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Swami Vishwaprasanna Teertha, The seer of Pejawar mutt, exudes compassion, addresses modern-
day problems

Pejawar mutt seer Swami Vishwaprasanna Teertha's life, legacy and vision :

He is a saint, swimmer, yoga expert, philanthropist,

philosophist,administrator,agriculturalist, educationist and a
spiritual &religious preacher moreover Swamiji is a visionary
thinker who travels and works tirelessly for the society and
it’s causes. He is also polyglot and only seer from South
India who is part of the Ram Temple Construction
Trust. Swami Vishwaprasanna Teertha, the head of Pejawar
mutt in Karnataka, believes in the dictum 'speak less, work
more' and has been making quiet efforts for inner
transformation of the individual and the society.Swamiji is
successor of iuustrious saint swami vishwesh Teertha and is
committed to take his guru’s legacy forward. Like his
guru,swamiji has dedicated life for “दे श सेवा & दे व
सेवा”.Swamiji seer jana seva as janardana seva. Pejawar mutt seer Swami Vishwaprasanna

He represents one of the most significant schools of Hindu philosophy - Dvaita - which was
established by 13th century saint Madhvacharya. Dvaita is one of the three most influential branches
of Vedanta.

At a time when India is observing Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav and is preparing for 'Amrit Kaal' with
thrust on skilling youth and realising their inherent potential across disciplines, including in sports,
the Udupi-based saint has a lot to offer. He is showing the way to tackle modern-day challenges -
environment degradation,social anomalies water conservation and deteriorating soil health - and
helping children from families with modest means to achieve their dreams. He is also a connect
between the spiritual legacies of north and south India.

The education facility he has pioneered lays equal stress on the invaluable cultural and spiritual
heritage of the country reflected through ancient texts as well as on modern science.

His compassion is reflected in the expansion of philanthropic works of the Pejawar mutt.The
gaushala linked to the mutt is a role model for the care with which which the rescued bovine animals
are kept there. As he performs rituals and spiritual tasks associated with the eight-century old
spiritual order, Swami Vishwaprasanna Teertha is also abreast of the latest developments and gives
his views wherever necessary on current issues. He forthrightly expressed his views on the Gyanvapi
mosque row. Backing the court-ordered survey of the mosque, he said such measures are required to
clear encroachment done earlier.

The seer said if a community purchased land from another community for its place of worship, it
would have been legal but if a religious institution was built on encroached land, action should be
initiated to hand it over to the rightful owners. Udupi krishna matha is one of the most important
Krishna Sanctums in the country and is a place of pilgrimage.The matha was founded by
Pejawar Mutt :
Pejawar Mutt one Ashtha i.e Eight mathas established by Madhvacharya with responsibility of
maintaining the traditions of Udupi krishna matha among is located in the western portion of the Car
Street in Udupi. The idol worshipped here is that of Vithal with Sri Devi and Bhuu Devi gifted to the
founder pontiff Sri Adhokshaja Teertha by Madhvacharya. This idol with its one hand placed on hips
is also known as Aja Vithala to distinguish it from the other idols of Vithala.Along with this, the idol
of Sri Rama of KanvaTeertha is also worshipped. There is strong linkage between Ayodhya and
Udupi which has been fostered by the saints of Udupi Matha’s Mutt.

It is believed that Sri Vadiraja Teertha, during a pilgrimage, found the idols of Lord Hanuman and
Lord Garuda in a neglected state in a dilapidated shrine at Ayodhya and brought them to Udupi and
consecrated them. Madhvacharya is believed to be third incarnation of Lord Hanuman. Udupi and
Ayodhya have always been connected with each other. Sri Vadiraja Tritha was a Dvaita philosopher,
poet, traveller and mystic. Born in the 15th century, he authored many works on Madhva theology
and metaphysics. Swami Vishwaprsanna's predecessor Swami Vishwesha Teertha was a leading light
of the Ramjanmabhoomi movement.

Swami Vishwaprasanna felicitating the UP CM Yogi Swami Vishwaprasanna at Ram Janmabhoomi

Adityanath on the occasion of Ram Janmabhoomi Foundation

Legacy of Sri Madhvacharya :

Among greatest beauty of India is the succession of spiritual masters it has produced. India is a land
of seekers and Madhvacharya, true to this tradition was a seeker who made his own discovery of
truth by following his inner urgings going against the preponderant thought of the time.
He is the founder of the Dvaita school of Hindu philosophy.
The 13th century saint with immense intellectual abilities
and spiritual prowess, expounded Dvaita (Dualism), a
belief that talks of basic difference between God and
individual souls. Madhvacharya’s dualism insisted that
human beings and God were wholly separate, and that the
distinction between humanity and the divine could only be
bridged by 'bhakti'. Madhvacharya also directed for service
to all creatives as one of the essential duties towords god. It
will be perhaps not wrong to say that most Hindus perform
Dvaita form of worship in Sanatana Dharma. Sri Madhvacharya

There are temples in homes with idols of the deities. People also visit community temples or places
of worship of special significance and bow to deities. The distinction of Dvaita with the Advaita
philosophy is significant and is a major foundational viewpoint of Hindu religious thought. The
mutts that Madhvacharya founded have been carrying on their work with devotion and zeal,
contributing to the well-being of the society and country.

The mutts have been named after the villages they were located and the mutts have their headquarters
around the Udupi Shri Krishna Mutt. The eight Mutts have a deity for daily worship, which are
avatars of Lord Vishnu.

Madhvacharya was born in Udupi and his work and philosophy in the 13th century gave a new
dimension to the intellectual discourse concerning Hinduism. It also gave people a greater
understanding and clarity and enhanced the depth and faith about their daily puja.

Born into a Brahman family, Madhvacharya belonged to the tradition of Vaishnava religious
faith. Vaishnavites feel that Lord Kṛishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and no other
personality is equal to Him or greater than Him. Madhva was influenced by the pluralistic religious
climate of the region in which he grew up. Madhvacharya propounded Bhakti movement to help all
common people’s spiritual progress.

As a youth, his parents saw him having learned discourse with priests of Vishnu. On a pilgrimage to
the sacred city of Varanasi, he is reputed to have walked on water. Upon completion of his studies,
Madhvacharya travelled across India to disseminate his interpretation of Vedanta. He is learnt to
have travelled to Badrinath in Uttarakhand from the South India thrice for religious propagation.

Madhvacharya refuted the non-dualistic Advaita philosophy of Adi Shankaracharya. Advaita

philosophy believes that the individual self (jiva) is fundamentally identical with the universal self
(atman), which in turn is identical with the Absolute (brahman).

Madhvacharya rejected the theory of maya (illusion) about the the material world. He maintained
that things being transient and ever-changing does not mean that they are not real.

An uncompromising dualist, he glorified difference such as between soul and God (Vishnu). The
individual, otherwise free, is dependent only upon God. In addition to his writings, Madhva founded
the Madhva sampradaya in Udipi.

Madhvacharya traced back dualistic thought to some of the Upanishads. He wrote 37 works in
Sanskrit including commentaries on Rigveda,Bhagavadgita purana & Upanishads, the Bhagavadgita,
and the Vedanta-sutras. He also wrote a commentary on the Mahabharata and treatises on his own
theological system and philosophy.

Swami Vishwaprasanna Teertha's birth :

A great strength of India is its cultural unity and spread of Hinduism in all parts of the
country. Hinduism, as the Supreme Court said, is a way of life. The traditions and ways of worship
have been passed on from generation to generation over the centruries and Vishwaprasanna Teertha
Swami is seer in the lineage, or guruparampara, of Pejawar Mutt. He has succeeded Vishwesha
Teertha Swami, who Attain Samadhi in December 2019 and was awarded Padma Vibhushan.
Pejawar Mutt is one the ashta (eight) mutts instituted by Saint Madhvacharya. Born on March 3,
1964 at Pakshikere, Haleyangady, Swami Vishwaprasanna is 34th in the lineage of the Pejawar Mutt,
starting from Sri Adhokshaja Teertharu, who was one of the direct disciples of Sri Madhvacharya.

His work :

Apart from his spiritiual and religious duties, Swami Vishwaprasanna Teertha has worked on
solution to some modern-day problems. For today's aspiring youth who have to forge ahead in the
modern competitive world but also need to preserve their cultural roots, Swami Vishwaprasanna
Teertha has set up 'Prahlaada Gurukula'. The gurukula has a unique syllabus that combines modern
education with Sanskrit, Vedic and Vedanta classes while developing extra-curicular talent of
children through art, craft, drawing, painting, sports, theatre and debates.

The school has modern infrastructure including a computer lab:

Swamiji is all set to expand the format with a new center near Bangaluru and He started the first set
of paatha (1994 – 1996) at Poorna Prajna Vidyaa Peetha, Bangaluru and taught subjects including
Kaavya, Vedaanta, Veda, Vyaakarana to students of several batches. The practice has been
continuing. There are several schools importing affordable education regardless of caste or creed.The
latest school at Pajaka,the birth place of Sri Madhvacharya render education to over 1600 students in
very short span and is expanding further free midday meals is served to all students and staff
daily.Affordable medical care is another priority of swamiji. Pejavara Matha is running a nursing
home-Sri Krishna Sevasharma and construction of a new multi-speciality hospitalis in advanced

An innovative organic colour capsicum project was initiated by the guru in 2013.Govardhanagiri
Trust was set up in 2004 to take care of old, abandoned, injured and needy cattle in a healthy
environment. The carefully done facility has fencing across the entire 35 acres of land which
bifurcates forest and non-forest lands. There are pathways in the forest for cattle to move around and
eight cowsheds with fodder and water beds. There are workers’ quarters, medicinal lab, biogas plant,
vermicomposting unit, rainwater harvesting unit, yagashaala and guest quarters.Swamiji is now
focusing on a network of new gaushalas at various places.

There is also a large pond which meets the water need of thousands of cattle but also enriches
the look of the place. Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman earlier this year inaugurated Sri
Vishwesha Teertha Sevadhama and the extension block of the balanikethana, run by the Sri Krishna
Sevadhama Trust at Kukkikatte in Udupi. Speaking at the event, she said Udupi Pejawar Mutt was
doing true service to God by serving needy children through the Sri Krishna Balanikethana in Udupi.
She said the mutt has been doing is true service to humanity.

Initial years :
Initiated into the monastic order in 1988, Swami Vishwaprasanna Teertha did his Vedic studies at
Admar Gurukula and studied Vedanta Vidwat at SMSP Sanskrit College. He studied at
Poornaprajna Evening College in Udupi and speaks a number of languages, including Kannada,
Tulu, Hindi, Sanskrit, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and English. Hundreds of rescued cows are
nurtured at the Neelavara goshale and Kodavoor goshale under his supervision. He was named
Devidas (servant of Goddess Lakshmi) by his devout parents. All the rituals - Naamakarana, Choula,
Annapraashana, Aksharaabhyaasa, Upanayana - were performed as per scriptures at relevant ages.
Spiritual education :

His spritiual education was done by renowned masters 'Guru Peethaadhipatis' of Madhva tradition.
They included Vidyamanya Teertha Swami and Vishwesha Teertha Swami.

One fine day, the two accomplished souls who were aware of qualities of their disciple, asked
Devidas to prepare for 'sannyaasa'. Immediately that noon, having written final paper of Vedaanta
Vidwat Uttama, Devidasmreached Pejawar and performed all the specified rituals prior to
sannyaasasweekaara in the presence of elders. The next day, February 21, 1988, after other holy
rituals he accepted sanyaasa from VishweshaTeertha Swamiji and became 'His Holiness Shri Shri
Vishwaprasanna teertha'.

He became junior swami, an integral successor to the well-regarded lineage of mutt chiefs of
Jagadguru Madhvacharya. After 'Sannyaasa Sweekaara,' Swami Vishwaprasanna Tritha continued
advanced studies 'Shriman Nyaaya Sudhaa Adhyayana' for about five years from Vishwesha Teertha
Swami and performed Sudhaa Mangala in 1992.

Swami Vishwaprasanna imparted Vedic knowledge to disciples over three decades and accompanied
his guru during travels and also travelled on his own including on 'padyatra'. He thought the best way
to impart knowledge to people is through literature and began a fortnightly magazine 'Aachaara
Vichaara' in a simple language that common man could understand. It is now being published as a
monthly magazine in more than three languages.

Yoga expert :
Swami Vishwaprasanna Tritha can perform even complex yoga asanas with ease. There are videos
on YouTube which show his amazing dextrity and skills in Yoga. The videos are motivating and
allow a person to gradually improve his or her own practise of yoga, moving from easy to difficult
asanas. It is advisable to practise yoga under physical guidance of an expert.

Swami Vishwaprasanna Teertha performing yoga asans

Swami Vishwaprasanna Teertha's vision :

Ramamandir to Rama Rajya is the vision of Swamiji and Creation of Ram Rajya - a blissful time
where people are compassionate, kind, courageous, dutiful, truthful and enjoy peace, harmony and
propserity; an era where reckless exploitation of nature ends and seasons come and go in their natural
flow; a model of society where men and women have equal rights and there is mutual accomodation;
an environment where there is fresh air, clean water, nature is in pristine form and people enjoy good
In a democracy (prajaraj), there is no king and responsibilty of Ram Rajya is on people. The Swami
says that the praja (people) should become like Lord Ram for creation of Ram Rajya.

He says that a grand Ram temple is being constructed and people should simultaneously strive
towards Ram Rajya and one of the ways it can be done is by helping the needy. Those with resources
can help the homeless in getting a shelter, there is much that can be done to meet the educational
needs of children from underprivileged sections. Creating employment opportunities for people from
vulnerable sections is also a noble task. The idea is to be dedicated to "lok hit" (people's
welfare).swamiji is a firm follower of Bhagavadgita preaching “Ishwarah sarva bhutanam &
uddeshya arjuna Tishthati”--ईश्वरा सर्व भू तनम् और उद्दे श्य अर्जवन ततष्ठतत .God reside in heart of every human
& creature and worshippers should serve needy humans and creatures.Swamiji is also inspired by Sri
Madhvacharya’s commentry-नाना र्नस्य शज क्शजपा कामस्य कारर्नतमते i.e like cumpolsary duty of paying tax
on income,serving people and creatures irrespective of caste and creed is an essential duty; it is not
an option.

Everyone can also contribute in the endeavour by taking care that one’s actions do not hurt others. In
case of a dispute, people should accept court verdict. He strongly advocates compassion towards
animals and wants the entire society to pitch for care of stray cows. He says a human being uses
cattle milk and products made from it all his or her life and there should be a sense of gratitude.
“There can be big cow shelters and people should make a donation, however, small for their
systematic running,” he says. He wants people to take care of rivers and water sources. Emphasising
how native people cared for environment in earlier times, he says they use to enter river after taking
bath so that the water does not get dirty.Swamiji advises every person to grow trees atleast as much
required for his oxygen requirement and timber for last rites!

Member of Lord Ram Temple Trust :

Swami Vishwaprasanna Teertha is the only saint from South India in the trust set up for construction
of the grand Ram Temple at Ayodhya and this recognition from the government is as much for his
efforts as of his illustrious predecessor Vishwesha Teertha Swami. From his work and his vision,
Swami Vishwaprasanna Teertha is in a unique position to foster greater cultural integration of
northern and southern parts of the country.

The sayings of Swami Vishwaprasanna Teertha about Ram mandir published in various news papers
He has given several unique ideas for spritiual fulfillness of devotees coming to Ayodhya and for
fostering national integration. He has suggested creating facilities near the temple complex so that
pilgrims who come to the holy city have “Ram Darshan”as well as “Bharat Darshan”. He has also
suggested having ‘live Ramayana’ by acquiring a large chunk of land – around 1000 acres -
preferably around Ayodhya where pilgrims and visitors can experience all events associated with
Lord Ram.

He has proposed that the outer ring of the Ram Temple there should be bhavans of every state which
highlight the unique culture of that state. Such bhavans, which will have facilities for stay of
pilgrims, should have a museum and artefacts and other items of cultural significance of that state.
States can request Uttar Pradesh government for land. “Those who come for Ram Darshan, should
also have Bharat Darshan,” the Swami says and adds that these projects can be undertaken after the
construction of the grand temple.

He has suggested that 'Live Ramayana' should “give full picture”of the events associated with Lord
Ram and should have Dandakaranya, Lanka and other such places.

Udupi cuisine linked to Ashtha Mathas :

The famous Udupi cuisine traces its roots to the Ashtha Mathas and is vegetarian mainly prepared
using whole grains, vegetables, and fresh fruits.The main course usually consists of rice, sambar,
rasam, vegetables and sweets (payasam) served on banana leaves. No garlic or onion is used in its
preparation. The ubuqutious Dosa is believed to have been bord in Udupi.The prasadam given at the
Lord Krishna temple to thousands of devotees is rich with flavours of jaggery and coconut.

A special delicacy served during lunch at Lord Krishan temple is ‘Gojju’, which is prepared using
pineapple and bitter gourd.Udupi cuisine is famous for its chutneys, including one using the skin of
the ridge gourd. Sri Madhvacharya's name often crops up in conversation among the locals in Udupi.
Swami Vishwaprasanna Teertha is taking forward the work done by the great seer. He has strived to
improve lives of people across a spectrum of human endeavours. While his thrust is on spiritual well-
being, his work deals with and provides solution to numerous challenges faced by humans in the
modern-day world.

1. Swamiji padayatra attracts lot of disciples and fills the environment with Bhakti and dedication.

2. Poornapraja Vidyapeeta is a gurukul impacting philosophical education.It has contributed

numerous Swamijis, scholars, vice chancellors, teachers, astrologies, and purohits to the society.
Vidyapeetha, after starting in Bengaluru has center in Hyderabad, New Delhi,Gangavathi and is
looking to expand to other locations. Inspite of busy schedule , swamiji himself takes one oral exam
to each of nearly 400 students of Vidyapeeth further, Swamiji himself teaches the final stage (Sriman
Nyayasudha) to students before awarding degree.Swamiji’s commitment is to never miss this class
on any day inspite of restless schedule ,But swamiji can regularly be seen taking classes at
latenights,travels ,waiting times of puja but never misses the class.

3. Swamiji follows a strict lifestyle of everyday Puja-Tarpana before which not a drop of water is
consumed. 3 times bath, no drop of water except during Bhikshaa and such conditions are strictly
but easily followed by Swamiji, though it is difficult to imagine for common people all these are
followed inspite of continuous travelling and otherwise restless schedule.

Swamiji commitment to dutiesis such that, he is never seen taking leave or rest………!
Admin Office :- Sri Vishwaprasanna Teertha Swamiji
Sri Pejawara Mutt,
Carstreet, Udupi-576101,
Mobile no:9480508635.

New Delhi Office :- Sri Krishna Dhaama

Flat no-3,Phase -2, Institutional area, AUTHOR
Near Sector-C5, Vasanthkunj,
Name : GV Anshuman Rao
New Delhi-110011,
Mobile no:+91 8310197150. Address: D-6/32, Ground Floor,
Vasant vihar,
New Delhi-110057
Other mutts are located in Haridwar, Varanasi, Hyderabad,
Mobile no:9866579191
Chennai, Bangalore, Mumbai, Badrinath and other places.
Madhavacharya jagatguru Vishwaprasanna
Teerth Swami : A Spiritual Guru a Visionary
thinker and a Philnathropist saint

Sri Vishwaprasanna Teertha Swamiji of Sri Pejavar Matha Sri Vishwaprasanna Teertha Swamiji with PM Modi
receives the award on behalf of his Guru Sri Vishwesha Teertha

Late Sri Vishwesha Teertha Swamiji and Sri Vishwaprasanna Teertha Swamiji doing pooaja

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