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Sentiment is something that is part of our soul. As we live everyday, we continually experience
occurrences and emotionally attached on the memories it pertains. Some are from unsual
happenings, some are from our normal routines and some are from the love that binds us with
our love ones. We may have different ways of seeing value but the quality of how we cherish
the unforgettable one is the same because we humans had feelings that we can't explain, only
our heart knows. All people can experience affection to the things they see and do but
everyone has different percentage on valuing. Some only values the unusuals but some are
what we called sentimental fools because they value even the normal little things the have.
They are also called fools because they are having a hard time on moving on especially when
that one thing reminds of someone who is far from them or no longer living.

In my case, I put my self on the column of sentimental fool because I appreciate every little
thing I have. I hardly let go the memories I had been experienced so I kept all the things I
gathered from unforgettable moments in my life. Thinking that life ahead will not be the same
as today, I live my life as if I will die tomorrow. I capture every moment which for me is
important and attach deeply into it. An in-depth thinking is the reason why I have sentiments.
As a wierdo woman, I give meanings to the instances happened to me everyday and see it as a
priceless one. I am softhearted to the point that even the very nonsense for others matters to
me. You may call me insane but I even return to my path when I was walking because I wanna
experience again the way I walk from that site so I ended up going home late. If one important
person gives me something wrapped such as food, I always keep the wrapper after eating
ignoring the fact that ants may come to eat the leftovers. Little things matter to me, I even cry
when somebody threw away the empty bottles of my superstix because I am not keeping the
bottle but I am keeping the memory on it and it was precisely valuable to me.

I also value persons and the top of them are my parents. I can't imagine home when they are
gone. I can still remember that cold evening where I was crying while hugging my mother's
dress because she's not home for an important matter. Though its just one night but it felt like a
year of sorrow for me. I also love the normal scent of my father in his shirt because it reminds
me of his daily work, it smells fragrant to me even it is an odor of his sweat. Close friends of
mine also have value for me. I see them as my sisters even we are not relative by blood because
they had been with me since I was starting to face the battle of life. They own a part in my heart
so when I was struggling, lonely or whatsoever I long for their presence because the feeling
they throw on the atmosphere is such a sound of comfort.

Being sentimental has positive impact. You can have a strong connection to people, a place, or
an experience while you are feeling emotional because it can make you feel like you belong.
Being sentimental frequently indicates that a person is sensitive to both their own feelings and
those of others. They may express love quite honestly due to their focus on soft emotions.
Because of sentiment, we learn to appreciate all. We value things that we possessed than
things that we do not own. Although it makes sense to value things that have been earned or
purchased, individuals frequently place a high value on items that have been unintentionally
obtained or given to them as gifts because it consist a spirit of giving and loving one another.

On the other hand, People with sentiments hardly adapt change. Because of the fondness they
feel on particular things, they sometimes unnotice that they are already building wall between
now and tomorrow. Bad impact of things with sentimental value happens when we lost our
love ones. Through the things that reminds us to them, we hardly forget the pain which makes
us suffer loneliness, that's why sometimes moving on is like a crossing the ocean alone. We
always look back on the things that made us happy that's why we tend to loose the opportunity
of being currently glad. It seemed that we jail ourselves in the past and that is a disadvantage of
being a sentimental fool. Letting go is not easy specially when the one you have to let go
already has a room on your soul. The old photographs, the worn clothes, the broken frames, all
of these remembrance are hard to put on the garbage can because we can still remember the
day we stare on it while it was still current. Regardless on how sad these remembrance to be
stare at knowing that we cannot turn the time back again, we still keep it because the
memories has been there deep in our hearts and no one can replace it because it is

It is priceless to have a soft heart where we would know how to give worth something or
someone and be grateful even on a little aspects of life but we have to set those attachment on
a proper way. We knew that change is constant and there's nothing we can do on it so we must
manage our feeling so well. Loneliness comes unexpectedly that's why we have to prepare
ourselves by learning how to deal with catalyst. We have to remind ourselves that there is
always a room for happiness and it is to sentimentalize important things and at the same time
reminding ourselves that the happiness we feel today will not happen with the same impact
again and it is okay because there's still a lot of sort of happiness waiting for us along the way if
we allow ourselves to walk and move on. We have to remember that we don't need to forget
the memories, instead we must cherish it with all our hearts but promise to let go the burden of
sadness affiliated with some memories that we missed.

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