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Creative Writing

Student No. 091551

Word No. 993

I woke up from the worst flight of my life; in fear – dreadfulness, panicking, fear – anxiety and
terror like they're trying to eat me alive. I open my eyes, laying on my back, looking up to a
view of thin, tall bamboo trees. Formosity, tall trees, with lush green leaves, singing the
sounds of foliage being brushed against each other by a yet gentle, but strong wind. My
whole body is in a shock state, breathing so deeply that my own breaths are swallowing me.

I sit up where I am laying, pain starts to run down my body like a race. I clench my face in
agony. I use the branches of the bamboo trees for support to stand up, moaning in
discomfort due to my wounds, scanning my body, only finding more injuries. I reach into my
pocket and take hold of a small vodka bottle, staring at it wanting to drink; but put it back into
my pocket. I start walking, like I am on a mission to a destination but only without a
destination. Jogging, running, then sprinting through the forest dodging bamboo trees,
ending at a shore, overlooking the ocean on the island I am stranded on. Scanning the
sandy shore with my eyes, I hear screams in the sounds of fear coming from the bottom of
your gut. I stop to catch my breath and kind of catch up to reality that this is really
happening. My body is in shock, complete and utterly shock, that it paralyses my body, only
adrenaline keeping me going.

I run through the shore with a ducted fan from the plane, on fire, vomiting dark, grey, black
smoke; the sounds of screams from survivors all over the shore; the screams, the siren of
the plane getting to my head, so loud I can't escape it. I stand scanning the area with
emotions running through my head. Scraps of metal, clothes, glass, smoke, fire, are just
scattered on the beach like an overpopulated city. I overheard a woman screaming
“Help!Please somebody help me!”. I run over to the woman, who was pregnant, saying she
was having contractions.

Screams, the sirens of the fans, start blowing so fast, sucking a survivor in and blowing up
the fan like a missile had just hit. The explosion hit so hard, sending a tremendous vibration
on everyone on the beach, pushing people to the ground. I reassure the pregnant woman
“Listen to me, you're going to be fine, but you're going to have to sit absolutely still”. She
moans and grunts in pain as her contractions are getting worse. More large metal scraps are
breaking off the plane, falling and smashing onto the sand which feels like bombshells.

I look around and see a chubby, young man — looking his age is about late 20’s with a
ethnic background of East Asian, I yell at him “hey, You!” Getting his attention, Telling him
“You take care of her, if she has contractions shorter than 3 minutes in between you call me
and let me know, ok!” He then responds in distress and confusion in his voice “Wait, I don’t
know how to do this?!”I responded to the man, reassuring him “you will be fine, just do as I
told you and you will be fine”.

I walk around looking if anyone is in need of help, turning my head to the young pregnant
women again, then seeing a large panel of the crashed plane, bending about to fall just
underneath where they were. I sprint so fast like their lives depended on it — because they
quite literally were, screaming so loud, “Hey, Get up, move”, they started to get up quickly
and as I got to them, I helped the women and the man, pulling them away faster. As we were
still running, we got smashed to the ground, faced front, with our faces hitting the ground so
hard. A cloud of fire behind us, looking like an explosion in a movie, but in real life. A huge
wave of heat hits, as it spits out more metal scraps onto the ground that are on fire and
sparks flying everywhere.

After the chaos has died down, I distance myself from others to be alone to fix a gash I
suffered on my back, and meet a woman named Kate. I ask for her assistance with sewing
up my wound and she obliges. While she is sewing my wound, I explain to her that I am a
surgeon. Everyone prepares themselves for their first night on the island. Blankets and food
are being sorted throughout the survivors and people are reassuring loved ones to stay by
each other's side and that they must look out for each other. A loud roaring is heard, and
trees are crushed in the jungle.

The next morning, as all of us had woken up and reality had kicked in that this really did
happen, we all couldn’t quite remember getting on the plane in the first place. There were no
memories about the plane at all, how we got on to it, how it crashed, nothing. Kate and two
other male survivors set out on a mission to the cockpit to find a transceiver so they can
send a distress signal. They later find the cockpit, and the barely alive pilot tells them that
they were already way off course before they crashed, and that the rescue parties are
looking for them in the wrong place.

The mysterious noise returns, looking as a dark black spirit - only you could see it, it was like
you could see the darkness and evil in it; and snatches the pilot, then later Kate and the two
others discover his mutilated body hanging from a tree. What was that Mysterious dark spirit
looking thing, and why are we on this island and how did we get here?....

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