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1. “Don’t tell anyone my new address.” “____.”

A. I wouldn’t B. I can’t C. I don’t D. I won’t

2. He____ anything because he’s driving.

A. didn’t have to drink B. mightn’t drink

C. shouldn’t drink D. can’t drink

3. Although nobody can prevent you from spending your own money, you____ save for a
rainy day.

A. would better B. better C. had better D. would rather

4. You_____ 17 to get a driving license in the UK.

A. needn’t be B. should be C. have to be D. ought to be

5. You _____ file these documents now. It’s not urgent.

A. can’t B. don’t have to C. mustn’t D. may not

6. She relies on Tom far too much. She doesn’t take into account the possibility that he
_____ her, in spite of his willingness to do so.

A. may not want to help B. may not have helped

C. can’t have helped D. might not be able to help

7. You _____ touch electrical wires with wet hands.

A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. don’t have to D. aren’t allowed to

8. “Nancy brought some food for the party.” “She _____ , we have plenty.”

A. needn’t have brought B. doesn’t have to

C. didn’t need to D. needn’t

9. What Jim says ____ true but I very much doubt it?

A. should be B. will be C. must be D. may be


10. Sam _____ his collection. I can imagine his wife’s anger if he does.

A. may have to sell B. may have sold

C. could have sold D. must have sold

11. ____ I post that letter for you on the way to the office?

A. Would B. Will C. Do D. Shall

12. “Shall I tell John about it?” “No, you ____. I’ve told him already.”

A. needn’t B. wouldn’t C. mustn’t D. shouldn’t

13. “____ you hand that book, please?” “Sure. Here it is.”

A. Would B. Should C. Must D. May

14. I got lost very often when I was in Hanoi. I _____ a street map while I was living

A. needn’t have bought B. have to buy

C. should have bought D. would have bought

15. She____ for her parents’ support during her university education, but she preferred to
work part-time and support herself.

A. should have asked B. could have asked

C. must have asked D. ought to ask

16. As the repair turned out to be so complicated, they_____ much earlier. But nobody
expected it would be so time-consuming.

A. ought to have started B. should start

C. might start D. must have started

17. “Is that Paul? He must_____ from Australia.”

A. have returned B. returning C. had returned D. return

18. James didn’t come to see us as planned and he didn’t even phone us. He ____ about
the appointment.


A. can have forgotten B. might have forgotten

C. should have forgotten D. must forget

19. The sun appears to be shining on your computer screen. ____ I close the curtains for
you as it ____ you?

A. Let – has disturbed B. Will – were disturbing

C. Do – is disturbing D. shall – must be disturbing

20. The company had sent advertisement to the newspaper when they realized they’d
mistyped the salary they were offering for the position. Luckily, they ____ the newspaper
to correct their mistake before they printed it.

A. could have asked B. must have asked

C. were able to ask D. might have asked

21. Let’s not discuss this problem now if we ____ a decision tomorrow.

A. don’t need to reach B. needn’t to reach

C. won’t need to reach D. needn’t to be reaching

22. The soup was all right but the pizza was just as I had feared: canned olives instead of
fresh ones. I’d rather ____ a plate of spaghetti with sauce.

A. have ordered B. ordered C. had ordered D. order

23. A new law may soon be passed to deal with the problem.

A. There’s a possibility that a new law will soon be passed to deal with the problem.

B. It is said that a new law will soon be passed to deal with the problem.

C. To deal with the problem, a new law must be passed soon.

D. The problem will soon be dealt with by a new law.

24. It is possible that we won’t have to take an entrance exam this year.

A. Perhaps we don’t have to take an entrance exam this year.

B. We mustn’t take an entrance exam this year.


C. We mightn’t take an entrance exam this year.

D. It is likely that we will take an entrance exam this year.

25. It would have been better if she had bought some sugar.

A. She should have bought some sugar.

B. She must have bought some sugar.

C. She might buy some sugar.

D. She might have bought some sugar.

26. Tom went on and on apologizing about it, which was quite unnecessary.

A. Tom can’t have apologized. I quite understand.

B. Tom shouldn’t have apologized. I quite understand.

C. Tom wouldn’t have apologized. I quite understand.

D. Tom needn’t have apologized. I quite understand.

27. It’s possible that she didn’t hear what I said.

A. She might have not heard what I said.

B. She might not hear what I said.

C. She may not hear what I said.

D. She may not have heard what I said.

28. It was a mistake for her to marry Peter.

A. She shouldn’t have married Peter.

B. She and Peter weren’t married in the right way.

C. Peter didn’t want to get married, so it was his mistake.

D. She ought to think again before she marries Peter.

29. We could have helped her out.

A. We didn’t help her when she had difficulty.


B. We succeeded in helping her out.

C. Although we didn’t help her, she managed to go out.

D. We could, so we helped her out.

30. The father needn’t have given the daughter too much money.

A. The father shouldn’t have given the daughter too much money.

B. The father knew that he didn’t have to give the daughter much money, so he didn’t.

C. The father didn’t have to give the daughter much money because he didn’t have to.

D. The daughter needed more money than the father gave her.

31. You shouldn’t have allowed them to watch too much TV.

A. You were wrong to let them watch too much TV.

B. You allowed them to watch too much TV which is wrong.

C. It was not interesting to allow them to watch too much TV.

D. Watching too much TV is not good for them.

32. We expected her to be here hours ago.

A. She ought to have been here hours ago.

B. She might have been here hours ago.

C. She is expected to be here hours ago.

D. She shouldn’t have been here hours ago.

33. Tom wished he had studied harder for his graduation exam.

A. Tom should have studied harder for his graduation exam.

B. Tom might have studied hard for his graduation exam.

C. Tom must have studied harder for his graduation exam.

D. Tom studied hard for his graduation exam but he failed.

34. It was wrong of you not to call the fire brigade at once.


A. The fire brigade was called at the wrong time.

B. You should have called the fire brigade at once.

C. You didn’t call the fire brigade and it was wrong.

D. Calling the fire brigade must be done at once.

35. I’m sure it wasn’t Mr. Pike you saw because he is in London.

A. It mustn’t have been Mr. Pike you saw because he is in London.

B. It can’t have been Mr. Pike you saw because he is in London.

C. It mightn’t be Mr. Pike you saw because he is in London.

D. It couldn’t be Mr. Pike you saw because he is in London.

36. James should have been told the news a long time ago.

A. James did not tell the news a long time ago.

B. James had not told the news for a long time.

C. James was not told the news although it was necessary for him.

D. James has not been told the news for a long time although he should know it.

37. Francis ought to have made more effort to locate his brother.

A. It is necessary for Francis to try harder if he wants to locate his brother.

B. Francis must have worked hard in order to locate his brother.

C. Francis didn’t try as hard as he should have to find his brother.

D. Francis has to make the effort himself if he wishes to find his brother.

38. It couldn’t have been Mary that you heard shouting last night, as she is vacationing in
Vermont at the moment.

A. I think Mary is on holiday in Vermont now, so you may be wrong in thinking that you
heard her yelling last night.

B. Right now, she is having a holiday in Vermont, so it is nearly impossible that it was
Mary whose shouting you heard last night.


C. Are you sure it was Mary who shouted to you last night, because, as far as I know, she
is on vacation in Vermont at the moment?

D. If it was Mary that you heard yelling last night, then she can’t be taking a vacation in
Vermont at the moment.

39. Jane was supposed to have taken her laptop to work this morning - she mus1 have
forgotten it.

A. Jane possibly forgot that she had to take her laptop with her to work thii morning.

B. It is probable that Jane accidentally left her laptop here, as she had to takf it to work
this morning.

C. Jane really needs to remember to bring her laptop with her to work thi morning.

D. Jane may not have to remember to bring her laptop with her to work thi morning
although she should have done so.

40. Mike should have listened to your advice.

A. It was essential that Mike listen to your advice but he didn’t.

B. Mike shouldn’t listen to your advice.

C. Mike didn’t want to take your advice.

D. Mike has listened to your advice.

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