Part 2 Reviewer Prelims

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Grade Cells Description

0 No agglutinates
w+ Many tiny agglutinates.
May not be visible without microscope.
1+ Many small agglutinates.
Many free cells.
2+ Many medium-sized agglutinates.
Moderate number of free cells.
3+ Several large agglutinates.
Few free cells.
4+ One large agglutinate.
No free cells.

Blood Group Anti-A Anti-B Anti-D

“A” POSITIVE + 0 +
“B” POSITIVE 0 + +
“O” POSITIVE 0 0 +
“A” NEGATIVE + 0 0
“B” NEGATIVE 0 + 0
“O” NEGATIVE 0 0 0

Blood Known A-cells Known B-cells Known AB-cells Known O-cells

A 0 + + 0
B + 0 + 0
AB 0 0 0 0
O + + + 0

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