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(के वल कायार्लयीन प्रयोग हेतु ) (For official use only)

इलेक्ट्रॉ�नक इन्टरलॉ�कंग
अनरु �ण �नद� श श्रख
ं ृ ला – II
वेस्टरे स वी एल एम ् 6
इलेक्ट्रॉ�नक इन्टरलॉ�कंग प्रणाल�

कैमटे क/एस/प्रोज/2014 –15/एचबी – ई आई -वेस्टरे स /1.0

जनवर� 2015
January 2015


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इलेक्ट्रॉ�नक इन्टरलॉ�कंग
अनरु �ण �नद� श श्रख
ं ृ ला – II

वेस्टरे स वी एल एम ् 6
इलेक्ट्रॉ�नक इन्टरलॉ�कंग प्रणाल�

कैमटे क/एस/प्रोज/2014 –15/एचबी – ई आई -वेस्टरे स /1.0

जनवर� 2015

January 2015

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इलेक्ट्रॉ�नक इन्टरलॉ�कंग प्रणाल� के वैद्युत-यां�त्रक अथवा परम्परागत इन्टरलॉ�कंग क�

ु ना म� बहुत सारे लाभ ह� जैसे �क कम स्थान क� आवश्यकता, ला��णक संकेत� से �नदान,
संर�ा एवं �वश्वसनीयता I

भारतीय रे लवे के कई स्टे शन� पर �व�भन्न अनुमो�दत �नमार्ताओं के इलेक्ट्रॉ�नक इन्टरलॉ�कंग

संस्थापन कायार्िन्वत हो चक
ु े ह� तथा भ�वष्य म� इनक� संख्या बढ़ने वाल� है I वेस्टरे स वी एल
एम ् 6 इलेक्ट्रॉ�नक इन्टरलॉ�कंग प्रणाल� इनम� से एक है I जब भी कोई नई प्रणाल� का आगमन
होता है , अनुर�ण का�मर्क� को उससे अवगत होना आवश्यक है I अतः प�रवतर्नशील प्रौद्यो�गक�
के साथ चलने के �लए कैमटे क ने यह अनुर�ण �नद� श श्रख
ं ृ ला तैयार क� है I

ु े �वश्वास है �क यह हस्तपिु स्तका फ�ल्ड स्टाफ के �ान म� व�ृ द्ध करने के अ�त�रक्त उक्त
प्रणाल� का अनुर�ण तथा त्र�ु ट �नवारण करने म� सहायक होगी I

कैमटे क ग्वा�लयर ए. आर. तुपे

�दनांक: 23.01.2015 कायर्कार� �नदे शक

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Electronic Interlocking system has several advantages over Electro-Mechanical or
Conventional Panel Interlocking, such as reduced space requirements, self-diagnostic
features, safety and reliability etc.

Electronic Interlocking installations of different approved manufactures have been

commissioned on a number of stations on Indian Railways and are going to increase in
future. WESTRACE VLM6 Electronic Interlocking system is one of them. Whenever a
new system is introduced, maintenance personnel are required to get acquainted with it.
Therefore to keep pace with the changing technology, CAMTECH has come up with this
Maintenance Instructions Series.

I am confident that this handbook apart from updating the knowledge will help the field
staff in maintenance and troubleshooting of the system.


Date: 23.01.2015 Executive Director

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भारतीय रे लवे म� �व�भन्न अनुमो�दत �नमार्ताओं के इलेक्ट्रॉ�नक इन्टरलॉ�कंग संस्थापन

कायरत ह� I यद्य�प इलेक्ट्रॉ�नक इन्टरलॉ�कंग प्रणाल� द्वारा त्र�ु ट�वह�न कायर् अपे��त है , इसके
त्र�ु ट होने पर सरु ��त ढं ग से बंद होने क� �वशेषता अथवा �कसी अन्य कारण से खराब होने पर
गा�ड़य� का संचालन प्रभा�वत हो सकता है I प्रणाल� क� कायर्कुशलता तथा �वश्वसनीयता
सु�निश्चत करने हे तु, संस्थापन तथा अनुर�ण करने वाले का�मर्क� को इसके घटक� तथा
कायर्प्रणाल� का आवश्यक �ान होना चा�हए I

उच्च अनुर�ण पद्ध�तय� से सम्बं�धत सूचनाओं के प्रलेखन तथा उन्नयन को आगे बढाते हुए
कैमटे क ने यह हस्तपुिस्तका तैयार क� है I यह �वशेष श्रख
ं ृ ला वेस्टरे स वी एल एम ् 6
इलेक्ट्रॉ�नक इन्टरलॉ�कंग प्रणाल� के �संहावलोकन, अनुर�ण तथा त्रु�ट �नवारण को सिम्म�लत
करती है I अनरु �ण �नद� श श्रख
ंृ ला का उद्देश्य �सग्नल का�मर्क� को �व�भन्न �नमार्ताओं क�
प्रणा�लय� का �ान प्राप्त कराना है जो उन्ह� इन प्रणा�लय� के संस्थापन, अनुर�ण एवं त्र�ु ट
�नवारण म� सहायक ह�गे I

चूं�क तकनीक� उन्नयन एवं �श�ण एक क्र�मक प्र�क्रया है अतः इस हस्तपिु स्तका म� ,आप कुछ जोड़ने
या सध
ु ारने क� आवश्यकता महसस
ू कर सकते ह� य�द ऐसा है तो कृपया अपने सझ
ु ाव हम� �लख भेज� I I
हम आपके योगदान के प्र�त अत्यंत आभार� ह�गे I

हम श्री �दनेश कुमार, मंडल �सग्नल एवं दरू संचार/I/वाल्टे यर/पूवर् तट�य रे लवे, श्री �वजय कुमार
वेलान्क�, मै. सीम� स रे ल ऑटोमेशन प्रा. �ल. ब�गलोर के प्रमुख तकनीक� प्र�श�ण अनुदेशक तथा
भुसावल मंडल, मध्य रे लवे एवं भोपाल मंडल, पिश्चम मध्य रे लवे के अनुर�ण का�मर्क� के
अत्यंत आभार� ह� िजन्ह�ने हम� इस हस्तपुिस्तका को बनाने म� सहायता क� I

कैमटे क ग्वा�लयर �दनेश कुमार यादव

�दनांक: 23.01.2015 �नदे शक (संकेत एवं दरू संचार)

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Electronic Interlocking installations on Indian Railways are of different approved
manufactures. Although Electronic Interlocking system is supposed to give flawless
performance, failure of this due to its safe shut down feature or any other reason may
paralyze train movements. For ensuring the efficiency and reliability of the system, the
staff installing or maintaining this should have fair knowledge about its components and

Continuing its efforts in documentation and up-gradation of information on

maintenance practices, CAMTECH has prepared this handbook. This particular series
covers overview, maintenance and troubleshooting of WESTRACE VLM6 Electronic
Interlocking system. The purpose of maintenance instructions series is to impart
knowledge to Signal personnel about different manufacturer’s systems which will help
them in installation, maintenance and troubleshooting of the same.

Since technological up-gradation and learning is a continuous process, you may feel
the need for some addition/modification in this handbook. If so, please feel free to write
us. We shall be highly appreciating your contribution.

We are sincerely thankful to Shri Dinesh Kumar, DSTE/I/Waltair/E.Co.Rly, Shri Vijaya

Kumar Vellanki Principal Technical Training Instructor of M/s Siemens Rail Automation
Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore and maintenance personnel of BSL Division, C.Rly. and BPL
Division, W.C.Rly. who helped us in preparing this handbook.


Date: 23.01.2015 Director (S&T)

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�वषय सूची
अध्याय �ववरण Description पष्ृ ठ क्र.
Chapter Page

प्राक्कथन Foreword IV

भू�मका Preface VI

�वषयसूची Contents VIII

सुधार पच� Correction Slip X

�डस्क्लेमर तथा हमारा उद्देश्य Disclaimer & Our Objective XII

1. इलेक्ट्रॉ�नक इन्टरलॉ�कंग प्रणाल� An Introduction to

Electronic Interlocking
का प�रचय System
1.1 इलेक्ट्रॉ�नक इन्टरलॉ�कंग प्रणाल� Electronic Interlocking System 1
1.2 परं परागत �रले इन्टरलॉ�कंग क� Advantages over conventional 1
relay interlocking
तुलना म� लाभ
1.3 ई आई प्रणाल� म� उपयोग क� Terms used in EI system 1
जाने वाल� शब्दावल�
1.4 प्रणाल� का संयोजन System composition 2
1.5 कायर्प्रणाल� Working 7
1.6 प्रणाल� क� संरचना System Architecture 8
1.7 �व�भन्न उपलब्ध �वन्यास क� ई EI systems of different 8
available configuration
आई प्रणा�लयाँ
1.8 अ. अ. मा. सं. द्वारा अनुमो�दत RDSO approved firms 9
1.9 अ�भप्राय Scope 9

2. वेस्टरे स वी एल एम ् 6 WESTRACE VLM6

Electronic Interlocking
इलेक्ट्रॉ�नक इन्टरलॉ�कंग प्रणाल� System
2.1 प�रचय Introduction 10
2.2 प्रणाल� का �ववरण System description 10
2.3 वेस्टरे स प्रणाल� के मॉड्यूल Modules of WESTRACE 13
अध्याय �ववरण Description पष्ृ ठ क्र.
Chapter Page
2.4 वी डी यू तथा सी सी आई पी VDU and CCIP 19
2.5 पैनल प्रोसेसर Panel Processor 19
2.6 हॉट स्ट�डबाई Hot Standby 23
2.7 प्रणाल� को प्रारं भ करना तथा बंद System Powering Up and 23
2.8 अनरु �ण Maintenance 24
2.9 खराबी क� िस्थ�तयां एवं त्र�ु टयाँ Fault conditions and errors 27
2.10 मॉड्यूल के स्टाटर् अप तथा Start Up and Operations 29
indications of modules
ऑपरे शन्स के संकेत
2.11 स्टाटर् अप के समय खरा�बयां Faults during Start-Up 34
2.12 सामान्य कायर् के समय खरा�बयां Faults during normal working 35
2.13 खराब मॉड्यूल को बदलना Replacement of faulty 35
2.14 मरम्मत हे तु मॉड्यूल को वापस Returning a module for repairs 38
2.15 मोवीआलॉ ं MoviolaW 38
2.16 त्र�ु ट �नवारण Troubleshooting 45
2.17 िस्थर वैद्युत से सुर�ा Ant-static protection 46
2.18 क्या कर� व क्या न कर� Do’s & Don’ts 48

अनुलग्नक -- वी एल एम 6 फ़ॉल्ट कोड VLM6 Fault Codes 50

ु ग्नक -- एन सी डी एम फ़ॉल्ट कोड NCDM Fault Codes 53
अनुलग्नक -- वी रोम फ़ॉल्ट कोड VROM Fault Codes 57
अध्याय �ववरण Description पष्ृ ठ क्र.
Chapter Page
अनुलग्नक -- वी �पम फ़ॉल्ट कोड VPIM Fault Codes 59
अनुलग्नक -- सं��प्त शब्दावल� Abbreviations 60
अनुलग्नक -- सन्दभर् References 60
ु ार प�चर्य� को जार� करना


इस हस्तपिु स्तका के �लए भ�वष्य म� जार� क� जाने वाल� सध

ु ार प�चर्य� के क्रमांक इस प्रकार से रह� गे:

The correction slips to be issued in future for this handbook will be numbered as follows:

केमटे क/एस/प्रोज/2014 – 15/एचबी – ई आई –वेस्टरे स/1.0 # XX �द .................

CAMTECH/S/PROJ/2014-15/HB-EI – WESTRACE/1.0 # XX date .......

जहां ) सम्बं�धत सध
ु ार पच� क� क्रम संख्या है ”XX“01 से शरू
ु होकर(

Where “XX” is the serial number of the concerned correction slip (starting from 01 onwards).

सुधार पच�याँ जार� क� गयीं


ु ार पच� क� जार� करने संशो�धत पष्ृ ठ क्रमांक �टप्प�णयाँ Remarks

क्रम संख्या क� तार�ख एवं मद संख्या

Sr. No. of Date of Page no. and Item No.

Correction issue modified


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यह स्पष्ट �कया जाता है �क इस हस्तपिु स्तका म� द� गयी जानकार� �सग्नल इंजी�नय�रंग मैन्यअ
ु ल,
रे लवे बोडर् प्रकाशन� तथा आर डी एस ओ प्रकाशन� के �कसी भी वतर्मान आलेख� को �वस्था�पत नह�ं
करतीं है I यह दस्तावेज वैधा�नक नह�ं है वरन इसम� �दए गए �नद� श केवल मागर् दशर्न हे तु ह� I य�द
�कसी �बन्द ु पर �वरोधाभास दृष्ट�गोचर होता है , तब �सग्नल इंजी�नय�रंग मैन्यअ
ु ल, रे लवे बोडर् प्रकाशन�,
आर डी एस ओ मागर्दशर्न अथवा जोनल रे लवे के �नद� श� का पालन कर� I

It is clarified that the information given in this handbook does not supersede any existing
provisions laid down in the Signal Engineering Manual, Railway Board and RDSO publications.
This document is not statuary and instructions given are for the purpose of guidance only. If at
any point contradiction is observed, then SEM, Railway Board/RDSO guidelines may be referred
or prevalent Zonal Railways instructions may be followed.
हमारा उद्देश्य
अनरु �ण प्रौद्यो�गक� और कायर्प्रणाल� का उन्नयन करना तथा उत्पादकता और रे लवे क� प�रसम्पित्त
एवं जनशिक्त के �नष्पादन म� सध
ु ार करना िजससे अंत�वर्षय� म� �वश्वसनीयता, उपयो�गता और द�ता
प्राप्त क� जा सके |
To upgrade Maintenance Technologies and Methodologies and achieve improvement in
Productivity and Performance of all Railway assets and manpower which inter-alia would cover
Reliability, Availability and Utilisation.

य�द आप इस सन्दभर् म� कोई �वचार और सझ

ु ाव दे ना चाहते ह� तो कृपया हम� इस पते पर �लख� :
संपकर् सत्र
ू : �नदे शक (संकेत एवं दरू संचार)
पत्राचार का पता : भारतीय रे ल उच्च अनरु �ण प्रौद्यो�गक� क�द्र,
महाराजपरु , ग्वा�लयर (म. प्र.) �पन कोड 474020
टे ल�फोन : 0751-2470185
फैक्स : 0751-2470841
ई-मेल :

If you have any suggestion & any specific comments, please write to us:
Contact person : Director (Signal & Telecommunication)
Postal Address : Centre for Advanced Maintenance Technology, Maharajpur,
Gwalior (M.P.) Pin Code – 474 020
Phone : 0751 - 2470185
Fax : 0751 – 2470841
Email :

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Chapter I
इलेक्ट्रॉ�नक इन्टरलॉ�कंग प्रणाल� का प�रचय
An Introduction to

1.1 इलेक्ट्रॉ�नक इन्टरलॉ�कंग प्रणाल� Electronic Interlocking System

Electronic Interlocking (EI) system is a microprocessor based interlocking
equipment to read the yard and panel inputs; process them in a fail-safe manner as
per selection table and generate required output. This system is the alternative to
the conventional Relay Interlocking system (PI & RRI). On Indian Railways the
Electronic Interlocking system shall comply with the RDSO specification No.
RDSO/SPN/192/2005 (Draft).

1.2 परं परागत �रले इन्टरलॉ�कंग क� तल ु ना म� लाभ Advantages over conventional

relay interlocking
 No relays are required for interlocking function. Only interface relays are
 Space requirement is reduced substantially.
 Reduction in power consumption.
 Reduction in wiring, interconnections and no. of fuses
 More reliability and safety due to less relays and accessories.
 Suitable for AC electrified area.
 No air –conditioning is required.
 Self-diagnostic features. Any failure in the system is located and enunciated.
Faulty module can be immediately replaced by spare module hence the down time
of installation is reduced.
 Less prone to short cut method, total system goes to shut down if even if wrong
feed comes across.
 The conventional block and intermediate Block system circuit can be incorporated
in the EI system circuitry.
 Alteration due to yard remodelling does not require any wiring change, only data
of the CPU card is required to be changed. Hence, yard remodelling does not
require large scale alterations and can be carried out in negligible time i.e. less

1.3 ई आई प्रणाल� म� उपयोग क� जाने वाल� शब्दावल� Terms used in EI system

Central Processing Unit (Microprocessor or Microcontroller)

Random Access Memory (Used for vital data processing and event/error logs).

Electronic Interlocking Maintenance Instructions Series - II January 2015

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Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (Used for storing Executive and
Application software).

Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (Used for storing
Executive and Application software)

Integrated Circuit

Hardware redundancy
Availability of additional hardware identical to the normally working hardware
for taking over at the time of failure.

Software redundancy
Availability of additional software identical to the normally working software for
taking over at the time of failure.

Warm standby
In this arrangement only one system is in power on mode while the other is in
power off mode. There is no communication between the two systems. Once
powered on system is failed, the other system will be powered on after a time

Hot standby
In this system the Main and standby systems are powered on. Both the systems
take inputs, process it, communicate with each other and finally give one output.
If any one of the two systems shuts down, there is no interruption in the output.
The load is automatically taken over by the other equipment without any time

1.4 प्रणाल� का संयोजन System composition

The EI System mainly comprises of two sections:

Hardware and Software

1.4.1 Hardware
The basic hardware structure of EI consists of the following:

1. CPU Chassis:
 Read Relay interface Card.
 Processor Card
 Relay Output Card
2. Control Cum Indication Panel (Operator’s panel)
3. Panel Processor

Electronic Interlocking Maintenance Instructions Series - II January 2015

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4. Maintenance Terminal
5. Object Controller.

1 to 4 above constitutes Central Interlocking Unit (CIU). Relay interface Card

 This card acts as an input interface to the system from the input relays.
 The input to the system comes from various fields relays like track circuits,
point status relays, signal lamp proving relays, button inputs from the
operator’s panel and read back of output relays.
 Total no. of inputs depends on yard layout.
 The inputs to the RI Cards consist of:
• Field inputs – ECRs, TPRs, NWKR/RWKR etc.
• Panel inputs – GNs (Signal buttons), UNs (Route buttons) etc.
• Read-back inputs – HRs, DRs, WNR/WRR etc.
 All the inputs are terminated on tag blocks, which in turn are connected to
input cards.
 These cards read the conditions of inputs and pass the information to EI
 Provision has been kept for testing of malfunctioning of the system in reading
the status of the relays.
 Opto-couplers are provided to isolate field optically from the system in input
cards. Processor Card

 This card is also called as CPU card of the system.

 It is provided with microprocessor chip consisting of RAM, ROM, EPROM,

EEPROM memory ICs. EEPROMs or EPROMs are programmed with
software required for executing the system commands. There are two types of
• System EPROMs
• Yard data EPROMs

 Executive software is loaded in the system EPROMs. System EPROMs are

universal. Yard data EPROMs are loaded with Application software. These
are yard specific.

Electronic Interlocking Maintenance Instructions Series - II January 2015

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 The function of this card is to execute the commands given by the user
(Station Master/Panel Operator) on processing of relevant push buttons on the
operating panel.

 The Processor card senses the operation of the panel through input cards.

 It processes the input as per the program available in EPROMs and finally
gives output if the conditions are favourable.

 The output voltage generated by the CPU Card is connected to Relay Output
Cards. Relay Output Card

 RO card receives the output of CPU Card as input and gives output voltage
to pick up relevant output relays through a tag block.
 Before connecting output voltage to output relays safety checks are done
internally. Control Cum Indication Panel (Operator’s panel)
 CCIP is provided with push buttons/control switches for individual operation
of points, clearing of signals, releasing of crank handle interlocking/ground
lever frame/gate controls, cancellation of routes and other functions
including block signalling, auto signal, IB signal, adjacent yard layout, to
facilitate indication or operation cum indication as per requirement.
 A control terminal with VDU in lieu of or in addition to conventional CCIP
is provided as per requirement. It consists of:
• A latest PC, colour VDU monitor with minimum size of 17” (43 cm.) as
specified by purchaser.
• A Key board and Mouse
 Suitable interface to continuously display the current position/status of
various field equipment and track circuits.
 It is possible to display the complete yard layout including the section on the
monitor. It also has facility for displaying a portion of the yard or section in
an enlarged mode, if required.
 The control terminal works with 230 V +/-10%, 50 Hz AC power supply,
for which a UPS of adequate capacity is provided. .
 The system have suitable interface like RS 232 or any other approved type
to receive and process the information for displaying the status of field
equipment on the control terminal.

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T I Processor O
A N with U T
B T chips U
O C and RAM L
Inputs 50 Core Processor relays
cables cards HR,DR,WNR
• Field inputs – ECRs, TPRs, NWKRs, RWKRs etc. etc.
• Panel inputs – GN, UN, EWN etc.
• Read back inputs – HRs, DRs, WNRs, WPRs etc.
Fig. 1.1 : Interconnection diagram of Input, Output & CPU cards in EI System Panel processor

A microprocessor based electronic device used as interface between
control/indication panel and the EI system. This is also called as non-vital
processor or panel processor. Maintenance Terminal (Data logger Maintainer’s terminal)

Maintenance Terminal consists of a standard PC with printer. It performs the
following operations:
• Display of the current status of points, signals controls etc. of the yard.
• Storage of minimum one month data or 10,00,000 events.
• Display of recorded events and
• Data transfer to floppy, CD, flash memory or any other storage media.
• Transfer of recorded events to external data logger.
 Result of the failure of any card/module in the system is clearly indicated.
 Control operation of yard functions is not possible from the maintenance
 In case of any module /card becoming faulty, this fact is displayed on MT
with diagnostic facility to identify faulty module/card. Object Controller

 Object Controller is a processor based system having similar architecture as
of CIU. It works as a slave unit of Central Interlocking Unit (CIU) through
duplicated serial communication and placed within 15 Km. radius from
 The OC drives the field gears (Points, Signals & Relays) and take feedback
(Inputs) from various field gears. OC is normally placed in field locations.

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 The medium of communication between CIU and OC is OFC provided on a

ring basis. In case of communication failure between CIU and OC, all the
outputs are brought to safe state whenever two consecutive telegrams are not
received in stipulated time period.
 Occurrence of any error in any OC or hardware fault leading to unsafe
condition immediately withdraws all output commands and removes the
source supply to outputs.

1.4.2. Software
The software of the system has two layers:
• Executive Software or System Software
• Application Software Executive Software or System Software

The Executive Software is programmed in system EPROMs. This Software
defines what the system can do and how the various parts of the system operate
together. It includes all start up and operational safety tests (including checking
the Executive software itself) that are the parts of the processor for continual
assurance of safety operation. Executive software pertains to ‘Principles of




Relay Racks


Fig. 1.2 : Block diagram of EI System Application Software

The application software is programmed in Data EPROMs. It contains the logic
that defines how the inputs and outputs for a particular station are related. It
pertains to ‘Table of Control’ of yard. This shall be station specific.

The Executive Software and Application Software are programmed into Read
Only Memories (ROMs) by the manufacturer. Both the ROMs shall be separated
and isolated from each other. A comparative study is shown in the following

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Sr. Executive software Application software

1. Common to all EIs for the Yard specific. Different for different
same manufacturer. station.
2. Factory installed Can be installed at site by signal
3. Performs all operations. Performs operations as per table of control
of specific station.
4. It is not possible to modify Application engineers have the facility to
Executive Software. modify application software as and when

At the time of yard alteration work, Data EPROMs are to be replaced with new
Data EPROMs programmed with software pertaining to revised table of control as
per altered yard data. Compiler software is used for yard alteration.

1.5. कायर्प्रणाल� Working

 Input cards give information to the CPU card via system bus.

 When any request is given by the panel operator (e.g. Signal and Route
buttons pressed for taking OFF a signal) through operating panel, the
information (Panel inputs along with field inputs) is processed at the
Processor Card.

 The output of the Processor Card is taken on Relay Output/Relay Drive (RO)
Card only when the conditions are safe.

 The output of RO Card is connected to the terminals of another tag block.

 The output voltages from the other side of the tag block pick up the relevant
Output Relays.

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1.6. प्रणाल� क� संरचना System Architecture

One of the following architecture may be employed in the system:

1.6.1 Single hardware architecture with diverse software(s).

 In addition hot/warm standby processor(s)/ system may be provided with
facility of automatic changeover.

 In case of Warm standby the system starts functioning with a time delay of
approximately 120 secs. of failure of main system without affecting train
operation and safety.

 In case of hot standby system, train operation should not be affected. The
fault, which affected the main processor/system, should not affect the hot
standby processor/system.

1.6.2 Two out of two hardware architecture with identical hardware and identical
or diverse software.
 In addition, warm standby/hot standby processor(s) /system using 2 out of 2
hardware and software architecture may be provided with facility of automatic

1.6.3 Two out of three hardware architecture with identical hardware and
identical or diverse software.

1.7. �व�भन्न उपलब्ध �वन्यास क� ई आई प्रणा�लयाँ EI systems of different available


1.7.1 Single hardware with software redundancy

(i) Single processor without any standby

(ii) Single processor with standby (Two EIs connected in parallel)

1.7.2 Dual hardware with hardware redundancy – 2 out of 2 system.

(i) Dual hardware without standby

(ii) Dual hardware with warm standby
(iii) Dual hardware with hot standby
(iv) Dual hardware with object controllers

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1.7.3 Triple modular redundancy (TMR) – Hardware redundant – 2 out of 3


(i)TMR with relay interface

(ii) TMR with object controllers

1.8 अ. अ. मा. सं. द्वारा अनम

ु ो�दत फम� RDSO Approved Firms
At present the following firms are approved by RDSO for design, supply and
installation of Electronic Interlocking Systems on Indian Railways:

 M/s Ansaldo STS Transportation Systems Pvt. Ltd., 35 SLV Complex, AVS
Compound, 80 feet Road, 4th Block, Koramangala, Bangalore -560 034.
 M/s Siemens Rail Automation Pvt. Ltd. (SRAPL) Engineering, Semicon Park,
Plot No.31 (P1), Ground Floor, Tower - II, Electronic City Phase –II,
Electronic City, Bangalore – 560 100
 M/s GE Transportation Systems, AIFACS Building, 1, Rafi Marg, New Delhi –
110 001
 M/s Medha Servo Devices Pvt. Ltd., P-4/5, IDA Nacharam, Hyderabad -

1.9 अ�भप्राय Scope

This handbook covers WESTRACE VLM6 Electronic Interlocking system of M/s
Siemens Rail Automation to help the user in maintaining the system without
going into circuitry details.


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अध्याय II
Chapter II वेस्टरे स वी एल एम ् 6
इलेक्ट्रॉ�नक इन्टरलॉ�कंग प्रणाल�
2.1 प�रचय Introduction
The WESTRACE Vital Signalling System is a modular, safety critical, programmable
electronic signalling control system for Railway Signalling developed by M/s Invensys
Westinghouse, Australia. WESTRACE is an acronym for WEStinghouse Train Radio
Advanced Control Equipment. The approved manufacturer and supplier for WESTRACE
Electronic Interlocking System in Indian Railways is M/s Siemens Rail Automation Pvt.
Ltd. Bangalore.

2.2 प्रणाल� का �ववरण System description

In a WESTRACE Electronic Interlocking System, Signalling and remote control inputs
are processed in vital modules according to the application data to generate Signalling
outputs and remote control outputs. WESTRACE VLM6 is a single hardware with
diverse software system. The system operation is explained with the help of block
diagram. (Fig.2.1).
Vital Inputs Vital Outputs
(From field) Vital Logic Engine Signal Control
Track detection Point Control
Point Detection etc.


Signal lamp
proving etc.
Non-Vital Inputs Non-Vital Logic Outputs
(From local Panel) Engine Local panel
Push buttons, SM indications,
key etc. alarms etc.
All Outputs

Control Other
Centre Wide WESTRACEs
Control MovoilaW
Other (e.g. CIP,
RBC etc.)

Fig.2.1: Block diagram for WESTRACE system operation

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Applications requiring high system availability can use the hot standby configuration
(explained later) of the WESTRACE interlocking and optionally of WESTRACE object

WESTRACE is a modular vital interlocking system and the indoor installation consists of
modules, housings and racks. Various modules are installed in one or more WESTRACE
housings as per the following guidelines:
1.) There are four housings in a WESTRACE rack.
2.) Each housing has 16 slots.
3.) Numbering of slots is from Right to Left.
4.) Numbering of housings is from Top to Bottom.
5.) First slot in first housing should be blank. A Blanker card is provided for
6.) There will be Output Power Control (OPC) card in second slot, Vital Logic Module
(VLM) in third slot and Network Communication & Diagnostic Module (NCDM)
in fourth slot. VLM and OPC together form VLM6.
7.) Slot 5 to 15 in the first housing can be Vital Parallel Input Module (VPIM) or Vital
Relay Output Module (VROM).
8.) There will be no NCDM, VLM or OPC in second, third and fourth housings.
9.) Each housing has a slot reserved for PSU card.
10.) Normally one PSU card caters power supply requirements for two housings.
However for better system availability, one PSU card per housing is desirable.
11.) Backplane card VLE is available in every housing.
12.) VLE backplane inter-connector card inter-connects upper modules for each card
13.) Each housing is a 19 inch 6RU extended EURO card frame.

Fig. 2.2.: Sketch showing example of module position in WESTRACE system rack

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The system currently being used is WESTRACE VLM6 with Executive Software version
4.0 with checksum Low Byte 103 CE5B and High Byte 1027 CA5”.

Alphanumeric Fault
24 V

Module status LEDs

Fig.2.3: WESTRACE housing front view (Cover closed)

Fig.2.4: Front view of WESTRACE modules with cover open

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Fig.2.5: Rear view of WESTRACE modules

2.3 वेस्टरे स प्रणाल� के मॉड्यल

ू Modules of WESTRACE system
The WESTRACE system hardware comprises following functional modules:

2.3.1 Vital Logic Module (VLM)

All WESTRACE systems have a Vital Logic Module as its processing core.
Although VLM has different variants depending on the requirements of the interlocking
design, only VLM6 is one of the Vital Logic Module types which are being used in
Indian Railways. VLM6 forms part of WESTRACE Network Communications in
conjunction with NCDM module. It supports hot standby and vital communications over

A WESTRACE Hot standby system comprises a pair of fully duplicated installations in a

symmetrical arrangement such that one installation is in ‘on-line’ mode, whilst other is in
‘standby’ mode. Each installation has a VLM6 at the processing core. The VLM6
comprises two printed circuit boards:

• VLC6 (Vital Logic Card)

• OPC (Output Power Card)

A VLM6 occupies slots 2 & 3 in housing 1 of a WESTRACE installation. The OPC is in

slot 2 and the VLC6 is in slot 3.

Output Power Control Card OPC

Only one OPC is used for the entire system.
It produces 50V DC power supply to drive Output Power Control Relay (OPCR) to
enable vital outputs.
It also produces Vital Serial Enable Voltage (VSEV) 24V DC to enable vital serial

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VLM6 Vital Logic Card (VLC6)

The VLC6 is the systems central processing module. It controls communications between
the system modules and performs all Application Logic processing to determine the
current state of all vital and non-vital outputs.OPC and VLC are connected by a small
card UHVBC. Protection Filter Module is provided at the back side of OPC Housing for
surge protection.

Fig.2.6: Interconnection of OPC and VLC

2.3.2 Network Communication Diagnostic Module (NCDM)

The NCDM is used to interface to the VLM6, adjacent WESTRACE systems, remote
control centers (e.g. CTC), local control or indication PCs, MoviolaW diagnostic tool,
local PC running under diagnostic programs and execute non-vital logic. It is placed in 4th
slot in 1st housing. Only one NCDM is used in the system.
The NCDM comprises
i. The main circuit board (NCDC)
ii. The Network Communication Diagnostic Protection and Filter Module (NCD PFM)

NCDM ports
The following table shows the ports at the rear of NCD PFM (see Fig. 2.7 & 2.8)

Configuration Type Description

port Nos.
2 Serial 2 Diagnostic or Control system connection such as
(External) DB9 Data Logger
3 Serial 3 Diagnostic or Control system connection such as
(External)DB9 Panel Processor
8 IMB The Inter Module Bus (IMB) interface to the VLM–
(Internal) part of the WESTRACE backplane. Providing
general purpose parallel data communication
between the VLM and other WESTRACE modules.
9 INCL Inter NCDM Communication Link .A fibre optic
(External) connection used in a Hot Standby system to transfer
Tx & Rx Optical data between the main and standby NCDMs.

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Configuration Type Description

port Nos.
Cable connectors
A VLM6 Dedicated interface to the VLM6
B Network/Ethernet Diagnostic, Control system or vital communications
RJ45 e.g. VDU or MoviolaW

Fig.2.7: Ports at the rear of NCD PFM –Style 1 (New)

Installation Network port (RJ45)

status (B24 from
Optical cable
Serial Power Rx

Serial Port 2
Serial Port 3

Fig.2.8: Ports at the rear of NCD PFM – Style 2 (old)

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On Indian Railways following type of connections are normally provided to NCDM

• Panel Processor is connected through serial port DB9 to drive CCIP
• External Data Logger is connected through serial port DB9.
• VDU is connected through Ethernet port
• MoviolaW is connected through Ethernet/Network port (RJ45).

Production Port
The Production port is on the front of the module. (see Fig.2.9). This port is used for
downloading the Non-Vital Configuration from the GCSS and uploading the Non-Vital
Configuration and Vital PROM Data to the ICS*. ( *Installation Check System)

Card Card

Production Port

Fig.2.9: Production port at the front of NCDM

Note: Only VLM & NCDM contain data. Vital PROM Data downloaded to EEPROMs
on VLM. Non- vital configuration is downloaded to NCDM.

2.3.3 Vital Parallel Input Module (VPIM)

The Vital Parallel Input Module (VPIM) is used to accept signalling inputs into the
WESTRACE system.
The module vitally detects the presence of externally supplied 50 V DC switched by
signalling relays or other signalling equipment at each input.
Each module has 12 inputs.
Protection Filter Module (PFM) is provided at the back side of housing for surge

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2.3.4 Vital Relay Output Module (VROM)

The Vital Relay Output Module (VROM) is used to directly drive 50 V DC signalling
relay and similar loads.
Each VROM has 8 individual outputs that provide voltage to the relays.
Protection Filter Module (PFM) is provided at the back side of housing for surge

2.3.5 Power Supply Unit (PSU) module

The PSU module converts the external nominal 24 V DC Power Supply to the internal
voltages namely +5V DC, +12V DC, -12V DC and +12V Power required by the
modules, and generates the system reset signal required by the other modules.
The PSU will normally be fed from a 24 V battery to ensure the system is not held up
during any power fluctuations. 24 V supply may also be taken from IPS or using DC-DC
Converter 110V/24V modules in N+1 configuration. One Power Supply Module can
power one or more housings. Only one PSU can be installed per system housing;
however additional PSUs may (optionally) be installed in other housings in multiple
housing installations. The PSU contains five red LEDs, which indicate the presence of
the input and output voltages. All LEDs should be illuminated when power is applied to
the system. Protection Filter Module (PFM) is provided at the back side of housing for
surge protection.




Fig.2.10: Power indicator LEDs - PSU

2.3.6 Blanker Card (BLANKER)

The blanker card is a small PCB and attached to a connector that provides continuity for
the backplane signals. It must be fitted in all unused module slots in the system

2.3.7 Protection and Filter Modules (PFM)

These modules are required to protect Input and Output Modules and the Power Supply
Unit from the effects of excessive external electrical disturbances generated by traction
supplies, radios, relays, neon lamps etc.

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2.3.8 Output Power Control Relay (OPCR)

Every WESTRACE system that uses parallel output (VROM) has a vital Output Power
Control Relay (and optional repeat relays i.e. OPCPRs) which provide power to the
outputs when the system is proved healthy. Power supply to vital output cards is extended
through OPCR (vital relay QN1, 50V DC) front contacts. On detecting failure, the system
cuts power supply to OPCR and safety is ensured.
The relay used for the OPCR must be a vital signalling relay to BRB Spec 930 (e.g.
Invensys Rail Style QN1). The minimum coil resistance of the OPCR must be 833 Ohms.
The output to the OPCR is derived from the VLM and the voltage is 50V. OPCR with
fastest release time and highest possible percentage release is desired to minimize the
overall shutdown time. To ensure correct and reliable operation of OPCR exercising, the
OPCR together with any repeater OPCR relays must be (i) fully released in less than 140
milliseconds and (ii) fully picked up in not more than 440 milliseconds.

A typical power supply arrangement for a two housing WESTRACE with hot standby is
given in following block diagram:


55 Nos



55 Nos

Housing Online Standby

1 System A1 System B1
2 System A2 System B2

Fig.2.11: Power supply arrangement for a two housing WESTRACE with hot standby

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2.4 वी डी यू तथा सी सी आई पी VDU and CCIP

Every WESTRACE can be connected to operator PC/VDU for operation of signaling
gears. Number of VDUs can be one or more depending upon the size of the yard layout.
In addition to VDU a hard wired Control cum Indication Panel (CCIP) can also be
provided. Any one of the VDU and CCIP can be operated at a time. Control has to be
transferred from VDU to CCIP and vice-versa for operating either CCIP or VDU. VDU
or Operator PC can communicate directly with WESTRACE but for communication
between CCIP and WESTRACE an interface called Panel Processor is required.

2.5 पैनल प्रोसेसर Panel Processor

S2 WESTRONICS Panel Processor is the interface between hard wired Control cum
Indication Panel (CCIP) and the WESTRACE. It consists of following modules:

Fig.2.12: Front view of S2 WESTRONICS Panel Processor

2.5.1 Scanner A and Scanner B

Two scanners named Scanner A and Scanner B are fitted in the first housing which has a
motherboard MBD45.
Scanner A is online while Scanner B is standby. Normally two Watchdog LEDs (Red)
and one Online LED (Green) are flashing on Scanner A front plate indicating online
status. Similarly the two watchdog LEDs (Red) are also flashing but online LED (Green)
is blank on Scanner B indicating standby.
There is an alphanumeric indicator on the front plate which gives transmitter receiver
condition and Telemetry indications which are normally flashing on both scanners

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indicting that the bits are being transmitted and received between WETRACE and S2 and
the system is healthy.
One production port labeled as DIAG PORT is also provided only for testers and not for
site use

Fig.2.13: Front view Scanner Card

2.5.2 DIP Card

DIP stands for Digital Input Card. Each DIP card caters for 32 inputs and numbers of
cards are provided depending upon the requirement. A DIP Card takes input from panel
and connects to the scanner which in turn sends it to WESTRACE. Thus the output bit of
any button pressed on the operating panel will go through DIP Card.
Two indicators ACK A and ACK B are provided on the front plate. Flashing Red shows
healthy communication with the scanner.
32 LEDs (Red) are provided on the DIP card in which each LED when lit indicates
receiving bit from the panel.

2.5.3 DOP Card

DOP stands for Digital Output Card. Each DOP card caters for 32 outputs and numbers
of cards are provided depending upon the requirement. Indication received from
WESTRACE in the scanner is given to DOP card which in turn delivers the 24 V DC
output to the LEDs in the panel.
ACK A and ACK B LED indications flashing indicate healthy communication with the
32 LEDs (Red) are also provided in which each LED when lit indicates received bits

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Fig.2.14: Front view of DIP or DOP Card

2.5.4 Power Supply Unit

There are two Power Supply Unit (PSU) Cards provided in slot 1 of first housing and
both are connected in parallel. Each PSU Card consists of an ON/OFF switch. Input
voltage to the PSU i.e. 24 VDC is shown by LED Steady Green. It gives 12 V DC also
shown by Green LED on the front plate for working of various cards – scanners, DIP and
DOP cards

Fig.2.15: Front view Power Supply Unit

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2.6 हॉट स्ट�डबाई Hot Standby

WESTRACE systems may be standalone or hot standby. WESTRACE Hot Standby
system comprises a pair of fully duplicated installations in a symmetrical arrangement,
such that one installation is ‘on-line’ mode, whilst the other is in ‘standby; mode. Hot
standby allows for automatic, nearly uninterrupted, changeover to the standby system
under manual command or triggered by online system failure. Supply to each system is
given through the front contact of corresponding OPCR. Fig.2.16 shows a typical system
operation of WESTRACE consisting of two Systems A1 and A2 as online and Systems
B1 and B2 as standby respectively.



Housing Online Standby

1 System A1 System B1
2 System A2 System B2

Fig.2.16: Block diagram of Two Housing WESTRACE with Hot Standby

WESTRACE Hot standby system uses following links:

IHCL –Inter HVLM Communication Link

A fibre-optic connection used to transfer data between the main and standby VLMs.

INCL – Inter NCDM Communications Link

A fibre-optic connection used to transfer data between the main and standby NCDMs.

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Fig.2.17: IHCL and INCL optical connections at the rear of NCD PFM

2.7 प्रणाल� को प्रारं भ करना तथा बंद करना System Powering Up and Down

B24 supply
A Housing may be powered down by the removal of the pivoted B24 fuse or negative
terminal link provided at the bottom of housing rack.
For a multi-housing WESTRACE installation with separate fuse for each Housing, follow
these steps:

Powering Down
Switch the top housing OFF first as the processor (VLM) is available in the first housing
The other housings can be switched off in any order.
Wait at least 40 seconds before powering up.

B24V DC Fuses

B50V DC Fuses

Fig 2.18: B24 Fuse of first Housing being removed

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Powering Up
Switch the top housing ON last i.e. connect the housing 1 fuse last.
The other housings can be switched on in any order.
After connecting all the fuses wait for the WESTRACE to reboot.
Fault codes and version numbers are displayed on NCDM card.
Watchdog LEDs (Green) will start flashing on VPIM and VROM.

Now the WESTRACE is ready for functioning

 Caution
Incorrectly powering up or down may cause the display of system fault codes or prevent
system restart.

2.8 अनरु �ण Maintenance

Following are the general guidelines which should be followed for maintenance of the
WESTRACE system:

2.8.1 Connections & cable

Regularly carry out normal continuity checks on the cables and connections.
Do not perform these tests while the cables are connected to electronic equipment.

2.8.2 Exercising OPCR

Manually exercise (i.e. de-energise and re-energise) the OPCR where this is not
performed automatically as part of the application logic.

At the specified intervals:

• Obtain the permission from Station Master/Panel Operator.
• Remove power to housing1.
• Verify that OPCR and all aspects de-energise.
• Restore power to housing1 after 40 seconds.
• Verify correct operation.
• Return control to the Station Master/Panel Operator

Note: Exercising OPCR, presently achieved in application logic

2.8.3 Replacing Lithium Battery

WESTRACE Network Communications Module (NCDM) has Lithium batteries
installed. Replace Lithium batteries of WESTRACE NCDM module every 5 years.

2.8.4 Measurement of voltages

Measurement of voltages at following busbars of WESTRACE is to be done:

24 V DC Busbar Specified range 22 V to 25.8 V

50 V DC Busbar Specified range 48 V to 52 V

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Fig 2.19: Measurement of voltage at 24 DC Busbar

Measuring of voltage at PSU PFM (Input voltage from DC-DC Converter) is done at
terminal nos. 1 (+) & 4 (-).

Measuring of voltage at OPC PFM (Input voltage from DC-DC Converter) is done at
terminal nos. 1 (+) & 2 (-).

2.8.5 Checking of fuses

Check all the fuses according to the schedule.
Any fuse is showing Red indication means the fuse is blown and has to be replaced.
After replacing the fuse it is to be ensured that it is refitted properly without any loose

2.8.6 Standard format for WESTRACE Maintenance Schedule

Weekly Maintenance

Measuring voltages schedule [Performed by Signal Maintainer]

Nominal Voltage Range 24 V DC
Nominal Voltage Range 50 V DC

Sr. Date 24 V DC WESTRACE 50 V DC OPCR, VROM Remarks Signature

No. Supply & VPIM Supply
PFM Busbar

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Fuses checking schedule [Performed by Signal Maintainer]

Sr. Date Fuse checking Remarks Signature

No. PSU PSU VROM/ Panel Supply Network
I II VPIM Fuses/Scanner switch/
Fuse Fuse Fuses Card Fuses Modem



S2 Rack



Monthly Maintenance

Earth Resistance Measurement [Performed by Signal Engineer]

Earth Resistance value should be less than 1 Ohm

Sr. Date Earth Resistance Value Remarks

No. Pit Pit Pit Pit Pit Pit Pit Pit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Database Backup schedule [Performed by Signal Engineer]

MoviolaW Database Backup should be taken every 45 days only

(All data to be saved in a separate folder called Backup folder)

Sr. Backup Date MoviolaW Storage in Remarks Signature

No. Database PC drive

EI System Failure Register [Performed by Signal Engineer]

Sr. Failure Interlocking Details Equipment Corrective action

No. in Downtime of the or Description Date Time By
System failure Component

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Hot Standby – System Changeover Schedule

[Performed by Signal Engineer – once in a month]

Sr. Date & Hot standby system Remarks Signature

No. Time changeover
Primary to Secondary to
Secondary Primary

Clear the signal after setting a route.

Observe indications on panel.
Suppose WESTRACE A is Online system and WESTRACE B is standby.
Switch off WESTRACE A by removing fuse.
System should immediately changeover to WESTRACE B.
Green Watchdog LEDs on VLM and NCDM cards of standby System B should start
flashing showing System B functioning properly.
The changeover should not disturb the signal and route on the panel.

2.9 खराबी क� िस्थ�तयां एवं त्र�ु टयाँ Fault conditions and errors
WESTRACE generates and logs a fault for every test and check that fails.
Faults within WESTRACE system generate fault codes. Most fault error codes are
displayed on the Diagnostic LEDs or alphanumeric display on the modules, but only one
fault can be displayed by each module
To read all the logged faults, help of MoviolaW Diagnostic Tool has to be taken.
Fault codes and their applicable meaning for individual WESTRACE modules can be
referred from Annexure I to IV of this handbook or Appendix A of WESTRACE First
Line Maintenance (FLM) manual. Usually the faulty module displays its error code
before the rest of the module display their codes. The timing is very quick and may be
difficult to observe in a large WESTRACE system.

2.9.1 Reading Fault Codes

A fault code indicated by the fault Diagnostic LEDs or alphanumeric display on the front
of a module is applicable to that particular module.
The alphanumeric display shows the error code whereas the pattern of lit Fault
Diagnostic LEDs has to be interpreted to determine the error code. All Fault Diagnostic
LEDs are read in the same manner.
All the modules have one Green Watchdog LED which flashes once per cycle in normal
condition. VLM6 card have additional yellow flashing LED.
Each module has two groups of four Red LEDs to indicate a fault code comprising two
bytes (binary digits – a combination of 0s & 1s). The upper byte is the first (left)
character of a Hexadecimal fault code and the lower byte is the second character. An
LED represents 1 when illuminated and 0 when not illuminated.

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Fig. 2.20 : Fault Diagnostic LEDs in a module

The example in Fig. 2.21 below is displaying 1111 1000 (reading bottom to top) which
represents F8H (where H means hexadecimal) meaning Time Stamp Error and action to
be taken is Replace VLM6.

Fig.2.21: Method of reading Fault code through Fault Diagnostic LEDs

Fig. 2.22 shows the patterns of a group of four vertical LEDs. Each pattern represents a
particular character and these are shown below the pattern.

Fig. 2.22: Reading Fault diagnostic LEDs

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Use the information in fig.2.22 or Table A to read the fault code displayed by Fault
Diagnostic LEDs on the front of a module. Remember, the lower four LEDs represent the
first (left) character and the upper four the second character in the Hexadecimal error
Fault codes and their applicable meaning for individual modules can be referred from
fault code list from respective section of FLM or from respective Annexure pf this

Table A: LED indications patterns and their Hex codes

Legend ○ – OFF, ● - ON

LED indication Binary Hexadecimal

digits character
○ ○ ○ ○ 0000 0
○ ○ ○ ● 0001 1
○ ○ ● ○ 0010 2
○ ○ ● ● 0011 3
○ ● ○ ○ 0100 4
○ ● ○ ● 0101 5
○ ● ● ○ 0110 6
○ ● ● ● 0111 7
● ○ ○ ○ 1000 8
● ○ ○ ● 1001 9
● ○ ● ○ 1010 A
● ○ ● ● 1011 B
● ● ○ ○ 1 100 C
● ● ○ ● 1101 D
● ● ● ○ 1110 E
● ● ● ● 1111 F

Record fault codes on WESTRACE fault equipment return form

2.10 मॉड्यल
ू के स्टाटर् अप तथा ऑपरे शन्स के संकेत Start Up and Operations indications
of modules
2.10.1 VLM6 Vital Logic Card (VLC6) Indications
Start Up Indications
Diagnostic LEDs first display the module type code, and then firmware version code.
Firmware version is displayed for approximately 8 seconds, after which all diagnostic
LEDs extinguish.

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Operation Indications
A single green Watchdog LED and a single yellow Watchdog LED are provided to
indicate the module is operating correctly and to indicate the mode of operation:

• In On-line mode, the VLC6 flashes the green LED once per cycle, and the yellow
LED to indicate IMB communications.
• In Standby mode, the VLC6 flashes the yellow LED once per cycle.

2.10.2 Vital Relay Output Module (VROM) Indications

Start Up Indications
Diagnostics LEDs display the module type code, shortly followed by a firmware version
code (reflecting the firmware version installed in the module). The firmware version is
displayed for approximately 8 seconds, after which all diagnostic LEDs will extinguish.

Operation Indications
The module will commence flashing the green watchdog LED to indicate the module is
operational and working correctly.

2.10.3 Vital Parallel Input Module (VPIM) Indications

Start Up Indications
Diagnostics LEDs display the module type code, shortly followed by a firmware version
code (reflecting the firmware version installed in the module). The firmware version is
displayed for approximately 8 seconds, after which all diagnostic LEDs will extinguish.

Operation Indications
The module will commence flashing the green watchdog LED to indicate the module is
operational and working correctly.

2.10.4 VLM6, VPIM and VROM Fault Codes

The VLM6, VPIM and VROM fault codes are given in FLM. Some fault codes have
different meanings during power-on initialization and these have been explicitly declared.

2.10.5 NCDM LED Indications

The NCDM comprises LEDs and a four digit alphanumeric display which can help in the
diagnostics in the event of fault.


The NCDC has two front panel LEDs
Internal Fault LED (Red) – Illuminated whenever there is a non-fatal internal NCDM
Watchdog LED
Flashes Green at regular interval if all is well with the NCDM.
Flashes Orange when the NCDM is in the Standby Installation of a Hot Standby System.
Flashes Red when the NCDM is in Maintenance mode.

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Fig.2.23: Alphanumeric display and Watchdog LED on front panel of NCDC


The NCD PFM has 7 LEDs namely:

• Serial LED (D6 & D7) – for each of the 2 serial ports. Flashing Red when data is
transmitted and flashing Green when data is received.

• Network LED (D5) – for the network port. Flashing Red when data is transmitted
and flashing Green when data is received.

• Power Indicator LED (D10 & D11) – Steady Green for each of the serial ports.
Indicates the +24 V power supply is present.

• Power Indicator LED (D9) – Steady Green indicates the +5 V power supply is

• Installation status LED (D8) – Steady Green indicates the NCDM is in the online

(iii) Alphanumeric display

The alphanumeric display can only show one fault at any time.
All faults are logged by NCDM which can be examined using external diagnostic

(a) Shutdown Mode

The alphanumeric display will show the applicable fault code if the NCDM shuts down
because of the internal fault. (See Annexure II NCDM fault codes- fatal). Watchdog
LED not flashing.

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Fig.2.24: NCD PFM LEDs

(b) Normal Mode

Within first 12 seconds of operation the alphanumeric display will show start-up
information and then it will be blank unless a fault is detected.
Watchdog LED flashes – GREEN for stand-alone or on-line operation; ORANGE for
standby operation.
During operation, a non-fatal fault may occur which will cause the NCDM to display
a fault code but continue to operate. When there are multiple faults present
simultaneously, the NCDM will display code for the first of the following that

“TIME” if the NCDM real time clock has not been set.
A non-fatal NCDM fault code (see table)
“FLT” when more than one non-fatal fault code has occurred.
“DIAG” when one or more WESTRACE system faults have not been uploaded by the
external diagnostic equipment.
“BAT” if the NCDM battery voltage is low.

(c) Maintenance Mode

The alphanumeric display will show “MNT” when ready to download a new non-vital
configuration. Watchdog LED flashes RED.

Thus the correctly operating NCDM will show the following:

• Internal fault LEDs – OFF

• Alphanumeric display – Blank
• NCDC LEDs – As per details given in clause
• NCD PFM LEDs - As per details given in clause

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(d) Production Mode

In Production mode the watchdog LED is OFF and display shows ‘Prd’.

(iv) NCDM Faults

In the event of an internal NCDM fault, the NCDM will either:

Display a code on the alphanumeric display, log fault and continue operating. This action
is taken for “non-fatal” faults (such as comms port failure, low battery or date/time not
set), which do not compromise safe operation of the NCDM.
Shutdown the NCDM and display a code on the alphanumeric display. This action is
taken for a “fatal” fault (such as software or hardware malfunctioning). A fault will be
logged when the system is restarted.

When an internal fault is the cause of an NCDM shutdown:

(a) the NCDM will lose communications with the VLM.
(b) The VLM will display a fault code (typically 34th) but will keep running

To clear the fault code, restart the WESTRACE system.

At this point all NCDM ports are disabled and will stay that way until WESTRACE is

(a) NCDM Fault codes

The alphanumeric display comprises four digits D1,D2, D3 & D4 reading from top to
bottom (see fig. )

D1 The digit D1 identifies the port, the other three digits (D2-D4) display
D2 • The fault code
D3 • Module address or
D4 • Network session number

(b) Port faults

Digit D1 identifies the faulty port.
Digits D2 and D3 are set to zero and
digit D4 is the fault code.

p Port no. (2-B hex)

f Fault code (0,1 hex)

The port numbers used are

2 = Serial port 2
3 = Serial port3 8 = IMB port Fig.2.25: Cable connections at the rear of NCDPFM

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9 = INCL port
A = VLM6 port
B = Network port
e.g. A001 indicates a fault code 1 on port A (the VLM6 port)

Whenever a port fault is identified, NCDM PFM has to be replaced.

On replacement of PFM the fault still persists then it may be a communications failure.
Check that the pins and the ports are properly connected with the connectors and cables.
There should be no loose connection. If still communication fault exists then replace the
communication cable.
If after replacing the cable fault still persists then it may be problem with the software. In
that case help of designer has to be taken..

(c) Module or session faults

Digit D1 identifies the port to which the module network session is connected. Digits D2
and D3 identify the module address or session number, and digit D4 is the fault code.

p Port number (2 – B hex.)

} Module address or session number (00 – FF hex.)*
f Fault code (8, 9 hex.)

*Modules or session faults are in the range:

00 – 7F are reported by the NCDM in an online WESTRACE
80 – FF are reported by the NCDM in a standby WESTRACE

e.g. a fault code of 32A9 on an NCDM indicates a fault code 9 on the module with
address 2A (Serial port 3).

(d) Internal Faults

Digit D1 is blank and digits D2 to D4 display the fault code (000 – FFF)

0 The first action should be to restart WESTARCE. Next, find the displayed fault
f code in the table of fault codes and take the recommended action

2.11 स्टाटर् अप के समय खरा�बयां Faults during Start-Up

There are faults that may prevent completion of the start-up sequence described in para.
Some of the common faults of this type are given in the following paragraphs:

(i) No LEDs are illuminated

(a) Verify that B24 power is available at the external PSU PFM connector.
(b) Replace the PSU if 24 V power is available.

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(ii) 24 V Power is present but power rail LEDs are not illuminated
(a) Remove all modules from the system housing and determine whether the fault lies on
PSU, or a system module.
(b) Replace the offending module.

(iii) All modules display all LEDs

All the modules are displaying the fault code FFH:
(a) Ensure the PSU is fitted correctly.
(b) Replace the PSU if the fault persists.

(iv) Module Faults

One module fails to flash its watchdog as other modules start up, and subsequently an
error code is displayed by the Fault Diagnostic LEDs.
(a) Switch system power off (B24) and wait 40 seconds before re-applying the power.
(b) Replace the offending module with a known working spare and repeat step (a).

Usually, the module that first displays an error code is the faulty one.
For fault localization and rectification of particular modules, WESTRACE First-line
Maintenance Manual may be referred.

2.12 सामान्य कायर् के समय खरा�बयां Faults during normal working

Faults may arise during normal working of a system. They may be minor system faults,
or faults leading to system negation.
Determine the status of suspected faults or other conditions by interrogating the
diagnostic module. For doing this, MoviolaW Diagnostic tool has to be used. (Refer
sections 2.15 for details).
Clear the fault log after fixing a fault.
Some of the faults during normal working are given below:

Module shuts down

One module shuts down (fails to flash its watchdog) and displays an error code on the
Fault Diagnostic LEDs. Other modules also stop functioning and display an error code.
OPCR is de-energized.
Follow the procedure described in section 2.13

OPCR de-energises and no error codes are displayed on modules

Power down and replace the VLC and OPC cards (one at a time). Restart and check
A re-occurrence of the fault is likely to be a backplane problem and replacement may be

2.13 खराब मॉड्यल ू को बदलना Replacement of faulty modules

Identify the faulty module by seeing the fault codes.
Decode the fault code by checking from FLM.
If the action to be taken is given as ‘Replace the module’, then only the module should be
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2.13.1 Replacement of VPIM or VROM

Replacement of a faulty VPIM or VROM should be done only by switching off the
power to the WESTRACE.
Switching off can be done by removing fuse provided at the bottom.
Once the power is switched off, the module can be taken out with the help of an
extraction tool supplied with the WESTRACE.
First engage the extraction tool at the bottom of module as shown in Fig.2.27 (i) & (ii).
Push the tool downwards and the module will come out.
For inserting the new module, the module is to be simply inserted and pressed.
Switch on the power after a minimum period of 40 sec. after power off.

2.13.2 Replacement of VLM

Switch off the power as above
VLM and NCD cards are connected by a centre pin.
Hence whenever VLM or NCD cards or both are to be changed, the two cards will have
to be pulled together.
These are then physically separated and the cards with new combination are joined by
centre pin and are re-inserted together.

NCD Card

VLM Card
Fig.2.26: NCD and VLM Cards come out together

If the VLM card (i.e. VLC) is faulty, then only card is to be replaced and not the
EEPROMs, as there is no fault in the logic. The existing EEPROMs are to be fixed on
new card and then new card is inserted.

8 pins on the DIP switch (version switch) are to be set in the new VLM card matching
position (On/Off pattern) that on the old card.

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In case VLM card is not replaced and only EEPROMs are to be replaced then there is no
need to change the card. The procedure is as follows:
• Pull out VLM and NCD cards together.
• Physically separate the VLM and NCD cards.
• Remove the EEPROMs from VLM card.
• Fix the newly supplied EEPROMs supplied from design office on VLM card.
• Join the VLM and NCD cards together.
• Re-insert the cards.

2.13.4 Replacement of NCD card

Switch off the power.
Pull out old NCD card along with VLM card.
Separate the VLM and NCD cards.
Join the new NCD card to VLM card, and re-insert the module.
New NCD card does not contain logic. Non-vital logic has to be loaded using computer
and ICS software.

Observe the anti-static precautions while replacing as given in FLM

Fig.2.27: (i)
module ejection

Pin of Extraction
tool engages hole
on card

Heel of
Extraction tool
bears on frame

(ii) Removing a Card from WESTRACE housing

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2.14 मरम्मत हे तु मॉड्यल

ू को वापस करना Returning a module for repairs
Before returning a faulty module to the firm for repair or replacement, a ‘Faulty
equipment return form’ is to be filled (see Fig.2.33 on page38) Whatever fault codes the
module was showing should be indicated on the form by shading the circles
corresponding to the LED indications (for VPIM, VROM or VLM and alphanumeric
codes for NCDM). This will help testing personnel to track the fault in minimum time
and repair the module.

2.15 मोवीआलॉ ं MoviolaW

MoviolaW works as the maintenance terminal and data logger for the WESTRACE. It
helps in easy identification of faults and diagnosis of any failure in WETRACE. It also
helps in monitoring the interlocking. The purpose of MoviolaW is to:

• Monitor WESTRACE events and other railway signal logic in near real time;
• Collect the data from WESTRACE and then play it back at the user's

MoviolaW collects and displays events it receives from the diagnostic module(s) in a
WESTRACE system. An event is generated every time something changes state in the
monitored system. MoviolaW adds events to an event log in the order they are received

2.15.1 Faults and Failures

Failures are problems with equipment external to WESTRACE and will only be indicated
if allowed by the local application configuration.
MoviolaW detects failures by associating them with defined combinations of its inputs;
Conversely, MoviolaW cannot detect failures that are not defined, therefore some failures
may not be observed;
Other mnemonics may provide limited information on failures.
Faults-are problems with the WESTRACE equipment that have been logged by the
diagnostic module.
Use the Faults or Failures windows to identify equipment problems;
Remember that each WESTRACE module will produce a fault code when the system
shuts down. You must analyse the logged data to find the faulty module that triggered the
shut-down. Use the Replay mode to replay events leading up to shut down time.

2.15.2 Track Diagram

The track diagram is a graphical representation of the section of railway (yard layout)
connected to the WESTRACE system. Physical features such as track, points and signals
are represented by graphical elements and the diagram in its entirety provides a
convenient overview of the railway.
The diagram is often useful for picking when there has been an operational problem.

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2.15.3 User Logon

User has to log on to the MoviolaW PC by selecting user name from user name dialog
box and typing password. Users can be added, removed or modified by Supervisor or
Administrator users.

2.15.4 Status Bar

Status of MoviolaW is indicated by status bar at the bottom of the screen. Status bar can
show any of the four colours – Green, Red, Yellow or Blue. The meaning of colour is as

GREEN – WESTRACE A (Online system) and WESTRACE B (standby system) are

connected and the entire WESTRACE system is being monitored. (W_A, W_B and
storing module are shown at the bottom of window. The information obtained from
WESTRACE is stored in Storing module).

RED – MoviolaW is not being able to connect with the WESTRACE system and log any
events in the system. User is unable to monitor any of the interlocking events.

YELLOW – One of the systems (A or B) is not connected but it is able to get information
or log events.

BLUE – WESTRACE system when in hot standby is changing over from the online
system to the standby system.

Fig.: Track diagram on a MoviolaW PC

MoviolaW has a number of features which help in diagnosis of the faults. These are
called as ‘Child Windows’. A few of them are as given below:

Events Window
This window displays the 100(can be altered) most recent changes of state of the
interlocking's mnemonics (variables), in historical order. It can operate in either
'Indications' or 'Replay' mode.
The state of a mnemonic is represented thus:
0 represents de-energised
1 represents energised.
Use the window to:
Monitor change of state of inputs, outputs and internal states as they occur (indicator
Step through cycle by cycle to observe what has happened (replay mode);
Isolate variables with a changed state by eliminating all that remain steady.
Status Bar
Fig.2.28: Track diagram showing toolbar buttons and child windows

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2.15.5 Child windows

MoviolaW track diagram contain child windows that display specific sets of data. Child
windows can be accessed through tool bar buttons at the top of track diagram. Following
are the details of some child windows:

(a) Changes window– Change of status window.

Click on Changes tab at the top of the screen. It will display recent change of states in
variables in WESTRACE interlocking.

Date Time Variable Value

10/05/2012 11:22:03:4 N1- 21NWKE_FL 0

Indicates that N1- 21NWKE_FL has changed its previous value 1 to current value 0 on
date and time shown.

(b) Variables window

This window displays all of the Interlocking's mnemonics (variables) in alphanumeric
order together with the variable's current state. It can operate in either 'Indications' or
'Replay' mode.
The state of a mnemonic is represented thus:
0 represents de-energised
1 represents energised.
Use the window to:
Check the current state of any variable;
Determine if there is a short cut to finding the causeofa problem.

It shows only two columns. It gives the current state of all the mnemonics available in
WESTRACE with its current value e.g.

Variable Value

N1-C1ALSR -1

(c) Faults window

It gives list of all faults logged by the WESTRACE, critical, non-critical or others.
Critical faults are those which can cause the VLM to shut down.
Non-critical faults are those intermediate faults which may not affect the normal working
of the system.
This window displays the last 50faults that occurred in the interlocking. Any significant
fault (that results in WESTRACE shutting down) is marked with a red arrow.
Use the window to see:
The time and date of a fault;
The affected driver;
A description of the fault and the associated fault code.

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e.g. One of the faults in the list is shown below

Date Time Driver Fault___________
10/05/2012 11:18:23:4 W_A (964) Fault.Module NCDM Rack:1
Slot:4 Code:8216 (2018)

The fault was registered in WESTRACE system A

The fault is in NCDM module.
Fault code is 8216 (2018) for which the description and action to be taken can be referred
from NCDM Fault code table given in First Line Maintenance manual.

(d) Failures window

This window displays faults in the interlocking as they occur. Faults are shown in
chronological order and they disappear from the window as they are resolved. It lists
problems in external equipment.Use the window to see:
The time and date of a failure;
A description of the failure.

(e) Housing window

This window graphically display all of the hardware modules fitted to WESTRACE
housings installed at the monitored site. This window can be used for the same purposes
as the Hardware Window Housing window gives the arrangement of all the modules as in
the WESTRACE rack. Number shown below each of the modules is the firmware

Fig.2.29: Display of Housing window

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Two tabs are displayed at the bottom to see the arrangement of both W-A (Online
system) and W_B (Standby system).
There are flags on the tab which indicate:
Green Flag – Modules are healthy
Blue Flag – W_A is the online system

The Table explains the flag symbols that appear on the tabs. Blue arrow shows which
WESTRACE is online.
Table B
Communication with Stand-alone Hot Standby WESTRACE
Satisfactory (Green Flag)

Unsatisfactory (Red Flag)

Synchronizing and --
Satisfactory (Yellow Flag)

(f) Hardware window

List all the WESTRACE hardware modules in the current installation. For Multi-
WESTRACE modules select appropriate tabs.

(g) Diagnosis of faults

Whenever there is a fault in the system, a pop-up message window appears to alert the
user. e.g.

10/5/12 11:48:00:4
Fault Module VROM 50
Rack:3 Slot:3 Code:160 (a 0)

Check the housing window.

Red flag on tab W_B is shown indicating that system B is not healthy.
VLM and VROM 50 are shown in RED in the housing window of W_B with fault codes
160 and 58 respectively.
Go to Faults window
Critical faults are shown in RED, with an arrow to immediately alert the user.

10/05/2012 11:45:40:6 W_B (37) Fault Module VLM6 Rack:1 Slot:3 Code 58 (3a)

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Fig.2.30: Display of Housing window

(h) Replay feature

The MoviolaW PC replays all the events from the date and time selected.

Click on the Replay tab

Provision to select Date and
Time is available at the bottom
of window of track diagram
Set the date and time.
Set the speed and click on play
This will give replay of the
status of all the signaling gears
at that point and time.

(i) Export to jpeg

This option will take a

screenshot of whatever is seen
on the screen, and save it into a

(j) Reports window

This window can display
different reports chosen from a
dialog box
Click on the Reports tab.
Fig.2.31: Window showing list of available reports

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Get the list of all the reports that are available (See Fig.2.27) e.g.

• Change of state
• Operations
• Faults
• Failures
• Event Counters
• Time counters
• System log
• SSI Faults

Check on any type of report and click OK.

Another window is opened.
Select W_A or W_B or both from available modules.
Select the interval i.e. initial date and time to final date and time.
Click on OK
Get the report.

Report can also be printed if connected to a printer.

Alternatively it can be saved to a text file.

Examples are
Variables Report-provides details of selected variables during a selectable time interval.
A choice from three types of Variables.

Report is available:
• Show initial status and changes;
• Count changes to one;
• Count changes to zero;

Fault Report-provides details of faults that occurred during a selectable time interval;
Failure Report-provides details of failures during a selectable time interval. A choice
from two types of

Failure Report is available:

• Faults that happened;
• Faults repaired.
• Commands Report-provides details of commands sent from the Control Centre
during a selectable time interval;

Operations Report-provides details of operations executed in a WESTRACE that contains

an NVC/DM or NCDM during a selectable time period;

Reports can be useful for determining how many times a variable changed state or
whether a variable indicates a possible failure.
For example:
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• Loss of point detection;

• Track circuit bobbing;
• Control lever operated.

2.16 त्र�ु ट �नवारण Troubleshooting

Some common failures and their troubleshooting methods are given in Table C below:

Table C
Sr. Symptom Observation and action Inference Remedy
1. Any of the LEDs PSU Input 24 V DC available. There is a Replace the
on the PSU Card fault in PSU PSU module.
is not lit. module.
2. Signal is not There is no fault in wiring upto
clearing. VROM output connecting pins and
outgoing terminals on CT rack.
Check HR relay in relay rack.
If HR is not energized – Check
output 50 V DC of HR on
connecting pins of VROM
(i) If the voltage is available then There is no Fault to be
50 V DC is not reaching the HR fault in traced in HR
Relay coils. VROM circuit
(ii) If voltage is not available at the Front side of Replace
connecting pins then check VROM card VROM PFM.
whether it is PFM fault which is is working
not giving voltage. Check through properly but
MoviolaW if PIOFLT = 1 backside i.e.
is faulty.
(iii) If the voltage is available at There is no The fault is to
HR relay coil but relay is not fault at be traced in
picked up VROM PFM. HR circuit
outside VROM
3. Signal is cleared HECR is energized
from RED to Supply to VPIM PFM is given
YELLOW. through HECR front contacts.
Indication is not Check the voltage at HECR input
appearing on pins of VPIM PFM say 1 & 13.
panel. (i) If 50 V DC is available then Front side of Replace VPIM
there is no external fault. VPIM module PFM.
Check if there is internal fault of is properly
WESTRACE. working and

Electronic Interlocking Maintenance Instructions Series - II January 2015

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Check through MoviolaW whether the fault lies

PIOFLT = 1 or 0 in VPIM
(ii) If 50 V DC is going through VPIM PFM is Fault is to be
HECR front contacts but not not faulty. traced
reaching at HECR input pins of There is separately in
VPIM PFM, wiring fault wiring outside
4. Port Failures For troubleshooting of port failures see section 2.10.5 (iv) (b) under
port faults.

2.17 िस्थर वैद्युत से सुर�ा Anti-static Protection

Keep all spare modules received for installation or kept as a reserve for maintenance in
anti-static packaging. Module fitted with batteries may require special packaging.
Use appropriately grounded earthing mats to prevent damage to equipment.
Wear conductive wrist straps when handling modules.
Avoid wearing clothing made of synthetic fabric when handling modules. Cotton overalls
are preferred.

Earthing Mat Antistatic

wrist strap

Fig,. 2.32: Anti-static protection accessories

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Fig.2.33: Proforma for WESTRACE Faulty equipment return forms

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2.18 क्या कर� व क्या न कर� Do’s & Don’ts

• Keep the WESTRACE EI room free from dust and moisture.
• Ensure all terminations are fully tight.
• Place the faulty modules removed from the system with an identity tag into a
conductive shielding bag.
• Maintain minimum 24 V DC between the WESTRACE power fuse and negative
terminals on the WESTRACE rack (24 Volts).
• Maintain minimum 50 V DC between the WESTRACE input/output modules (50 V)
fuse and negative terminals on the WESTRACE rack.
• Check the WESTRACE system fuses at regular interval.
• Take backup of MoviolaW- maintenance terminal user data log file once in every 45
• Use card extractor for removing of WESTRACE modules.
• Use vacuum cleaner for the EXTERNALLY accumulated dust and dirt.
• Read carefully WESTRACE Fault codes and Fault description on WESTRACE First
Line Maintenance manual during troubleshooting.
• WESTRACE powering Down – Switch OFF the top housing first.
• WESTRACE powering Up – Switch ON the top housing last after switching ON all
other housings.
• Give a delay of 40 seconds between powering down and powering up again.

• Attempt WESTRACE troubleshooting if you do not have proper WESTARCE
• Remove modules, OPCR relays, Fuses, Links, PFMs and I/O module connectors
when the System is ON.
• Force modules into the slots during insertion.
• Change version switch settings of VLM6 and NCDM modules.
• Change jumper settings in UHVBC and S2 Scanner card.
• Touch the module components.
• Repair module on your own.
• Switch OFF MoviolaW.
• After WESTRACE settings, MoviolaW and WESTCAD PC settings without
• Delete/Modify Application Logic program without Authorization.
• Use blower for cleaning the dust.
• Use any kind of solvents, detergents or abrasive cleaners on the Housings or internal
• Use vacuum cleaner on INSIDE the housing.
• Remove optic fibre cable connector when optical modem is ON.
• Installation of Unauthorized software in WESTCAD/MoviolaW PC.
• View optical laser light on exposed eyes.

Electronic Interlocking Maintenance Instructions Series - II January 2015

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Fig. : Schematic Block diagram of an EI installation

M Master Port
S Slave Port
NCDM Network Communication Diagnostic Module
VLM6 Vital Logic Module
P2 & P3 Serial Ports (Configurable RS232/RS422)
MovoilaW Diagnostic Software
Switch 4 – Port, 1 – OFC Port, Un-managed Ethernet Switch
S2 Panel Processor (WESTRONICS)
Inter VLM Fibre Optic Link (IHCL)
Inter NCDM Fibre Optic Link (INCL)
-------- Serial Link
CAT5 LAN Cable with RJ45 connector
#1 5 core shielded serial communication cable
#7 5 core shielded serial communication cable
SC-ST SM Patch Chord

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अनुलग्नक I - वी एल एम 6 फ़ॉल्ट कोड

Annexure I- VLM6 Fault Codes
The VLM6fault codes written to the Fault Diagnostic Latch have the following meaning
during normal operation. Some fault codes have different meanings during power-on
initialization and these have been explicitly declared.
The term 'Initialization' refers to VLM6 Initialization. SomeVLM6 fault codes are used
only in the VLM6 Standby Mode, and some, only in the VLM6 On-line Mode. These
codes have been explicitly declared.

Module Sequence Numbers

In order for the module sequence numbers in the GCSS housing printout to match the
module sequence numbers in the VLM6 fault codes, it is necessary for the GCSS user to
assign sequence number 1to the NCDM.

Block Fault Codes

Code (H) Fault description Action
01 Second Negation Error Indicates fault on other modules
04 Stack Guard Error Replace VLM6
03 to 09 Misc Errors Replace VLM6
0A to 0F Run Time Error Replace VLM6
10 to 19 Run Time Error Replace VLM6
1A to 1F Run Time Error Replace VLM6
21 to 23 Run Time Error Replace VLM6
2D & 2E Health Monitoring Error Indicates fault on other modules
2F Health Monitoring Scheduling Error Replace VLM6
31 Master IMB Startup Timeout Replace VLM6
32 Too Few IMB Calls Replace VLM6
33 Master IMB Interface Error Replace VLM6
Too Many IMBCalls
34 Error code with system shutdown is the result of the Replace VLM6 if shutdown occurred.
invalid number of self test calls error, Replace diagnostic module if shutdown did
'STIMBTooFewSTCalls'.. not occur
Error code without system shutdown indicates IMB
timeout of the non-vital diagnostic module.
IMBDatabase Error
35 to 39 Master 1MBTimeout Module 01 to 05 Check other modules to identify one that
caused VLM shutdown- i.e. reported a failure
3A to 3F Master 1MBTimeout Module 06 to 11 other than IMB timeout. Replace the
40 to 49 Master 1MBTimeout Module 12 to 21 identified module.
4A to 4F Master 1MBTimeout Module 22 to 27
50 to 59 Master 1MBTimeout Module 23 to 37
5A Master IMB Data Error Module DM Replace diagnostic module
5B to 5F Master IMB Data Error Module 01 to 05 respectively Replace module 01 to 05 respectively
60 to 69 Master IMB Data Error Module 06 to 15 respectively Replace module 06 to 15 respectively
6A to 6F Master IMB Data Error Module 16 to Replace module 16 to 215 respectively
21 respectively
70 to 79 Master IMB Data Error Module 22 to 31 respectively Replace module 22 to 31 respectively
7A to 7F Master IMB Data Error Module 32 to 37 respectively Replace module 32 to 37 respectively

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Specific VLM6 Initialisation Fault Codes

Code (H) Fault description Action
80 CED Checksum Error Replace CED PROM
81 CED GCSS Compatibility Index Error -do -
82 CED UHVBC Link Error Check installation address and UHVBC linking
83 CED UHVBC Link Parity Error -do -
84 CED Data Version Error Check data version switch settings
85 CED Data Error Replace CED PROM
86 IHCL Data Consistency Error -do -
87 CED Number Of Logic States Error -do -
88 CED Module Number Error -do -
89 CED Slave Kind Error -do -
8A CED Module Compatibility Index Error -do -
8B CED Module Compatibility Index Parity Error -do -
8C CED Module Type Error -do -
8D IHCL Message Sequence Error Replace VLM6
8E IHCL Compatibility Index Error -do -
8F IHCL Timer Checksum Error -do -
90 CED Timer Error Replace CED PROM
91 CED Initial Data Error -do -
92 CED Global Data Error -do -
93 CED Fixed Data Error -do -
94 CED Variable Data Error -do -
95 CED Node Type Error -do -
96 CED Depth Error -do -
97 CED Pointer Error -do -
98 IHCL Installation Address Error Check installation address and VBC linking
99 CED Logic Error Replace CED PROM
9A CED Number of Logic States Error -do -
9B CED Number of Timers Error -do -
9C Invalid Timer Calculation Error Replace VLM6
9D Invalid Timer Count Error -do -
9E OPCR State Error -do -
9F Mnemonic Error -do -
A0 IMB Data Length Error Indicates fault on another module
A1 Invalid Timer Error Replace VLM6
A2 IMB Communication Time Error Indicates fault on another module
A3 SCC Hardware Error Replace VLM6
A4 IMB Module Nwnber Error Indicates fault on another module
A5 IMB Parity Error - do -
A6 CED Initial State Error Replace CED PROM
A7 Sequence Error Replace VLM6
A8 IMB Port Address Range Error Indicates fault on another module
A9 SCC Hardware Error Replace VLM6
AB Sync Period Expired with no IHCL Message - do -
AC CED Message Byte Number Error Replace CED PROM
AD CED Message Bit Number Error - do -
AE IMB Input Message Length Error Indicates fault on another module
AF Invalid System Configuration Data Error Replace VLM6
B0 Consistency Error - do -
B1 IHCL GCSS Version Number Error Check data version switch settings
B5 Parameter Error Replace VLM6

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B6 Output Message Length Error - do -

B8 Semaphore Error Indicates fault on DPRAM
BD DPRAM Initialisation Error Replace VLM6
C0 Non-vital Message Error Indicates fault on DPRAM
C1 IMB Number I/O Bits Error Indicates fault on another module
C4 IMB Timeout Error - do -
C5 IMB Scheduler Error - do -
C6 CED Invalid Data Error Replace CED PROM
C7 CED System Configuration Error - do -
C8 CED Layout Error - do -
C9 Timer Difference Error Replace VLM6
CA Timer Expiry Difference Error - do -
D2 Logic Sequence Error -do –
D3 Depth Check Error - do -
D4 Sequence Error -do –
D5 Sequence Error - do -
D6 Progress Error -do –
D7 Invalid Data Error - do -
D9 IHCL Number of Logic States Error Replace CED ROM
DA Too Many Invalid IHCL Messages Received Error Replace VLM6
DB Last Pointer Error Replace CED ROM
DC OPCR Initialise Error Check supply to OPC. Power-off system and restart
after 40 seconds. Replace the OPC or OPC PFM
when the fault persists.
DD NOPCR Error Replace VLM6
DF Initial Maximum Time Error Reduce the number of timers, the logic, or the I/O
capacity of the VLM6. Replace the VLM6 if the
problem persists.
E0 Initial Minimum Time Error Increase the number of timers, the logic, or the I/O
capacity of the VLM6. Replace the VLM6 if the
problem Persists.
E1 Initial Sequence Error Replace VLM6
E2 Maximum Time Error - do –
E3 Minimum Time Error - do -
E4 Sequence Error - do –
E6 CED Checksum Error Replace CED PROM
E7 Comp Read Data Error Replace VLM6
E8 Comp Read Pointer Error - do -
E9 Comp Write Pointer Error - do -
EF CED DRAM Fixed Data Error Replace CED PROM
F0 Number of Timers Error - do -
F1 Number of Comp Timers Error - do -
F2 Cycle Time> 1.3 sec Error Too much logic and too many modules. Check
installation design.
F3 Delay 150ms Error Replace VLM6
F4 APPDEL Value Error - do -
F6 Time Stamp Error - do -
F8 Time Stamp Error - do -
FA Time Stamp Error - do -
FC CED DPRAM Variable Data Error Replace CED PROM
FD Time Stamp Error Replace VLM6
FE Mode State Error - do -
FF PIT Access Error - do -
VLM6 Output Power Card (OPC) Indications - None
Electronic Interlocking Maintenance Instructions Series - II January 2015
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अनुलग्नक II - एन सी डी एम फ़ॉल्ट कोड

Annexure II – NCDM Fault Codes
Port Fault codes in general
Code (H) Fault description Action
p000 Port OK None
p001 Port timeout or fail: Serial or network LED flashing
a. Timeout when waiting for an Green:
incoming message (Serial • Check the port configuration
server port) in Non-vital configuration;
b. Failure to get a response from • Replace the NCDM if the
any external server (serial configuration is correct.
client port).
c. Detected failure of Ethernet Serial or network LED off:
link (network port) • Check the comms link
cabling and connections;
• Replace the protection
module or NCDC.

External Port, Module and Session codes

Code (H) Fault description Action
A001 VLM6 port timeout This code is displayed if the VLM shuts down for any reason.
8001 IMB port timeout Try the following if this code is on display and the VLM is still
a. Restart WESTRACE
b. Check to ensure the VLM and NCDM.
Non-vital configurations are consistent with respect to transfer
states passed between them. Normally GCSS ensures that this is
the case.
c. Check to ensure that only one NCDM and no DM is installed.
d. Replace the NCDM.
9001 INCL port timeout An NCDM in an online installation displays this code if it does not
receive an INCL acknowledgement message from the NCDM in the
standby installation.
Try the following if this code is on display:
a. Check the INCL Rx link to the NCDM in the on-line
b. Check the INCL Tx link on the NCDM in the standby
c. Replace the NCD PFM in the on-line installation;
d. Check the INCL Rx link to the NCDM in the standby
e. Check the INCL Tx link on the NCDM in the on-line
f. Replace the NCD PFM in the standby installation;

Internal port codes

The following code is not displayed. It is reported in the fault log only

Code Fault description

p000 The port p has recovered and is now operational

Electronic Interlocking Maintenance Instructions Series - II January 2015

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Module or Session faults

Code (H) Fault description Action
pmm9 Communication to an address has Slave port
timed out. a. Check that the control system master is
Slave port – Timeout when sending data to this address or session ID.
waiting for a valid message b. Check the addresses or session IDs stored
addressed to address or session in the Non-vital configuration to see if
ID mm (hex) on port p (hex). they match the addresses or session IDs
Master port – Timeout waiting sent by the office.
for a valid response from the S2
field address or session ID mm Master port
(hex) on port p (hex). a. Check that the slave at this address or
session ID is functioning correctly.
b. Check that the addresses or session IDs
stored in the Non-vital configuration
match those of the connected slave.

Fatal NCDM Fault Codes

These faults cause the system to shut down
Code (H) Fault description Action
003 Application check sum error Replace NCDM
004 Stack Guard Band error -do-
005 RAM error -do-
009 Stack error -do-
080 Non-vital configuration checksum error Download new Non-vital configuration
084 Non-vital configuration version no. error Confirm that the version switches are correctly
set. Download new Non-vital configuration if the
switches are correctly set.
100 Build error a. Check the NCDM configuration
parameters for their range and correct
any that are out of range.
b. Ensure that all WSA/S2 protocol sessions
over the network port have unique
housing addresses for client and server
c. Ensure that parameters for the vital
communication ports (configured for the
VLM6) are matched by the NCDM
d. Rebuild the NCDM configuration and load
it onto an NCDM.
101 Out of memory Replace NCDM
102 Operating system error -do-
103 Internal error -do-
104 Task suspended -do-
105 NVRAM error -do-
107 Comms buffer error -do-
108 Non-vital configuration formal version error Download new non-vital configuration
109 Watchdog restart Replace NCDM
10A No VLM non-vital configuration copy Restart WESTRACE
10B Wrong VLM non-vital configuration copy -do-
10C VLM interface versions mismatch Check the NCDM and VLM non-vital
configuration versions

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Code (H) Fault description Action

10D VLM address mismatch Check the NCDM and non-vital configuration
and WESTRACE installation details
10F Wrong IMB slot Move NCDM to the correct backplane slot
112 Duplicate IP address a. Check the NCDM non-vital configuration
for correct IP address.
b. Check other equipment connected to the
network for a duplicate IP address.
In a standby system:
Ensure the secondary IP address configuration
switch is set correctly.
113 Duplicate session ID a. Ensure that the Application Session ID is
unique for all sessions over the network
b. Ensure that each diagnostic port address is
unique and different from any Application
session ID.
c. Correct the NCDM configuration where
necessary, then re-build it and load it onto
an NCDM.

Non-Fatal NCDM Fault Codes

Code (H) Fault description Action
10E IMB data error No action required
111 Timing error -do-
800 NVRAM is invalid Could be due to an old or faulty battery.
Replace the battery when the error occurs on
startup, otherwise replace the NCDC.
Note: NVRAM is always cleared when the
NCDM is configured or re-configured; such
an error is logged upon first startup.
801 Event log store was invalid, therefore reset -do-
802 Fault log store was invalid, therefore reset -do-
803 Operations log store was invalid, therefore -do-
804 SR Latch output states in NVRAM are -do-
805 Phone numbers in the NVRAM are invalid -do-
806 Passwords in the NVRAM are invalid -do-
810 Error reading from fault bus or reading Check that all cards are in place and if the
from a backplane address. (FDet read error) error is still persistent, replace the NCDM
900 Vital message length or small channel port Check configuration of vital sessions on the
number out of range for messages to VLM6 network port
901 Invalid BCC on non-vital message from Check configuration of the VLM6 interface
902 Big channel message length out of range on -do-
message from VLM6
903 NCDM could not obtain DPRAM Check the VLM6 NCDM interface; replace
semaphore one or other of the modules.
904 Error in hot standby INCL Check INCL hardware. Ensure that both
NCDMs have the same configuration.
90C Invalid session number Ensure the same session ID is used for
connecting installations.
90D Message delayed Check network hardware

Electronic Interlocking Maintenance Instructions Series - II January 2015

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Code (H) Fault description Action

90E Message repeated or earlier -do-
90F Session occupied Check for unexpected equipment on the
network. Ensure that only one remote
installation is connected at any time (for same
port ID)
910 Session or IP changed No action required.
911 Invalid Rx timestamp Check network hardware
BAT Low battery Replace battery
F11 Main cycle not synchronized (NCDN Check the NCDM and VLM non-vital
cannot keep up with VLM) configurations.
F21 Software version number lost Replace NCDM
F22 Module information error -do-
F23 Fault bus error -do-
F24 Fault detection NVRAM error -do-
TIME Time has not been set Set correct time through MoviolaW, CTC or
GETLOG. It is possible to set the time via the
S2 protocols.
DIAG There are faults stored in the Fault Buffer Connect or check and restart an external
diagnostic system and request the fault codes
from the Fault Buffer.

Other NCDM Codes

The following codes are not displayed. They are reported in the fault log only.
Code (H) Description
F00 Recovered from low battery condition
F01 Low battery (Corresponds to ‘BAT’ display)
F10 Recovered from VLM out-of-sync error
F30 Time has been set, i.e. an invalid time/date error has been corrected
F31 Date/time not set (Corresponds to ‘TIME’ display
F40 Network port re-enabled
F41 Network port disabled
F50 Vital link up
F51 Vital link down

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अनुलग्नक III - वी रोम फ़ॉल्ट कोड

Code (H) Fault description Action
00 No fault Not a fault
01 Second Negation error Indicates fault on other modules
02 Module type error Replace VROM
03 EPROM checksum error -do-
04 Stack Guard error -do-
05 RAM error -do-
06 Interrupt error -do-
07 Termination error -do-
08 Processor error -do-
09 Stack error -do-
0A to 0F Run time error A to F respectively -do-
10 to 19 Run time error G to P respectively -do-
1A to 1F Run time error Q to V respectively -do-
20 to 23 Run time error W to Z respectively -do-
24 IMB Time out error -do-
25 IMB address error -do-
26 IMB address parity error -do-
2B IMB Check message error -do-
2C IMB Inconsistency error -do-
2D Health Monitoring Time error Indicates a fault on other modules
2E Health Monitoring Health error -do-
2F Health Monitoring Scheduling error Replace VROM
30 Module type and fault code Error -do-
31 ST IMB Startup timeout -do-
32 ST IMB Too Few IMB calls -do-
33 ST IMB Too Many IMB calls -do-
34 ST IMB Too Few ST calls -do-
8C True IMB parity Error -do-
8D Comp IMB parity Error -do-
8E True Channel Status Base Error -do-
8F True Channel Status Ch1 Error -do-
90 to 96 True Channel Status Ch2 to Ch8 Error -do-
97 Comp Channel Status Base Error -do-
98 & 99 Comp Channel Status Ch1 & Ch2 Error -do-
9A to 9F Comp Channel Status Ch3 & Ch8 Error -do-
A0 ADC Voltage Reference Error -do-
A1 ADC Target Failure -do-
A2 True Relay Test Base Error -do-
A3-A9 True Relay Test Ch1 to Ch7 Error -do-
AA True Relay Test Ch8 Error -do-
AB Comp Relay Test Base Error -do-
AC, AD, AE Comp Relay Test Ch1, Ch2,Ch3 & Ch4 -do-
& AF Error respectively
B0,B1,B2 & Comp Relay Test Ch5, Ch6,Ch7 & Ch8 -do-
B3 Error respectively
B4 U Woggle Test Base Error -do-

Electronic Interlocking Maintenance Instructions Series - II January 2015

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Code (H) Fault description Action

B5 to B9 U Woggle Test Ch1 to Ch5 Error -do-
BA.BB & BC U Woggle Test Ch6, Ch7 & Ch8 Error Replace VROM
BD V Woggle Test Bad Result Error -do-
BE V Woggle Test Base Error -do-
BF V Woggle Test Ch1Error -do-
C0 to C6 V Woggle Test Ch2 to Ch8 Error -do-
C7 Invalid Comp Sample -do-
C8 Invalid Comp Relay State -do-
C9 Cycle Time Error -do-
CA,CB & CC Invalid Comp Relay State -do-
CD CPU Speed Error -do-
CE Variable Corruption Error -do-
CF Init Program Check Error -do-
D0 Life Program Check Error -do-

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अनुलग्नक IV - वी �पम फ़ॉल्ट कोड

Code (H) Fault description Action
00 No fault Not a fault
01 Second Negation error Indicates fault on other modules
02 Module type error Replace VPIM
03 EPROM checksum error -do-
04 Stack Guard error -do-
05 RAM error -do-
06 Interrupt error -do-
07 Termination error -do-
08 Processor error -do-
09 Stack error -do-
0A to 0F Run time error A to F respectively -do-
10 to 19 Run time error G to P respectively -do-
1A to 1F Run time error Q to V respectively -do-
20 to 23 Run time error W to Z respectively -do-
24 IMB Time out error -do-
25 IMB address error -do-
26 IMB address parity error -do-
27 IMB CI Transfer Error -do-
28 IMB Transfer Type Error -do-
29 IMB Message Length Error -do-
2A IMB True Byte Error -do-
2B IMB Check message error -do-
2C IMB Inconsistency error -do-
2D Health Monitoring Time error Indicates a fault on other modules
2E Health Monitoring Health error -do-
2F Health Monitoring Scheduling error Replace VPIM
30 Module type and fault code Error -do-
31 ST IMB Startup timeout -do-
32 ST IMB Too Few IMB calls -do-
33 ST IMB Too Many IMB calls -do-
34 ST IMB Too Few ST calls -do-
B4 Progress Check Error -do-
BE Sampler Spacing Test Error Replace VPIM
C8 Self Test Error -do-
D2 ADC Test Pattern Error -do-
DC ADC Voltage Reference Error -do-

Electronic Interlocking Maintenance Instructions Series - II January 2015

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अनुलग्नक V - सं��प्त शब्दावल�

Annexure V – Abbreviations
BRB British Railway Specification
CCIP Control Cum Indication Panel
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
CTC Centralized Traffic Control
DC Direct Current
DIP Digital Input
DOP Digital Output
EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
FLM First Line Maintenance manual
GCSS Graphical Configuration Sub System
HVLM Hot Standby Vital Logic Module
ICS Installation Check System
IHCL Inter HVLM Communication Link
IMB Inter Module Bus
INCL Inter NCDM Communication Link
LED Light Emitting Diode
MBD Motherboard
MoviolaW Diagnostic software for WESTRACE
NCDC Network Communications Diagnostic Card – the NCDM’s main circuit board
NCDM Network Communications Diagnostic Module – comprises an NCDC and an NCD PFM
NCD PFM or NCDC Network Communications Diagnostic Protection & Filter Module
NVC/DM Non-Vital Control & Diagnostic Module
OPC Output Power Control
OPCR Output Power Control Relay
PC Personal Computer
PFM Protection & Filter Module
PIOFLT Parallel Input Output Fault – a vital mnemonic representing a parallel input or output fault
PROM Programmable Read Only Memory
PSU Power Supply Unit
S2 WESTRONICS Panel Processor
UHVBC Universal Hot Standby Vital Backplane Card
VDU Visual Display Unit
VLC Vital Logic Card
VLE Vital Logic Equipment
VLM Vital Logic Module
VPIM Vital Parallel Input Module
VROM Vital Relay Output Module
VSEV Vital Serial Enable Voltage
WESTRACE WEStinghouse Train Radio Advanced Control Equipment

अनुलग्नक VI - सन्दभर् ANNEXURE VI - References

• WRTOOVER-WRSI_6.0 –WESTRACE System Overview Manual
• WRTOFLMM-WRSI_10.0 –WESTRACE First Line Maintenance Manual


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ु ंधान, �डजाइन� और मानक� म� उत्कृष्टता तथा

सतत सध
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हुए सरु ��त, आध�ु नक और �कफायती रे ल प्रौद्यो�गक� का �वकास करना I

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