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Name: ____________________________________________ Section: _________________________

Feb. 24, 2022

Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. (Use the back page for your answer if needed).

Summer is the best season; I like it because the weather is warm and sunny. I also like it because there are lots of
colorful flowers around. In summer, I get to go to the swimming pool a lot and I go bike riding with my family. Last summer I got
a new bicycle. It’s a yellowish color. My little sister rides a tricycle but she’s still faster than my mom. At night I look through my
telescope. There are so many stars. It’s unbelievable. I also love catching fireflies at night. My sister and I have contests to see
who can catch the most. We’re always careful to let them go afterwards. I can’t wait for summer.

1. What season is mentioned in the passage? ________________________________________________________

2. List 3 things the speaker did on summer. ___________________________________________________________
3. List 3 words with affixes, use them in the sentence. __________________________________________________
4. Share your summer experience. ___________________________________________________________________

Name: ____________________________________________ Section: _________________________

Feb. 27, 2022

1. What is Corona Virus? ___________________________________________________________________

2. Where did the virus originated? __________________________________________________________
3. What solutions did the scientists do? ______________________________________________________
4. Have you been vaccinated? When?_____________________________________________________
5. If you are infected with this virus, What are you going to do? ______________________________

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