Test-2 - Himalyas Range

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Study Circle_Weekly Test

General Knowledge

Q:1 Which is the highest peak of Himalayas?

(a) K-2
(b) Tirichmir
(c) Sakasar
(d) Mount Everest
Q:2 How many countries does the Himalayan range cover?
(a) five
(b) four
(c) six
(d) three
Q:3 Which country has the largest part of Himalayas?
(a) China
(b) India
(c) Nepal
(d) Bhutan
Q: 4 Which is the Highest peak of Himalayas range in Pakistan?
(d) Nanga Parbat
(a) K-2
(b) Tirichmir
(c) Sakasar
(d) None of above
Q: 5 Nanga Parbat is the part of?
(a) HinduKash
(b) Karakoram
(c) Pamir
(d) Himalayas
Q: 6 Nanga Parbat is ranked as the __________ highest mountain peak of the world ?
(a) 10th
(b) 8th
(c) 9th
(d) 5th
Q: 7The height of Nanga Parbat is ____________ ?
(a) 8,126m
(b) 7,521m
(c) 6,125m
(d) 9,500m
Q: 8 Which of the following mountain peaks is called Killer Mountain?
(a) Mount Everest
(b) K-2 Peak
(c) Nanga Parbat
(c) Both A & C
Q: 9 Sadpara lake is located in?
(a) Astore
(b) Skardu
(c) Hunza
(d) Gilgit
Q: 10 Margalla Hills are a part of which mountain range?
(a) Western Ghats
(b) Himalayas
(c) Karakoram
(d) Hindu Kush

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