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Access specifies /Access Modifiers

 Access specifies are used for determining or setting the

boundary for the availability of class members (data
members and member functions) beyond that class.
 Access specifies are used to protect data from misuse.
There are 3 types of access modifiers available in C++:  
1. Public
2. Private
3. Protected

Syntax of Declaring Access Specifies in C++

// private members and function
// public members and function
// protected members and function

1 . Public Access Specifies

Public class members are accessible outside the class and it is available
for everyone.

Class Public_Access_Specifier
Public: // public access specifies
int a; // Data Member Declaration
Void display (); // Member Function declaration

2. Private Access Specifies

Private class members are accessible with the class and it is

not accessible outside the class.

Class Private_Access_Specifier
Private: // private access specifies
int a; // Data Member Declaration
Void display (); // Member Function declaration
3.Protected Access Specifies
It is similar to private access specifies. It makes class member
inaccessible outside the class. But they can be accessed by any
subclass of that class.

class Protected_Access_Specifier
protected: // protected access specifier
int a; // Data Member Declaration
void display(); // Member Function Declaration

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