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3 Mr Peter Woolcott AO 25-2-2023
4 Email
6 Re 20230225-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Mr Peter Woolcott AO Re Public Servants –
7 COMPLAINT Supplement 1
9 Sir,
10 one of my readers referred me to a link regarding 16 February 2023 Senate Estimates Senator
11 Rennick’s questioning of Mr John Skerritt, as a result I did some more research including about
12 “Antiphospholipid Syndrome”.
13 OK, now they are referring to “Antiphospholipid Syndrome” (APS) something I had absolutely
14 no clue what it was meaning. Well, I decided to put it in a search engine and more than 6 hours
15 later reading all kinds of documents it became clear to me that “Antiphospholipid Syndrome”
16 does not have a definite status. Some countries include certain issues and others do not. Italy
17 (Lupus) appears to contribute about 44+ of all research papers which also so to say throws of a
18 general picture where it is overrepresented. (see references below)
19 If anything I learned with the COVID-19 claims is that in 2020 anyone who had something. Like
20 being killed by a motor accident was deemed to be a COVID-19 death. Whereas when it came to
21 those injected, the death toll within the first 14 days, later 28 days were not counted as to relate
22 to the jabs. As such, the CDC (not being at all a government agency but instead as the late G. W.
23 Bush made clear in 1991 was a private organisation and its employees were not public servants
24 and the CDC had to look after the interest of its donors. As such, it essentially is some kind of
25 advertising agency looking after the financial interest of pharmaceutical companies and other
26 sponsors. This is why so to say it was moving the goal post as to what suited the pharmaceutical
27 companies best.
29 It means that when it comes to statistics one must be careful as to what is presented and what is
30 not included, etc. When Pfizer commenced to claim that it was 95% it was really not that 95% of
31 people having the jab was protected as the end result was merely just over 1% and even then the
32 figures were as I u7nderstyand it doctored with and Pfizer pursued to keep the test results (as it
33 alleged it to be) secret for 75 years. Effectively no one could give “informed consent” when the
34 details were kept hidden.
35 And then with all those governments driven by the CDC mantra that it would protect against
36 infection and transmission if you got the jab, reality is that Pfizer Director Janine Small in
37 October 2022 admitted that Pfizer never tested it for preventing infection or transmission.
39 The former Minister for Health Greg Hunt I view was a traitor not because he was a former
40 director of the W.E.F. but because of the way he betrayed Australians regarding the COVID
41 scam. Likewise so with Scott Morrison and others.
43 The WHO (no I didn’t forget this enemy entity) was eager to cause considerably harm upon
44 people around the world. Just that I as a constitutionalist was too well aware that our constitution
25-2-2023 Page 1 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
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1 doesn’t allow for this kind of conduct, albeit aware our politicians had too many traitors in its
2 midst to so to say sell themselves out to the enemy.
5 profit.aspx?ui=2452e48ee850e01d1c6738932cddb7dcaf9043a15984f355d7aa522cd46b564a&sd=20201124&cid_so
6 urce=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1HL&cid=20230201_HL2&cid=DM1338276&bid=1709435946
7 How COVID Patients Died for Profit
9 The World Health Organization promoted the use of ventilators as a way to purportedly
10 curtail the spread of virus-laden aerosols, thereby protecting other patients and hospital
11 staff. In other words, suspected COVID patients were sacrificed to “protect” others
13 And
15 By May 2020, it had become apparent that the standard practice of putting COVID-19
16 patients on mechanical ventilation with ventilators was a death sentence. 1 As early as April
17 9, 2020, Business Insider reported2 that 80% of COVID-19 patients in New York City who
18 were placed on ventilators died, which caused a number of doctors to question their use.
20 And
22 Yet despite these early indications that mechanical ventilation was as unnecessary as it was
23 disastrous, placing COVID patients on life support is standard of care to this day, more
24 than three years later. How could that be?
26 And
28 "In early March, when COVID-19 was ravaging western Europe and sounding alarm bells
29 in the United States, the WHO released COVID-19 provider guidance9 documents to
30 healthcare workers.
31 Citing experience 'based on current knowledge of the situation in China,' the WHO
32 recommended mechanical ventilators as an early intervention for treating COVID-19
33 patients. The guidance recommended10 escalating quickly, if not immediately, to
34 mechanical ventilation.
35 In doing so, they cited the guidance being presented by Chinese medical journals, which
36 published papers in January and February claiming that 'Chinese expert consensus' called
37 for 'invasive mechanical ventilation' as the 'first choice' for people with moderate to severe
38 respiratory distress.
39 The WHO further justified this approach by claiming that the less invasive positive air
40 pressure machines could result in the spread of aerosols, potentially infecting health care
41 workers with the virus."
42 That last paragraph is perhaps the most shocking reason for why millions of COVID
43 patients were sacrificed. They wanted to isolate the virus inside the mechanical vent
44 machine rather than risk aerosol transmission.
45 In other words, they put patients to death in order to "save" staff and other, presumably
46 non-COVID, patients. If you missed this news back in 2020, you're not alone. In the flurry
47 of daily reporting, it escaped many of us. Here's the description given in the WHO's
48 guidance document.
50 And
52 Strangely enough, while the U.S. quickly began clamoring for ventilators, China started
53 relying on them less, and instead exported them in huge quantities. As noted by Schachtel,
25-2-2023 Page 2 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
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1 "China was making a fortune off of manufacturing and exporting ventilators (many of
2 which did not work correctly and even killed patients11) around the world."
3 COVID Patients Effectively Euthanized
4 That ventilation and sedation were used to protect hospital staff was also highlighted by
5 The Wall Street Journal in a December 20, 2020, article, 12 which noted:
6 "Last spring, with less known about the disease, doctors often pre-emptively put patients
7 on ventilators or gave powerful sedatives largely abandoned in recent years. The aim was
8 to save the seriously ill and protect hospital staff from COVID-19 …
9 Last spring, doctors put patients on ventilators partly to limit contagion at a time when it
10 was less clear how the virus spread, when protective masks and gowns were in short
11 supply.
12 Doctors could have employed other kinds of breathing support devices that don't require
13 risky sedation, but early reports suggested patients using them could spray dangerous
14 amounts of virus into the air, said Theodore Iwashyna, a critical-care physician at
15 University of Michigan and Department of Veterans Affairs hospitals in Ann Arbor, Mich.
16 At the time, he said, doctors and nurses feared the virus would spread through hospitals.
17 "We were intubating sick patients very early. Not for the patients' benefit, but in order to
18 control the epidemic and to save other patients," Dr. Iwashyna said 'That felt awful.'"
21 There can be no question about it that the WHO was grossly incompetent and as result many
22 died needlessly besides the many crippled for life, etc. As such, even if the Commonwealth had
23 the powers to provide the WHO to make certain decisions (which I make clear it doesn’t have
24 this) then it would nevertheless be absurd to allow the WHO to make decisions for Australians.
26 Why didn’t the TGA take action as it did with HCQ and Ivermectin to ensure that ventilators
27 were to be calibrated specifically for each patient and not to be used to effectively murder the
28 patient?
31 Press conference with the Therapeutic Goods Administration - TGA's Professor John
32 Skerritt. Australian Government Department of Health
34 Greg Hunt MP
35 October 27 at 9:58 AM ·
36 Follow
37 Press conference with the Therapeutic Goods Administration - TGA's Professor John Skerritt.
38 Australian Government Department of Health
42 Greg Hunt MP on Facebook Watch
44 I am going to be very honest that in my view TGA John Skerrit came across to me as some
45 charlatan trying to sell snake oil rather then a competent person who is involved in very critical
46 work to prevent undue loss of life.
48 In my view it is “disinformation” to claim there is a “diagnostic test” when the PCR test never
49 was and still is not a “diagnostic test”.
51 Also, where on earth did John Skerritt get it that in regard of the States & Territories “leave it up
52 to the States” when Greg Hunt indicated:
25-2-2023 Page 3 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 4

1 Greg Hunt
2 Australia first in world to commence whole population booster
3 One of the most protected countries
4 (Re unvaccinated) State can request- subject to 2 weeks Quarantine
5 Entirely a matter for the State
6 No Jab, No Play policy in Victoria (Re Tennis)
7 (Victoria) a matter for them to resolve
8 (Commonwealth willing to give) Exemption on major events basis
9 Pfizer available to Pharmacies-Moderna to GP's
11 By this Greg Hunt indicates that to apply for exemptions is up to the States but that ultimately
12 the Commonwealth makes the decision
14 By this Greg Hunt underlines that ultimately the Commonwealth so to say is in the driving seat.
15 This then clearly underlines that when it comes to “man-kind” (infectious) diseases then it is a
16 “exclusive” Commonwealth legislative, executive power. Than the question is under what legal
17 provision are the States then dealing with the so called vaccination issues, as to me it violates the
18 Biosecurity Act 2015 (Cth).
20 It also means that the amendment to the Victorian Health and Welfare Act for the Premier to
21 unilaterally declare a “pandemic” regardless no ground for it exist, and can then use this to
22 discriminate upon religious, political and other issues itself must be deemed a gross absurdity.
23 While I have absolutely no doubt that such purported legislation would have no legal force,
24 nevertheless tell that to those who are suffering in the meantime! Tell that to the parties who face
25 incompetent judicial court members who in defiance of the constitution will nevertheless support
26 the unconstitutional legislation!
29 sacked/ar-AATq98c?ocid=spartan-dhp-feeds
30 Essential workers could be forced to get Covid boosters or be sacked
32 The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation extended Pfizer booster
33 approval to include 16- and 17-year-olds.
34 Anyone over 15 who had their second dose at least three months ago is eligible to receive a
35 third shot at state hubs, GPs, and pharmacies.
36 Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt said it was 'more likely than not' the definition of
37 vaccinated would soon change.
38 'That's my expectation, but we want everybody to be boostered in any event,' he said on the
39 Today show on Thursday morning.
40 To help drive booster shot uptake, NSW Labor also wants essential workers to get half a
41 day's leave - as in Victoria - to get a third vaccine dose.
45 Greg Hunt MP on Facebook Watch
46 Greg Hunt
47 subject to consent process, residential care booster No requirement but will be added to
48 the immunisation register
49 No requirement but will be added to the immunisation register
50 99.8% Residential age care (vaxxed)
51 Medical Advise-leave that up to the States and Territories
52 Booster-just adds too
25-2-2023 Page 4 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 5

2 Let us get this right “No requirement but will be added to the immunisation register” this
3 even so any such federal immunisation register itself would be unconstitutional and the states
4 cannot have either an immunisation register that relates to “man-kind” infectious diseases.
5 Meaning it is all a lot of crock!!!!
6 And with the elderly, disabled they are falling within age pension and disability provisions but
7 doesn’t mean the Commonwealth can itself and/or any State/Territory force/coerce such a person
8 to be injected with some poison! Therefore it should be investigated who inflicted the harm upon
9 those in care facilities/hospitals and by what, if any authority could they inflict this harm, even
10 death upon the victims? And don’t give the crap their carers gave “informed consent” because
11 there is no such thing as “informed consent” when even now not even the medical
12 profession/scientist know what the long term harm is of being injected with this potion witch
13 brew. Neither can one be deemed to have given “informed” consent when unaware that
14 substance is injected! Again, even the scientist do not know. And neither can there be
15 “informed” consent when it actually is a USA DoD bioweapon the pharmaceutical companies
16 are peddling without any proper safeguards, etc.
17 So the claim “No requirement but will be added to the immunisation register” is an utter
18 falsehood as neither the Commonwealth, the States or the Territories have any constitutional
19 powers to require anyone to be injected regarding a “man-kind” infectious disease! Here we are
20 having Big Tech claiming to cut down and restrict misinformation/disinformation while they
21 seem to be all too happy to allow this kind of garbage misinformation/disinformation to be
22 published to deceive Australians as to their real constitutional. legal, human and natural rights.
23 Let us get this clear the “booster” just adds to whereas in Victoria the Premier decided it is not a
24 choice but must be done.
25 Both the Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews and the Victorian Minister for Health to my
26 understanding are not holding and never did any medical qualifications. So, we now have
27 politicians deciding medical issues. And rather than any decision made after a proper medical
28 examination now it is deemed applicable to all and anyone regardless how harmful it actually
29 might to many.
30 One has to ask where is not just the Victorian Attorney-General but in particular the Federal
31 Attorney-General that such kind of conduct violates the federal compact as well as the provisions
32 of the Biosecurity Act 2015 (Cth) and cannot be tolerated.
35 who-is-fully-vaccinated/ar-AASVgPi?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531
36 Daniel Andrews warns of imminent change to who is 'fully vaccinated'
38 As I have all along made clear this is not within the legislative powers/executive powers of any
39 State/Territory and as the federal Minister for health Greg Hunt cannot delegate his powers and
40 neither can the Commonwealth itself compel anyone to be jabbed against an infectious disease
41 unless a competent court of jurisdiction after hearing “both sides” determines a person has to be
42 jabbed then all and any jabbing regarding the alleged COVID-19 virus I view is unconstitutional.
44 Obviously the question is if ATAGI in its advice to the Federal Government specifically limited
45 its advice to be only within what is constitutionally permissible and not otherwise!
48 Covid Vaccine Scientific Proof Lethal
49 Over One Thousand Scientific Studies Prove That the COVID-19 Vaccines Are
50 Dangerous, and All Those Pushing This Agenda Are Committing the Indictable
51 Crime of Gross Misconduct in Public Office
25-2-2023 Page 5 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 6

2 730-on-17-february-2021
3 Therapeutic Goods Administration Adj. Professor John Skerritt's interview on ABC 7:30
4 on 17 February 2021
7 Will people be allowed any choice in which vaccine they opt for?
9 The Government's policy is that each centre will have one vaccine, and there'll be
10 different groups going to different centres depending on, obviously, whether you're an
11 aged care resident or you're going to go to primary care in Category 1B of the Phase 1B of
12 a rollout. And so, no, they won't have a choice, but frankly, both the Pfizer and
13 AstraZeneca vaccines have been excellent vaccines from our review of them.
16 Clearly John Skerritt is about “The Government policy” being “political science” rather than
17 “medical science”.
19 We've got every confidence, Leigh, that it will be as effective. The results from the
20 clinical trials showed there was a strong immune response in these people. And just last
21 night, some of my colleagues had a lengthy conversation with Boris Johnson's team in
22 the Prime Minister's office in the UK.
25 To me this is a politician talking not some expert in TGA. I couldn’t care less what “confidence”
26 John Skerritt may or may not have that is not what should be the basis of any TGA approval as
27 what Australians are entitled upon is a professional assessment, in particular not where 17
28 February 2021 is nearly 2 years before the “clinical trial” date then is due on 31 January 2023.
29 The fact that some UK experts had some meeting in PM Boris Johnson (UK) office also is
30 worthless political talk, as it proves absolutely nothing as to the TGA independently making its
31 own assessment.
35 With two vaccines going to be available in Australia, what is the best possible timeframe
36 by which you would have the vast majority of the population inoculated?
38 Well, the Government has undertaken that everyone who is keen to be vaccinated should
39 be able to be by the end of October. And what this actually means in the choice of the
40 AstraZeneca vaccine, the Government's advisory group, ATAGI, has actually
41 recommended a 12-week gap, unless if you're off to have surgery or chemotherapy or
42 something or other, but for the vast majority of people, a 12-week gap. And that actually
43 means that more people will be able to be vaccinated earlier because we'll be leaving a 12-
44 week gap routinely with the AstraZeneca vaccine. So, the aspiration for the end of October
45 is more than that, especially because we know that as of next month, large amounts of
46 locally manufactured vaccine will come online, subject to our approval. But that work's
47 going well too. That's a separate approval for the Australian-manufactured AstraZeneca
48 vaccine because it's actually made at a different site from the first lot of AstraZeneca
49 vaccines that we've just approved yesterday.
52 So we have this statement “Well, the Government has undertaken that everyone who is keen
53 to be vaccinated should be able to be by the end of October”, to me this indicates that the
25-2-2023 Page 6 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 7

1 TGA is not in charge of the “vaccine trials” at all and that he blatantly ignored that it is irrelevant
2 what the government desires as what is important is what parameters the TGA has set for anyone
3 to be jabbed with whatever. How on earth can the TGA approve anything if it merely follows the
4 government policy rather then what Australians are entitled upon to have a competent TGA itself
5 setting the parameters and conditions to ensure that any “clinical trial” is conducted in an
6 appropriate manner
9 Technocrats Move Goal Posts, Now Require Boosters For Life
11 Definition of ‘Fully Vaccinated’ May Soon Be Rewritten
12 Speaking of boosters, the rollout of COVID jab boosters means the CDC will most likely
13 rewrite the definition of “fully vaccinated” as well. As reported by Axios, October 22,
14 2021:8
15 “Currently, the CDC’s definition is the following: ‘Fully vaccinated persons are those who
16 are ≥14 days post-completion of the primary series of an FDA-authorized COVID-19
17 vaccine’ … ‘We may need to update our definition of ‘fully vaccinated’ in the future,’
18 [CDC director Rochelle] Walensky said during a press briefing.”
19 It’s not complicated to understand what such a redefinition will mean. It means that anyone
20 who has received the initial single- or double-dose of COVID “vaccine” will magically be
21 considered unvaccinated again once a certain amount of time has elapsed. As noted by The
22 Atlantic,9 the term “fully vaccinated,” if redefined, will lose its meaning.
23 Not surprisingly, the CDC director’s comments are a complete reversal of her position in
24 late September 2021. According to The Epoch Times, at that time she said officials were
25 not considering changing the definition of “fully vaccinated.”10
26 Just one month later, at the end of October 2021, The Epoch Times reported Walensky was
27 now suggesting that the definition “may change as boosters become more commonplace.”
28 Coincidentally, just five days after that, the CDC announced their recommendations for a
29 booster shot for everyone, even suggesting a fourth dose for certain immunocompromised
30 individuals.11
34 death-penalty-sought/
35 Bill Gates Charged with Murder for COVID-19 Vaccine Death in India’s High Court –
36 Death Penalty Sought
38 The Indian Bar Association is reporting that murder charges have been filed in India’s High Court against
39 two billionaires responsible for the AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine, Covishield, for the murder of a 23-
40 year-old man who was injected with the shot.
44 Research trends and frontiers on antiphospholipid syndrome: A 10-year bibliometric
45 analysis (2012–2021)
47 Conclusion: The scientific literature on APS has increased steadily in the past
48 10 years. The clinical studies on the treatment and mechanism research of APS are
49 recognized as promising research hotspots in the domain of APS. The research status and
50 trends of APS publications from the bibliometric perspective can provide a practical guide
51 and important reference for subsequent studies by researchers and physicians in the
52 domain.
25-2-2023 Page 7 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 8

2 And
4 Results: A total of 1,390 publications regarding APS were identified. Globally, Italy
5 contributed the most publications. The University of Padua was the most productive
6 institution. Lupus ranked first in both the most published and most co-cited journals.
8 And
10 TABLE 5
11 Top 10 most productive journals related to APS.
Rank Journal Count (% of 1,390) IF (2021) JCR (2021)
1 Lupus 168 (12.09) 2.858 Q4
2 Autoimmunity Reviews 59 (4.24) 17.390 Q1
3 Clinical Rheumatology 39 (2.81) 3.650 Q3
4 Current Rheumatology Reports 38 (2.73) 4.686 Q2
5 Rheumatology 37 (2.66) 7.046 Q1
6 Thrombosis Research 35 (2.52) 10.407 Q1
7 Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 29 (2.09) 16.036 Q1
8 Frontiers in Immunology 27 (1.94) 8.786 Q1
9 Journal of Autoimmunity 20 (1.44) 14.511 Q1
10 Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis 20 (1.44) 6.398 Q1/Q2
12 Open in a separate window
13 Rank: based on the publication count. IF: impact factor. JCR: journal citation reports.
15 And
17 Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS), also known as Hughes syndrome, is a systemic
18 autoimmune disorder characterized by vascular (arterial, venous, microvascular)
19 thrombosis and/or obstetric morbidity (Cohen and Isenberg, 2021). APS was first
20 described by Professor Graham Hughes in 1983 (Hughes, 1983). It may occur alone,
21 when it is called primary APS, or coexist with another autoimmune condition [mainly
22 systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)], that is, secondary APS ( Luigi Meroni et al.,
23 2019). The incidence and prevalence of APS are estimated to be approximately
24 2.1/100,000 per year and 50/100,000, respectively (Duarte-Garcia et al., 2019). The
25 last 4 decades have witnessed a prominent evolution in the understanding of APS, and
26 diagnostic methods have changed correspondingly.
30 The Epidemiology of Antiphospholipid Syndrome: A Population-Based Study
32 The study from South Korea analyzed nation-wide claims data from 2008 to 2017. The
33 definition of APS was a clever use of diagnostic and healthcare utilization codes. The
34 study defined a case as an individual with an APS-related code in addition to two codes
35 documenting aPL testing and prescription of anticoagulants. The estimated incidence in
36 this study was 0.75 cases per 100,000, and the prevalence was 6.19 per 100,000 [ 8]. The
25-2-2023 Page 8 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 9

1 incidence and prevalence of APS in this study was remarkably lower than in the studies
2 from the USA or Europe. It is unclear if this difference is due to the different racial
3 background of the populations or due to the strict definition used to identify the cases. This
4 claims definition of APS has not been validated.
6 There have been three studies from Europe with all of them estimating prevalence and only
7 two estimated the incidence. In a letter to the editor by Radin et al., the frequency of APS
8 in the Piedmont and Aosta Valley regions (northwest Italy) was reported using the
9 Regional Rare Disease Registry. The prevalence of APS was 16.8 per 100,000, and the
10 annual incidence rate was 1.1 per 100,000 population [9]. The reported prevalence in this
11 study was lower than most of the other studies. It is unknown if all the APS cases from the
12 region are captured by the registry which could have led to the prevalence rate
13 underestimation.
15 Data from the United Kingdom (UK) was presented during the American College of
16 Rheumatology Scientific Meeting in 2019 by Rodziewicz et al. Using UK Clinical Practice
17 Research Datalink (CPRD), a UK population health dataset, they identified patients with
18 APS from 1990 to 2016 using Read codes. The peak APS incidence was 7.5 per 100,000
19 women between ages 35 and 39, while the peak APS incidence for men was 2.2 per
20 100,000 between ages 55 and 59. The prevalence was 50 per 100,000 in females and 9.8
21 per 100,000 in males. Overall incidence and prevalence were not reported. These findings
22 have not been published in a peer-reviewed publication and the APS Read codes have not
23 been validated yet [10].
26 As shown below TRANSCRIPT 16-2-2023
29 Dr Skerritt: Again, I've got to pick you up on your science. First of all,
30 antiphospholipid syndrome is actually even a bit more common than that. It might be
31 one per cent of people. So it's a considerably common condition.
34 From all the documentation I came across there was nowhere an indication of 1% (one percent of
35 people).
37 I also consider the wording “Again, I've got to pick you up on your science.” A gross insult to
38 Senator Rennick and in view of my limited research Mr Rennick appeared to be correct in his
39 reference of 1 in 2,000.
41 It seems to me that Mr John Skerritt having been caught out in the past as to his answers not
42 having been correct he now seemed to seek to retaliate in his manner. At times I view very
43 insulting and uncalled for.
46 2022–23 Supplementary budget estimates
47 Program
48 Wednesday, 15 February 2023
49 Social Services
50 Thursday, 16 February 2023
51 Health and Aged Care

25-2-2023 Page 9 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 10

1 Program 15 to 16 February 2023 (PDF 204KB)

2 Questions on notice
3 Search the database for questions placed on notice during estimates hearings, and the answers
4 provided. The database contains information for each of the eight legislation committees from
5 the 2017-18 supplementary budget estimates hearings onwards. For earlier estimates rounds,
6 please refer to each committee’s estimates rounds pages.
7 Search Questions:
8 Keyword(s):
10 Overdue No
11 Asked Of Department of Health and Aged Care
12 Proof Hansard Page/Written Written
13 Portfolio Question Number SQ22-000674
15 QuestionWhy should the Australian public trust either Professor Murphy, Professor
16 Skerritt or Professor Kelly given they have all made statements that turned out to be
17 grossly misleading? This includes Professor Kelly claiming the vaccines stopped
18 transmission, Professor Murphy claiming there are no spike proteins in the blood and
19 Professor Skerritt claiming the lipids used in the vaccine were like lipids in a steak one eats
20 for breakfast, when in fact there are four lipids used in the vaccine some of which are
21 cationic? Given these claims have been made in estimate hearings why aren't they held in
22 contempt?
23 Answer
24 See attached answer.
26 Download question with answer
27 Answer Attachment
29 SQ22-000674.pdf
31 Answered Date 16/12/2022
34 The Framers of the Constitution made clear that the Constitution should be in plain English (and
35 that they will put in words which can be understood by persons commonly acquainted with the
36 English language.) and also for ordinary persons to be understood. As such when the TGA or for
37 that anyone else issue many document it must be in plain English and not that an ordinary reader
38 may read the document and later it is claimed it has a different meaning.
40 Hansard 19-4-1897 Constitution Convention Debates
42 This is a Constitution which the unlettered people of the community ought to be able to
43 understand.
45 .
46 Hansard 21-9-1897 Constitution Convention Debates
48 The Right Hon. C.C. KINGSTON (South Australia)[9.21]: I trust the Drafting Committee
49 will not fail to exercise a liberal discretion in striking out words which they do not
50 understand, and that they will put in words which can be understood by persons commonly
51 acquainted with the English language.
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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
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1 Hansard 8-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates

3 We want a people's Constitution, not a lawyers' Constitution.
6 Therefore even legislation must be in plain English as well as any TGA documentation.
8 Mr John Skerritt also refers to “WHO” if this relates to the World Health Organisation then I
9 view this is absurd, this as the WHO is as I understand it known to alter meanings, etc, to suit the
10 pharmaceutical companies. The “WHO” should have no business to dictate what classification
11 can be accepted or not, as now appears to be implied. The “WHO” is not a Commonwealth of
12 Australia entity and neither can the Federal Parliament have any say over the “WHO”
13 .
14 Hansard2-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates;
16 The Constitution empowers the Federal Parliament to deal with certain external affairs, among which
17 would probably be the right to negotiate for commercial treaties with foreign countries, in the same way as
18 Canada has negotiated for such treaties. These treaties could only confer rights and privileges upon the
19 citizens of the Commonwealth, because the Federal Government, in the exercise of its power, [start
20 page 1753] could only act for and on behalf of its citizens.
22 .
23 Hansard 6-3-1891 Constitution Convention Debates
25 I shall quote from Mr. Dicey's recent work, which is very clear in its language. He says:
26 One of the characteristics of a federation is that the law of the constitution must be either legally
27 immutable or else capable of being changed only by some authority above and beyond the ordinary
28 legislative bodies, whether federal or state legislatures, existing under the constitution.
31 Therefore regardless if the Commonwealth is a member of the “WHO” it cannot dictate how
32 Australia goes around its business and certainly not decide the causation of a death of an
33 Australian., perhaps merely to seek to deflect any blame upon a pharmaceutical company.
35 I now will refer to the TRANSCRIPT 16-2-2023 Senates Estimates:
38 Senator ANTIC: I'm happy for them to be distributed. Thank you, Chair. Dr Skerritt, when
39 did it first come to the attention of the TGA that two Australian children, one aged seven
40 and one aged nine years of age, died of cardiac arrests directly after receiving a COVID
41 vaccination?
42 Dr Skerritt: We have a number of reports of deaths of people of all ages, including
43 children, temporally related to adverse events from vaccination or not related to adverse
44 events from vaccination, just related in time. So these two reports were received in our
45 database of adverse event notifications. Unfortunately, we were unable to get sufficient
46 information on these particular cases to assess them in detail, but the information we did
47 have is that they were associated with heart attack, which is not a known adverse event of
48 any of the COVID vaccines.
49 Senator ANTIC: I'm sorry. Did you just say that cardiac arrest is not an associated—
50 Dr Skerritt: Adverse event.
51 Senator ANTIC: Myocarditis, which leads to heart attacks, is.
52 Dr Skerritt: No. The two are different. Myocarditis is an inflammation of the heart muscle.
53 Senator ANTIC: Sure. I understand that.
54 CHAIR: Dr Skerritt, please finish your answer.

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1 Senator Antic, I will allow your questions to be asked in silence as well.

2 Dr Skerritt: Thank you for that. Myocarditis is an inflammation of the heart muscle.
3 Senator ANTIC: I understand that.
4 Dr Skerritt: Pericarditis is the inflammation of the lining of the heart. Heart attack is a
5 different clinical entity. Some people with myocarditis do have an increased propensity for
6 heart attack, but they are different from a myocardial infarction.
8 Thursday, 16 February 2023 Senate Page 53 COMMUNITY AFFAIRS LEGISLATION
10 Senator ANTIC: Sure. At the end of the day, the question was when did the TGA become
11 aware of the deaths of a seven-year-old and a nine-year-old from cardiac arrest in a short
12 time frame from having a COVID vaccine?
13 Dr Skerritt: I would have to take on notice the dates they reported those individual cases to
14 the database of adverse event notifications. As I've said before, we have almost 1,000
15 reports of deaths temporally around the same time as COVID vaccination, of which 14
16 have been determined to be related to COVID vaccination.
17 Senator ANTIC: These are—
18 Dr Skerritt: So there are probably many more people under 20 or 30, whatever age you
19 care to call, who have been reported to us. But these reports do not indicate causality.
20 Quite often they come with very limited information. Sometimes they come with very
21 detailed information. We try to get more information where we can, but we can't always.
22 Senator ANTIC: You do have in front of you two notes filed which relate to both of the
23 incidents, which were obtained via freedom of information.
24 Dr Skerritt: Yes.
25 Senator ANTIC: Both of which, I think, draw a conclusion that they were as a result of the
26 COVID vaccination.
27 Dr Skerritt: No, that is incorrect. If they are as a result of vaccination, we would have put
28 out an announcement. They were not concluded to be associated with it.
29 Senator ANTIC: So these are a seven-year-old and a nine-year-old who just died. How
30 often do seven- and nine-year-olds die of cardiac arrest?
31 Dr Skerritt: Unfortunately, it's not as uncommon as you think.
32 Senator ANTIC: Really?
33 Dr Skerritt: Yes. In fact, if you look especially at sporting events, you find that somewhere
34 between 100 and 200 Australians under 30 die of what we call sudden cardiac death.
35 Admittedly, they are often people in their teenage years and 20s, but sometimes they do go
36 younger. They are rare, but they are not unknown. You have over 100 people. Often they
37 are football players on a football field.
38 Senator ANTIC: Were the deaths of these two children relayed to ATAGI at any time
39 thereafter? I believe these happened very early on in the vaccine rollout.
40 Dr Skerritt: It's the TGA's responsibility, again using an external vaccine safety
41 investigation group, to determine causality. The external group is when there is questions
42 around the case. As we've indicated in this place before, each of these were looked at by
43 three separate doctors, including a senior doctor, as you'll see from a redaction—the letters
44 'MO' mean medical officer. This is someone who is trained and registered in Australia.
45 They reviewed each of these. They were not seen as being associated with vaccination.
46 That is incorrect.
47 Senator ROBERTS: I want to follow up on Senator Antic.
48 CHAIR: He has 37 seconds left. It is up to Senator Antic.
49 Senator ANTIC: You can, yes, Senator Roberts.
50 Senator ROBERTS: In freedom of information request 3727 from Queensland, Dr McCann
51 requested causality assessments for all of the reported death in the DAEN database, which
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1 on negotiation was reduced to 11 documents, of which 10 related to DAEN death reports.

2 These documents showed the TGA had assessed as causally linked to COVID vaccine
3 deaths that are not included in the 14 deaths from COVID injections, including the nine-
4 year-old and the seven-year-old.
5 Dr Skerritt: Senator, the statement you've just made is false, absolutely false.
6 Senator ROBERTS: It's under freedom of information.
7 Dr Skerritt: Yes. And it's absolutely false. Go and read the freedom of information and see
8 what it actually says. We have reported every death that has been associated with these
9 vaccines. Why on earth would we hide a seven- and a nine-year-old?
10 Senator ANTIC: That is the question.
11 Senator ROBERTS: That is the question.
12 Dr Skerritt: We are not. We have not.
13 Senator ANTIC: You are sounding very defensive about it, Dr Skerritt.
14 Dr Skerritt: No. I'm not very defensive. I actually have the FOI in front of me.
16 Thursday, 16 February 2023 Senate Page 54 COMMUNITY AFFAIRS LEGISLATION
18 CHAIR: Senators and witnesses.
19 Senator ANTIC: We'll come back to you in a minute.
20 CHAIR: The committee will suspend for a moment.
21 Senator RENNICK: I want to go to the causality determination for the seven- and nine-
22 year-olds.
23 Dr Skerritt: Senator, you're misunderstanding basic English. Causality is—
24 CHAIR: Senators, the committee will suspend for a moment and then Senator Rennick has
25 the call.
26 Senator RENNICK: It does say causality here at the bottom of these two statements. My
27 question is: at some point, the AEFI assessment team has said causality. The other
28 assessment—
29 Dr Skerritt: No.
30 Senator RENNICK: Can I just finish my statement?
31 CHAIR: Dr Skerritt, Senator Rennick is entitled to ask his question in silence and then you
32 will give your answer in silence.
33 Senator RENNICK: Of the 10 that we've seen, some say awaiting causality and some say
34 it's not causality. There are four. One has a question mark. The other three say causality.
35 My question is: why did these particular ones with causality have causality? Who has
36 overruled that and why?
37 Dr Skerritt: Senator, causality is a heading. That is what I was trying to explain. It's the
38 way it's used on the form. You have a decision. Let's use the example that you've quoted at
39 me. I have the form in my hand. It says causality. In the next dot point under causality, it
40 says WHO, unable to be determined, unclassifiable because of a lack of information.
41 Causality is the heading. It's not the conclusion.
42 Senator RENNICK: It actually says 'decision, causality'.
43 Dr Skerritt: It says decisions, dot point 1. I can table this for the chair. I have the document
44 in front of me. It says, 'Decisions, dot point 1, causality, then WHO, unclassifiable, unable
45 to be determined.' That is what it says in black and white.
46 Senator RENNICK: You previously described cardiac arrest as a heart attack. They are two
47 separate things. Do you know the difference between a cardiac arrest and a heart attack?
48 Dr Skerritt: There's a range of different—
49 Senator RENNICK: You just submitted it.
50 CHAIR: Senator Rennick! Dr Skerritt.

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1 Dr Skerritt: Yes, thank you. This was a cardiac arrest but it was not determined, with the
2 information given, to be related to the vaccination—as I've said again. What I feel is
3 absolutely wrong that you are saying is that somehow this form said that it was causally
4 related. The form did not say that. I swear on my mother's grave.
5 Senator RENNICK: Okay. You've got your point across.
6 Dr Skerritt: Thank you.
7 Senator RENNICK: You just said myocarditis doesn't lead to heart attacks. Does
8 myocarditis lead to cardiac arrest?
9 Dr Skerritt: There are cases where people who have had myocarditis have an increased
10 prevalence of a range of other cardiac conditions. But to say that it leads to cardiac arrest is
11 misleading, especially given that most myocarditis associated with vaccination—indeed,
12 there's a recent publication in a top medical journal by Nordic scientists—is much milder
13 than myocarditis after COVID infection or other forms of viral myocarditis.
14 Senator RENNICK: I will dispute that, but that's not what I'll dispute right now. There's a
15 21-year-old female who died from the Moderna vaccine. She had an antiphospholipid
16 syndrome, which is an autoimmune disease. The vaccine was never tested on people with
17 autoimmune diseases. Why haven't you put a label on the actual vaccine to warn people if
18 they have an antiphospholipid syndrome, which is one in 2,000 people, higher than the rate
19 of multi-inflammatory disease that you have said is one in 3,000. Why haven't you put a
20 label on the vaccine to warn people about that?
21 Dr Skerritt: Again, I've got to pick you up on your science. First of all,
22 antiphospholipid syndrome is actually even a bit more common than that. It might be
23 one per cent of people. So it's a considerably common condition. Because it was a
24 common condition, early in the rollout of the vaccines it was indeed studied whether
25 people with antiphospholipid syndrome had an increased risk after vaccination. There were
26 international studies carried out published in the world's top medical journals. There was a
27 study using Italian patients. There was a study using Turkish patients. I believe the third
28 study was done in British patients. Let me just quote from one of them:
30 Thursday, 16 February 2023 Senate Page 55 COMMUNITY AFFAIRS LEGISLATION
33 The COVID vaccine does not increase the risk of thrombolitic events among patients
34 with antiphospholipid syndrome, according to study results published in
35 Rheumatology. Rheumatology is a top journal which would cover people with
36 antiphospholipid syndrome. I will then go to the patient group. There's actually a patient
37 support group in the UK for people who have antiphospholipid syndrome. I will read from
38 their web advice to patients: There is no evidence to suggest that patients with
39 antiphospholipid syndrome were at increased risk of complications from the available
40 COVID vaccines. Senator RENNICK: You said in a press conference that Moderna would
41 provide 100 per cent protection from death. Well, in this case, it didn't. You said it would
42 provide—
43 Dr Skerritt: Senator, I didn't say that.
44 Senator RENNICK: I haven't finished my question. Don't interrupt.
45 Dr Skerritt: Well, I did not—
46 Senator RENNICK: You said it would provide—
47 CHAIR: Excuse me.
48 Senator Rennick is entitled to ask his question in silence.
49 Dr Skerritt, I will give you an opportunity to respond in full.
50 Senator RENNICK: It said it would provide protection from infection for 93 per cent of the
51 people for up to six months. You were wrong. Will you retract that statement?
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1 Dr Skerritt: No, Senator. I will not retract that statement. Once again, you've quoted me out
2 of context, and I would suggest deliberately, Senator. If you go back to the record of that
3 press conference, it was quoting the clinical trial results as published in the New England
4 Journal of Medicine as I stood up with your former colleague Minister Hunt. When I stated
5 that, I stated: Here are the results from the New England Journal of Medicine from a
6 clinical trial that showed 100 per cent protection against death in that clinical trial. So I
7 stand by that statement because that paper stands in the New England Journal of Medicine,
8 which is one of the world's top three medical journals. So I stand by that statement. But
9 you have somehow reworded it, Senator.
10 Senator RENNICK: I'm quoting your own words.
11 CHAIR: Excuse me, Dr Skerritt. Senator Antic on a point of order.
12 Senator ANTIC: I want to raise a point of order. The witness has clearly impugned Senator
13 Rennick's motives in saying he deliberately misquoted something or misled.
14 Senator Gallagher: Well, I think that's a fact.
15 Senator ANTIC: I raise a point of order for you as well, Minister.
16 Senator RENNICK: I'm trying to raise awareness of the risks of the Moderna vaccine.
17 CHAIR: Senators!
18 Senator Rennick— Senator Gallagher: You are projecting misinformation and then
19 challenging it when it's met with factual answers. That's what is going on here.
20 Senator RENNICK: This is on the record.
21 Senator Gallagher: Make no mistake. We're all aware of what is going on.
22 Senator ANTIC: You're Labor!
23 Senator Gallagher: The evidence and facts don't suit your narrative.
24 Senator ANTIC: It does, actually.
25 Senator Gallagher: It doesn't suit your narrative. I've been watching you scoff. I've been
26 watching you roll your eyes.
27 CHAIR: Senators and Minister!
28 Senator ANTIC: This is going to turn very nasty.
29 CHAIR: Senators and Minister, I will suspend the committee again if I cannot bring the
30 committee to order. This will take a very long time if every few minutes I have to suspend.
31 The committee suspends.
33 Proceedings suspended from 14:49 to 14:50 CHAIR: We'll commence with Senator
34 McGrath.
38 The Epidemiology of Antiphospholipid Syndrome: A Population-Based Study
40 Conclusion: APS occurred in ~2 persons per 100,000 population per year. The estimated
41 prevalence was 50 per 100,000 population. Overall mortality was not notably different
42 from that observed in the general population.
46 The Epidemiology of Antiphospholipid Syndrome: A Population-Based Study
48 Conclusion
49 APS occurred in ~2 persons per 100,000 population per year. The estimated prevalence was 50 per
50 100,000 population. Overall mortality was not notably different from that observed in the general
51 population.
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2 For the above Senator Rennick appeared to me to be correct and Mr John Skerritt “one percent”
3 so far I could detect was a fabrication. And then the insult upon Senator Rennick hardly was in
4 that regard also not justified.
6 The following 2 quotations are of the one and the same “C4591001 Clinical Trial Group” but
7 the first one being concluded on 31 December 2020 whereas the second conclusion was on 4
8 November 2021. In the 2020 it were 2 deaths in the jabbed and 4 deaths in the placebo group
9 plus later 3 with the jab and 2 of the original placebo group also died, whereas the same study
10 but later conclusion came to 15 deaths with the jab and 14 in the placebo group. Meaning that the
11 actual total deaths increased from 11 to 29! But wait don’t worry as it was claimed none of them
12 related to the jabs. On that basis having the jab didn’t seem to give any benefit other than ending
13 up with more adverse reactions. Well, that is if you accept that something like “cardiac arrest”
14 doesn’t result from the jab, despite it now being well know that it does.
16 Let us again consider what Mr John Skerritt stated:
19 Dr Skerritt: No, Senator. I will not retract that statement. Once again, you've quoted me out
20 of context, and I would suggest deliberately, Senator. If you go back to the record of that
21 press conference, it was quoting the clinical trial results as published in the New England
22 Journal of Medicine as I stood up with your former colleague Minister Hunt. When I stated
23 that, I stated: Here are the results from the New England Journal of Medicine from a
24 clinical trial that showed 100 per cent protection against death in that clinical trial. So I
25 stand by that statement because that paper stands in the New England Journal of Medicine,
26 which is one of the world's top three medical journals. So I stand by that statement. But
27 you have somehow reworded it, Senator.
28 Senator RENNICK: I'm quoting your own words.
31 It seems to me that not only does the video put out by Senator Rennick proves that Mr John
32 Skerritt actually made the claim as Senator Rennick made known and so it appears to me Mr
33 John Skerritt made a false claim rebutting Senator Rennick, but also the “100 percent” may be a
34 false claim considering the publication (as shown below) of the New England Journal of
35 Medicine. The claim “No deaths were considered by the investigators to be related to the
36 vaccine or placebo” itself in my view was a false and misleading claim this as it was a “gene
37 therapy” and not a “vaccine” even so for purpose of the benefits of the pharmaceutical
38 companies it is portrayed as a “vaccine” and so to deceive ordinary Australians as to what it
39 really was. As such the credibility of New England Journal of Medicine at least in my view is
40 questionable as those participating in 2020 in ordinary meaning of the word “vaccine” would not
41 have considered to be injected with a “gene therapy” for which they were never medically
42 tested if they had any need for a “gene therapy”. Moreover, Pfizer clearly made claims that
43 could not be sustained over time, as there were huge number of health issues that arose after
44 people were jabbed. The compound that was injected proved not to remain in the injection site at
45 all! Clearly, a serious issue, and that could also have been relevant as to the compound that was
46 injected having been responsible for certain deaths but then unknown or perhaps deliberately
47 omitted as a cause from the jabs. The same with the placebo which may have contained say
48 aluminium that could have had serious effects upon those injected with the placebo, as I
49 understand proved to be in other trials. The list of links I provided in my 24-2-2023 document
50 ought to show that there was ample of data to show that the injections were harmful and it seems
51 to me Mr John Skerritt seeks to pick what may suit his argument and ignore other details that
52 may not suit his mantra.
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3 Skerritt caught lying again and Labor covers for him - Senate Estimates 16.02.23

7 And the trail data is debatable, this as what was first not included later became, but only because
8 of the overwhelming evidence that myocarditis, etc, were the result of the jabs.
10 Then on 24-2-2023 I came across this article:
13 Coronavirus autopsies: A story of 38 brains, 87 lungs and 42 hearts
14 What we’ve learned from the dead that could help the living
15 By Ariana Eunjung Cha
16 July 1, 2020 at 12:09 p.m. EDT
18 When pathologist Amy Rapkiewicz began the grim process of opening up
19 the coronavirus dead to learn how their bodies went awry, she found damage to the lungs,
20 kidneys and liver consistent with what doctors had reported for months.
21 But something was off.
22 Rapkiewicz, who directs autopsies at NYU Langone Health, noticed that some organs had
23 far too many of a special cell rarely found in those places. She had never seen that before,
24 yet it seemed vaguely familiar. She raced to her history books and — in a eureka moment
25 — found a reference to a 1960s report on a patient with dengue fever.
26 In dengue, a mosquito-borne tropical disease, she learned, the virus appeared to destroy
27 these cells, which produce platelets, leading to uncontrolled bleeding. The novel
28 coronavirus seemed to amplify their effect, causing dangerous clotting.
29 She was struck by the parallels: “Covid-19 and dengue sound really different, but the cells
30 that are involved are similar.”
32 And
34 Given widespread reports about neurological symptoms related to the coronavirus, Fowkes
35 said, she expected to find virus or inflammation — or both — in the brain. But there was
36 very little. When it comes to the heart, many physicians warned for months about a
37 cardiac complication they suspected was myocarditis, an inflammation or hardening
38 of the heart muscle walls — but autopsy investigators were stunned that they could
39 find no evidence of the condition.
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1 Another unexpected finding, pathologists said, is that oxygen deprivation of the brain and
2 the formation of blood clots may start early in the disease process. That could have major
3 implications for how people with covid-19 are treated at home, even if they never need to
4 be hospitalized.
6 And
8 But the brain and heart yielded surprises.
9 “It’s about what we are not seeing,” said Mary Fowkes, an associate professor of
10 pathology who is part of a team at Mount Sinai Health that has performed autopsies
11 on 67 covid-19 patients.
12 Another unexpected finding, pathologists said, is that oxygen deprivation of the brain and
13 the formation of blood clots may start early in the disease process. That could have major
14 implications for how people with covid-19 are treated at home, even if they never need to
15 be hospitalized.
17 And
19 Of all the coronavirus’s manifestations, its impact on the brain has been among the
20 most vexing. Patients have reported a host of neurological impairments, including
21 reduced ability to smell or taste, altered mental status, stroke, seizures — even
22 delirium.
25 What this article seems to make clear is that contrary to recent claims that myocarditis was
26 caused by COVID-19 this really was already debunked way back in 2020.
29 Safety and Efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine | NEJM
30 31 Dec 2020 ... for the C4591001 Clinical Trial Group ... The New England Journal of
31 Medicine. opens in new tab · NEJM Catalyst Innovations in Care ...
33 Two BNT162b2 recipients died (one from arteriosclerosis, one from cardiac arrest),
34 as did four placebo recipients (two from unknown causes, one from hemorrhagic
35 stroke, and one from myocardial infarction). No deaths were considered by the
36 investigators to be related to the vaccine or placebo
40 Safety and Efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine ...
41 4 Nov 2021 ... for the C4591001 Clinical Trial Group ... The New England Journal of
42 Medicine. opens in new tab · NEJM Catalyst Innovations in Care ...
44 During the blinded, placebo-controlled period, 15 participants in the BNT162b2 group and
45 14 in the placebo group died; during the open-label period, 3 participants in the BNT162b2
46 group and 2 in the original placebo group who received BNT162b2 after unblinding died.
47 None of these deaths were considered to be related to BNT162b2 by the
48 investigators. Causes of death were balanced between BNT162b2 and placebo groups
49 (Table S4).
52 Also consider:

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1 Another unexpected finding, pathologists said, is that oxygen deprivation of the brain and
2 the formation of blood clots may start early in the disease process.
5 There is absolutely nothing strange to me about this. After all some 2,000 years ago slaves were
6 punished with having their brain barrier broken with an item showed up their nose. I have
7 provided to the AFP even images of this.
9 Why on earth did the TGA approve for testing using swabs that risked damaging the brain
10 barrier and by this cause blood cloths in the brain?
11 This was a method used to punish a slave with dead!!!!!
14 vaccines-without-informed-consent/
15 Masks And Covid Tests Contain Nanotech Vaccines Without Informed Consent

20 "India's hospitals in 'apocalyptic' battle against COVID-19 DW News"


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Page 20

1 The person behind the plexiglass screen is wearing a mask and a face shield and standing behind
2 the plastic screen in an awkward manner and appears to damage the woman’s brain-barrier.
3 In my view, little wonder there is an escalation of health problems in India if this is how testers
4 are conducting swabs.
5 I understand likewise swabs in other countries i8ncluding Australia were irresponsibly done.
6 Just ask yourself would you be willing to have a swab in this manner? I doubt it.
7 The person has a mask on as well as a face-schield and yet is behind plexiglass screen and
8 awkwardly then tries to swab this woman. I wonder if she might still be alive if indeed her brain-
9 barrier was damaged in the process.
11 Why don’t you go personally there and ask them to do onto you what was done on to this
12 woman, and more likely to numerous others, and see if you consider this to be competent
13 swabbing.
14 There are other issues with this. After all, when this person doing the swabbing retracts his arm
15 through the hole then likely it will disturb any dust that is on the clothing and then can also stele
16 upon the swab. By this rendering the swab useless, as it will likely be contaminated.
18 Why indeed does this person have to stand behind a plexi-glass screen when already wearing a
19 mask and a face shield? And in a very awkward position to put the arm through a hole?
21 Neither is the position for the swabber appropriate as it shows difficulties for this person to do a
22 careful and sensitive swabbing.
24 One also may ask why indeed does the person need to wear a mask as well as a face shield at all?
25 Ample of internet videos shows that facemask are contaminated with little worms which
26 becomes active upon warm air of the mouth and then those worms can enter the nose and breach
27 the brain barrier or enter the mouth and then cause there additional harm.
29 At all times the position of the person doing the swabbing must be such that it is most
30 comfortable for the person being swabbed, and so without risk of injuries.
32 Where indeed was the training of those engaged to swab people?
34 One has to question who on earth in the Commonwealth of Australia is actually involved in
35 establishing what really is causing the diseases? While COVID-19 is easily claimed the truth is
36 that many symptoms are as I indicated already way back in 2020 more like some mosquito kind
37 of injected disease. One has to ask what on earth has TGA John Skerritt been doing if he doesn’t
38 even seems to me to know what he is actually dealing with, other than perhaps as some charlatan
39 trying to sell snake oil, so the pharmaceutical companies could sell their so called vaccines
40 instead of looking after the rights, interest and wellbeing of Australians?
42 QUOTE 20210809-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Reece Kershaw Chief Commissioner of the
43 Australian Federal Police-Suppl-03
44 (a) Please provide details if what is referred to as being COVID-19 in fact can be
45 misconceived/misdiagnosed in that it may not be at all a disease relating to but that in
46 fact it might be a parasite that may cause symptoms that also may eventuate with SARS-
47 CoV-2? This I view is also considerably an issue where various medical practitioners
48 claimed to have successfully treated alleged COVID-19 patients (some more than 100
49 without any deaths) with “Hydroxychloroquine” and zinc, which may indicate that most
50 if not all COVID-19 claimed cases might have been misdiagnosed and many wrongly
51 placed on ventilators which instead of being an aid to the patients generally appeared to
52 be the death sentence to the patients, due to not being programmed specifically for the
25-2-2023 Page 20 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 21

1 particular patients it was being used. (Consider also: QUOTE “Because this pathogen
2 also affects victims in the same way that high altitude sickness does ” END QUOTE
3 & QUOTEGuess what the treatment for Malaria and similar parasites is? Quinine, the
4 herb Andrographis and Hydroxychloroquine. All three are quinolines. The Plasmodium
5 parasite that causes Malaria is one of man’s most ancient infections. I have also noticed
6 that other drugs like Azithromycin have been mentioned. Because I have been involved
7 in a fight against a similar Plasmodium-based pathogen for almost 15 years, I have a
8 better understanding than many of the difference between a parasite and a
9 virus. Moreover, both Quinolines and Azithromycin are used in combination, specifically
10 to treat plasmodium-based parasitic infections.“Malaria symptoms and signs usually
11 mimic common flu, with an infected person suffering fever, headache, and vomiting
12 usually within 10 to 15 days after exposure to the Anopheles mosquito. Of course,
13 malaria’s initial clinical manifestations can resemble other conditions such as
14 gastroenteritis, septicemia and viral diseases[11],[12]. It is important to bear in mind
15 that incorrect diagnosis increases the expense of treatment and the probability of
16 parasite drug-resistance emergence and development.”
17 “This so-called pandemic
18 seems to have more to do with a parasite rather than to do with a virus.” Study Malaria
19 and its complicated life cycle and you will understand why it comes back after a couple
20 of weeks because the life cycle of these types of parasites causes a relapse every few
21 weeks until it is eradicated. Because this pathogen also affects victims in the same way
22 that high altitude sickness does, it is important to study how oxygen-carrying blood
23 cells are infected by these parasites.
24 END QUOTE 20210809-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Reece Kershaw Chief Commissioner of the
25 Australian Federal Police-Suppl-03
27 As for the Australian Federal Police, well I view there are criminal issues to be investigated.
30 Senate Estimates 13.02.23_2
31 AFP Head & Labor not interested in investigating health officials
33 Let us not ignore that the lack of a proper independent TGA, etc, resulted in a lot of harm being
34 inflicted upon Australians. Those who were permanently harmed, including those who died
35 cannot be revived but surely what eventuated must be deplored as it appears to me the TGA was
36 more interested to look after the interest of foreign entities then after the rights, interest and
37 wellbeing of Australians. I understand that APHRA also now seeks to avoid being held
38 accountable despite suspending medical doctors where they were deemed to act against
39 “government policy” instead of medical doctors acting in the best interest of their patients.
40 As Senator Rennick made clear, there were High Court of Australia decisions about “informed
41 consent” and in my view APHRA acted in violation of this. But that is for another Supplement
42 to set out.
44 We need to return to the organics and legal principles embed in of our federal
45 constitution!
47 This correspondence is not intended and neither must be perceived to state all issues/details.
48 Awaiting your response, G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (Gerrit)


50 (Our name is our motto!)
25-2-2023 Page 21 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also

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