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Part I. Answer briefly and concisely the following questions.

1. Contrast between mainstream development and Popular or alternative development.

2. Describe what happened to the rural areas during the popularity of modernization
3. What is rural development and how it can be achieved?
4. Why there is a need for Rural Development? How Rural Development affects the lives of
the rural sector?
5. How economic development measured?
6. Describe the government services delivered that gives great impact in the improvement
of the lives of the common people in rural areas.
7. Did growth in the urban center “trickle-down” to the rural areas? Explain your answer.
8. Describe how participatory approach brings benefit to rural development.
9. In this Covid era, describe how economy affects the lives of the rural sector.
10. In what way that you can contribute to the development in your locality?

Part II. (30 pts) Case Study – How Mr. Salbaro Performs his Management Functions
Mr. Salbaro is the founder and executive director of an NGO. He started as a one-man
development worker. The trust and confidence in Mr. Salbaro grew and funding agencies gave
him a lot of assistance. Soon he had a dozen community organizers and workers and four
administrative staff.
Mr. Salbaro’s style of managing his work did not change much. He was deeply involved in the
day-to-day affairs of the NGO. He was hesitant to delegate important tasks, believing that he
was the only one who could do them and who had the right to make decisions.
Mr. Salbaro prepared all project plans, recruit staff and led teams in undertaking a project.
As work grew, he spent his time for meetings and beating deadlines. He could not find time to
replan and formulate new strategies to cope with the new environment. The project staff soon
found it hard to reach him when they have problems. The moral in the organization went down
but rural development work continued to increase.
Mr. Salbaro is now deciding to get rid of his NGO as he found himself in deeper trouble.

1. What is your assessment of Mr. Salbaro’s situation?
2. How do you find his management style?
3. What advise will you give him before he dissolves his NGO?

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