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P. H.


Ref: Advance Workshop Practice Level: UG Mode: Practical

Time: 03 Hours Course: ME-223 Semester: 4th

1. Die-Sinking Setup and Operations.

2. Die sinking machine has a unique
capability to create a cavity in the work
piece using Electric Discharge between
anode and cathode. The work piece is a
cathode which an anode of a special shape
is brought in close vicinity to the cathode
thus generating a controlled electrical
discharge resulting in work piece erosion
current voltage (Voltage 0 – 300 (Ampere 0
– 60). The shape of the anode will determine the shape of the erosion taking place on the work piece,
hence the shape of cavity is achieved.

3. The die sinking method has certain advantages over the other machining processes:

a. Special and complicated shapes

can be generated through this

b. High precision can be achieved.

Anode of special shape has to be
manufactured once
through other machining
techniques or through use of
EDM Wire-Cut and is used over
and over again.


4. Students are required to learn the methods and operations of the Die- Sinking EDM including its
safety precautions.
5. Following are the basic requirements for the

a. Anode of special shape.

b. Work piece on which negative cavity of
discharge shape is to be created.
c. Drawings and technical details of the
work piece.
d. Measuring instruments.

6. The procedure is to be followed in the following sequence:

a. Study the given drawing (copy attached).

b. Anode is already assumed to be available so
select the right anode.
c. Fix the work piece appropriately.
d. Now fix the anode in the right position.
e. Set machine parameters like current, setting,
feed rate, cutting fluid flow etc.
f. Program the machine from zero set position.
g. Decide the depth to which machining is to be carried out.
h. Start operation under observation.
i. Remove and inspect the part for shape and depth.

Safety Precautions

7. Following safety precautions must be followed:

a. Correct parameters shall be selected according to types of work / operation.

b. Check program and parameters.

c. If a stored program is selected make sure it in the right program (Dry run the program
when in doubt).

d. Do not change / disturb setting during operations.

e. Always use coolant / cutting fluid.

f. Never leave the machine un-attended.

g. Watch where you work.

h. Do not play or fiddle with machine.

i. Remain alert and vigilant.

j. Use safety apron and goggles / Face Mask.

k. Focus the spot light on the work zone.

l. Always have the fire extinguishing system ready for use.

m. Exhaust system must operate when working.

7. All students will submit written report (Practical Notebook) of the work done during the
practical, on which the grading of work will be done.

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