Essay Sample

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Theodore Roosevelt once quote, "This country will not be a good place for any of us to live in unless

we make it a good place for all of us to live in". When I read this, I realize a lot of things. For us to live
comfortably, we must create our haven. Always remember that we are in charge of our own lives, and
we are the ones who are responsible for how we will live them. But if we want to have the life that we
are all yearning for we must be aware that our decisions and the path we will take would affect us and
the life we desire, so we must be intellectual when it comes to decision-making.

Have you ever wondered about being the country's president and imagined the things you want to
improve? Because me? I certainly do. I want to have the power and authority to make decisions and
policies and make sure that we can recover from the problems and crises we faced like social and
economic crises. I like to provide some suggestions and ideas that I think would boost our country's
recovery. The first is to abolish ENDO or End of Contract, one of our country's problems is a large
unemployment rate and ENDO is one of the reasons why. People who do not have permanent jobs tend
to have a hard time looking for a new job and they will end up having no job at all after the contract.
Abolishing ENDO would be a great help for the people who are struggling to find permanent jobs, next is
making sure that there would be a lot of job opportunities for our people. Notice how mostly the Gen Z's
or our generation keep saying that we are studying hard to leave the country? It's because of the lack of
opportunities, low income, and incentives. We cannot see that this country values its workers at all, you
work overtime that you didn't even plan, you get a thank you and that's all which is sad. The Philippines
should focus on helping our people to live the life they want and get what they deserve from their hard
work. Our country must also appoint competent people as our secretaries, chairpersons, and
spokespersons in every department, making sure that they are capable, knowledgeable, eager to help,
and most importantly not corrupt. As I see it this would help our country recover, because taking care of
our people would make them love our own country and be proud of it. This country must be love by its
own people.

To sum up, ending ENDO, valuing our people, more job opportunities for the people, and appointing
people who are competent for the role, would be a big help with our country's recovery. It won't end
poverty, but it would certainly help to reduce it. The employment rate would increase too, yet is our
country ready to serve its people and treat them right?

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