Nema - WC-5

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INCEA S-G1-402, NEMA WG 5 4,4 Polyvtny! Clore, 1 i ishiy a wat Tonatloney at at Cone! cireulis, aun) 5000 volts for sertes lightlug clrcults. 2.801 vysleaL we) Aghny, Requlrenents ulation shall inert she following, require ‘This Insulation ts tultable for u elim vattage tatlng of 00 volte for power cireutity 1000 volt for September 1979, Part 3. Page 7 at conductor tensperatures not exceeding 16°C when tested In accordance with Gs4,J1 and 0.4432 the tne Physical Requlcements (se¢ 6.4) ‘Tensile strength, minimum Pil sees seeseersaeeeeees 2000 Ig(/ovm2 on aad Flongation at rupture, minimum, percent... 150 Aging Requirements (ee 6.4) ‘Alter ale oven test at 121°C # 1°C for 168 hours Tensile steength, percentage of unaged valve Maximuin « 120 Minienag « = 80 Elongation fat rupture, minimum, percentage of unaged value 15% ‘fer oll imutersion at 70°C 4 1°C for 4 hours ‘Tensile strength, minimum, percentage of unaged value as Elongation at rupture, minimum, percentage of unaged value ....- ae Heat distonion, 121°C + 1°C, maximum, percentage of unaged value (see 6.4.14) 25 Heat shock, 121°C £ 1°C (s0€ 6.4.13) vesseeseeereeeeere® no cracks Cold bend, 30°C + 1°C (see 6.4.15) sree no cracks Srorsizes AWG and larger where buffed die-cut specimens are used, 1d values, shalt be not lets than the following: wength, as a petcemage of the unages 1, Elongatioh after air oven test 2, Tensile smength after oil immersion Elongation after oil immersion ‘The flame resisting properties of the insulation shall be such ments of G.3. 3.8.2. Electical Requitements, When tested In accordance with 6.11 and 6,12, each insulated conductor in the completed cable shall meet the slowing requirements, For control cabless see 7.4. 3,8:21 Alternating current Voltage (See G1) The Ingulated conductor shall withstand dhe ternating-current test voltage given in Table 9-1 for 5-9 for 5 minutes, unless the direct-current test deserfbed {n 3.8,2.9 18 perforned, 3,8,2.2 Insulation Re Insulated con~ ducton in sizes 14 AWG and larger shall have an in tulatlon resistance not less than that corresponding to a constant of 2000 at 15,6°C (60°F). When the temperature at which the insulation is tested differs fiom 15.67 (GO'F), the measured value shall be corected to 15.0°C (60°F) in accordance with 6.12. istance, Dircct-current Voltage (See 6.11). ‘upon completion of the insulation resistance test eich nowshielded insulated conductor shall with ‘he minimum elongation and tensile 2 80% + 80, = 60% that the wire or cable will meet the require stand for 5 minutes the direct-current test voltage given in Table 3-1 or 9-3, unless the alternating current test described in 3,8,2.1 is performed, 2.84 Accelerated Water_Absorption_Requtre~ mons [See 6.7), The insulacon shall meet the Teliowing requirements when tested in accordance with the elecuical and gravimetric methods speci field in 6.7: ee Electrical Mewiod (EM-0) at 75°C + 1°C Dielectric constant after 24 hour, maximum... sevseesere 10,0 Increase in capacitance, maximum, percent 1 to 14 days see 4.0 2.0 7110 14 days. Gravimetie Method Water absorption, maxiowm, milli- grams per squate inch v0 10.0 1 September 1979 Part 3 Page 8 3.851 Dielectic suength Retention, The dlelec le stength of the insulation sal be rot less Ulan 60 percent of the original delecue strength when tested In accordance with 6.7.4 at a temper ature of 75°C 41°C. 2.9 Polyediylene insulation. This tneulationte tutte able {we In oly of wet locations at condecree ‘emperitures not exceeding 15°C (1GTF) for norman eperatidn, 98°C (205F) foremergency overloadeon, ditions ip to 5000 volts, 30°C (195'F) for emergency overload condition from 3001 through 15000 cota, and 150°C (302°F) for short-circuit conditions, The polyethylene, before application to te condveron shall comply with the requlsements of Ageia DALIBS, Type li Classest A, Wor Cy Category 4 or &: Gthde £4 oF £5. The requirements of ugh 51248 shall not apply to insulation removed trary the condactor. The insulation on the coneror shel be free trom any contaminants or porosity visibte {© the eye with not more than five times fication. | * Soe Appendix & T See Note 6, Table a2, 3.9.1 Physical and Aging Requirements, When (fated in accordance with 0.4.11, 6.4.12 and 6,9. 1, the Insulation shall meet the following requiremene, Physical Requirements (sce 6,4) Tenstie suength, minimum PS eee, + 1400 kg/mm? + 098 Elongation at rupcute, minimum, PECEM eee eeeee 350 ‘Aging Requirements (see 6.4) “Wer air oven test at 100°C 41°C for 48 hours Tensile strength, minimum, per- centage of unaged value 8 Elongation at rupture, minimum, Percentage of unaged value... 15 Environmental cracking (sce 6.9.1) .. no eracks 4 Applies to Insulations for rated voltages of 2001 through 25.000 volts, 3.9.2 Electical Requirements, When tested in accordance with 6.11, 6.12 and 6.13, each insu- lated conductor in the completed cable zhall meet the following requirements, For contol cahiee s-= IPCEA S-61~402, NEMA \o'8 3:9.2:1 Alternating current Voltage (See S11), Yhe insulated conductor shail widwiand the alternating-current test voltage given in Table 4-2 oF 9-9 for § minutes, except that for nonshlelded conductors tated up to $000 volts, the direct-eustent voltage test described in 9.9,2.9 may be substituted, 0.2.2 Insulation Resistance (See 6.12) Insulated conductors shall have an Insulation raise: ance not less than that corresponding to a constant of $0000 (30000 for composite insulations in ace cordance with 7.4.3 based on the total composite wall thickness) at 18, 6°C (60"F), When the temper anute at which whe insulation is tested differs from 15, G% (Gor), the measured value shall be corrgeted to 186°C (Go"r) in accordance with 6.12, Ditect-current Voltage (See 6.11), Upon completion of the insulation tesstance wae cach insulated power conductor rated for service st 5001 volts and higher shall widhstand for 19 munutes the direet-cunrent test voltage given in Table 22 or 3, {pon completion of the insulation resistance test, Sach nonshlelded condvetor rated up through S000 volts shall withstand for § minutes the dlrect-current {cst voltage given in Table 3-2 or 3-3, unless the altemating-current test described in tg performed. Partial discharge (Corona) Level {See 6.19). Each length of completed power cable fated for service at 2001 volts and above with in- sulation shielding on the individual conductors shall comply with the following table: Minimum Partial-discharge Extinction Level, kV, Voltage, 100 Percent 100 Percent Phase to Phate, Insulation Insulation Vols Level Level 2001-5000 4 S#e 5001-8000 6 8 8001-15000 uw 15 15001-25000 19 26 25001-28000 1 a 28001-35000 26 a SE ‘** Unless otherwise indicated, the cable will be a IRCEA $-61-402, NEMA WC 9 eee —— ee We water abuorpilon shall be calculated In terms of milUgrame per square inch of surface as follows: B-c Water absorption (Gf Cis less than A) Water abcoeption ACC ks greater than A) s Where— ‘4A = Weight of the spectmen in milligrams be~ fore immersion. B = Weight of tie specimen in milligrams after Immersion. C = Weight of the specimen in milligrams after drying in vacuum, 5 =Total area in square inches of the test specimen, E74 Dielectic Suengih Retention. Twenty aw same, each at least 5 feet (1,5 meter) long, ‘hall be cut fiom a feel or coil chosen at random, Te ample shall be either 4 AWG solid of 14 AWG sanded, with a 45 mil (1,34 mm) wall of ine ladon, Ten identified samples sball be immersed, e: cept for the ends, for 14 days in water at the spec~ Ted temperature, Immediately , thereafter, all 5 rwenty samples shall be immersed, except for the ~ ends, in water at 20°C t0 30°C for 1 hour, At least S fect (0,9 meters) of each sample shall be im= mened, 7 After the qwenty samples bave been immersed, an alternating-current test voltage, starting at zero, fall be applled across the insulation sind increased 4 the rate of $00 volts per second until breakdown oceurs, The dielec:ic strength retention shall be cal- culated a5 follows: _ Dielectric strength retention, percent Pie X 100 ptember 1973, 16 Page 11 Where B = Average breakdown voltage’ of the ten samples immersed for 14 days at thespeci- fied temperature. A = Average breakdown voltage of: the ten samples not Immersed for 14 days at the specified temperaure, 6.8 Thickness of Coverings 8.8. 1 Nonmetallic Tape. Nonmetallic wpe, when not bonded to the underlying material, shall be removed from not Jess than 6 inches (152'mm) of the insulated conductor or assembled core.! The Uickness of the tape shall be determined by means of a dial micrometer having a presser foot 0. 25jinch (6.35 mm) + 0,01 inch in diameter and exerting a total force of 3.0 4 0,1 ounces (85 4 9 grams), the load being applied by means of a w readings shall be taken at different points oy the sample, and the average of diese readings siall be taken as dhe thickness of the tape, 6.8.2 Metallic Shielding Tape or Steel Tape. Metallic shielding tape or steel tape shall be| re~ moved from not less than 6 inches (152 ma) of the insulated conductor or assembled core, The thicl of the tape shall be measured by means of a ini~ crometer caliper having flat surfaces on both |the anvil and the end of spindle and graduated to read directly at least to ills, and preferably to tenths of a mil. Five readings shall be taken at different points on the tample, and the average of ‘these readings shall be taken as the thickness of the tape. 6.8.3 Metallic Sheaths, The thickness of the sheath shall be determined by measurements made with a micrometer caliper having a rounded anvil. ‘The measurements hall be made directly on two specmens of the sheath reayoved from the cable, one from each end of the reel length. Az ieast five separate measurements, approximately eq2!ty spaced around the circumference, shall be made on each specimen, and the average of all the measure- ments on the two specimens shall be considered as the average thickness of the sheath, The minimum of all of the measuremenss obtained shall be con~ sidered as the minimum thickness of we sheath. =) mber 1973 var 6 Page 10 6.6.3 Elongation, ‘This test shall be conducted in accordance with 6.4.12 and 6.4.12, 5.6.4 Brittleness Test This test shall be con- ducted In accordance with ASTM D 146, wing Speelmen A. 6.1 Accelerated Water Absorption Tests 6.7.1 General, No test sample shall be taken for 5000 feet (1524 meters) oF less, One test sample fot each test shall be taken for the “first 5001 to 20,000 feet (1524 to 6096 meters) of cach cable constuction and one additional sample for each additional 100, 000 feet (30,480 meters), The gross length of rack dample required by the electrical method shall be 15 feet (4.57 meters) and, by the gravimetric method, 12 inches (279 mm). ‘These test shall not be made on cables which have a nonconductive separator between uie_con ductor and insulation, ngulations less dian 45 6.7.2 Electrical Method (EM-60), A 15-foot (4.S7-imeter) test specimen of the insulated con ductor shall be used, The middle 10 feet (3.0 meters) of the test specimen hall be Immersed i tap water which is tnaintained at the temperature spsckfled 1 Past for a period of 14 days, Weeping we 2 1/2 toe (0.76 metei) popsian of each end above Water at Jeakage insulation, A tightly ftting cover shall be placed directly above the water surface, with suite ble water-tight bushings for the ends of the spec~ men, The water level shall be kept constant. ‘The capacitance of the insulation shall be de~ termined at an average stess of 80 volts per mil at approximately 60 hertz alter 1, 7 and 14 days’ im- mersion, “The increase in capacitance from 1 % +4 daysand from 7 to 14 days shall be expressed as a percentage of the 1- and T-day values, respectively. The dielectri¢ constant (specific inductive eapacity) of the insulation at 60 hertz shall be caleulaced as follows Dieleetne D constant 10000 € ToB10 og 1,14 mm) thick, ans insuladons_having a covering Where C = Capacitance in microfarads of the 10-foot (05 meter) section. D = Diameter over the Insulation, d= biameter under the Insulation, 6.7.3 Gravimewic Method, An 11 Inch (2ideminy text specimen of the insulated conductor Shall be taken if the weight of the specimen Is les than 100 grams, For hicavier specimens,_ 2 segment of the insulation 4 inches (102 mm ong and 2 Inch (25.4 mm) wide shall be cut from the insulated Conductor and smoothed to remove 4lt corrugations “The suiace of the testspecimenishall be cleaned by scrubbing with a Uindess cloth moistened with Watet, ‘The specimen shall be died for 48 hours {a TNicuum of 5 millimeters of mercury of less over Galcium chloride at 70°C # 2°C and Uien weighed fo the nearest milligram, Weight A. The ates, S, Shall be the number of square inches in a 10-inch {26i-mmm) length of the insulated [vite or the total tuea in sqvare inches of the segment, The insulated vive specimen shall be bent in the shape of a U TNound a mandsct having a diameter not les than Ques dies Le daincter of dhe specimen, and te fends shall be ierted in dghtly fing holes inthe civer ofa pint glass Fnes0 that 10 nches (254 mm) Sriate spectinen will fe nnened when the Jae Completely filed widh water and te cover applied. ‘The test specimen shal! be immersed in freshly boiled distilled water at 10°C + 1°C for 168 hours, ‘The level of the water shall be maintained flush with the undersurface af the cover. during the soak ing period. The segment-sbaped spectqen shall Le completely immersed. After the spectmen has been immersed for 168 hours, uic water shall be cooled to room temperauusc. The specimen shall be te moved and the adhering water sbaken off, The spectmen shall be blotted Ughtly with lindess cloth and weighed within 3 minutes to the nearest milli= gram, Weight B. The Epecimen thal be eriéd In-a vacuum of 5+ millimeters of mercury or less over calcium chloride at 70°C 4°2°C for 48 liours and then weighed to the nearest milligram, Weight C.

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