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Assertion and Reason ra In the following questions (Q. No. 15 —Q. No. 18), a statement of a reason is given choose the correct out answer of the following choices e rr (@ Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of Assertion (A). (b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true but Reason (R) is not the correct explanation of Assertion (A) (c) ‘Assertion (A) is true but Reason (R) is false. (4) Assertion (A) is false but Reason (R) is true. QI5. Assertion (A): Non — ideal solution always from azeotropes, A Reason (R): Boiling point of an azeotrope may be higher or lower than boiling poit Q16, Assertion (A): Zn, Cd and Hg can not be regarded as transition elements. Reason (R): These elements do not belong to the d — block of the periodic table. 17, Assertion (A): KCN reacts with methyl chloride to give methy! isocyanide. Reason (R): CN” is an ambident nucleophile. QI8. Assertion (A): Glycine must be taken through diet. Reason (R) It is non — essential amino acid. SECTION -B QU9. Define (a) Osmotic pressure (b) Van't Hoff factor Q20. The vapour of water is 12.3 K Pa at 300 K, Calculate the vapour ‘pressure ots votalile solute in it. Q21. Consider a certain A > Products with K = 2.0 x 10? S"!, Calculate the concentr: 100 S. If initial concentration of A is 1.0 mol L~*, (Antilog 1.13.16 = 0.1354) 22, The rate of reaction, 2NO + Ch > 2.NOCI is double, when concentration of Ch; is doubled and its becomes eight time when concentration of both NO and Cl, are double deduce the order of the reaction. Q23. Write the IUPAC name of the following structure ints of both components. molal solution of a non ~ ion of (A) remaining after CHO @ Ww CH,-CH-CH, Q24. Arrange the following compounds in increasing order of their boiling points (CH;CHO, CH; — CH; — OH, CH;OCHs CH; ~ CH; ~ CHs Gi) Arrange the following compounds in decreasing order of basi strength in gas phase. CoH NHs, (Co Hs)aNH, (CH9)N and NHs Q25. Name of Reagent’s used in the following reactions: (@ Benzoyl alcohol to benzoic acid (@) Oxidation of primary aleohol to aldehyde SECTION -C 26, 45 gram of ethylene glycol (CeHLOA) i= mixed with 600 gram of water calculate (a) the feezing point Sepeion and (ete freezing point ofthe solution (Kr for water = 1.86 K mol ') Se ee 27. Dative integrated rate equation of 1st order reaction and show that half life peri tion independent ofthe initial concentration of reactant. life period of 1st order: Issa 028. What is lenthanoid contration? What are the consequences of lathanoid contracti 29. Complete the following Ionic equation and balance them ona (@) COP + Fe" aes > (©) MnO, + Mel + HO— a> (6) MnO, +E pee 30. Complete the following equation: Pa (i CH,CH =C(CH,), + HBr > (ii) CH, -CH, - C H-CHO—##> j (ii) CH, CH, ~ Br + KNO, > OR ‘Write the mechanism of the reaction HI with methoxyethane. ee a SECTION —D ¢ following quest — based question. Read the Gite Z Passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: Polysaccharides may be very large molecules, Ae pesos, lycogen is the storage form of glucose in human and othe, e lucose.Itis structural support to the cell. Wood and ee. sae and ig made up of mamOnes cellulosic in nature. : Starch, glycogen, cellulose and chitin are em? 6. Qi. @s. Q. Qio. qu. Qi2. Qi3. In the following questions of the following choices @) (b) (o) (d) Qs. Qi6. Read the following instructions — -‘rorenanand 837696 1 — BOARD : II EXAMINATON ; ue SUB:- CHEMISTRY (943) 2022-23 SET-B FM. : 70 Timing : 03 Hrs arefully. cae ere are 38 questions in this question paper With internal choice, SECTION A consto! 18 multplecholequesonsesnyog | may ey SECTION B consis of 7 very'short answer questions carrying? mans Sch. SECTION € consists ofS short answer questions canying 3 marks exch ECTION D consists of 2 ease- based questions carrying 4 marks each, SECTION E consists of3 long answer questions carrying 5 marks each, All questions are compulsory. Use of log tables and calculators is not allowed SECTION —~A The value of van't Hoff factor for ethanoic acid in benzene is @15 (b) 10 (05 (@20 Which of the following solutions of NeCl will have the highest value of spesitfe cmusanee (@)0.5M ()0.01M 2a ©01M (@) 1.0M The rate constant of reaction is 3x 10 mol L? s". The order ofthe reaction is (a0 (b)2 ()1 (3 The equivalent mass of KMnO, in acidic, alkaline and neutral medium i respectively (@) 52.66, 31.6, 158 (b) 31.6, 158, 52.66 (©) 158, 52.66, 31,66 (4) None of the above The correct IUPAC name of [Pt (NH;):Ch] is (@) diamminedichloridoplatinum (11) (b) diamminedichloridoplatinum (IV) (©) diamminedichloridoplatinum (0) (@) dichloridodiammineplatinum (IV) ‘Which of the following is most preferred to prepare alkyl chloride from alcohol? (®) Concentrated HCI (b) SOCI2 (©) PCI; . (PCL ‘Which of the following compounds is oxidised to methyl ethyl ketone? (2) 2-Propanol (b) 1-Butanol (©) 2-Butanol (@) tert. Butyl alcohol Which of the following cannot be prepared by Sandmeyer's reaction? (@)Chlorobenzene ~~ (b) Bromobenzene (©) Iodobenzene @ Fluorobenzene ‘Which of the following B group vitamins can be stored in our body? s (®) Vitamin B (b) Vitamin B2 (©) Vitamin B6——_(d) Vitamin BI2 The Van't Hoff factor for 0.1M Ba (NO;), solution is 2.74, The degree of dissociation is; (2) 91.3% (0) 87% (© 100% @u% ‘The highest electrical condu (@)0.1Macetic acid (b) When initial concentration (2) is halved ‘ctivity of the following solutions is of a Z ee. 0.1 M chloroacetie fe (c) 0.1 M fluoroacetic acid (d) 0.1 M difluoroacetic acid ofthe reactant is doubled he hale period of 210 order reaction (b)is doubled (@istripled (@) remains unchanged eduction of Mn in KMnO, and production of Hy reduetion of Mn in KMnO, and production of Cl. no 'd' el ist > (@) [Mno4y Ico One the central 27 rena (@ [Cr @hOyy ion and Reaso, Production of lz (b) Both Assertion (A) ang ct expl ion (Ayan R880) are tue and Reason (R) 8, Boss Assn ( ad Rea ae son yao te ome explanation of Assertion (A) feces cnet el pes feb Reason (R) is trae, yf to function. Reason (Ry. a cre htV° a positive value OP Nem Assertion (A): Mola “Ea ; Reason (R) Y of ae Nomnatty anst.N Solution of HCI i OB ys eaual and me Qi7. as. Qi9. Wo. @ Q22. 23. Qa. Qs. Q26. @7. 28. Qs. sjronger nucleophile than pheno oe Assertion (A): CsH,OH is a weaker base than phenol but is °°" 1 grawn towards the ring de to Reason (R): In phenol, the lone pair of electrons on OXY8" "imme and also adds a molecule of Assertion (A): Glucose reacts with hydroxylamine to form ® cyanide to give cyanohydrin, Reason(R): — The carbonyl group is present in Lok 2 a 5 SECTION=B _ 145 g mol) was dissolved in ; (Galpuiate the boiling point OF soludcat when 2g of Naso 142 & } se assuming Na;S0, 80% ionised. (Ky for water = 0.512 K ke mo! Write the equations involved in the following reaction (a) Wolff-Kishner reduction (b) Etard reaction OR chain structure of gICOSE. pe ee fone ie involved inthe following free a) Hell-Volhard-Zelinsky reaction __(b) Decarboxylation Weis de cue products hen bate of reacts with the following (@) Cr (b) SOCh, Following compounds are given to you: 2-Bromopentane, 2-Bromo-2-methylbutane, I-Bromopentane (Write the compound which is most reactive towards SN2 reaction. Write the compound which is optically active 4 Gi Write the compound which is most reactive towards /f — elimination reaction, Calculate the emf of the following cell at 298 K C1(s)/Cr** (0.1M)||Fe**(0.01M)|Fe(s) [Given: E%sa= #030 V] OR Calculate A G? and Ke for the following reaction at 298 K: 2Cr(s) + 3Fe™(aq) > 2Cr** (aq) + 3Fe(s) Given: E cell? =0.30 v (@) Give reason: Anisole on reaction with HI gives phenol and CH3 -I as main produets and not iodobenzene. (6) Draw the structure of salicylic ac. A reaction is first order in A and second order in B (2) Write the differential rate equation. (b) __Howis the rate affected on increasing the concentration of B three times? SECTION —C Account for the following: reo 3 (a) The highest oxidation state is exhibited in oxoanions of transition metals. (b) HCI is not used to acidify KMnO, solution. (©) Transition metals have high enthalpy of atonsaton ‘Complete the following reactions: ()T-+Mn0¢ +H" > Gi) Cr,0;* + Sn* +H > Gil) MnO¢ + $,0;* +120 > Give equations of the following reactions: (i) Bromine in CS; with phenol. ii) Treating phenol with chloroform in presence of aqueous NaOH, (2) What type of aldehydes eae ay acon? ee (0) Arrange the following compo rder oftheir pro im ‘Arrange the following in increasing order of property specified; Property as indicat (@) Aniline, ethanamine, 2-Ethylethanamine (solubility in water) (b) _Ethanoic acid ethanamine, ethanol (boiling point) © Metlananine, NN-Dimelhylmetianamine 2d NMethyinethsnaming (gai strength 2 phase) es (@) Give a chemical test to distinguish between N-Methylethanamin, : aS (b) Wit the reaction for eataytie reduation of nitrobenzene roiowea py NN Dimetra with bromine water ©) Outof butan-I-ol and butan-l-amine, Which will be more sotube in water and why? How do you convert: 01 to tol (a) Chlorobenzene to biphenyl, Or aia” Dilute HNO; with phenol. (©) Methanol to ethanoie sf EB @Wo. Ql 32. 3. 34, (©) Aquatic animals are more ¢* Give reasons for the following: shrink when placed in saline wa ; (2) Red Blood Cells (RBC) srk whet laced lin than out Sel ind f 1 M KCI solution is near} SECTIO! illed water. ter (©) Elevation of boiling point o 'Y double than that of 1M sugar solution. ed question. Read the passa The following questions are case ~ based questi Passage C€refhlly and anewer the {Questions that follow: Passage: Polysaccharides may be ver) ei eee iveonen, Cellulose, and chitin are examples of aoe eet ia myfose is soluble in water and ag 84° UP Of amylose and amylopectin (bod ee), Anyone vie Pe hydrolyzed into glucose unite breaking yeARide bonds, by the a ec ae eer Amylopectin is a branched chain polymer of several D-glucose mole sored oot amylopectin is present in circ Plants are able to yntsie gos, nd the exes lucose sored as sachin diferent parts, including roots and seeds The sah that i consumed by animals s broken down ino mater mn fa ne glucose. The cells can then absorb the glucose. h Glycogen is the storage form of glucose in humans and other Vertebrates, and is made up of monomers of slucose. Its structurally quite similar to amylopectin. Glycogen is the animal equivalent of starch. It is stored in liver and skeletal muscles. Cellulose is one of the most abundant natural biopolymers, The cell walls of Blants are mostly made of cellulose which provides structural suppon tothe ell open ig paper are mostly cellulosic i nar, Like amylose, cellulose is linear polmer of genes Celtel gute oa eiseee monomers that are linked by Conds between partici caries ne fase Wlucose monomer in cellulose sipped over and packed igh exendal lng chains Tha even cali ed its rigidity and high tensile strength which is so important to plant eells Answer the following questions: Cellulose passing through our digestive system is called dietary fibre (@_ Inanimals, Glycogen is stored in: (Liver (b) Spleen (©) Lungs (@ Small Intestine (i) Amylose is: (@) straight chain, water insoluble component of starch, which constitutes 20% of it (©) straight chain, water soluble component of starch, which constitutes 20% of it. (¢) branched chain, water insoluble component of starch, which constitutes 80% of (@) branched chain, water soluble component of starch, which constitutes 80% of it (i) Which biopolymer breaks down to release glucose, whenever glucose levels drop in our body: (a) starch (b) cellulose (c) chitin (@) glycogen (i) The linkages which join monosaccharides to form Jong chain polysaccharides: (2) Peptide linkage (6) Disulphide bonds (©)Hydrogen bond —_(d) Glycosidic linkage nearb dea us marke effet onthe rte of reaction, Formos ofthe reaction, the rae of reaction becomes nearly double for every 10 degree rise in temperature. The effect of temperature is usually expressed in terms of temperature coefficient. The quantitating dependence of reaction rte on temperature was fist explained by Swante Arhenius; Arhenius proposed a simple equation known as Arrhenius equation emit, This equation provides lk (k) of a reaction and the temperature of the system. A isthe Arbon tetship between the rate constant (K) P ee "lus factor or pre-exponential factor. Ea is the activation energy and R is the gas @ Refine activation energy’ ofa re ct action, He sak, ei Cana seeds affect the rcs > eapion? Explain with respect the Arenius equation, av : The plot of log kys ee tiv 2 Justify. is x? i linear with lope =~ Ea/2303 Whats X? (Wt 9 of cneran i shown poe IONS Feo Ht AJICHCN): Y Solution of py o3in by the complet Ten of [Ni(CN)]* is colourless? (At no, of Ni= 2g)! H20).]"* is green while a sol (©) Define spectre emi (G) Differentiate bop oA Series, ay Dis ination entity. Fora cern chemi teat et Feld and strong field eon) vs. time plot is given alongside, For this action “tiation in the concel what is the order a of rate constant k? i) ive the relationshy"® tion eee ot comin? shat is the. ty 4 e (Cv) what isthe slope ofthe sek and ty, (half-life ae draw the plot log [RJp / [R] vs time t(s). a. Q2. Q@. a. @. 6. Q. Qe. @. General Instruction Read the following instructions carefully, B Sree Ayyappa Public Sehgal Sector V, Bokaro Steel Cty, tharkhang SY pre - BOARD : LEXA 827006 "There are 35 questions inthis question paper with internal chofoe, $ aultiple-choice questions i p IN A consists of 18 mul 4 carrying 1 mark each, TON B comists of 7 very short answer questions ‘carrying 2 marks SECTION C consists of S short answer questions carrying 3 marks each, SECTION D consists of 2: 0 ing 4 marks each, SECTION E cons marks each, All questions are compulsory. Use of log tables and calculators is not allowed. ECTION =A ‘The major product of acid catalysed dehydration of I~ methyleyelohexanol is: (a) 1—methyleyclohexane (b) 1 ~methyleyclohexene (©) 1 ~eyclohexyimethanol (@) 1 ~methylenecyclohexane Cu" salts are coloured. Why? (a) It has unpaired electron and (b) Undergoes d ~ d transition (©) It absorbing light (@ Allof the above ‘Which one of the following compounds is more towards SNI reaction? (@) CH=CH (6) CoHsCH:Br © CoHCH (CoH.)Br (A) CQHJCH(CHs)Br Common name of Ethan ~ 1, 2 —dioic acid is known as : (@) Oxalic acid (b) Phthalic acid (© Adipic acid (@ Acetic acid The correct increasing order of basic strength for the following compounds is NH, ne q@ = om OF » Or @u1 @m complex? (2) sp°hybrisation ~~ (h)) HCTis not use ve high enthalpy of atomization, anstion mete ds upon the temperature and jg ty Ger. Te rasofa extn ene tween log Kend UE rt Ny expressed a: k=Act ae Ifa gaph is Pt los, Nd Ex a the activee 28 the slope ofthe rection? er different io i @) eat ne de tee value ofan SMH Of two reactions. IE = £0 Jmol id B=80 Jimi stants for zero order and Tate constant? Tee icanits of rate constants fOr 2& T and second ee © Write uns of coeds rie eations ifthe concentration is expressed inmol L” and ti OR The rate constant for th logk =14.2 Calculate E, for this reaction and rate constant k if its half-life etiod be 200 min, (Given: R =8.314] K"' mol”) What happens when i (@) Cli, = Cts teated with aqueous KOH? OEM Gri teen wiikey (©) CH~ Bristreated with Mg inthe presence of dry ether? (@) Complete he following reation and suggest a sitable mechanism forthe reaction: CH,CH,OH “Sy (®)__ Why otho-nitrophenol is steam volatile while paranitrophenol is ess volatile? An aromatic compound A’ on heating with Br, and KOH forms compouad "Sof molecular fommula CaN ‘which on reaction with CHCl; and alcoholic KOH produees a fil smelling compound °C” Wes the erucie and TUPAC names of compound A, B and C. SECTION-D pur following question are case ~ based question, Read the passage carefully and answer the questions hat fll Q3L. Passage: between metal and electrolyte soliion and putting a double vertical fine between’ the to electrolytes connected by a salt bridge Ina galvanic cel, the following cell ceaction occurs: Za(s) + 2Ag'(ag) > Zn'(aq) + 2Ag(s) Ban=+1.56V (@) What isthe direction of the flow of electrons? (6) How will concentration of Za** ions and Ag* ions be affected when the cell functions? © Name the cel whichis in inverters ? i generally used in invé GD Which cell uses 038% solution of sulphuric acid as an electrolyte? OR (©) The standard electrode Potential for Daniell cell is 1.1V. Calculate the standard Gibbs energy for the reaction; 73) + Cu(aq) > zn? (aq) + OM) jn biology, but although nature has mastered their Q32. Passage: Nuclesides and amino acids ry synthesis and polymerisation, yee itl building blocks sbiticaly plausible and simple conditions, without activation, in the labora? ©" Ynthesis under mild, pre fea feiatalyoed synthesis of nucleosides and nucleotides from their Pieces, ‘hallenging, In this context For instance, Orgel and co-workers synthesised small amounts of adenosine ang "®S been Widely investgaled, FOr ioanes OTGe! ane dehydration reaction of nibose together with the conc, S¥%0sine nucleosides it SF ‘or guanine, in the presence of inorganic polyphosphate salts, They ge °PO%ding purine base, Be ee ieaproved by the addition of salts te the Feaction solution, which can yo)**¥ed that nucleoside Holts ever, the synthesis of canonical pyrimidine cytosine, thymine and uraciy ga? drive dehydration rea have not been synthesised directly from the base tid ribs, leoides i difiult and ey BY (®) Is nucleotide ang Mcleoside d le the ® same? ig Q33. ws. Q35. (0) Write one point of difference between nucleotide and nucleoside (c) What are purines and pyrimidines? Name the purines and py nucleic acids. .midines present in DNA and RNg OR (©) Whatkind of linkage is present between the two units of pentose sugars of nucleotides are these linkages present? (a) Write the IUPAC name of the eee a coordination compotmd [Co(NH3)SBr]SO4. Give one chemical test to distinguish between the two compounds. (b) _ Howis a double salt different from a complex? : (©) Howis the denticty of coordination compound used for the treatment of lead poisoning? (@ Which of the following is more stable complex and why? [Co(NHs):]* and [Co(en)s]*. Write the structures of A, B, C, D and B in the following reactions: ina djnucleotide? Between which carbon atoms CHCO, 4 _ZmHyConeHA, 5, _(R¥inO,- KOH th, EL Fes eee [v= ee oR (@) Write the product obtained when R—CHZ—COOH undergoes halogenation (b) Draw the structures of the following derivatives: (@.Cyanohydrain (ii) Acetaldehyde dimethyl acetal (m) Ethylene glycol ketol E%cay for the given redox reaction is 2.71 V Mg) + Cu*e.o19 > MB" 0001 + Ctx Calculate Exy for the reaction. Write the direction of flow of current when an extemal opposite potential applied is: (a) less than 2.71 V and (b) greater than 2.71 V OR (@) White the cell reaction and ealelate the em of the following cell at 298 K: Sy | Sn** (0,004 M) || 1° (0.020 M)| Hh (g) (1 bar) | Pt (s) Given: E2..,5, 20-14) (6) Give reasons: On the bass of E° values, Ox s88 should be Iiberated at anode but its Cla gas which is srolysis of aqueous NaC liberated in the elec ch (Conductivity af CHACOOH deereases on dilution, feeb

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