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The deadline for submitting your mandatory expression of interest for a SeNSS Post-Doctoral
Fellowship is 4.00pm GMT on Monday 16 January 2023. Please submit this form to the
SeNSS administrative lead at the university you are applying to. Their details are listed at the
end of this form.

Please also attach your cv (maximum two sides of A4) to this email, which should include:
 the date you passed your PhD viva, or the scheduled date for your viva;
 brief details of your education to date;
 any awards you have received for work or training
 your previous employment history; and,
 your conference papers or publications.


SeNSS Pathway

SeNSS University you are

applying to for your PDF

PhD title
D abstract

mmary of your proposed

t-Doctoral Fellowship
earch project, written in
ple terms such that a
eral audience could
erstand (up to 4,000
racters including spaces)

me of your proposed
mary mentor (essential)

me of your proposed second

ntor (if already identified)


Was your PhD awarded, or 1) Yes / No

will it be awarded, by a
university which is part of a Name of university:
DTP? The list of DTPs is
available here.
Name of DTP:

Will you have been

awarded your PhD, or
have passed your viva
voce with minor 2) Yes / No
amendments by the
application deadline of 23
March 2023 and have
been awarded your PhD
by the fellowship start date
of 1 October 2023?

Will you have no more

than 12 months active
post-doctoral experience 3) Yes / No
since passing your viva -
allowing for career breaks
- by 23 March 2023?

Administrative Leads at SeNSS universities for the purposes of the Post-Doctoral Fellowship

 City, University of London: Marcus Cerny ( )

 University of East Anglia: David Craythorne (please email both and
 University of Essex: Gary Williams (
 Goldsmiths, University of London: Chris Robson ( )
 University of Kent: Bob Henderson (
 University of Reading: Sally Caldwell (
 University of Roehampton: Miles Purcell ( )
 Royal Holloway, University of London: Janet Heaney (
 University of Surrey: Kate Smith ( )
 University of Sussex: Amanda Britt ( )

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