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A) De ne the term target market?

target market is a organization where they target group of people and they develop thier
strategy and marketing mix.

B) Explain one positive and one negative impact of the multinational RE on the developing
Multinational company means that a company run a business in two countries or more, a
positive impact of running a multinational company that it well help you to improve your ways
on how to control your business and also increase your pro t, like let say TM is in America and
it open in Canada that will help the owner and the the company to grow and handle more hard
situations like a lot of taxi orders and also increasing in pro t because if one country is getting
low order the second could backup the rst so their is a big chance of not getting bankrupt.
A negative impact of multinational company is if the second country is has that same service
or the same product and and it better or more known in the country than your company, like
let say TM open in Canada and in Canada have a company called TGM and it a taxi company
which have a lot of features and also known, in that situation TM will loss a lot than it
expected to.

C) Explain one bene ts and one limitation for TM of using focus groups?
Focus group is a method where a group of people give there feedback or opinion about the
company, one bene t of using the method it gives you di erent opinion so that you could
improve your company and also how people think about the company and with that you could
improve your company or change their thoughts, as we saw that people thought that TM and
BT is the same company, BT had bad recommendations because a lot of the drivers were bad
in commenting with the customer and also BT had more crash accident than TM so if people
thought it the same company, the company will have bad recommendations.
The limitation of focus group that some people give a feedback that the company does not
have hand with it like let say the feedback was the amount per minute was exorbitant and the
company can’t do anything with that or the group of people may have the same opinion so
with that you can improve your company well.

D) Discuss TM’s new strategy to di erentiate itself from BT?

The reason that let TM to di erentiate from BT, as that BT have bad reputation and also share
pro t, so with TM beginning di erentiate from BT will have their own pro t and also a good

And after the di erentiate TM will sell their older cars and they will buy new luxury cars so with
that it will attract the customers to ride on it and also it will develop the reputation and the
recommendations even if their prices became higher it will still be worth the amount as the
percentage of accidents is low so it safety for families.

And also they will develop the unique selling point that emphasizes convenience and security that
will give the company a big jump than the other company that will help them to be the best taxi in
the country and big mangers or family’s ride on their taxi and with that it will increase their pro t.

In conclusion TM di erentiate from BT will let them back to business and be in the top as also
their repatriation all over the world will be good.


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