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1. Before using or purchasing new software, programs, or applications for staff or students, please
complete the form below. 
2. All requests are jointly reviewed by Curriculum and Instruction and Technology and Data Services.
3. Applications that require personably identifiable information (PII) for student accounts have to agree
to SJUSD's Student Data Privacy Agreement, aka Student Data Rider.
4. Please know that some requests may also be considered as Instructional Materials. In these instances,
you may also be asked to complete the Instructional Materials Request Form:
5. OZ Ticket #: 
6. Company Contacts: 204147

Section One: General Information

1. What is the name of the software, program, or application? Scratch Jr.

Scratch Jr.
2. Who are the intended users (check all that apply)?
X Students
X Staff
3a. How many students will use the application? 

300-400 students would be using this application across our school.

3b. How many staff members will use the application? 

13 teachers

4a. Is the application free, or does it require payment? 

The application is free.

4b. If there is payment, is the cost annual? Per user? Per school? 

If there is a cost associated with the application, you will need to ensure funds are available.
5a. Does the application align to Curriculum and Instruction guidelines and Strategic Plan
Scratch Jr. aligns to California K-12 Computer Science Standards 2018, K-2 nd
Grade Computer standards in which students at each grade level are to
Understand computer network and privacy; data collection, storage, and programming;
Computational thinking; and Social history of computers and etiquette. Scratch Jr.
directly address the Computational Thinking requirements of the California K-12
Computer Science Standards K-2.AP.12 Create programs with sequences of commands
and simple loops, to express ideas or address a problem. K-2.AP.14 Develop plans that
describe a program’s sequence of events, goals, and expected outcomes. Most
importantly, Scratch and Scratch Jr. aligns with the Strategic Plan to implement a
rigorous curriculum that inspires all students to discover their own greatness.
The issue of educational equity is also in the forefront our lives right now. Allowing our
student population access to Scratch and Scratch Jr. would mean exposing a minority
population to coding and computer science thinking to give them a broader base of
choices for their future. Galarza students would be inspired to go beyond what they
currently experience at home and be placed in an environment that asks them to think
more, do more and be more than they and their parents thought possible. If this on-line
program is accepted, then our school would also align to an innovative work force that
tries to create opportunities for our students as well.

6. Is use or implementation of this application related to or a requirement of a grant or research project?

 Yes. X. The implantation is related to my Tech Museum Fellowship Computational Thinking


 No

If  yes, please contact Monique Gagnon, Administrator of Research and Evaluation at

Section Two: Student Information

Programs that require student information require additional review as a result of state and federal data
privacy laws. 

 If the answer to both questions below is No, please move to Section Three.

 If the answer to either question below is Yes, please answer the questions below.

1. Will the application require students to log in?

 Yes

 No X

2. Is student data needed for accounts to be created? (some apps can be used without a login)

 Yes

 No X

3. What information is requested from students to log in? (ex: First and Last Name, Birthdate)
 None

4. Will students be creating content using this application? (digital work with their info on it)
 Yes X, but content is not stored digitally online. Scratch Jr. saves project data in an internal
database stored locally on your device.
 No

5. Will the application store student created content? (save their work in the service for access later)
 Yes- Scratch Jr. saves project data that is stored locally on the student device and not on
the internet or a cloud based app.

 No-

 Unknown

6. Does the application require creation of individual student accounts? (can't use it without signing in)

 Yes

 No X

7. Is a functional email address required to create accounts or use the product? (If Yes, please answer question
8. If No, move to Section Three.)
 Yes

 No X

8. Is the application compatible with a directory sync (Active Directory, LDAP) or does it integrate with
 Yes

 No X

 Unknown

Section Three: Staff Information

If the answer to both questions below is no, please submit your request for review.
If the answer to either question below is yes, please answer the questions below what log in/student
information is needed? 
1. Does the application require creation of individual accounts to use it? 

 Yes

 No X

2. If yes, is the application compatible with a directory sync (Active Directory, LDAP) or does it
integrate with Clever?

 Yes
 No X
3. What staff information is needed to create accounts  (ex: First and Last Name, School Name, Grade Level)?

Oz ticket

I am part of the Tech Museum Fellowship Year 2 Program. This year we are focusing on
Computational Thinking. I am required to do plugged activities using scratch or scratch Jr. I am
requesting access to Scratch Jr. for my personal learning as part of the fellowship and to teach
my students how to use it. Scratch Jr. is design for PreK-2nd grade students and is ideal for my
first grade students.

As part of the Tech Museum Fellowship, the school district, Jodi Lax, and my principal, Ms.
Angela Guzman, have given support of materials that I need to fulfill the Fellowship
requirements. Scratch Jr. is one of these. Please contact Jodi Lax for information concerning the
Tech Museum Fellowship if further confirmation is required.

Since I. need to do this before February 2021, a quick turn around would be appreciated.

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