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Society ,Law and Ethics

Carry your textbooks and notebooks

Unit Plan
Where are you headed?
● You will learn to use digital resources and platforms ethically and safely. You will learn about topics such as
Intellectual property rights, accessing data, communicating data, malware and the impact of technology on society.
Why are you headed there?
● You need to be aware of how technology should be meaningfully used and the kind of problems one can face if
he/she does not protect information online.
In what ways will you be assessed?
● You will complete quiz and a unit end test.

Day plan

● Digital Footprints, Netiquettes, Communication etiquettes, Social étiquettes

● Cyber Safety - cyber trolls and bullying, reporting a cyber crime, Being safe on Social Media

Digital Footprints
What is Digital Footprint?

● What is online reputation and how does it affect us?

● How does my social media presence account for my online reputation?
Digital footprint
A trail of data reflecting the activities performed by us online that we leave behind
while using the internet is called digital footprint.Types:

● Active Digital footprints-Intentional

● Passive Digital footprints-Unintentional
Let’s discuss:

● What is identity protection?pg 512

● Confidentiality of Information and necessary practices-pg 514
Net etiquettes
Pg 229 of NCERT(uploaded on course page already)
Communication etiquettes
Pg 233 of NCERT book
Social media etiquettes
Cyber bullying and cyber trolling
Based on prework given yesterday:
● What is cyber bullying?
● Can you give an example of cyberbullying? (Any prominent personalities recently cyber trolled?)
● How does a person feel when being bullied online?
● What are the venues by which a person can be bullied online?
(Keeping accounts public, as a retaliation based on our own comments)
● Is cyber trolling different from cyber bullying? How is it different?
● Did any prominent person recently get cyber trolled?

Read page 517 new edition

Cyberbullying is any form of malicious messages, abuse, name calling and threats using any kind of technology from
social media sites to mobile phones.

Trolling has become a more common term for any kind of purposeful online abuse on social media sites like Twitter or
How to report a cyber crime?
How can cyber crime can be reported

● Speak to an adult first (parents or guardians).

● The local police stations can be approached to get
information on where to lodge a cyber complaint.
● A cybercrime complaint can be registered with any
of the 30 cyber cells in India, irrespective of where
the crime was committed.
● Lodge a complaint in the National cyber crime
Think and answer:
What can you do to keep yourself safe in a social media environment? What can you do to stand up against
bullying and cyberbullying?
Always remember:
● Data removed from one's social media pages can still be retrieved and shared.
● Data that is visible online about us can be used to judge us.
● Access to Personal information online can lead to identity thefts, bank details thefts, misuse of
personal information and cyber-bullying. We need to safeguard our personal information to prevent
such incidents.
Protocols to be followed while using social media websites

1. Be Authentic - while sharing personal information about oneself is not ideal, sharing misinformation is even worse.
Spreading misinformation (rumours) online is a punishable offence in India. As per IT Act India, spreading rumours
may result in a fine or a jail term up to 3 years.
2. Use a disclaimer while sharing personal views.
3. Be politically correct / do not pick fights online
4. Protect your identity
5. Does the post pass the PUBLICITY test? That means that your post should be acceptable if you were to say the
same thing in a face to face conversation.
6. Respect others’ opinions.
7. Check the comments that you receive for a post.

Pre-work for the next class

Pre work Assignment - 1

Let’s watch this video Viruses, Trojans and Spyware

● Meaning of a threat and an attack
● Viruses and Trojans - viruses, worms , trojans ,spyware and their differences
● Damage caused by viruses trojans and spyware
● Meaning of Adware, malware, spamming
● Safely accessing websites-Solutions to Computer Security Threats and Solutions to Viruses,
Adware and Spyware
Threat and attack
● A threat is a potential violation of security.
● When a threat is executed,it becomes an attack.

Some common threats:

1. Viruses:
a. Worms
b. Trojans
2. Spyware
3. Adware
4. Spamming
5. PC intrusion
6. Phishing

Note:Malware is a general term used to refer to viruses,worms,spyware,adware,etc.It is unwanted software that

someone else wants to run on your computer which infects it and makes your computer behave in a way which
you don’t approve of.
What is the difference between virus,worms and trojans
Difference between the terms: Virus, worms, Trojan, Spyware.

A computer virus is a type of malware that propagates by inserting a copy of itself into and becoming part of another program. It
spreads from one computer to another, leaving infections as it travels. Almost all viruses are attached to an executable file, which
means the virus may exist on a system but will not be active or able to spread until a user runs or opens the malicious host
file or program. When the host code is executed, the viral code is executed as well. Viruses spread when the software or document
they are attached to is transferred from one computer to another using the network, a disk, file sharing, or infected email attachments.

A worm is a malicious program that spreads from one computer to another without human assistance, by using the data transmission
media / network available. In contrast to viruses, which require the spreading of an infected host file, worms are standalone
software and do not require a host program or human help to propagate. A worm can replicate itself on a system, making
hundreds or thousands of copies of itself. Each of these copies will reach a new device, creating a huge devastating effect.

A Trojan horse is a malicious program that looks like a genuine application.Unlike worms, Trojan horses do not reproduce by
infecting other files nor do they replicate themselves but they can be just as destructive. Trojans spread through user
interaction such as opening an email attachment or downloading and running a file from the Internet.Trojans also open a
backdoor entry to your computer which gives malicious users/programs access to your system, allowing confidential and personal
information to be stolen
Difference between the terms: Virus, worms, Trojan, Spyware.

● Gets installed on the computer to spy on the activities,user’s behaviour
● Reports this data to a central source/people willing to pay for it.
● This data can be used for legal/illegal purposes.
● Get installed on your PC without your consent.
● Usually piggybacked onto a file or gets downloaded from the internet from particular websites.
● Can sit silently until found
Damage caused by viruses trojans and spyware:

Damage caused by viruses ,worms and trojans

● Damage or delete files

● Slow down the computer
● Invade your email program
● Eat up all the disk space

Damage caused by spyware

● Compromises the data,computing habits and identity

● Alters PC settings
● Slows down the PC.

Refer page 532 and 533 ,new edition

Adware,Malware and spamming
● The programs that deliver unwanted ads generally in pop up form.
● They consume network bandwidth and slow down the PC.
● They are like spyware but are installed with your consent and track information

● It is a general term used to refer to viruses,worms,spyware,adware,etc.
● It is unwanted software that someone else wants to run on your computer which infects it and makes your computer
behave in a way which you don’t approve of.

● Sending of bulk mail by identified or unidentified sources

Refer this link for more reading on Adware

Refer Textbook page 531 and 533
Safely accessing the web

Active protection and Preventive measures

Active protection:
● Installation of antivirus and antispyware softwares
● Download updates of antiviruses regularly
● Run frequent full system scans

Preventive measures:
● Keep the operating system up-to date
● Use caution while downloading files from the internet
● Be careful with Emails
● Disable cookies ,if possible

Refer page 535-Solutions to Computer Security Threats and Solutions to Viruses, Adware and Spyware
Do now
● Cyber Crime - hacking, eavesdropping, phishing and fraud emails, ransomware, preventing
cyber crime
Cyber crime
● Criminal activities or offences carried out in a digital environment can be considered as cyber
crime. In such crimes, either the computer itself is the target or the computer is used as a tool to
commit a crime.
● Cyber crimes are carried out against either an individual, or a group, or an organisation or even
against a country, with the intent to directly or indirectly cause physical harm, financial loss or
mental harassment.
● A cyber criminal attacks a computer or a network to reach other computers in order to disable or
damage data or services.
● Apart from this, a cyber criminal may spread viruses and other malwares in order to steal private
and confidential data for blackmailing and extortion.
● Some examples of cyber crime include:
○ Undelivered goods or cheaper / wrong goods delivered in online shopping / denial of a
service after taking money
○ Hacking
○ Ransomware
○ Phishing
○ Scams
○ Financial fraud
○ Eavesdropping
○ Cyber stalking / bullying / trolling
○ Identity theft

○ Illegal downloads (Media piracy) (not in syllabus, but students can learn about this)
○ Child pornography (not in syllabus, but students can learn about this)
○ Nigerian prince (not in syllabus, but you can learn about this)
The act of compromising digital devices and networks through unauthorized access to an account or
computer system.

Hacking is not always a malicious act, but it is most commonly associated with illegal activity and data
theft by cyber criminals.

Hacking is the misuse of devices like computers, smartphones, tablets, and networks to cause damage to
or corrupt systems, gather information on users, steal data and documents, or disrupt data-related activity.
Ransomware is a type of malicious software that infects a computer and restricts users' access to
it until a ransom is paid to unlock it.
this video

What did you understand?

● Unauthorised monitoring of other people’s communication
● Can be carried out on all communication media like emails,IMs,telephones ,etc.
● They don’t interrupt normal communication .The actual sender and receiver don’t even notice it.
● Man in the middle attack can be launched on the network and messages being transferred can be
intercepted.Messages can even be defaced and sent to the intended receiver.
Watch this video.

What is phishing?
How scammers normally phish ?
What can be done from our end to be careful?
Identity theft-pg 512 new edition TB
It is a fraud that involves using someone else’s identity to steal money or gain other benefits.
Online identity theft refers to stealing someone’s personal information like name,login details ,etc and then posing as that
person online.

Multiple forms of identity theft:

1. Financial frauds
2. Criminal identity theft
3. Medical Identity theft

Unique IDs and biometrics:

A unique identifier (UID) is an identifier that marks that particular record as unique from every other record.Example Adhar
card ID.
Biometric verification is a process of identity authentication that is used to confirm identity through uniquely detectable
biological traits .
A criminally fraudulent process of attempting to acquire sensitive information like username,password,cc
information,account data ,etc.

Imposter uses authentic looking email or website to trick recipients into giving out information.
A scam is a deceptive scheme or trick used to cheat someone out of something, especially money.

A scam can be any fraudulent business or scheme that takes money or other goods from an unsuspecting

A person who does a scam is referred to as a scammer.

Phishing,fake auctions,fake donations are examples.

How can cyber crimes be prevented?
● Take regular backup of important data
● Use an antivirus software and keep it updated always.
● Avoid installing pirated software. Always download software from known and secure (HTTPS) sites.
● Always update the system software which includes the Internet browser and other application software.
● Do not visit or download anything from untrusted websites.
● Usually the browser alerts users about doubtful websites whose security certificate could not be verified; avoid
visiting such sites.
● Use a strong password for web login, and change it periodically. Do not use same password for all the websites.
Use different combinations of alphanumeric characters including special characters. Ignore common words or
names in passwords.
● While using someone else’s computer, don’t allow browser to save password or auto fill data, and try to browse in
your private browser window
● Data protection: Intellectual Property ,Intellectual Property Right (copyright, patent, trademark)
● Violation of IPR (plagiarism, copyright infringement, trademark infringement)

Sumita Arora textbook page 545 to page 548

Let’s watch
IP BASICS: What is Intellectual Property?
What is Intellectual property?What are intellectual property rights?

● Intellectual property is a piece of information produced or created with efforts.

● Intellectual property rights are the rights of the owner of the information to decide how much
information can be exchanged,shared or distributed.It gives the owner a right to decide the
price for exchanging/sharing/distributing it.
Answer this:
Why should intellectual property be protected?
Why should intellectual property be protected?

● Protecting IP encourages individuals and businesses to create new software and software
applications as well as improve existing applications.
● IP rights ensure new ideas are widely distributed.
● Promotes investment in the national economy. (Make in India initiative)
● Intellectual property is a genuine asset of a business or an individual and plays a part in the
business's economy and long term viability(ability to work successfully).
Refer page 546 sumita arora book for difference
between copyright ,patent and trademark.
Read this case study and answer the questions :

Capitol Records Vs ReDigi, Inc

Capitol Records filed a case of copyright infringement against ReDigi, Inc. Capitol Records is a company
that owns copyrights and licenses in sound recordings of musical performances. They distribute their
music in multiple forms, including digital means such as Apple itunes. ReDigi is an internet platform that
allows the lawful resale of digitally purchased music, including those of Capitol records.
ReDigi has a Music Manager that ensures that the original file is deleted from the client’s device and the
digital music file is moved to a ReDigi repository. However, Capitol Records claims that under Apple
iCloud’s arrangements, a user could sell his digital music files on ReDigi, delete Music Manager and then
redownload the same files to his computer for free from Apple iCloud.
This has been worded as unauthorized reproduction and distribution of Capitol Record’s copyrighted

● What, in your opinion, is copyright infringement?

● What are the threats to digital properties?
● If you were the judge, what verdict will be given?
● Where is plagiarism rampant?
● In what ways can digital properties be protected these days?
Violation of IPR
Violation of IPR is called infringement or IPR infringement.Is can be of three types:
1. Plagiarism-Stealing someone’s intellectual work and representing it as your own work without citing the source of
information.If we copy some contents from Internet,but do not mention the source or the original creator,then it is
considered as an act of plagiarism. Further, if someone derives an idea or a product from an already existing idea or
product, but instead presents it a new idea, then also it is plagiarism. It is a serious ethical offense and sometimes
considered as an act of fraud.Even if we take contents that are open for public use, we should cite the author or
source to avoid plagiarism.
2. Copyright infringement-Refers to using copyrighted work without the consent or permission of the copyright
holder.Suppose we download an image from the Internet and use it in our project. But if the owner of the copyright of
the image does not permit its free usage, then using such an image even after giving reference of the image in our
project is a violation of copyright.
3. Trademark infringement-Unauthorised usage of a mark that is identical or deceptively similar to a registered
Plagiarism-pg 547
It refers to stealing someone’s intellectual work(idea,literary work or academic work) and representing it as your own work
without giving credit to creator or without citing the source of information.
Unintentional plagiarism -Students using information online without giving credit or citing the resource.

How not to plagiarize?

● Give credit whenever you use another person’s idea,opinion or theory.

● Quote another person’s spoken or written words.
● Paraphrase another person’s spoken or written words.

Always remember:

As a content creator, you want your content to be used, but also for all the users to know that you have created it and not
someone else.
Content creators are people like social media influencers, bloggers, podcasters etc.
As a content user, you need to ensure that you cite the resource whenever you are using someone else’s work.
Copyright infringement-pg 548
Refers to using copyrighted work without the consent or permission of the copyright holder.
● Selling pirated books
● Selling copied/duplicated artwork
● Selling pirated softwares
● Performing a play in public without obtaining permission from the playright
● Online piracy,etc
● Open source software and licensing (Creative Commons, GPL and Apache)
Do-Now: 2 min
Open this website:

Suggest what iconic creative commons community means?

Free Music Archive allows us to use the music in the site by attributing the source when we use it
Licensing is a way to protect online content and is a way to protect / manage our digital rights online.
Open source licenses are those that comply with the Open source definition-they allow software to be
used freely,modified and shared.

Licenses have the following benefits:

1. Makes it easy for others to contribute to a project without having to seek permission.
2. Protects you as the original creator,so that you get some credit for your contribution.
3. Prevents others from claiming your work as their own.

Examples of open source licenses are:

● Creative commons license
● Apache license
● GNU GPL license
What is Creative commons (CC) license?
Creative Commons Licenses
● These are issued by Creative commons organization(non profit) which allows the creator of the work
to select how they want others to use their work.
● CC licences give permission to copy,modify,distribute the original works by attributing the creator of
the work.
● With CC licensed work,people only need to seek the creator’s permission when they want to use the
work in a way not permitted by the license.
● There are a total of 6 core licenses under CC,but each of them has some user rights and
obligations-refer page 553
Open source software
video for open source software

Open source software can be freely used in terms of making modifications,constructing business models
around the software,etc but it does not have to be free of charge.

The source code of the software is freely available to the customer.

How is open source software different from CC license?

In the case of CC, the content attribution needs to be given to the creator, in the case of open source, the
software can be modified into a different version and distributed by the modifier without the intervention /
attribution to the original creator.
Apache license
Apache License grants a number of rights to the users.These can be applied to both copyrights and
patents.It offers the following:

1. Rights are perpetual-Once granted,you can continue to use them forever

2. Rights are worldwide-If granted in one country,can be used anywhere.
3. Rights are granted for no fee or royalty-No per usage fee ,only one time upfront fee.
4. Rights are non exclusive-You are not the sole licensee,others can use the work too.
5. Rights are irrevocable-No one can take the rights once granted.

Redistributing requires giving proper credits to the contributors of the code and same apache license
would remain with the software extension.
GNU General Public License(GPL)
Most commonly used for open-source projects.It guarantees wide range of rights to developers.It allows
the users to legally copy,distribute and modify the software.WordPress is also released under the GPL
license, which means that WordPress is an open source software that can be used, modified, and
extended by anyone.

With GPL ,a user can:

1. Copy the software-As many times as needed,no limit to the no of copies made.
2. Distribute the software however you want-Can be distributed in copied form/ printed/web-link
3. Charge a fee to distribute the software-After modification,charges can be asked,explaining why
you need to charge but the software should still be under GNU GPL.
4. Make modifications as you want-Modified projects must also be released under GNU GPL.
Apache vs GNU GPL
Apache license - You can do what you like with the software, as long as you include the required notices. This
permissive license contains a patent license from the contributors of the code.


Difference between Apache and GPL:

● The GNU GPL is a copyleft license.Copyleft is a play on the word copyright, but the concept is very
similar. Basically it uses copyright law to protect modified versions of a work but requires the same
protections to be applied to those versions. So software that uses any GPL-licensed component has
to release its full source code and all rights to modify and distribute the entire code.

● The Apache License 2.0 doesn’t impose any such terms. You’re not forced to release your modified
version. Besides, you can choose to release your modified version under a different license
(however, you’re required to retain the Apache License for the unmodified parts of the code).
● Cyber law and Forensics
● E-waste management: proper disposal of used electronic gadgets
● Identity theft, unique ids and biometrics
● Gender and disability issues while teaching and using computers
Are you aware of laws in India to help citizens against cyber crime?
IT ACT 2000-Important
This Act was notified on 17th October 2000 and has been amended in 2006 and then again in 2008.
This law deals with cyber crime and electronic commerce in India.

The Act provides a legal framework for electronic governance by giving recognition to electronic records and digital
signatures. It also defines cyber crimes and prescribes penalties for them.

The amendment in 2008 included the following objective:

The Information Technology (Amendment) 2008 Act was passed by the Indian Parliament in December 2008, about a
month after the terrorist attacks in Mumbai. The amended Act provides the Indian government with the power of
surveillance, monitoring and blocking data traffic.

Laws to protect children:

Information Technology Act, 2000, Indian Penal Code 1860, Information Technology Bill, Section 67, browsing child
pornography is also punishable offence

The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology had issued an order dated in 2017 to Internet Service
Providers(ISPs) to adopt and implement Internet Watch Foundation(IWF) resources by July 2017 to prevent the distribution
and transmission of Online CSAM (Child Sexual Abuse Materials) into India.
Cyber Forensics
● It refers to the methods used for interpretation of computer media for digital evidence.
● It provides our legal system with a way to recover data from electronic or digital devices.
● The goal is to preserve any evidence in its most original form while performing a structured investigation by
collecting,identifying and validating the digital information for the purpose of reconstructing past events.

The following practices are followed:

1. Acquire the evidence without altering or damaging the original.
2. Authenticate that your recovered evidence is the same as the originally seized data.
3. Analyze the data without modifying it.
Cyber Forensics-Investigation process
this career roadmap video on Cyber Forensics -till 2:30
Impacts of technology on society
Positive impacts:
● Easy money transactions without physically being there
● Fast and easy communication
● Ability of small business owners to advertise and sell products online
● Digital finance services
● Online shopping
● Smart homes have made life more comfortable and hassle free, etc.

● Excessive dependency on technology for entertainment
● Inability to form real social groups as opposed to online social groups
● Addiction to online games
● Reduced employment.
● Loss of privacy, etc.
● E-waste management: proper disposal of used electronic gadgets
● Gender and disability issues while teaching and using computers
E-Waste management
Assignment 8-E-Waste Management and Processing Techniques
What is E-Waste?

● Electronic waste,E-scrap,Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment are few names for E-Waste.
● It refers to discarded electrical or electronic devices.
● It includes used electronics which are destined for reuse,resale,recycle or disposal.

It has the following characteristics:

1. Fastest growing segment of waste
2. Most valuable due to its composition
3. Very hazardous if not handled carefully.

Care must be taken while disposing off the e-waste,data should be cleared carefully so that it cannot be
Disposal process and benefits


1. Dismantling-Removal of parts.
2. Segregation of ferrous metal,non-ferrous metal and plastic.
3. Refurbishment and reuse.
4. Recycling/recovery of valuable materials.Ferrous material go to furnaces,non ferrous go to smelting plants,precious
metals in separating works.
5. Treatment/disposal of dangerous materials and waste

1. Allows recovery of precious metals
2. Protects health and water quality
3. Creates jobs
4. Saves landfill space
EQ-What implications do traditional gender roles have in women participation in the field of technology?

What can be done to encourage more women to take technology as a career.

● Traditional gender roles play a part in specific cultures.

● Adequate motivation, presence of role models, access to good teaching learning material, removing cultural
biases will ensure gender equality in the technological industry.
Read the information in this link.
Gender issues pg 556 to 558
1. Under representation

● Preconceived notions,Lack of interest,Lack of motivation,Lack of role models,Lack of

encouragement in class

2. Not girl friendly work culture

STEM-Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics is a broad term used to group together
these academic disciplines.

Refer textbook for reading this topic.

Disability issues
What the different disabilities could be?

1. Locomotor-Polio,leprosy,cerebral palsy
2. Speech and hearing-Hearing impairment,speech problems
3. Cognitive-Dyslexia,Autism,etc
4. Vision impairments-low vision,blindness
Disability issues
In what ways can special needs individuals be encouraged in learning about technology?
Disability issues
Different shortcomings present for people with disabilities in using / learning about technology:

● Unavailability of suitable teaching material

● Lack of special needs teachers
● Lack of supporting curriculum

Possible solutions:
● Required teaching material should be made available like virtual keyboard software,need specific
joysticks,programming editor with virtual keyboard.
● Special needs teachers should be employed,budget should be allocated for teacher’s training.
● Schools must support inclusive curriculum.

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