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2, FEBRUARY 2016 633

Wireless Power Transfer Charging System

for AIMDs and Pacemakers
Tommaso Campi, Silvano Cruciani, Federica Palandrani, Valerio De Santis, Senior Member, IEEE,
Akimasa Hirata, Senior Member, IEEE, and Mauro Feliziani, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—This paper deals with the electric and magnetic field to replace the AIMD battery. In order to avoid such an issue,
(EMF) safety aspects of a wireless power transfer (WPT) system a suitable solution could be the use of wireless power transfer
based on magnetic resonant coupling between two coils. The pri- (WPT) systems to recharge the battery [2]–[15]. With this kind
mary coil is assumed to be on-body, while the secondary coil is as-
sumed to be inside the human body and connected to a battery of technology, the power can be successfully transferred from a
recharge system of an active implantable medical device such as transmitting coil to a receiving coil by means of magnetic res-
a pacemaker. This study allows us to identify a good preliminary onant coupling, but there are several critical aspects in the de-
solution of the WPT coil configuration, compensation capacitor sign of the coil system that require further investigation. One
topology, and operational frequency. Demonstrative WPT systems of the most important aspects is the choice of the operational
operating at two different frequencies are proposed in order to
verify the WPT performances. The EMF safety has been finally frequency. Lower frequencies will improve the penetration of
assessed by numerical dosimetry studies using anatomically real- the magnetic field inside the body, but the WPT performances
istic human body models revealing no particular concerns about in terms of efficiency and transferred power will be compro-
this application. mised. On the other hand, higher transmitting frequencies could
Index Terms—Active implantable medical device (AIMD), mag- produce eddy current losses, tissue heating, and generate elec-
netic resonant coupling, electric and magnetic field (EMF) safety, tromagnetic compatibility (EMC) issues in the electronic cir-
numerical dosimetry, pacemaker, wireless power transfer (WPT). cuitry of the AIMD. The applicable frequencies are also reg-
ulated by international standards. Unlicensed frequencies are:
133/150 kHz, 13.56 MHz, 868/915 MHz, 2.45 GHz, 5.2 GHz,
and 5.8 GHz. In Europe, other frequencies can also be allowed

A N ACTIVE implantable medical device (AIMD) is a

medical device that is equipped for its functioning with a
source of electrical energy and is totally or partially introduced,
in the range of 9–315 kHz [16], [17]. Considering the afore-
mentioned aspects, a quite low frequency (LF) (
and a quite high frequency (HF) (
MHz) are hereby
surgically or medically, into the human body [1]. The AIMD compared in terms of WPT performances and electric and mag-
main functions are as follows: netic field (EMF) safety aspects. These frequencies have been
• to apply a therapy, usually by delivering electrical signals selected as a good compromise between the efficiency of the
to some organs or tissues; WPT system and the field penetration in the human body.
• to monitor relevant parameters or signals in order to avoid Another important aspect in the AIMD design is the
risks to the patient or to optimize his treatment. recharging time of the battery that must be limited to a max-
AIMDs usually are capable of measuring and analyzing elec- imum of a few hours. It means that the power transferred to the
trical and mechanical physiological signals. They transmit this load must be relatively high, leading to a significant value of
information (monitoring function) or use it as input data for the the coil currents, but it is also required that these currents do
therapy. Examples of AIMDs are left ventricular assist devices not produce excessive heating in the biological tissues due to
(LVADs), cardiac pacemakers, implantable cardioverter defib- the power losses in the coil conductors. Therefore, the receiver
rillators (ICDs), etc. coil that is in direct contact with the device embedded in the
One of the major issues with AIMDs is the reduced lifetime of biological tissue must be designed with a low number of turns
the battery. Therefore, a surgery intervention could be necessary and with conductors of large cross section for limiting the
resistive losses and, thus, the thermal dissipation [18]. The
Manuscript received March 05, 2015; revised May 21, 2015, August 16, currents are also sources of the electromagnetic field that must
2015, and November 27, 2015; accepted December 12, 2015. Date of publi- preferably be compliant with the safety standard limits even
cation January 11, 2016; date of current version February 03, 2016.
for medical exposure [19]–[21]. In other words, currents and
T. Campi, S. Cruciani, F. Palandrani, V. De Santis, and M. Feliziani
are with the Department of Industrial and Information Engineering losses must be controlled and limited.
and Economics, University of L’Aquila, L’Aquila 67100, Italy (e-mail: The aim of this paper is to develop an adequate simulation;;
procedure to assess the compliance with the EMF safety stan-;;
A. Hirata is with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, dards for a pacemaker equipped with a WPT system. Assuming
Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya 466-855, Japan (e-mail: ahi- the primary coil to be on-body and the secondary coil to be
in-body, different configurations of the WPT coils and pace-
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at maker case with or without the presence of a shield, are an-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMTT.2015.2511011 alyzed by the co-simulation of a numerical tool for time-har-

0018-9480 © 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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monic magnetic field calculations and an equivalent circuit to

predict coil currents and voltages. On the basis of the co-simu-
lation results, two demonstrative WPT systems operating at the
two considered frequencies are then realized and tested. Finally,
the EMF safety aspects are investigated by assessing the nu-
merical dosimetry using very sophisticated human body models


A. WPT Equivalent Circuit

The simplified electrical circuit used to model the WPT
system is shown in Fig. 1. It consists of two separate coils of
self-inductances and coupled by a mutual inductance
that models the inductive coupling. and are the
equivalent resistances modeling the losses of the primary and
secondary coils, respectively. The mutual resistance can be
assumed to be negligible at the considered frequencies for the
low value of biological tissues conductivity, and it is not repre-
sented in Fig. 1(a). The different compensation configurations
of and used for the magnetic resonant coupling are as
• SS: series-compensated primary coil;
series-compensated secondary coil;
• SP: series-compensated primary coil;
parallel-compensated secondary coil; Fig. 1. (a) Equivalent circuit of two coupled coils. Compensated terminations:
• PS: parallel-compensated primary coil; (b) primary circuit series-compensation and (c) parallel compensation; (d) sec-
ondary circuit series-compensation and (e) parallel compensation.
series-compensated secondary coil;
• PP: parallel-compensated primary coil;
parallel-compensated secondary coil. (1b)
For each configuration, the values of and are ade-
quately chosen to obtain the resonance condition at the con- Secondary coil lumped parameters and are calculated
sidered frequency [3]. The source and the load are represented in a similar way when assuming and .
by simple analogical devices. The primary winding is fed by a The mutual inductance is given by
time–harmonic voltage source with small internal resistance
while the load is modeled by a simple resistance . The (2)
efficiency is evaluated as , where is the real
power on the resistive load and is the where is the secondary voltage obtained for and
real power at the input port of the primary circuit with and .
being the primary port voltage and current, respectively, while
the symbol is used for the conjugate value. C. Electro-Geometrical Specifications
The coils are designed to maximize the WPT efficiency at the
B. Lumped Circuit Parameter Extraction two considered frequencies. The electro-geometrical specifica-
The extraction of the lumped circuit parameters is based tions and constraints, dictated by the external dimensions of the
on the field distribution in the considered domain, which is pacemaker case and circuitry, are as follows:
obtained by a numerical solution of the time-harmonic magneto • circular planar coils;
quasi-static (MQS) field equations using the finite-element • internal radius of the primary coil: mm;
method (FEM) taking into account the frequency-dispersive • external radius of the secondary coil: mm;
behavior of biological tissues. After solving the MQS field • separation distance between the stacked coils: mm;
equations there are several theoretical methods that can be • wire section: mm (AWG 22);
used to extract the lumped self and mutual inductances [14]. • source resistance m ;
Applying Ohm’s law, it is sufficient to inject a time–harmonic • load power: W;
current in the primary circuit and to measure the voltage • load resistance: .
drop when . In particular, the resistance can be The secondary coil external diameter is fixed in order to fit
obtained from the real part of the input impedance and the dimensions of a generic pacemaker, while the primary coil
the self-inductance from the imaginary part as is chosen with the inner diameter slightly greater than the outer
diameter of the secondary coil to make the system more robust
(1a) in case of coil misalignments.

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For the sake of simplicity the coil conductor is assumed to be

a solid copper cylindrical wire with negligible interturn spacing.
This simple solution permits easy fabrication of the coils at
university laboratories even if the coil resistance due to skin
and proximity effects could be reduced using different shape
conductors, Litz wire at 300 kHz, or optimizing the inter-turn
spacing at 13.56 MHz [22]. In our numerical tests, not reported
here for the sake of brevity, the increase in the WPT efficiency
using inter-turn spacing and/or Litz wires is around 2% for the
test case #4. However, the coil currents do not vary significantly
and therefore the proposed simple wire/coil configuration can be
considered valid for the assessment of the EMF safety compli-
ance, which is the main goal of this study.
The load active power W has been chosen in order to
allow recharging the battery in a few hours (2–4 h), supposing
that the rectified voltage for the Li-ion rechargeable battery is in
the range of 3–5 V. Assuming, for the sake of simplicity,
V, the load resistance can be calculated as
. The load current is obtained as A.
The design variable parameters are as follows:
• number of turns in the primary coil: – ; Fig. 2. Sketch of the 2-D axial symmetric configurations. (a) Test case #1.
• number of turns on secondary coil: – ; (b) Test case #2. (c) Test case #3. (d) Test case #4.
• resonance frequencies: kHz or MHz;
• capacitance topology (SS, SP, PS, or PP).
The maximum number of turns (i.e., ten) in the coils has been performances can be found varying the coil configuration
chosen for practical reasons (weight, size) in order to obtain and the frequency , rather than adapting the load to the
more compact primary and secondary coils. circuit. The proposed method consists of the extraction of the
The pacemaker case has been modeled as a simple cylinder lumped parameters by the numerical procedure described above
enclosure with external radius of 25 mm, height of 10 mm, and using the commercial software COMSOL. The efficiencies
titanium alloy walls of thickness of 0.5 mm. have then been calculated by the analysis of the equivalent cir-
cuits considering each possible simple configuration of the ca-
III. NUMERICAL RESULTS pacitor compensation (e.g., SS, SP, PS, and PP) at the frequen-
cies of 300 kHz and 13.56 MHz. Note that the efficiency de-
A. Simulation Analyses and Results pends only on the topological capacitor configuration of the sec-
To analyze the performances of the WPT system applied to ondary circuit when is fixed where the active power in
a pacemaker, a simplified HBM is considered using a cylinder obviously being zero. It means that by fixing the efficiencies
of multilayer biological tissue (skin/fat/muscle). The thickness of the SS and PS configurations are the same, as well as those of
of the skin and fat layers are fixed to mm and the SP and PP configurations. At the end of the simulations, the
mm, respectively. optimal number of turns that maximizes the efficiency
The following four different test cases have been considered for SS and SP circuit topologies has been found at the frequen-
referred to four different configurations: cies of 300 kHz and 13.56 MHz, as reported in Tables I and II,
• #1) both coils are in-air (no biological tissues) [see respectively. In test case #3, the inductive coupling between the
Fig. 2(a)]; two coils is negatively affected by the presence of metallic ob-
• #2) the primary coil is in-air and the secondary coil is jects in the surrounding (e.g., the titanium case of a pacemaker).
in-body [see Fig. 2(b)]; Indeed, the magnetic field produced by the WPT system pro-
• #3) the primary coil is in-air and the secondary coil is duces eddy currents in the metallic case modifying the magnetic
in-body, in the presence of the pacemaker titanium case field behavior and, consequently, the values of the self and mu-
behind the secondary coil [see Fig. 2(c)]; tual inductances [23]–[25]. On the contrary, the ferrite layer in
• #4) the primary coil is in-air and the secondary coil is test case #4 acts as a magnetic shield diverting the magnetic flux
in-body in the presence of the titanium case as in test case lines before they meet the metallic pacemaker case [24], [25].
#3, but the pacemaker case surface in front of the secondary As a consequence, the magnetic field behavior is modified, but
coil is covered by a thin layer of ferrite of the WPT performances are not necessarily lessened since the
1-mm thickness [see Fig. 2(d)]. ferrite shield can be considered as a portion of magnetic core
A numerical simulation has been carried out using a field-cir- that reduces the total magnetic reluctance.
cuit co-simulation method for each considered test case and for From the observation of the results, the following can be
each possible WPT configuration varying , , , and ca- stated:
pacitance topology [23] when maintaining fixed and . It • the efficiency at 13.56 MHz is greater than that at
means that the impedance-matching condition giving the best 300 kHz;

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• at 13.56 MHz the best performances are obtained for the

SS compensation, but with a higher number of secondary
coil turns than that used for the SP compensation;
• at 300 kHz the best solution is obtained for the SP config- presence of the unshielded metallic case (see Table V). The ef-
uration. ficiency also decreases rapidly as increases. At 300 kHz, the
Finally, it should be noted that the WPT performances in test WPT system with SP compensation is the best configuration for
cases #1, #2, and #4 are similar. It means that we can design a test cases #2 and #4 in terms of efficiency and for the limited
WPT system for AIMDs considering only the coils in air with value of when has been fixed (see Tables IV and VI).
good approximation when the coil separation is mm and The SP configuration at 300 kHz achieves better results than
when a ferrite shield is used to cover metallic case surfaces. that at 13.56 MHz for test case #4 when mm. At the fre-
The circuit parameters used for evaluation are different for quency of 13.56 MHz, the best solution in terms of efficiency is
any examined configuration. For brevity, the circuit parameters obtained for the SS configuration.
are reported in Table III only for the most realistic case #4. Although the efficiency appears to be not affected by the
primary capacitor configuration (series or parallel compensa-
B. Sensitivity Analysis on Reciprocal Coil Position
tion), the same cannot be said for the source voltage nec-
To quantify the attenuation produced by the biological tissue, essary to transfer a power W on the receiving load. The
a second analysis is carried out. The geometry of the coils has root mean square (rms) values of for test case #4 are reported
the same configurations reported in Tables I and II for the two in Fig. 3(a) and (b), where it is evident that the voltage values
considered frequencies, while the separation distance between for the parallel compensation of the primary circuit are exces-
the stacked on-body coil and the in-body coil is varied in the sively high to be considered for practical applications. Only SS
range of 10–60 mm. This range has been chosen not only for and SP configurations can then be considered.
pacemaker applications, but also for other AIMDs that can be Subsequently, several simulations have also been carried out
deeply embedded in the human body, e.g., miniaturized pace- in order to study the effect of the coil misalignment on the WPT
makers placed inside the chambers of the heart, endoscope cap- efficiency. This problem is always present in real applications of
sule, etc., or for overweight (fat) people. pacemaker battery recharge and should therefore be taken into
Tables IV–VI show the calculated WPT efficiency as a func- account. We have experimentally and numerically examined the
tion of the separation distance respectively for test cases #2, variation mainly due to the mutual inductance variation oc-
#3, and #4 described in Section III-A. The WPT efficiencies curring with coil misalignment, as described in [15]. The con-
for test case #3 are very low for any configuration due to the sidered configuration operates at 300 kHz, the planar circular

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Fig. 3. Voltage (rms) at frequencies of: (a) 300 kHz and (b) 13.56 MHz
calculated for test case #4.

coils are both in air with SP compensation. The primary coil has
turns and external radius mm while the sec-
ondary coil has turns and external radius mm.
The load is and the power transferred is W.
The two cylindrical coils are initially placed on parallel planes
at a separation distance mm between each other.
In the first test, the coils are rotated of an angle with re-
spect to the parallel-plane position. In the second test the coils Fig. 4. Efficiency versus coil misalignment. (a) Coil rotation . (b) Translation
are on parallel planes, but the primary coil is horizontally trans- with respect to the center of the symmetry axis. (c) Variation of the separation
lated by a distance with respect to the center position. In the distance between coils.
third test the coils are on parallel planes, but the primary is ver-
tically shifted increasing the separation between the coils. The
results obtained by the field-circuit co-simulations for the con- 2) MHz; SS compensation; .
sidered configurations are reported in Fig. 4 and compared with The configuration of the WPT coils and the pacemaker case are
experimental results [24]. shown in Fig. 5(a) and (b). To reproduce the presence of bio-
The WPT system is powered by a full bridge inverter that logical tissues all the measurements have been carried out im-
amplifies the square waveform signal generated by the function mersing the pacemaker and the secondary coil in a saline solu-
generator. The dc input voltage is adjusted in order to obtain tion (0.9% solution of sodium chloride and water), while the pri-
the same output power in all conditions. The input power is mary coil is in the air, as shown in Fig. 5(c). This configuration
determined measuring the input voltage and the input current is equivalent from an electromagnetic standpoint to a configu-
with an oscilloscope and a current probe, respectively, while ration where the secondary coil is located inside the biological
the output power is obtained by measuring the voltage drop on tissues (in-body) and the primary coil is located outside the body
the load resistance. As can be observed, the efficiency is mostly (on-body). The circuit parameters have been measured using the
influenced by the separation and by the alignment of the coils, Wayne Kerr 4270 RLC meter for the configuration at 300 kHz
while minor orientation errors produce a minimal effect in terms and the Rohde & Schwarz FSH3 with bridge FSH-Z2 as the
of efficiency reduction. This is positive for the WPT recharge vector network analyzer for the configuration at 13.56 MHz, as
of pacemakers because in real applications eventual minimal shown in Fig. 6. The measured and numerically extracted in-
misalignments will not deteriorate the battery charging time. ductances are shown in Table VII for the coils configuration at
kHz and in Table VIII for that at MHz.
IV. DEMONSTRATOR EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS The two experimental setups have been compensated
Based on the results of the sensitivity analysis reported in choosing proper capacitors [3]. The sinusoidal excitation signal
Tables I–III, the following two different WPT demonstrators was given by a function generator with low output impedance
have been realized for charging the battery of a transcutaneous to directly drive the WPT system. The load was a 10- pre-
pacemaker considering the configuration of test case #4 with cision resistor. The output power, evaluated by measuring the
mm. voltage drop across the load resistor, was fixed to 1 W. The
1) kHz; SP compensation; ; . active input power is derived measuring the voltage, current,

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and phase difference by an oscilloscope and a current probe.

The measured , , and of the WPT systems were also
Fig. 5. Demonstrator configuration. (a) Fabricated primary coil. (b) Secondary
coil and pacemaker case. (c) Measurement setup in saline solution.
compared with numerical results exhibiting a good agreement
each other, as shown in Table IX.


A. Guidelines and Standards

According to the International Commission on Non-Ionizing
Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) guidelines [19], [20], the basic
restrictions (BRs) for human exposure to EMF at 300 kHz are
both the internal electric field and the specific absorption rate
(SAR). However, it has been shown in [26] and [27] that for
frequencies below 1–2 MHz, the dominant BR is the induced
-field, while for frequencies above it, is the SAR. The internal
-field limit at the frequency of 300 kHz is equal to 40.5 V/m
for the general public. The -field values are recommended to
be averaged over a small contiguous tissue volume of 2 2 2
mm and then the 99th percentile value should be considered
to exclude computational artifacts caused by the discretization
[19], otherwise other methods can be used [28]–[30].
The whole-body SAR is not applicable to the proposed ap-
plication because the power losses are produced by a near-field
magnetic source. Thus, the metric of interest is the local aver-
aged SAR for the head and trunk, whose limits are fixed to 2
W/kg for the general public exposure. The IEEE C95.1 BRs are
higher (internal ) or equivalent (SAR) than those of the IC-
NIRP guidelines and are therefore not considered in this work.
At the frequency of 13.56 MHz, the metric provided by both
Fig. 6. Vector network analyzer used to measure coil parameters for the con- ICNIRP 1998 [19] and IEEE C95.1 [21] is the spatial-averaged
figuration at 13.56 MHz. SAR with the same limit as at 300 kHz.

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Fig. 7. 99th percentile value of the internal -field at kHz.

B. Cylindrical Simplified Configuration

The simulations for the simplified HBM consisting of a mul-

tilayer cylinder, as described in Section III-A, are carried out
considering test cases #3 and #4 shown in Fig. 2. Specifically,
the lowest values of induced -field at 300 kHz are found for the
SP topology and minimum , as shown in Fig. 7. It can also be
observed that the SP compensation is the best solution in terms
of internal -field and the limits for test case #4 are exceeded
only when mm. It should be noted that the induced
-field increases with since must be increased to supply
with a fixed W. Fig. 8. Local SAR averaged over 10 g at: (a) 300 kHz and (b) 13.56 MHz.
The calculated local SAR averaged over 10 g of contiguous
biological tissue is shown in Fig. 8(a) and (b) for kHz
and MHz, respectively.
The localized SAR for the SP configuration at 300 kHz does
not present any practical concern, while the localized SAR for
the SS configuration at 13.56 MHz can result critical only for
mm for test case #4. It should be noted that the presence
of a ferrite shield reduces the EMF safety issues as one can see
by comparing the results obtained in test cases #3 and #4.


A dosimetry study is also carried out analyzing two different

anatomically based HBMs when using the optimized coil- cir-
cuit configurations (SP at 300 kHz and SS at 13.56 MHz) for test
case #4. The first HBM is based on the Utah Human Torso [31], Fig. 9. 3-D representation of the human torso with internal organs, pacemaker
and is composed of the torso with lungs, heart, and a partial cir- with ferrite shield, and WPT coils.
culatory system, as shown in Fig. 9. It is ready for FEM analysis
since the model can be discretized by irregular tetrahedra. In our
application, we have reconstructed a simplified torso model in 13.56 MHz, as expected. This is because the presence of biolog-
COMSOL after extracting the stereolithography (STL) format ical medium (or difference of HBMs) does not affect the -field
of the original model. The electro-geometrical model of the sec- distribution.
ondary coils, pacemaker case, and ferrite shield have then been The maps of and SAR in a horizontal surface ( -plane)
introduced in the human torso region, while keeping the primary corresponding to the -coordinate of the cylindrical coil center
coil in free space. The induced fields ( and SAR) are evalu- are shown in Figs. 10 and 11, respectively. The maps show
ated using COMSOL and the IT’IS database for the dielectric that the unaveraged values of SAR are below the BR limit of
properties of biological tissues [32]. The circuit parameters are 2 W/kg for both considered frequencies. Thus, the evaluation of
then extracted from the FEM numerical simulations and the ef- the 10-g averaged quantities is not needed as compliance with
ficiency is calculated by the analysis of the equivalent circuit. the unaveraged values is already met. The values of the induced
The obtained results are at 300 kHz and at -field at 300 kHz are also below the limits, but for a deeper

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Fig. 10. Induced -field map in dB normalized to the peak value (7.68 V/m).

Fig. 12. (a) Anatomical model Duke. (b) Zoom of the pacemaker area.

Fig. 13. Induced -field map in dB normalized to the peak value (8.69 V/m).

The induced -field distribution inside the torso of Duke at

the -plane normal to the -coordinate of the cylindrical coils
center is shown in Fig. 13.
Comparing Fig. 10 with Fig. 13, it can be seen that the
Fig. 11. SAR maps in dB normalized to the peak values at: (a) 300 kHz (0.0116
W/kg) and (b) 13.56 MHz (1.004 W/kg). The embedded coils and pacemaker -fields induced in the Duke model are similar to the one
are colored in black. obtained in the human torso (in terms of peak value and
hot-spot location), but the spatial distribution can be signifi-
cantly different due to the change of conductivity in the more
investigation a more sophisticated HBM should be considered sophisticated model. On the contrary, the use of the human torso
in order to account for tissues inhomogeneities. allowed us to extract the circuit parameters and to evaluate the
To this aim, a second anatomical model provided by the WPT performances.
IT’IS Foundation, Zurich, Switzerland, and known as the Duke
model [33], is adopted. This HBM represents an adult male VI. CONCLUSION
with more than 80 different biological tissues (see Fig. 12). WPT systems based on magnetic resonant coupling at two
The Duke model, together with the coil sources, is modeled different frequencies (300 kHz and 13.56 MHz) have been in-
in Sim4Life, which allows EM field equations solution in vestigated to recharge the batteries of AIMDs while being com-
LF and HF. The LF formulation is based on the solution of pliant with the EMF safety standards. Several configurations of
the MQS field equations given in terms of magnetic vector compensated WPT coils in the presence of the pacemaker case
potential. Using the LF solver, it is not possible to introduce with or without a magnetic shield have been examined numeri-
metallic objects as the pacemaker case, the shield, and the coils cally and experimentally, considering also a possible misalign-
inside the human body. To overcome this inconvenience, we ment of the coils. On the basis of our results the best WPT ca-
have used the coil currents obtained by the analysis of test pacitance compensations are the SP configuration at 300 kHz
case #4 as magnetic sources. This approximation is reasonable and the SS configuration at 13.56 MHz. The obtained prelim-
as the biological tissue does not significantly alter the magnetic inary results can also be improved in the future, reducing the
field behavior, at least for the frequencies hereby considered. losses due to skin and proximity effects by the optimization of
Furthermore, the presence of the pacemaker case is not so the coil and conductor configurations.
important when it is covered by a ferrite shield, as demonstrated A numerical dosimetry study assessing the compliance with
in Section III-A. EMF safety standards has been carried out revealing that there is

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no concern about the possible application of WPT technology, [19] Int. Commission Non-Ionizing Radiat. Protection, “Guidelines for lim-
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leads. These topics will be investigated in future studies. iting exposure to time-varying electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic
fields (up to 300 GHz),” Health Phys., vol. 74, pp. 494–522, 1998.
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[13] L. Chen, S. Liu, Y. C. Zhou, and T. J. Cui, “An optimizable circuit
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[14] M. Feliziani and V. De Santis, “Magnetic field analysis and lumped of L’Aquila, L’Aquila, Italy, in 2014, and is cur-
inductance extraction for wireless power transfer in implanted medical rently working toward the Ph.D. degree in electrical
devices,” in Asia–Pacific EMC Symp., Jeju Island, Korea, May 16–19, engineering at the University of L’Aquila.
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[15] T. Campi, S. Cruciani, M. Feliziani, and A. Hirata, “Wireless power transfer and electromagnetic compatibility.
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Low Power Active Medical Implants (ULP-AMI) and Accessories. Part
1: Technical Characteristics and Test Methods, ETSI EN 302 195-1
(2004-03), 2004. Silvano Cruciani received the Laurea degree in in-
[17] Electromagnetic Compatibility and Radio Spectrum Matters (ERM); formation and automation engineering and Ph.D. de-
Radio Equipment in the Frequency Range 9 kHz to 315 kHz for Ultra gree in electrical engineering from the University of
Low Power Active Medical Implants (ULP-AMI) and Accessories. Part L’Aquila, L’Aquila, Italy, in 2010 and 2015, respec-
2: Harmonized EN Covering Essential Requirements of Article 3.2 of tively.
the R&TTE Directive, ETSI EN 302 195-2 (2004-03), 2004. He is currently a Post-Doctoral Researcher with
[18] T. Campi, S. Cruciani, G. P. Santilli, and M. Feliziani, “Numerical the University of L’Aquila. His main research in-
analysis of EMF safety and thermal aspects in a pacemaker with a wire- terests include numerical methods, electromagnetic
less power transfer system,” in IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conf., wave propagation in complex media, and wireless
Boulder, CO, USA, May 13–15, 2015, pp. 1–4. power transfer.

Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE. Downloaded on November 28,2022 at 06:17:08 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Federica Palandrani received the Telecommu- Akimasa Hirata (S’98–M’01–SM’10) received

nication Engineering Bachelor degree from the the B.E. and Ph.D. degrees in communications
University of L’Aquila, L’Aquila, Italy, in 2013, and engineering from Osaka University, Suita, Japan, in
is currently working toward the Master degree in 1996 and 2000, respectively.
telecommunication engineering at the University of In 2001, he joined the Department of Commu-
L’Aquila. nications Engineering, Osaka University, as an
Her main research interests are in the field of Assistant Professor. In 2004, he joined the Depart-
numerical dosimetry for wireless power transfer ment of Computer Science and Engineering, Nagoya
(WPT) systems and routing protocols for wireless Institute of Technology, Nagoya, Japan, where he
ad-hoc mobile networks. is currently a Professor. His research interests are
electromagnetics and thermodynamics in biological
tissue, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and electromagnetic interference
(EMI) and computational physics.
Dr. Hirata is a Chairperson of the Subcommittee of EMF Dosimetry Mod-
Valerio De Santis (M’05–SM’15) received the eling of IEEE International Committee on Electromagnetic Safety (ICES). He
Laurea degree in telecommunication engineering is a Member of the Main Commission of International Commission on Non-Ion-
(summa cum laude) and Ph.D. degree in electrical izing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). He is a member of the Editorial Board of
and computer engineering from the University Physics in Medicine and Biology (since 2010). He was an Associate Editor for
of L’Aquila, L’Aquila, Italy, in 2006 and 2010, the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING (2006–2012). He is a
respectively. Fellow of the Institute of Physics.
From April 2011 to May 2013, he was a Project
Leader with the Foundation for Research on Infor-
mation Technologies in Society, IT’IS Foundation,
Switzerland. From January to March 2015, he was
an Assistant Professor with the Nagoya Institute of Mauro Feliziani (M’91–SM’00) received the Elec-
Technology, Nagoya, Japan. He is currently a Fellow Researcher with the Uni- trical Engineering degree from the University of
versity of L’Aquila. His current research interests include biological effects of Rome “La Sapienza,” Rome, Italy, in 1983.
electromagnetic (EM) fields, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), and numer- In 1994 he joined the University of L’Aquila,
ical methods and techniques. L’Aquila, Italy, as a Full Professor of electrical en-
Dr. De Santis is Secretary of IEEE-ICES-TC95-SC6. He was the recipient gineering. He has authored or coauthored more than
of the Second Best Student Paper Award of the Bioelectromagnetics Society 100 papers published in the fields of electromagnetic
(BEMS) Annual Meeting, Cancun, Mexico, 2006, the Best Student Paper compatibility (EMC) and in electromagnetic (EM)
Award of the IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility field numerical computation.
(EMC), Honolulu, HI, USA, in 2007, and the Leo L. Beranek Travel Grant of Prof. Feliziani was an Associate Editor of the
the IEEE International Symposium on EMC, Detroit, MI, USA, in 2008. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTROMAGNETIC
COMPATIBILITY(1995–2000). In 2003, he was the Guest Editor of a Special
Issue of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS. In 1994, he cofounded the
EMC Europe Symposium. He was the General Chairman of the EMC Europe
Symposium, Sorrento, Italy (2002) and of the EMC Europe Workshop, Rome
(2005). He was the Technical Program Committee Chair of EMC Europe 2012,
Rome, Italy. He is the Chair of the International Steering Committee, EMC
Europe Symposium.

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