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As a senior in high school who is close to graduating, many careers are floating in my head.

There are hundreds of possibilities and many things that interest me. Through my high school, I
was exposed to the Networking magnet and learned many topics. I was able to learn switching
and routing, making Ethernet cables, and how to build my own network. At first, I didn't want to
go into this career. After some thinking I realized that I liked hands-on things like this and
decided to choose the Technology and Engineering Pathway. Since I started college classes
early, I will have my associates’ degree in just a year. I plan on transferring to Towson
University and getting my bachelor’s degree. In the near future I would like to work in a
company like Google or Apple. After getting my bachelors, I would like to get a master’s degree
as well. I believe technology is a field that is always growing and there is always something new
to learn.

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