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College of Business and Economics

School of Commerce
Logistics and Supply Chain Management Program Unit
Course Syllabus for the course Operations Management (LSCM3072)

Program Logistics and supply chain management

Course code LSCM3072
Course title Operations Management
Degree program Business Administration and Information Systems (BAIS)
Module name Operations and Materials management
Module No. 7
Course chair: Zelalem Bayisa (PhD)
Office : New Building – 3rd floor, Room 34
Email address: or
ECTS Credits (CP) 5
Contact hours Lecture Group Assessment Home study Total
(per week) discuss
3 0.5 0.5 4.5 8.5
Lecture days, hours & room : R4BAIS 1(Th 1&2, M5@ Room 9); R4BAIS 2 (Th 3&4, M3@ Room #10)
Tutorial/lab days & hours
Target group R4BAIS1&2
Academic Year 2022/23 A.Y
Year/semester Year IV, Semester I
Pre-requisites Operations Research
Status of the course Compulsory

This course is intended to provide students with the concept, tools, and applications of operations
management. The course has enormous importance to every individual involving the management of
production and service operation of any kind and has especially for business students. It is because of this
fact that every business student taking the course. Logistics and supply chain management especially as it
is the core course of the program will provide indispensable skills for managing the operations of
manufacturing and service delivery. The course is divided into five sections: operations management
overview and concept, product design, process design, capacity planning, location decision, facility
layout, production planning and controlling production scheduling, aggregate production planning,
statistical quality assurances, and Business process reengineering.

LSCM3072 Course Outline



Upon completion of this course students will be able to:

 Describe operations management development, scope, and functions

 Explain the similarity and differences between goods and services operations

 Understand and convey a fundamental knowledge of operations manager activities

 Describe the decisions involved in product, service, and process designing and controlling the
operation system

 Identify major decisions involved in facility location and layout

 Identify and explain major decisions involved in work planning, design, and measurement of it.

 Describe and illustrate the importance of forecasting, material requirement planning, aggregate
planning, and scheduling of human and material resources.

 Discuss the nature and importance of project management and application of PERT /CPM
techniques in managing the project

 Identify and explain determinates of quality and cost associated with quality

 Verify the elements of the quality control process, the importance of acceptance sampling

 Apply selected quantitative tools and models in the analysis of decisions for the design, planning,
and controlling of the operating system.

LSCM3072 Course Outline



Lecture Conceptual focus Reading assignment Teaching

Hours Methodology
8 hours PART ONE: INTRODUCTION TO William J Stevenson pp1-61 Lecture, class
 Introduction demonstration
 Manufacturing Operations and Service
 Historical Development of Operation
 Operations strategy & competitiveness
 Productivity Measurement

20 hours PART TWO - DESIGN OF THE William J Stevenson pp 64- Lecture, class
OPERATION SYSTEM 373 discussion, and
 Product and service design

 Strategic Capacity Planning

 Facility Location & Layout

 Job Design and Work Measurement

20 Hours PART THREE - OPERATIONS  William J Stevenson Lecture, class

PLANNING & CONTROL (pp540-614, PP63-118 discussion, and
and PP 655-689) & demonstration
 Aggregate production planning  Chase (Pages 536-564)

 Material Requirement Planning

 Operations Scheduling


The main teaching strategy of the course is to give activities that make the learners drill throughout the
chapter and then assisting them while working. In addition:
 Principles and the underlying concepts will be explained and discussed
 Class lectures, discussions, dialogue, and sharing individual student experiences as the learning-
teaching method
 Encourage cooperativeness among learners
 Problem Based Learning (PBL) where the instructor’s role is to facilitate and students will be
exposed to problems and pass through each step until possible suggestions for problem-solving
are formulated, tested, and can be implemented in the real business world
 Classroom is used as a workplace to discuss concepts, principles and perform activities

LSCM3072 Course Outline



 Proactive class participation

 Working on each- and -every activity provided in a classroom or at home

 Timely submission of each- and -every assignment provided

 Analytical skills, language proficiency, and reporting capacity for individual or group assignment

 Level of compression of what is learned in class/lecture


Based on the set criteria to assess the learning outcomes of students, the following shall be applied as
assessment strategies.

 Continuous exercise is provided which helps the learners to achieve the expected learning
objectives and subsequent learner outcome

 Students are required to propose and present the possible solution(s) for the activities in oral or in

 Class presentation of groups what they learned from the reading and exercises

 Neatness, clarity, and preciseness of their work will be considered

 Equal opportunity will be provided for students to reflect in class, ask questions, present solutions
for the exercises, and share their individual experiences

 Sit examinations for closed book system


Role of the Instructor

 Prepare a standardized syllabus and distribute it to students on the first day of class

 Organize reading materials (both hard and electronic copies as appropriate), and provide the right
direction for the students where the reading materials are available

 Inform in advance with clear guidelines when and how students shall be engaged in activities and
assignments to be worked on individually and/or in groups

LSCM3072 Course Outline


 Prepare lectures as per assigned topics for each session

 Continuous follow-up and play as a mentor to support students while working on their activities and
during reading assignments given on individual and group bases

 Evaluate each assignment and provide feedback to students on time

 Set a clear schedule for collaborative learning

 Prepare final examination and administer properly

 Mark each assignment/exam objectively and conduct consultation sessions with individual/group of
students before the final marking

Role of Students

 To attend lecture classes regularly

 Actively participate in group activities

 Come to lecture classes completing all their assignments (activities and readings)

 Actively participate in lecture classes

 Use effectively the collaborative learning

 Use the independent learning time

 Make a collaborative effort among their college student to strengthen group learning

 Meet the optimal requirements of the course


To ensure that students meet the main objective of the course, the following evaluation methods will be
Class participation---------------------------------------------------5%
Test and quizzes -----------------------------------------------------5%
Group assignment ---------------------------------------------------10%
Individual assignment--------------------------------------------- 10%
Mid exam----------------------------------------------------------- 30%
Final exam---------------------------------------------------------- 40%
Total --------------------------------------------------------------- 100%

LSCM3072 Course Outline



1) Stevenson, William J. (2005) Operations Management, 8th ed. McGraw-Hill, Irwin

2) Chase, Richard B., and Aquilano, N.J. (1998) Production and Operations management:
manufacturing and services, 8th ed., McGraw- Hill


1) Heizer, J. and Render, B. (2001) Principles of operations Management, 4th ed. prentice-Hall, Inc.

2) Stevenson, William J., (1990) Production/ operations management 3h ed. Richard D. Irwin

3) Monks, Joseph G.,(1987) Operations management/theory and problems, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill

4) Heizer, J. Render, B. (1999.) Principles of operations Management 3rd. prentice Hall

5) Krajewskilee, J. and Ritzman, L.P. (1999.) Operations management: Strategy and Analysis, 5th ed.,

6) Russell, R.S., and Taylor, B.W., (2003) Operations Management, 4th ed., Prentice Hall, Inc.

7) Schroeder, Roger G. (1981) Operations Management: Decision making in the Operation functions,
3rd. McGraw-Hill.

LSCM3072 Course Outline

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