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Name: Alona C.

Fajardo 12-08-22
Year/Sec: BSHM-2C
Subj: BM - Assignment 3

Identifying Market Segments: On what social class/income level you will include
yourself and/or your family? Please explain why, and the explanation should be
based on the social classes level in the Philippines

I would place our standard of living in the middle class. First of all, my mother has
her own business of her ginger powder or better known as "Turmeric Powder". My
mom earns a lot of help here, because at least our household expenses are paid.
Sometimes mom also brings seafood to the market to sell. Somehow our needs are
met. Once in my life I was also given the opportunity to work in the municipality. It
feels good to be of service to others. I learned a lot during my almost one month stay
in the municipality. One of the things I learned is to socialize with people, I also met
new friends who are almost like real family. Time flies and I need to when I left my
job and because my contract here ended. I have used my salary for some school
expenses like my projects and so on.

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