PTE Answer Structure

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Use below tips to effectively manage time and write answers in a structured manner to pass

the PTE exam in one go and achieve your desired results

This is a guideline only. Please use common sense/logic to answer writing essay questions.


1. Read Aloud

Read with proper pauses, intonation and stress

Better to group a few words together
Keep your natural rhythm
Practice before actually answering

2. Repeat Sentence

Listen for phrases in the sentence

Copy the emphasis in the sentence
No pausing

3. Describe Image (37 sec)

Introduce Image
Explain Key Features 

Introduce Image - This graph represents the Title + X-axis or as appropriate for the
given image (10 seconds)
Key Features - Most noticeable features and smooth talk (20 seconds)
Conclusion - start with word "Overall" or "In Conclusion", single sentence (10 seconds)
Note: Oral Fluency is more important than Content.

4. Retell Lecture (37 sec)

Make note of key points quickly

Get the gist of the lecture
Speak at least 5 sentences
Use arrows & symbols in the Notes to indicate order or flow 
Speak fluently and with correct pronunciation 
Start with "The speaker said"/ the speaker was discussing

5. Answer Short Questions (3 sec)

Be Precise 
Answer in 1 - 3 words
Listen carefully
Answer within 3 seconds


1. Summarize Written Text (10 min)

Identify Key Points 

Use FANBOY connector words. FANBOY = For,And,Nor,But,Or,Yet
Strictly less than 70 words ideally 40 - 50 words
One sentence only
Use max of two commas 
Start with Capital and end with full stop
2. Writing Essay (20 min)

Essay Template
(suited for essays asking my opinion)
Keep it to 230 - 250 words 

These days, there is an ongoing debate between people about ______________.
While it is possible to claim that______________ , my view is that the disadvantages
outweigh the advantages. In this essay, I shall explain my point of view by analysing
both sides of the argument.

(2nd Paragraph)
There are several reasons why _____________________. One of them is that
___________________. It can also be argued that ___________________. It should
also be taken into account that ________________.

(3rd Paragraph)
Those who argue for __________ have a different view and say that it can actually be
a good thing. Firstly, it is claimed that ____________. Then, there are concerns about

While there are strong arguments on both sides of the case, my personal opinion is
that _________. I would strongly recommend that _______________.

1. Multiple Choice, Choose Single Answer (1 min*2/3) – Total 3

Read and Understand the Question 

Read Passage and Understand
Choose YOUR Answer and Eliminate other incorrect Answers

2. Multiple Choice, Choose Multiple Answers (2 min *2/3) – Total 5

Has Negative Marking

Can have 2 or 3 correct options - Choose wisely and don't push yourself
Read Question and Understand
Read Passage with Focus and Understand
Eliminate Answers and Choose the right options

3. Re-order Paragraphs (1.5 mins * 2/3) – Total 4

Search for Heading/Topic Sentence that stands alone
Check Proper Nouns-Common nouns -Pronoun-Articles Usage-Time Phrases order to
re-order the sentences.
Proper Nouns - Atlantic Ocean, Walt Disney, etc
Common Nouns - Man, Mountain, etc
Pronoun - He, She, They, Them, etc
Articles Usage - a, an, the. "The" refers to a noun already introduced earlier
Time Phrases - Passive voice refers back to another sentence 
Other Phrases - However, Moreover, Although, Also, etc

4. Fill in the Blanks (Drag and Drop) (1.5 min*4/5) – Total 7

Skim through the Passage first
Concentrate at parts of speech before and after the Blank
Practice Collocations
5. Fill in the Blanks (Both Reading\Writing) (3 min* 5/6) – Total 18
Skim through the Passage first
Concentrate at parts of speech before and after the Blank
Practice Collocations


1. Summarize Spoken Text (10 min)

Start writing with "The speaker said..."
Other tips same as Re-tell Lecture
Make note of key points quickly
Get the gist of the lecture
Write at least 5 sentences
Use arrows & symbols to indicate order or flow
Write with correct pronunciation
65-70 words. 6-8 ideas. Correct spelling.

2. Multiple Choice, Choose Single Answer (30 sec)

Read question before audio starts
Stay focused till the end

3. Multiple Choice, Choose Multiple Answers (30 sec)

Has Negative Marking - be cautious
Read question before audio starts
Stay focused till the end
4. Highlight Correct Summary (30 sec)
Write down in notepad
Understand what is conveyed by speaker
Use elimination method
In general, the answer with many detail is wrong. Use this tip only when you can’t
understand at all.
5. Fill in the Blanks (30 sec)
Note down in notepad
Careful listen to nouns - singular/plural?
Take care of Spellings. Answer is Wrong if Spelling is wrong.
6. Select Missing Word (30 sec)
Straight forward. 
Listen Carefully.
Get the Gist of the speaker.
7. Highlight Incorrect Words (30 sec)
Single Left Mouse Click on the Incorrect Word.
Be Quick as the speaker can be fast at times.
8. Write Dictation (20-30 sec)
Use Notepad or Type, whichever is more comfortable.
Start with Capital and End with Full stop.

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