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Study Circle_Weekly Test

General Knowledge

Q: 01 The Karakoram mountains lie ____of the Indus River and extend North ward beyond
the borders of Pakistan?
(a) East
(b) West
(c) North
(d) South
Q: 02 Which mountain range has the most summits in Pakistan?
(a) Himalaya
(b) Karakoram
(c) HinduKash
(d) None of these
Q: 03 World’s Highest Mountain Range?
(a) Himalyas Range
(b) Karakoram Range
(c) HinduKash Range
(d) Andes Range
Q: 04 Which is the highest peak of Karakoram mountain range?
(a) Kilik Peak
(b) K-2 Peak
(c) Nanga Parbat
(d) Tirichmir
Q: 05 K-2 is also known as?
(a) Godwin Austin
(b) Dapsang
(c) Chogori
(d) All of above
Q: 06 Pakistan’s Second highest peak K-2 has an altitude of _________ meters above the
sea level?
(a) 8,848 meter
(b) 8,611 meter
(c) 8,621 meter
(d) 8,126 meter
Q: 07 Length of Karakoram Highway?
(a) 1200 km
(b) 1350 km
(c) 1300 km
(d) 1230 km
Q: 08 Highest Glacier in Pakistan?
(a) Biafo Glacier
(b) Baltoro Glacier
(c) Siachen Glacier
(d) Batura Glacier
Q: 09 Length of Baltaro Glacier?
(a) 76 km
(b) 68 km
(c) 63 km
(d) 58 km
Q: 10 Which Pass connects Gilgit Baltistan with Yarkand region of China?
(a) Zargar Pass
(b) Kilak Pass
(c) Mustagh Pass
(d) Khunjerab Pass

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