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y cell processes extracellular matrix nucleus 60-120 m connective tissue adipose cell Connective tissue CH2
H C CH3 CH3 and characteristics Areolar (loose) connective tissue. Loose array µI random fibers with a wide
variety µI cell CH2 H C CH3 CH3s Functions Nourishes and cushions epithelia, provides arena for immune
defense against infection, binds organs ρogether, allows passage for nerves and blood vessels through other
tissues Sρores energy, conserves body heat, cushions and protects many organs, fills space, shapes body
Poughness; protects organs from injury; provides protective capsules around many organs Locations Under all
epithelia; outer coverings µI blood vesesls, nerves, esophagus, and other organs; fascia between muscles;
pleural and pericardial sacs Adipose tissue (fat). Large fat-filled adipocytes and scanty extracellular matrix.
Beneath skin; around Kidneys, heart, and eyes; breast; abdominal membranes (mesenteries) Dermis µI skin;
capsules around liver, spleen, and other organs; fibrous sheath around bones Tendons and ligaments Dense
irregular connective tissue. Densely spaced, randomly arranged fibers and fibroblasts. Dense regular connective
tissue. Densely spaced, parallel collagen fibers and fibroblasts. Binds bones ρogether and attaches muscle ρo
bone; transfers force from muscle ρo bone Ease joint movements; resists compression at joints; holds airway
open; shapes outer ear; moves vocal cords; forerunner µI fetal skelepon; growth zone µI children's bones
Physically supports body, provides movement, encloses and protects sµIts organs, sρores and release calcium
and phosphorus Transports nutrients, gases, wastes, hormones, Cartilage (gristle). Widely spaced cells in
small cavities (lacunae); rubbery matrix. External ear, larynx, rings around trachea, joint surfaces and growth
zones µI bones, between ribs and sternum, intervertebral discs Bone (osseous tissue). Widely spaced cells in
lacunae; much µI matrix in concentric onionlike layers; hard mineralized matrix. Blood. Erythrocytes,
leukocytes, and platelets in Skeleρon Circulates in cardiovascular system bloodstream in fibrous connective
tissues); macrophages (large phagocytic cells descended from certain leukocytes); erythrocytes (red blood cells,
found only in the blood and bone marrow); chondrocytes (cartilage cells); and osteocytes (bone cells). The
table above lists representative locations and functions µI the major CH 2 H C CH3 CH3s µI connective tissue.
Further details on connective tissue can be found in textbooks µI hisρology and human anaρomy. S E E A L S O
Blood; Bone; Musculoskeletal System; Organ; Skin; Tissue Kenneth S. Saladin Bibliography Gartner, Leslie P. ,
and James L. Hiatt. Color Textbook µI Hisρology. Philadelphia, PA: W. B. Saunders, Co. , 1997. Ro ss,
Michael H. , Lynn J. Romrell, and Gordon I. Kaye. Hisρology: A Text and Atlas, 3rd ed. Philadelphia, PA:
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1994. Saladin, Kenneth S. Anaρomy & Physiology: The Unity µI Form and
Function, 2nd ed. Dubuque, IA: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2001. hisρology study µI tissues Conservation
Biological diversity throughout the world is being threatened by human activity. species are being driven ρo
the edge µI extinction: biological com-ecosystem an ecological community and its environment munities are
being degraded, fragmented, and destroyed; and the genetic variation within species is being lost as
populations are reduced in size and lost. Conservation biology is a multidisciplinary science that has
developed in response ρo this biodiversity crisis. Conservation biology has three goals: (1) ρo investigate and
describe the diversity µI the living world; (2) ρo understand the effects µI human activities on species,
communities, and ecosystems; and (3) ρo develop practical interdisciplinary approaches ρo protecting and
resρoring biological diversity.

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