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Why were the countries motivated

to join the world war?
What was the World War?
World War I, also known as the Great War, was
a major conflict fought in Europe and around
the world between July 28, 1914, and November
11, 1918. Nations from across all non- polar
continents were involved although Russia,
Britain, France,
Germany, and
influenced. It
began after the
assassination of
Archduke Franz
Ferdinand of
Europe before
the World War

Before the World War I, there were three main, powerful

Europian countries - Britain, France, and Russia. These
countires had good military armies and industries. But
when Kaiser Wilhem II came to power in 1888 in
Germany, he was eager to show the strength of his
country to the rest of the world. He put a lot of effort
into improving Germany's army, especially its navy to
make it as powerful as Britain's dominant one. This
challenged Britain and France's authority and power.
In 1904, Russia went to war with Japan. This concerned
Britain as the capability of Russia to independently go to
war with another country challenged Britain's authority
once more. This was why Britain entered into an alliance
with France in 1904 and later with Russia in 1907.
Causes of the World
War I

The main long-term causes

of the World War are:
Militarism, Alliances,
Imperialism, and
Nationalism. The
immediate cause of the
World War I that made the
above mentioned aspects
come into play was the
assassination of Archduke
Franz Ferdinand.

In the 19th century, there was military competition,

especially between the Europian powers. This was
called Balance of Power. Balance of powers is a state
of stability between competing forces. In international
relations, it refers to an equilibrium of power and
influence among countries or
alliances to prevent any one
entity from becoming too
strong and, thus, gaining the
ability to enforce its will
among the rest.
This policy of building a stronger
military, created a feeling of paranoia
and anxiety, heightening the search for

Over time, countries throughout Europe made mutual

defence agreements between them that would pull them
into battle. These treaties meant that if one country was
attacked, its allied countries were bound to defend it.
Before World War 1, the following alliances existed:
 Russia and Serbia
 Germany and Austria-Hungary
 France and Russia
 Britain and France and Belgium
 Japan and Britain
Because of these alliances, when Austria-Hungary
declared war on Serbia, Russia got involved to defend
Serbia. Germany seeing Russia mobilizing, declared war
on Russia. France was then drawn in against Germany and
Austria-Hungary. Germany attacked France through
Belgium pulling Britain into war. Then Japan entered the
war. Later, Italy and the United States would enter on
the side of the allies.
If there hadn't been alliances, the assassination of
Archduke Franz Ferdinand would have only caused a
minor war between Serbia and Austria-Hungary.

Imperialism is a system where a large, powerful nation

dominates and exploits smaller nations, which are known
as colonies. It is the extending of a country's power and
influence through colonization, use of military force,
and other means. Together, the imperial power and its
colonies are known as an empire.
The expansion of European
nations as empires can be seen as
a key cause for the World War I.
This is because, as countries like
Britain and France extended
their territories, it resulted in
increased tensions among other
European countries.

Nationalism means loyalty and devotion towards a

nation. It is considered as a particularly important
cause of the World War. The feeling of nationalism
caused nations to build up their armies to protect
their empires and increased militarism. It is also the
reason many people volunteered for the war and
fought on the front lines. Europe's leaders were
willing to go to war to defend or extend their
national interests.
The Immediate Cause:
the spark that lit the

After Serbia emerged victorious in the Balkan Wars that

happened between the Balkan countries from 1912 to 1913,
Austria-Hungary started viewing it as a threat. It was
looking for a good opportunity to crush Serbia. It did get
this opportunity when a Bosnian Serb assassinated
Archduke Ferdinand. Austria declared war on Serbia on
July 28 1914 and both the sides were joined by their allies.
This was how the war began.

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