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2 Philosophy of Education

“Children are like wet cement. What ever falls on them makes and impression” by Haim Ginott. This

quote has always created that imprint on how I view education especially to younger children. Hello my name is

Jessica Speairs, and I believe my philosophy in education is that a teacher should get to know each child as an

individual and create that connection to each one in the beginning to be able to model each child and give them

the opportunity to have them learn through experiences at their own pace but yet give them the opportunity to

challenge them appropriately for them to learn to think at a whole new level or view.

As I started my classes in college, I never though I would be an early childhood educator, I was always

told to be a nurse or a doctor somewhere I would be stable to have a family and not struggle. When I got the

opportunity to have my first job at my college in a child development center I know I have opened a new door

where I enjoyed being at. The love of see children’s eyes open when they discover something new. I believe

that children learn through play, that is how they are able to know how things work, cause and effect, problem

solve, and create those relationships with adults and peers.

Teaching is such an important career because especially for a early childhood educator you are their

second teachers, the first being their parents and the teachers being their seconds. You teach these young

children about how to build those relationships with others, how to work with those fine motors and understand

what the true meaning of what being a kid is all about. I know that parents get very worried about leaving

children with another adult to take care of their little ones but I will be that teacher that the parents are able to

come up to me and build that relationship and know that when they leave their child with me they will be safe

and they are going to be loved. Having the responsibility to be able to create an impact in a child’s life to be

able to go out to the world and be proud and have that confidence to be who they are and believe they can be

who ever they want to be is the teacher I want to be and that is why I choose this career.

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