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~~Af4 § : ~JJII~ ~~BM: 0224 • IW::X: 3

* ~~~wi±~ : /fs:~A~lFfJ:U{~ffl~t-~
Part I : 50°/o

1. End-plate potential o

2. Gap junction o

3. Heat stroke o

4. Osmolarity o

5. Synaptic plasticity o

6. Oxidative stress o

.:=.. .. ~w ~3!ll&1~tt7J J\ *-~.f~ 01 7~ ~ ·!1l1 fl-1 ·~l. JtM:kJ£(homeostasis) ' 't ~w ~8 ~!kJ:c ~ ~5 h
~iE.. 'f1tf1lUJf. !k~at ' !i4bJB"iif~53!l&1~tt7J J\ *-htJf.~ 'f fi-J ~w~ (10 ~)

.=. . tf' ~:f'f ~£ *' ~£ -1-J!l&J:.. Ti~~:f'f ~£j(.(neuron)1ltJ:c M't & 1t.*1ft.~ fi-J 14~11 Jfl *-~it
.f~ iE.. 'f:fl ~5 ' 1t l-A~j<ijL&.M(knee jerk reflex)i.i;1~11t~ i/t#t:f'f ~~ *' ~!t(spinal cord) tp J.&\
f;(sensory)&l{f!J(motor):f'f ~Jt~1~:f~ Jfl 't &1t.*1ft.~ Mfl-1 1-t-~11 Jfl *-7tlii J:c&.M
&.lt (10 ~)

Part II : 50°/o

1. Please describe the hormones that control the menstrual cycle. (1 0%)

2. Please illustarte the mechanisms controlling cell size and shape. ( 10%)

3. Please briefly describe the mechanisms controlling cell movement. (10%)

4. Please illustrate the hormone control of calcium homeostasis. ( 10%)

5. Please give an example to explain the regulation of mitochondrial energy production. (10%)

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