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High Plains PLC (HP)

A. Market segment is an organisations collect information and analysis

market research to identify different groups of people into market

Relative market share




1.HP+ room will stand for question mark

2.standard rooms will stand for dog

C. Firstly secondary market research is a collection and analysis of

information that already exists, theirs is many advantages and

One advantage of using it is easy to collect as it found in the internet

example how many gust are have and had positive feedback in percent or
details on all of the hotels like how the service was.

disadvantage is some of the information is meaningless like the

information showed that gusts on luxury hotels are brand loyal, that will
couldn't help the hotel as their is no relation between hotels and brands.

D. Option 1 and 2 has many advantages and disadvantages and both will
take 100 rooms in each hotel.

rstly option 1 is about having discount on 100 standered room in each

HP’s hotels, there is two point of doing that rstly competing with
their major competitor prices, secondly to increase their occupancy

The advantage of using option 1 it will allow the middle and lower
social class consider the hotel as a real option special as it will have a
good price and service, with having discounts it will increase the rate
of booking at least 10%.

Disadvantage of having discounts it lower the rich class bookings as

they will think that the hotel is considered for low and middle classes
and that is not in their class.

Second option is upgrading 100 rooms from standard to a better room,

and that will happen for each hotel and it will be called Hp’s+, it has
the same point as the rst option to increase the occupancy rates and
also to target business travelers.

Their is a lot of advantage in upgrading rooms one it will attract

middle and rich class as it will have better experience and modern
decor and also the room will stay in long term without changing.

disadvantage on upgrading that everyone will competing for the one




hundred rooms and if they didn't found one they could leave and with
that you will lose customers and the rest mostly will be not booked
from online as there will be better option.

In conclusion I prefer option 1 as it will increase the booking rate and

also it will let them compete with their major competitor, not like
option 2 it will lower the booking rate as most people would like to get
the HP+ room.

Secco Vineyards (SV)

A. It comprise the market into small speci c group to target them

B. Social media is one of the famous ways in this century to marketing your
product and it has many advantages and disadvantages one is easily to go Viral all
over the world. As SV use it, it will be knowledgable all over the world.

The disadvantage in the other hand of going viral is how people will react as
people have di erent opinion and their is two ways to react positive if the post help
them or negatively with SV the ad will not be helpful as SV will post a Wine ad and
most will react negatively.

C. There are two competition strategies and they are Premium Prices Strategy and
Predatory Price Strategy.

Firstly Premium prices strategy is a strategy that delusion the client so that it
shows that it gives a bigger value to the company, that will allow them to create an
imaginary to the customer that their company has high quality

Predatory strategy is when a company lowers their prices to get rid form
competitors from the market and the bene t of using that it will attract customers.



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