Reading Comprehension - Exam Review

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2/18/23, 11:08 AM Reading Comprehension - Review

Reading Comprehension - Review
21 Questions DATE  : 

1. Emily has three dogs and two cats. They are all brown, but one of the dogs has spots. His
name is Spot.

Which of the following is true?

A All of the animals have spots B Emily has three animals in total.

C Emily has more dogs than cats D Emily prefers dogs to cats

2. Floods can cause tremendous damage. They can ruin houses, roads and buildings. Floods
can take down trees and cause mudslides. It often leaves mud, sand and debris behind. It
can take months to clean up after a flood.

What is the main idea presented in this passage?

A Floods can cause a lot of damage. B Floods cause mudslides.

C Floods damage houses and roads.

3. We're Racing, Racing Down the Walk

We're racing, racing down the walk,

Over the pavement and round the block.
We rumble along till the sidewalk ends-
Felicia and I and half our friends.
Our hair flies backwards. It's whish and whirr!
She roars at me and I shout at her
As past the porches and garden gates
We rattle and rock
On our roller skates.

What makes the sound of 'whish and whirr'?

A Turning skates B Flying hair

C Clapping hands ? 1/9
2/18/23, 11:08 AM Reading Comprehension - Review

4. Brittany's mom walks into the kitchen wearing her sun hat and a pair of old shoes. “Those
vegetable plants are growing by leaps and bounds!” she exclaims to Brittany, as she takes
off a dirty glove and wipes a smudge of dirt off her face.

Where was Brittany's mom?

A At the airport B At the doctor's office

C At the store D In the garden

5. What are those little green lights floating on the grass and flying in the yard? Are they
monsters? Are they UFOs? No, they aren’t monsters and they aren’t UFOs. They’re

Fireflies are little insects that glow with a cool green light. If you touch one it won’t burn
you. Some fireflies glow to warn other animals that they don’t taste good. Frogs, bats, and
birds do not like to eat animals that glow. The glow helps keep fireflies safe.

Sometimes we call fireflies glowworms. You can catch fireflies in a jar. Don’t forget to let
them go again.

What color are fireflies when they glow?

A Blue B Yellow

C Red D Green

6. What are those little green lights floating on the grass and flying in the yard? Are they
monsters? Are they UFOs? No, they aren’t monsters and they aren’t UFOs. They’re

Fireflies are little insects that glow with a cool green light. If you touch one it won’t burn
you. Some fireflies glow to warn other animals that they don’t taste good. Frogs, bats, and
birds do not like to eat animals that glow. The glow helps keep fireflies safe.

Sometimes we call fireflies glowworms. You can catch fireflies in a jar. Don’t forget to let
them go again.

Fireflies are sometimes called

A Fire B Bugs

C Glowworms D Worms 2/9
2/18/23, 11:08 AM Reading Comprehension - Review

7. What are those little green lights floating on the grass and flying in the yard? Are they
monsters? Are they UFOs? No, they aren’t monsters and they aren’t UFOs. They’re

Fireflies are little insects that glow with a cool green light. If you touch one it won’t burn
you. Some fireflies glow to warn other animals that they don’t taste good. Frogs, bats, and
birds do not like to eat animals that glow. The glow helps keep fireflies safe.

Sometimes we call fireflies glowworms. You can catch fireflies in a jar. Don’t forget to let
them go again.

If you touch a firefly, it will burn you?

A Not given B True

C False

8. What are those little green lights floating on the grass and flying in the yard? Are they
monsters? Are they UFOs? No, they aren’t monsters and they aren’t UFOs. They’re

Fireflies are little insects that glow with a cool green light. If you touch one it won’t burn
you. Some fireflies glow to warn other animals that they don’t taste good. Frogs, bats, and
birds do not like to eat animals that glow. The glow helps keep fireflies safe.

Sometimes we call fireflies glowworms. You can catch fireflies in a jar. Don’t forget to let
them go again.

If you catch a firefly in a jar, you should...

A Let it go B Put water in the jar

C Keep it in your bedroom D Shake the jar 3/9
2/18/23, 11:08 AM Reading Comprehension - Review

9. What are those little green lights floating on the grass and flying in the yard? Are they
monsters? Are they UFOs? No, they aren’t monsters and they aren’t UFOs. They’re

Fireflies are little insects that glow with a cool green light. If you touch one it won’t burn
you. Some fireflies glow to warn other animals that they don’t taste good. Frogs, bats, and
birds do not like to eat animals that glow. The glow helps keep fireflies safe.

Sometimes we call fireflies glowworms. You can catch fireflies in a jar. Don’t forget to let
them go again.

When is the best time to catch fireflies?

A At night B In the yard

C In the grass D In the day

10. Weather reporters have to give out a lot of information. That's why they use pictures. The
pictures help them tell us about the weather without using so many words. Weather
reporters need to know where the cold air is. They need to know where the warm air is.
They have to know where it is raining and what types of clouds are in the area. Their
reports need to be correct, but they also need to be short. The pictures help weather
reporters get the information out in a fast way.

Which sentence best describes the main idea of the paragraph?

Weather reporters need to know where Pictures help weather reporters get
the cold air is information out in a fast way

Their reports need to be correct, but they They have to know where it is raining and
also need to be short what types of clouds are in the area

11. Dolphins are very smart animals. They even have their own language. They talk to each
other with clicks, whistles, and grunts. Scientists have been studying this dolphin
language. They hope that in the future, people and dolphins will be able to talk to each

This paragraph mainly tells:

A How dolphins talk to people B Which scientists are studying languages

C How smart dolphins are D How dolpins are different from fish 4/9
2/18/23, 11:08 AM Reading Comprehension - Review

12. What is a synonym?

A word with the opposite meaning to A word with the same meaning to
another word. another word.

Words that sound the same, but are Words that are spelled the same, but
spelled different. sound different.

13. Max was baking some cookies, but then he got an important phone call. He returned a
few minutes later to a smoke filled kitchen. What can you infer?

Max forgot about the cookies and they

A B The oven has turned off.
are burning.

The cookies are cooling on the baking

C A candle was blown out in the kitchen. D

14. In winter, the wind can be as cold as ice.

What is the wind being compared to?

A Cold B Winter

C Ice

15. Leaves from the ground fly like butterflies.

What are leaves being compared to?

A The ground B Butterflies

C Flies

16. Maggie was getting ready to walk to school. She put on her coat and grabbed her
backpack. As she was leaving, her mother said, “I love you. Be careful.” What can you infer
about Maggie?

A Maggie is in kindergarten B Maggie lives close to school

C Maggie is excited about school D Maggie is late for school 5/9
2/18/23, 11:08 AM Reading Comprehension - Review

17. What is comprehension?

A Something my teacher forces me to do B An action word

C Reading for pleasure D Reading for understanding

18. I can't wait until this weekend! We’re going to my grandparents’ house and my entire
family will be there. I will spend most of my time playing games with my cousins. We
always have such a good time together! The day goes by so fast, and by the end we are all
exhausted... but we still don’t want to leave!

What is the main idea?

A Weekends are times to travel. B The author's grandparents live far away.

The author enjoys spending time with

her family.

19. My family went to the circus. We saw the funny clowns. We watched the lion act. We ate a
lot of treats and popcorn.

This story is about:

A Eating treats and popcorn B Going to the circus

C Lions D Clowns 6/9
2/18/23, 11:08 AM Reading Comprehension - Review

20. Thomas Alva Edison was one of the greatest inventors of all times. He lived from 1847
until 1931. He was born in Milan, Ohio, in 1847. In 1854 his family moved to Port Huron,
Michigan. When he was 12, he got very sick. As a result he became partially deaf. He
attended school for only three months there. So, his mother taught him reading, writing,
and arithmetic at home.

In 1862, Edison saved a boy from being run over by a train. The boy’s father operated a
telegraph machine. As thanks, the father taught Edison how to operate the telegraph.
Later, Edison made improvement to the telegraph.

In 1876, Edison started the first industrial research laboratory at Menio Park, New Jersey.
One of his inventions is the long – lasting light bulb. Thomas Alva Edison died in 1931.
When he died all electric current in the country was turned off. Although he died not have
enough formal education and was deaf, he became a famouse inventor. Once he said,
'Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety–nine percent perspiration.'

Where was Thomas Alva Edison born?

A Chicago B New York

C Ohio D California 7/9
2/18/23, 11:08 AM Reading Comprehension - Review

21. Thomas Alva Edison was one of the greatest inventors of all times. He lived from 1847
until 1931. He was born in Milan, Ohio, in 1847. In 1854 his family moved to Port Huron,
Michigan. When he was 12, he got very sick. As a result he became partially deaf. He
attended school for only three months there. So, his mother taught him reading, writing,
and arithmetic at home.

In 1862, Edison saved a boy from being run over by a train. The boy’s father operated a
telegraph machine. As thanks, the father taught Edison how to operate the telegraph.
Later, Edison made improvement to the telegraph.

In 1876, Edison started the first industrial research laboratory at Menio Park, New Jersey.
One of his inventions is the long – lasting light bulb. Thomas Alva Edison died in 1931.
When he died all electric current in the country was turned off. Although he died not have
enough formal education and was deaf, he became a famouse inventor. Once he said,
'Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety–nine percent perspiration.'

When was Thomas Alva Edison born?

A 1862 B 1854

C 1931 D 1847 8/9
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