to survive in
post-secondary education and the business world, they must know technology.
The importance of technology in education is undoubtedly the ability to reach more
students more efficiently. After all, technology is all around us and only continues to expand in
its many uses.


Payne, Jelani (Nov. 25, 2007) 4 Advantages of project-based learning

Nilson,L.B. (2010) Teaching at its best? A Research-Based Resource for College Instructors)2nd
ed.) San Francisco, CA:Jossey Bass

Prof. Prasertsith,K.,et al (2016) Students’ google driveintendeusage: A Case Study of

Mathematics Courses in Bangkok university/ED571407.pdf L. (December 11, 2019)Advantages
and disadvantages of google drive Retrieved from

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Faculty, Institute of Education

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Program Director, Institute of Education

Checked by:


Dean, Institute of Education

Approved by:


VP for Academic Affairs and Research

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