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An effective project manager should be a leader who is transparent and honest.

With this
kind of manager, the employees and the manager would be able to communicate and
understand each other well. Being a transparent leader can also improve the performance of
employees. It would be very beneficial to the employees and also to the project if they have a
project manager who is transparent and honest. When a project manager possesses this kind of
leadership, it will allow the employees to feel secure and comfortable doing their work. The
employees will feel more confident when speaking up about their ideas and needs. So if this
manager possesses this skill, the employees and the manager will have a healthy and
successful working environment. Having a transparent and honest manager makes the
employees feel like they want to work and collaborate more with their team and feel like they
are an integral part of the company. It makes the mood between employees and managers
lighter. So if you choose a project manager, consider this skill because it would be beneficial
for the project and for the employees to have this kind of manager that they can rely on. 2.
Trusting your employees
Trusting your employees is a skill that a good project manager should possess. A project
can’t be done without employees. That’s why if you’re going to look for a project manager,
make sure that they trust their employees because without them, the project will not be
completed. Also, to have a good relationship on the project, trust should be built first. When
you trust your employees, it will help motivate them to do the work. So if a project manager
possesses this skill, it would be great to work on and complete the project because you know
that your manager trusts you with your knowledge and skills. It will help the employees boost
more their confidence and willing to go beyond their capabilities. That’s why, when
considering a project manager, choose someone who trusts their employee and does not only
think of themselves. With that, they can build a great relationship and work together
effectively. Trusting your employees is a beneficial skill that a project manager should possess
in order to have productive and successful projects. 3. An expert in the field
A project manager should be an expert in the field. Without knowledge and experience in
the field, the project might be ruined. If you don’t consider a project manager who’s an expert
in the field, there might be a problem between the project and the employees. A project
manager who is an expert in the field will make the project easy and have a concrete plan and
goal. Being an expert in the field means that you know your subject and goals. With that, the
employees will be able to trust and follow you without complaining or arguing with the ideas

and decisions that you make. Having this kind of skill could prevent misunderstandings
between managers and employees. Looking for a project manager who possesses this skill
could give you efficient and effective work. Considering this skill in choosing a project
manager is helpful, especially if the project needs more knowledge and understanding, especially
in generating better ideas for the betterment of the project. If you are an expert in
the field, not only will you increase your competency but also that of your employees because
of what they are learning from their project manager.

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