Final Exam COMPO2 3 2020 Heilyn Mora

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Diving into Greece’s first underwater museum by Maria


Reader Response Essay

Heilyn Yelena Mora Espinoza

Kathia Jiménez Pochet

Universidad Internacional de las Américas

Language Sciences Faculty
San José, Costa Rica

Title: Diving into Greece’s first underwater museum

Introduction: Have you ever thought about what it would be like to visit an underwater
museum? It is now possible to visit one based near the wreck of an ancient Greek ship that is
nearly 2500 years old. The marine park is located on Alonissos island in the Aegean Sea. The
marine park is located on Alonissos island in Aegean. According to Maria Atmatzidou in the
article “Diving into Greece’s first underwater museum”, a local fisherman named Dimitris
Mavrikis found the wreck in 1985.
Thesis Statement: I agree with Atmatzidou regarding these points: promoting tourism, historical
knowledge, and protection of nature because they provide interesting historical knowledge to
people, and they also teach people to support tourism and protect nature.
Summary: Diving into Greece’s first underwater museum is an article of National Geographic
written by Maria Atmatzidou published on December 2, 2020. According to Maria Atmatzidou
in her article, Greece began a tourism campaign a few months ago, however, due to the
pandemic, it was negatively affected.
Transition: This essay is going to focus on the article Diving into Greece’s first underwater
museum and express agreement in promoting tourism in the paragraph below.
TOPIC SENTENCE: I agree with Maria Atmatzidou in her article “Diving into Greece’s first
underwater museum” because they found new ways to promote tourism.
SUPPORTING IDEA 1: The museum has the purpose of attracting visitors, since it has an
ancient shipwreck.
EXAMPLE /EVIDENCE (QUOTES): “The unusual site, which preserves an ancient
shipwreck, aims to lure future visitors; it could become a model for how to make tourism more
sustainable in the post-pandemic era.”
SUPPORTING IDEA 2: For a few months, the museum had the purpose of attracting tourists.
EXAMPLE: “In 2019 some 34 million visitors were drawn here. But then the COVID-19
pandemic arrived and decimated the tourism industry.”
CONCLUDING SENTENCE: Therefore, I feel that this article is a great reminder for every
reader to support tourism and we should support it whenever possible.
TOPIC SENTENCE: I agree with Atmatzidou because the museum provides historical
knowledge to people who visit it in different ways such as diving, viewing the museum through
cameras, or through 3D virtual reality.
SUPPORTING IDEA 1: In recent months, the museum has allowed people access to learn
about the history.
EXAMPLE /EVIDENCE (QUOTES): “As the wreck dates back to about 425 B.C., diving to it
is like traveling in a time machine.”
SUPPORTING IDEA 2: People can visit the museum without diving.
EXAMPLE: “While watching the video … people from all over the world, divers or non-divers,
[can] share the diving experience.”
CONCLUDING SENTENCE: Finally, the history is very interesting, and it makes me want to
know more about the place by going there. Now let us talk about the protection of nature and
why it is important.
TOPIC SENTENCE: I agree with Atmatzidou when she mentions in the article “Diving into
Greece’s first underwater museum” about protecting nature.
SUPPORTING IDEA 1: They are protecting the antiquities, but they do not forget about the
EXAMPLE /EVIDENCE (QUOTES): Atmatzidou says “Antiquities are not the only treasures
safeguarded in the region. Efforts to protect rare or endangered terrestrial and marine species
started in the 1970s.”
SUPPORTING IDEA 2: Currently, there are different species protected in shelters.
EXAMPLE: Today more than 50 endangered Mediterranean monk seals find refuge at the
nature reserve of Gioura and the protected area of Piperi; Eleonora’s falcons at the islets of
Skantzoura, Strogilo, and Polemica; and rare plants like the sea daffodil in Psathoura.
CONCLUDING SENTENCE: Finally, this information satisfies me, and it makes me happy to
know that they are protecting nature. I know we all have a duty to protect nature in some way.

CONCLUSION: In conclusion, it is now possible to visit an underwater museum based near a

shipwreck from ancient Greece. This museum is now open to the public and has been visited by
many people. Although it has been affected by the pandemic, there are active travel restrictions
and scheduled visits. This gives the public a chance to learn about history and have a wonderful

Diving into Greece’s first underwater museum by Maria Atmatzidou

Have you ever thought about what it would be like to visit an underwater museum? It is
now possible to visit one based near the wreck of an ancient Greek ship that is nearly 2500 years
old. The marine park is located on Alonissos island in Aegean. According to Maria Atmatzidou,
a local fisherman named Dimitris Mavrikis found the wreck in 1985. “Diving into Greece’s first
underwater museum” is an article of National Geographic written by Maria Atmatzidou and
published on December 2, 2020. According to Maria Atmatzidou in her article, Greece began a
tourism campaign a few months ago, however, due to the pandemic, it was negatively affected.
There is a museum in Greece that has preserved a shipwreck from thousands of years ago. With
that, their purpose is to attract tourists and reinvigorate tourism in the region. The museum is part
of the largest marine protected area in Europe. It is protected due to looting and only
archaeologists and people with permission used to be able to access it. However, currently divers
can access. The shipwreck happened in approximately 425 BC. so, the experience is like
traveling back in time over 2000 years. I agree with Atmatzidou regarding these points:
promoting tourism, historical knowledge, and protection of nature because they provide
interesting historical knowledge to people, and they also teach people to support tourism and
protect nature. This essay is going to focus on the article Diving into Greece’s first underwater
museum and express agreement in promoting tourism in the paragraph below.
I agree with Maria Atmatzidou in the article “Diving into Greece’s first underwater museum”
that the museum has found new ways to promote tourism. The underwater museum has been
affected because of the pandemic and they want to promote tourism to deal with it. The museum
has the purpose of attracting visitors since it has an ancient shipwreck. “The unusual site, which
preserves an ancient shipwreck, aims to lure future visitors; it could become a model for how to
make tourism more sustainable in the post-pandemic era.” (Atmatzidou, 2020). I think it is a
good and impressive idea and one of the best ways to attract the public. In the museum, there is
wine amphorae and some objects for lavish banquets. For a few months, the museum had the
purpose of attracting tourists. Atmatzidou explains “In 2019 some 34 million visitors were drawn
here. But then the COVID-19 pandemic arrived and decimated the tourism industry.” Although
due to the coronavirus, tourism plummeted by 85% during 2020, compared to 2019, according to
Aggeliki Malamateniou, president of the Alonissos Hotel Owners Association, they try to
maintain and advance tourism. What better way to promote it than diving and viewing amazing
antiques? It is significant for people, as it helps them have fun while diving and have a wonderful
experience seeing everything that is there. Therefore, I feel that this article is a great reminder for
every reader to support tourism and we should support it whenever possible.

I agree with Atmatzidou because the museum provides historical knowledge to people who
visit it in different ways such as diving, viewing the museum through cameras, or 3D virtual
reality. Lately, the museum has allowed people to visit and learn about it. The more I read, the
more surprised I became, in a good way. Undoubtedly, it is noteworthy and interesting to know
that there are still antiquities more than 2500 years old preserved underwater. It surprises me to
know that the article "Diving into Greece’s first underwater museum" talks about antiquities
more than 2500 years old and not more than 250 years old. “As the wreck dates back to about
425 B.C., diving to it is like traveling in a time machine.” (Atmatzidou, 2020). This museum has
articles of the shipwreck as Atmatzidou says in the following quote “the ship was one of the
biggest merchant vessels of the classical period (fifth through fourth centuries B.C.) and carried
an impressive cargo: 4,000 wine amphorae (large two-handled jars) originating from the ancient
Greek cities of Mende and Peparethus, plus black-glazed bowls, cups, plates, and tableware—
essential items for the lavish banquets, or symposia, of the time.” It is so fascinating knowing
about this museum because another considerable fact is that has cameras. This means that people
do not need to go in and dive to see the antiques because the cameras transmit in real-time, so
that people do not need to dive underwater to visit the museum. However, if people still want to
have the experience of diving and appreciating the surroundings at the same time, it is better to
go diving. Atmatzidou says in her article “While watching the video … people from all over the
world, divers or non-divers, [can] share the diving experience.” I was impressed with the
incredible insight that the design has in its accommodation of tourists who may not have the
ability to explore the wreck for themselves who can just as easily experience all that the site has
to offer through a system of cameras that allow the visitor to explore the wreck remotely. There
is another experience, in which people use special glasses to traverse 3D virtual reality. Finally,
the history is very interesting, and it makes me want to know more about it by going there. Now
let us talk about the protection of nature.
I agree with Atmatzidou when she mentions in the article “Diving into Greece’s first
underwater museum” about protecting nature. It is a great plan that they are protecting nature
too. They do not forget about it. I am happy about this, since they give importance to antiques,
but they always remember nature and its importance. Simply put, for them, both nature and
antiques are valued. Atmatzidou says “Antiquities are not the only treasures safeguarded in the
region. Efforts to protect rare or endangered terrestrial and marine species started in the 1970s.”
This is an example for the world, and now that they have been protecting them for many years,
they are seeing results. Currently, there are different species protected in shelters. Atmatzidou
tells us “Today more than 50 endangered Mediterranean monk seals find refuge at the nature
reserve of Gioura and the protected area of Piperi; Eleonora’s falcons at the islets of Skantzoura,
Strogilo, and Polemica; and rare plants like the sea daffodil in Psathoura.” Finally, this
information satisfies me, and it makes me happy to know that they are protecting nature. I know
that we all have a duty to protect nature in some way.

In conclusion, it is now possible to visit an underwater museum based near a shipwreck from
ancient Greece. This museum is now open to the public and has been visited by many people.
Tourism has been part of this museum. Although it has been affected by the pandemic, there are
active travel restrictions and scheduled visits. This gives the public a chance to learn about
history and have a wonderful experience. I think this museum is one of the best options to see in
real life what some people used back then such as “wine amphorae” and the articles for the
banquets that were used so many years ago. Atmatzidou said in her article "it is like traveling in
a time machine”. I would love to visit the Greece underwater museum myself and experience
what it is like to go back in time and, see nature at the same time.


Atmatzidou, M. (2020, December 2). Diving into Greece’s first underwater museum. Retrieved from
National Geographic:

Atmatzidou, M. (2020, December 2). Diving into Greece’s first underwater museum. Retrieved from
National Geographic:

Student´s name: Date:__________________


Points:_______________ /30 pts. Percentage:_________________

Performance Evaluation Criteria

Excellent Very good Acceptable Needs Unacceptable
5 4 3 Improvemen 1
Content‐ Writing meets all Writing Writingmeets Writingmeets Writingdoes
Specific assignment content meets most minimum some/few not meet
Assignment requirements. assignment assignment assignment assignment
Criteria as per content content content content
Instructor requirement requirements. requirement requirements.
Guidelines s. s.

Purpose Writing is clear and Writing is Writingis Writingmay Writingis

& appropriate for the generally adequate in be unclear unclear and
Support purpose of the clear and terms of clarity and/or inappropriate
assignment.  appropriate and inappropriat for the
All evidence and for the appropriatene e for the purpose of the
examplesare effective, purpose of ss for the purpose of assignment.  
specific and relevant. the purpose of the the Evidenceand
assignment assignment.   assignment.   examples are
—with some Evidenceand Evidenceand not effective,
exceptions.   examples examples specific and/or
Evidenceand meet basic may require relevant.  
examples are requirements further
generally for being development
effective, effective, to be
specific and specific and adequately
relevant with relevant. effective,
some specific and
exceptions. relevant.  

Structure Ideasare coherently Organization Organizationof Organization Ideas are

& and logicallyorganized of ideas is ideasmeets of ideas does incoherentand
Development with well‐developed generally theminimum not meet the illogically
paragraphs and coherent and requirement minimum organized.  
effective transitions. logical. for being requirement Paragraphs are
In addition, coherent and for coherent undeveloped
most logical.  and logical. and need
paragraphs Some Paragraphs transitions.  
are well‐ paragraphsmay lack
developed be well‐ development
and use developed and and/or fail to
effective use effective employ
transitions.   transitions transitions
while others effectively.  
do not.  
Documentatio All sources are Most Sourcesmeet Sourcesdo Insufficient
n of Sources critically sources are the minimum not meet the sources and/or
reviewed,  document critically requirements minimum insufficient
ed and formatted reviewed for being requirements quality, critical
following standard and critically for being review and
practices of APA. documented reviewed and critically documentatio
following documented reviewed n. 
standard following and Standard
practices of standard documented practices of APA
APA. practices of following are not
APA. standard followed. 
practices of

Language All sentences are Most Languageis Some/few Languagemay

& well‐written with sentences accessible to sentencesare be inaccessible
Mechanics varied sentence are well‐ readers; well‐written to readers. 
structure and virtually written with however, with little Sentencesare
free of errors in varied many variance in incomplete
grammar, sentence sentences may structure and/or contain
punctuation structure and lack variation and/or errors in
and spelling. virtually free in structure. numerous grammar,
of errors in Minimally errors in punctuation
grammar, acceptable grammar, and/or
punctuation number of punctuation spelling.
and spelling. errors in and/or
grammar, spelling.  
Target Maintains Tone, Tone, diction, Lacks some Does´not
Audience/ appropriate tone, diction, and and important maintain
Point ofView/ diction andvocabulary vocabulary vocabulary are qualities for appropriate
Originality for various modes of are mostly adequate for having the tone, diction
writing.   appropriate various modes appropriate and/or
Work demonstrates for various of writing.   tone, diction, vocabulary.  
clear understandingof modes of Work and Does not
the target audience. writing.   minimally vocabulary demonstrate
In situationswhere Work mostly demonstrates for various understanding
originality is demonstrates understanding modes of of target
expected, writing is understandin of target writing—but audience. 
clearly creative & g of target audience.   does meet In situations
innovative.  audience.  In situations wher others.   where
In situations wher originality is Work originality is
originality is expected, demonstrate expected,
expected, writing is s some creativity and
writingis minimally understandi innovation are
generally creative and ng of the not present.  
creative and innovative.   target
innovative.   audience but
lacks the
level of
ng required.
In situations
originality is
are evident.  

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