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Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing

Unit number and title Unit 10: Website Design & Development

Submission date Date Received 1st submission

Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name Nguyen Huu Son Student ID GCD201844

Class GCD1002 Assessor name Phyo Min Tun

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature

Grading grid

P1 P2 P3 P4 M1 M2 M3 D1
 Summative Feedback:  Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

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Assignment I
Chapter I: DNS(P1) .......................................................................................................... 5
I. Concept Of DNS. ......................................................................................................................................... 5
1. IP Address. .................................................................................................................................................. 5
2. DOMAIN. .................................................................................................................................................... 6
3. Why do we need DOMAIN. ....................................................................................................................... 7
4. How DNS server works. ............................................................................................................................. 8
5. Type of DNS. ............................................................................................................................................... 9

Chapter II: Explantion The Web Element (P2) ............................................................... 11

I. IP. ............................................................................................................................................................... 11
II. What is the TCP/IP model. ...................................................................................................................... 12
III. What is UDP .............................................................................................................................................. 16
IV. IPv4 and IPv6 Concepts ........................................................................................................................... 18
V. HTTP/HTTPS ........................................................................................................................................... 20
VI. Sever Hardware ........................................................................................................................................ 21
VII. CPU for sever ............................................................................................................................................ 22
VIII. RAM for server ......................................................................................................................................... 24
IX. BANDWITH .............................................................................................................................................. 25
X. ROM(HDD) ............................................................................................................................................... 26
XI. Sever Database .......................................................................................................................................... 29
XII. Operating systems for server ................................................................................................................... 32
XIII. Web server software ................................................................................................................................. 34
XIV. Explain the relationship between technologies above with regards to designing, publishing and
accessing a website. ............................................................................................................................................... 38

Chapter III: Discuss the capabilities and relationships between front-end and back-end
website technologies(P3) ............................................................................................. 39
I. Frontend .................................................................................................................................................... 39
II. Front end Functionality............................................................................................................................ 39
III. Basic Front-end languages ....................................................................................................................... 40
IV. Front end Capabilities .............................................................................................................................. 41
V. BackEnd..................................................................................................................................................... 42
VI. Types of Backend Development Languages ........................................................................................... 43
VII. The BackEnd Functions ........................................................................................................................... 43

Chapter IV: Oline creation tool and comparison table(P4) ............................................ 45

I. Online creation tool .................................................................................................................................. 45
II. Give example of oline creation tool ......................................................................................................... 46

Bibliography ................................................................................................................. 48

Figure 1: IP Address ...................................................................................................................................................... 6

Figure 2: DOMAIN ......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 3: DOMAIN ......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 4: DNS server works ........................................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 5:Type of DNS .................................................................................................................................................. 10
Figure 6: IP Address .................................................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 7: TCP/IP........................................................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 8:TCP/IP MODEL .............................................................................................................................................. 13
Figure 9:Network layer ............................................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 10: Transport layer........................................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 11: Application Layer ....................................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 12: UDP ............................................................................................................................................................ 17
Figure 13: UDP work ................................................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 14: UDP Structure ............................................................................................................................................ 18
Figure 15: IPV4 ............................................................................................................................................................ 19
Figure 16: IPV6 ............................................................................................................................................................ 19
Figure 17: Different IPV4 vs IPV6 ................................................................................................................................ 20
Figure 18: HTTP/HTTPS ............................................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 19:Server hardware ......................................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 20: CPU for server ............................................................................................................................................ 23
Figure 21: CPU server.................................................................................................................................................. 24
Figure 22: RAM for server ........................................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 23: Band with ................................................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 24: ROM(HDD) ................................................................................................................................................. 26
Figure 25: HDD ............................................................................................................................................................ 28
Figure 26: Server Database ......................................................................................................................................... 30
Figure 27: Working principle....................................................................................................................................... 31
Figure 28: Server work ................................................................................................................................................ 32
Figure 29: Windows operating system ....................................................................................................................... 33
Figure 30: Linux operating system .............................................................................................................................. 34
Figure 31: Web server software ................................................................................................................................. 34
Figure 32: Function ..................................................................................................................................................... 35
Figure 33: Nginx .......................................................................................................................................................... 36
Figure 34: APACHE HTTP ............................................................................................................................................. 36
Figure 35: APACHE Tomcat ......................................................................................................................................... 36
Figure 36: Glassfish ..................................................................................................................................................... 37
Figure 37: IIS ............................................................................................................................................................... 38
Figure 38: Front end ................................................................................................................................................... 39
Figure 39: HTML .......................................................................................................................................................... 40
Figure 40: CSS.............................................................................................................................................................. 41
Figure 41: Back End ..................................................................................................................................................... 42
Figure 42: Types of BackEnd Development Languages .............................................................................................. 43
Figure 43: Wix logo maker .......................................................................................................................................... 46
Figure 44: The Wix option........................................................................................................................................... 47

Chapter I: DNS(P1)
I. Concept Of DNS.
➢ Domain Name System, or DNS for short, is the collective term for the domain name resolving
system. Simply explained, DNS is a system that changes the names of websites we visit, such, into the matching digital IP addresses and vice versa.

1. IP Address.
➢ IP address (short for Internet Protocol) means Internet protocol. IP is a unique address that
electronic devices such as phones and laptops are currently using to identify and communicate
with each other on a computer network using Internet protocols.
Figure 1: IP Address

➢ The name of a website that functions online and acts as a permanent, fixed location is known as a
domain name. Just like your home address or zip code aid satellite routers in finding your
products, a domain name is necessary for a browser to get to your website (web server).
Figure 2: DOMAIN

3. Why do we need DOMAIN.

➢ Because a domain name serves as a shortcut to the server that hosts your website. Because your
domain name is how people discover you on the Internet, it is comparable to your house address.

➢ This is the reason why web browsers' address bar is named what it is—you type your domain name
in it to discover a website. If a domain name is an address, your website's hosting server is a
building. When you establish a website, you set up the domain name to refer to the server so that
users may enter in the domain name and be taken there when they search for your website. In the
absence of a domain name, the user must input the IP address of the server (for example, You'll find domain names on most of the websites you visit.

Figure 3: DOMAIN
4. How DNS server works.
➢ Use the URL to access the website For the IP address connected to the
domain name, the user asks the local Name Server.

➢ The local domain server will do a database search to discover whether there is a database that
translates the user-requested domain name to the domain name's IP address. It will return the IP
address of the device with that domain name if the response is "yes." The top-level name servers
will be contacted if the value is "none" (ROOT). Only addresses with a ".vn" suffix will be sent to
the local domain name server by this root-level DNS server.

➢ The regional domain name server queries the Vietnamese domain name server ".vn" to locate the
domain name

➢ The local domain name server will ask the domain name server ".vn" for the IP address of the
domain name "" and then return it to the local domain name server.

➢ The local domain name server sends the information to the user's computer.

➢ Users that use this IP address connect to the server hosting the "" website.

Figure 4: DNS server works

5. Type of DNS.

➢ CNAME Record: This record allows you to create a new name, point to the original name, and
specify a TTL. In short, this record is required if the main domain wishes to set one or more other

➢ A Record: This record is commonly used to direct the URL of a website to a specific IP address.
This is the most basic DNS record, allowing you to specify Time to Live, a new name, and Points

➢ MX Record: With this record, you can point your domain to a mail server, set the TTL, and set the
priority. The MX Record specifies which server manages the email services for that domain.

➢ AAAA Record: An AAAA Record is required to point a domain name to an IPV6 address. Nod
allows you to add new hosts, TTLs, and IPv6 addresses.

➢ TXT Record: You can also add new TXT, Host, Points To, and TTL values to the TXT Record.
This record is required to store the Domain's text formatting information.

➢ SRV Record: A record that specifies which service runs on which port. In DNS, this is a unique
record. It allows you to add Name, Priority, Port, Weight, Points to, and TTL.

➢ NS Record: This record specifies the Name Server for each subdomain. You can set up a new
Name Server, Host, and TTL.
Figure 5:Type of DNS

6. How domain names are organized

➢ Dedicated databases are used to store domain names. The system of international domain registrars
includes these databases. DNS performs the conversion of IP addresses into hostnames that can be
read by humans (Domain Name System). There is a mixture of top-level and second-level domains
in the domain names. The hostname of the domain is its second-level domain. The alternative
Three types of top-level domains—gTLDs, ccTLDs, and nTLDs—are recognized.

➢ Domain name registration is handled by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and
Numbers, or ICANN. The ICANN is in charge of handling these domains as a result. It is focused
on the distribution of IP addresses.

➢ Your favorite domain names may be purchased from iNET Systems. iNET can support your
company's expansion by offering market-leading services at reasonable prices. If you wish to buy
or sell an unused business domain? Please get in touch with an iNET expert straight immediately.
Chapter II: Explantion The Web Element
I. IP.
What is an IP address:
➢ What is an IP address? is a common question if you're new to computers and are having problems
connecting to a network. IP (Internet Protocol) address is a shorthand term for the internet protocol
address, which is comparable to a residential or commercial address. For network hardware
devices to connect and interact with one another, IP addresses are necessary.

What are IP addresses used for:

➢ The IP address is what enables internet-connected devices to differentiate and identify one another,
enabling them to interact. It gives networked devices a unique identification, just like a house or
business address has a distinct location.

➢ You need to know the precise address of your beloved if you want to send them a handwritten note
from abroad. Your letter won't reach your sweetheart if you merely provide the recipient's name.
Instead, you must unquestionably provide the precise address, which must be found and obtained
from the phone number. Additionally, this is the standard practice when delivering data via a
network. Internet. Naturally, your computer will look up the sender or destination name
(hostname) and discover that IP address using a DNS server rather than a phone number.

➢ For instance, the DNS server will seek for websites that provide the results and the related IP
address if you search for "how to check IP" on Google. Your computer couldn't figure out what
you were looking for without IP.
Figure 6: IP Address

II. What is the TCP/IP model.

➢ A group of information exchange protocols known as TCP/IP (Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol) are used to transmit and link devices on the Internet. To increase
network dependability through automated recovery, TCP/IP was developed.

Figure 7: TCP/IP

The development and formation of the TCP/IP model

➢ The 1970 release of the Internet Protocol Suite by DARPA served as the inspiration for the TCP/IP
concept. Numerous research teams assisted two engineers, Robert E. Kahn and Vinton Cerf, in
their countless years of creation and research. In the beginning of 1978, the TCP/IP protocol was
stabilized with the creation of the present Internet standard protocol, the TCP/IP model Version 4.
➢ In 1975, two TCP/IP architectures were successfully tested for communication. From this point on,
more tests of connectivity between TCP/IP models are being carried out, and all have shown
encouraging findings. The TCP/IP protocol and model have subsequently been widely diffused
around the world. As a result, Internet Architecture Broad conducted a conference with more than
250 attendees from commercial enterprises. world.

How the TCP/IP model works:

➢ As the name implies, TCP/IP is a mix of two protocols. By adding routing information in the
packets, IP (Internet Protocol) enables the sending of packets to a predefined destination,
guaranteeing that the packets reach their intended location.

➢ Each packet is inspected and made safe by the TCP (Transport Protocol) protocol as it moves
through each station. The system is prompted to submit another packet if the TCP protocol
determines that the packet is malformed during this procedure and sends a signal. The purpose of
each layer in the TCP/IP paradigm will be further explained in this procedure.


Layer functions in the TCP/IP model:
➢ The Physical Layer, followed by the Network Layer, the Transport Layer, and the Application
Layer are the four layers that make up a typical TCP/IP paradigm. (Application).

Layer 1 - Physical Layer:

➢ It combines the Physical layer and Data Link Layer of the OSI paradigm. This device is in
charge of data transfer between two devices connected to the same network. Data packets
are transported to their original destination after being enclosed in a frame (also known as a

Layer 2 - Network layer (Internet):

➢ Similar to the network layer of the OSI paradigm. Additionally, it is described as a protocol
in charge of logical data transfer in a network. Each packet will be size-appropriate for the
switching network being used to transport the data, and the data segments will be packed
(packetized). The packets are now passed to the following layer and given a header
containing network layer information. The three main protocols of the layer are IP, ICMP,
and ARP.

Figure 9:Network layer

Layer 3- Transport layer:

➢ Dealing with communication problems between hosts in the same or separate networks that
are connected by routers is Layer 3's main job. Here, the data will be divided into
segments; they won't all have the same size, but they must all be under 64 KB. The whole
structure of a segment is now a Header with control information followed by data.
➢ Two fundamental protocols on this tier are TCP and UDP. Even while TCP, in particular,
guarantees packet quality, it takes a while to completely evaluate all relevant information,
from data order to data traffic congestion control. On the other side, UDP offers a quicker
rate of transmission but cannot ensure the accuracy of the data delivered.

Figure 10: Transport layer

Layer 4 - Application Layer:

➢ The model's top communication layer is this one. The Application layer, as its name
suggests, enables data connection between two machines via different network services
(web browsing, chat, emailing, a variety of data exchange protocols: SMTP, SSH, FTP,...).
To help in selecting the right path for a packet, the data that comes here will be encoded in
a Byte-to-Byte format and include routing information.
Figure 11: Application Layer

III. What is UDP

➢ A fundamental protocol in the TCP/IP protocol family is UDP (User Datagram Protocol). A
software on a computer network can deliver datagrams—short messages—to another machine
via UDP. Data packets may arrive out of order or be lost without warning while using UDP since
it does not offer the same level of dependability and ordering in transmission as TCP offers. For
objectives like tiny size and specific scheduling, on the other hand, UDP is quicker and more
effective. Due to its statelessness, it is helpful for responding to brief requests from several
Figure 12: UDP

How does UDP work:

➢ While the UDP protocol functions similarly to TCP, error checking is not included. When an
application employs the UDP protocol, packets are transmitted to the recipient without the
sender having to wait to make sure the recipient has received the previous one. The sender does
not resend any UDP packets that the recipient misses, therefore the receiver loses them. The
gadget can communicate more quickly as a consequence.

Figure 13: UDP work

UDP Header structure:

➢ Source port: The port number of the transmitting device. This parameter can be set to 0 if the
recipient machine does not need to reply to the sender.
➢ Destination port: Port information for the receiving device.
➢ Length: Gives the datagram's complete length, including the header and data. The minimal
length is 8 bytes when the packet just contains the header and no data.

Figure 14: UDP Structure

IV. IPv4 and IPv6 Concepts

➢ An extensively used protocol for data transfer is IPv4 (Internet Protocol version 4). The protocol
was created to be connectionless. This phrase is used in network packet switching networks like
Ethernet. Establishing logical connections between network devices is its responsibility. This
involves locating the gadget.

➢ The best-effort methodology used in IPv4 makes sure that no data is lost or duplicated. Depending
on the kind of network, a broad variety of devices can be setup automatically or manually with the
extremely versatile IPv4 protocol.
Figure 15: IPV4

➢ IPv6 is known as the "6th Generation Internet Protocol" (Internet Protocol version 6). Internet
Protocol version 4 (IPv4), which presently transports the majority of Internet traffic but has run out
of addresses, will be replaced by this IP version.

Figure 16: IPV6

How is IPv6 different from IPv4:
➢ The newest network protocol used today is IPv6, or Internet Protocol version 6. Its job is to
transfer data packets across various networks from a source to a destination. Considered to be an
enhanced variant of IPv4, IPv6. Compared to its predecessor, it can support a substantially higher
number of nodes.

Figure 17: Different IPV4 vs IPV6

➢ In order to communicate data between Web servers and Web clients over the internet, HTTP
(HyperText Transfer Protocol) is utilized. Port 80 is mostly used by this protocol (port 80).
➢ You might also be aware that when you enter an address into a web browser, the browser will send
an HTTP request to the web server. The web server will take this request and deliver the response
to the web browser.

➢ The HTTPS (HyperText Transit Protocol Secure) protocol uses additional SSL (Secure Sockets
Layer) to encrypt data while it is transmitted, enhancing the security of data transfer between Web
server and browser. Web. Data transmission for the HTTPS protocol uses port 433.
Figure 18: HTTP/HTTPS

Difference between HTTP and HTTPS protocols:

➢ At the moment, websites that accept credit cards for online purchases tend to use the HTTPS
protocol. Assuring the security of the transaction requires avoiding the risk of information loss
throughout the payment process.

➢ Additionally, Google uses the HTTPS protocol as a signal for ranking terms on the web. As a
result, in order to boost their SEO, numerous websites are migrating to the HTTPS protocol.

➢ However, adopting HTTPS will result in a slower website load time than HTTP. Furthermore, it
doesn't matter if the information is shared or not for many websites that don't handle online
transactions or transmit sensitive data.

➢ To use the HTTPS protocol, your website needs an SSL certificate. Otherwise, an unsecured
connection will be seen in the Chrome browser.

VI. Sever Hardware

➢ The primary server is a sophisticated system in charge of processing and gaining access to data
from other computers linked to the Internet as well as centrally storing data sources. Similar to a
desktop computer, a complete configuration of a server requires similar hardware (also known as a
PC). The server's dependability and performance, however, greatly outpace those of a regular PC.

➢ The parts that combine to form a full device are referred to as server hardware. The mouse,
keyboard, monitor, hard drive, DVD drive, and other hardware components make up a computer.
➢ Simply simply, hardware refers to the parts that are readily visible.

Figure 19:Server hardware

VII. CPU for sever

➢ A fundamental part of the server, the CPU (Central Processing Unit), sometimes called the central
processing unit, is comparable to the CPU on a PC or laptop. Data storage and management of all
other computers on the same network are the main responsibilities of a CPU server.

➢ This CPU server is a circuit that executes a pre-programmed software in order to process data.
Millions of transistors are contained on a single circuit board in this extremely intricate integrated
Figure 20: CPU for server

CPU Server's outstanding features

➢ We should separate the features of a server CPU into two categories: the structure and the
specifications of the server CPU.

➢ The three main structural components of a server's CPU are as follows:

▪ Controller (Control Unit): These microprocessors are accurately controlled by the
clock system, and they also interpret program instructions and control other
processing functions. The clock circuits of this system clock are employed to
synchronize processing actions within and outside the CPU at predetermined,
constant intervals.

▪ Arithmetic-Logic Unit (ALU-Arithmetic Logic Unit): is a part that puts the control
unit's directives to record and process signals into action. All arithmetic operations
(+, -, *, /) as well as logical operations are carried out using this unit (comparison
greater than or less than...).

▪ Register: This is the part of the system in charge of writing the results after
processing and the instruction code before processing.

➢ Concerning the CPU Server specifications: This is the part of the system in charge of writing the
results after processing and the instruction code before processing.
Figure 21: CPU server

VIII. RAM for server

➢ A computer component is referred to as a RAM server (server RAM). Usually, server operating
systems or server systems contain this RAM. Because it limits the number and size of applications
that may be launched or processed at once, the RAM server is essential. The RAM server also
controls how much data can be promptly sent and processed.
Figure 22: RAM for server

What are the advantages and disadvantages of RAM server

Advantages of Ram server:
➢ Data entry and exit from the server can be managed by a server RAM stick. The CPU uses RAM
during data processing rather than ROM. Ordinary RAM sticks are prone to conflict when signals
are sent quickly. RAM must reload all data when a collision happens as a result of an inability to
control the flow of data. RAM servers are often more dependable and stable during conflicts (very
few exceptions).

➢ Good heat resistance.

➢ Operate 24/7.

Disadvantages of RAM server:

➢ RAM on servers runs at a slower pace than regular RAM. When reviewing and making corrections
to the data that has passed through it, this is very apparent.

➢ Compared to typical RAM kinds, server RAM is more costly to purchase.

➢ The term "bandwidth" refers to the quantity of data that may be transferred in a second. As a result,
bandwidth increases as data transmission speed does. In computer networking, bandwidth is
expressed in bits per second (bps) or bytes per second (bps) (Bps). As technology develops, the
usual bandwidth of modern computer lines is millions of bits per second (Mbps) or billion bits per
second (Gbps).

➢ The greatest quantity of data that a user permits to be sent back and forth (upload + download)
between his website and the client in a specific length of time is known as the website's bandwidth.
Simply explained, this is the maximum monthly data transmission allowed for the website.

➢ It is necessary to have more bandwidth than the number of clients.

Figure 23: Band with

➢ The operating system, application software, and user data are stored on the HDD server, a specific
kind of server that serves as the server's primary external memory. Data security has an impact on
how well business environments and companies operate their complete corporate system, making
server HDD essential.

Figure 24: ROM(HDD)

A server HDD is made up of many components, details, and each detail

serves a specific purpose. It is made up of the following main ingredients:
▪ Magnetic disks: They are particularly created to let server HDDs have a huge storage capacity
while staying secure and not magnetic like other magnetic read and write devices. They are
constructed of aluminum, glass, or porcelain.
▪ In a server HDD, dynamic braking—used to halt the magnetic disk when the power is switched
off—is also crucial. The magnetic disk surface will be scratched if the disc is not properly stopped
since the HDD's motor has a very high spinning speed.

▪ The spindle motor is one of the most crucial elements affecting the server HDD's speed. Today, a
wide variety of server HDDs with incredibly rapid rotational rates are available.

▪ Need to move: is in charge of advancing the read and write heads in a straight line over the disc
surface by a certain distance. A stepper motor may be used to convey motion or an inductor can be
used to move the travel rod using magnetic force.

▪ Reader: a device that uses magnetism to read or write data from the surface of magnetic disks. A
hard disk's read and write heads are always the same number of magnetic faces.

▪ Control circuit: The motor and the movement of the moving rod are managed by this circuit.
▪ Data processing circuit: used to handle read and write data from server HDD

▪ Data is temporarily stored in buffer memory (also known as a cache or buffer) during data reading
and writing.

▪ The web of communication: to connect to the computer

▪ Power slot: to plug into server power.

Figure 25: HDD

Meaning of the parameters of a server HDD:

❖ Communication standards:
- Because computer systems demand varying read/write speeds for data, there are many distinct
communication protocols between motherboard hard drives. This variety is also a result of the fact
that fast interface drives are substantially more expensive than common ones. The four most
popular standards in use today are EIDE, SCSI, SATA, and SAS. However, SATA and SAS
standards are followed by the majority of server HDDs.
❖ Capacity:
- Hard drive capacities are expressed in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, and terabytes—the
fundamental capacity units. The unit was commonly utilized as MB when the hard drive's storage
space was low. Nowadays, GB and higher, TB, are used. The operating system (or testing
software) divides 1GB by 1024MB, but the majority of manufacturers split 1GB by 1000MB,
hence the capacity indicated by the operating system is often lower than the capacity. written on
the disc's label (for example, a 40 GB hard drive is usually only about 37-38 GB).
❖ Rotational speed:
- The spinning speed of the hard drive is indicated in rpm (revolutions per minute - the number of
revolutions per minute). The drive operates more quickly the greater its rotational speed since it
can read and write data more quickly and conduct seek operations more quickly.
❖ Cache memory (cache or buffer):
- The size of the cache has a significant impact on the hard drive's performance because the cache
memory is responsible for temporarily storing data during the hard drive's working process. This is
because reads and writes that don't happen instantly (depending on the movement of the read/write
heads, data are transferred to or from) will be temporarily stored in the buffer memory. Hard drives
up to 160 GB generally have a cache capacity of 2 or 8 MB as of 2007, whereas bigger capacity
hard drives often had a cache capacity of 16 MB or more.
❖ Data transfer speed:
- Because of the numerous factors that affect hard drive data transfer rates, including disk rotation
speed, the quantity of magnetic disks in the hard drive, manufacturing technology, cache capacity,
and others, the majority of data transfer rates on communication standards are lower than their
design standards.
❖ Size:
- Six categories of hard drive sizes have been established to guarantee that replacement assemblies
may be made to fit all types of servers: The size of computers from earlier generations was 5.25
inches. 3.5-inch screens for workstations, servers, and personal PCs. Size of a laptop is 2.5 inches.
PC Cards and personal digital assistants must be 1.8 inches or smaller. The typical size for micro
gadgets is one inch.

XI. Sever Database

Database server:
➢ Is the server on which the database management system program is installed. Database
management systems that are often used include SQL server, MySQL, Oracle, and others.

➢ A database server, expressed simply, is a repository for websites, data, and information.
Figure 26: Server Database

Outstanding functions of Database server:

➢ The back-end capability of the DBMS database management system is its key feature. Apps that
run on the front end are known as client applications. The application that interacts with the DBMS
may be the client application. The database server is the database management system (DBMS).

➢ The database server oversees the recovery security services and upholds the restrictions set out by
the DBMS. The database server also oversees and manages all clients that are linked to it. All data
access and control operations are handled simultaneously by the database server.

➢ The database server offers stronger security, concurrent access management, and hides DBMSs
from clients.

➢ The database server also provides a multi-user environment. Multiple users may access the
database simultaneously. All data are kept on the database server. The DBA may easily build a
database backup as a consequence.
Figure 27: Working principle

How does the server work:

➢ Think about the following to comprehend how the web server or web server functions: Depending
on how the server is configured, your browser will ask for a web page when you want one.
webserver This time, it will search the disk where the requested file is stored for it. When the file is
located, the server will read it, perform any required processing, and then transmit the file to the
browser. Please review the list of steps below to learn more about certain actions.

➢ Communicating via HTTP: A collection of guidelines that controls the connection between two
computers is known as a hypertext streaming protocol. Particularly, HTTP is a text-based, stateless
Figure 28: Server work

XII. Operating systems for server

➢ The program that runs on the server is called the server operating system, often referred to as the
network operating system. The majority of servers have the ability to run a number of operating
systems. This suggests that these four server operating systems are compatible with both HPE and
Dell servers. The descriptions of four well-known server operating systems are provided here.

Windows operating system sever:

➢ Microsoft originally made this operating system available in 1980. The business currently makes
available and installs the Windows 10 operating system after releasing several versions (which was
officially released in 2015). The use of this operating system is widespread worldwide:

▪ Advantages: Popular, very easy to use, highly stable and fully-featured to support
work and play.

▪ Disadvantages: You need to pay for a license to use it.

Figure 29: Windows operating system

Linux is an operating system server:

➢ On top of the Linux operating system, there is an open operating system that enables modification
and manipulation of everything. This operating system is unlicensed and is available for free.

➢ Advantages: Operating systems are free to modify and distribute

➢ Disadvantages: There are few users, the interface is quite traditional, and the security is low.
Figure 30: Linux operating system

XIII. Web server software

➢ Application server software, technically speaking, includes web server software. Online server
software responds to user requests via the hypertext transfer protocol by delivering static web
content, such as HTML pages, files, pictures, and videos. The HTTP version of the web browser.

Figure 31: Web server software

➢ Static web content may also be served using the application server software.
➢ In order to initialize and provide dynamic web content like financial transaction results, content
search results, or real-time data analytics, it is primarily responsible for creating an environment
that encourages interaction between the software on the user's client and the application source
code running on the server, also known as business logic.

Figure 32: Function

Popular web server software:

❖ Nginx
- Reverse proxy, load balancing, mail proxy, and HTTP cache (HTTP) are all functions of the
open source web server Nginx. (Nginx, Inc. also offers supported, commercial versions of
Nginx.) As of December 2019, almost 38% of all websites globally and more than 25% of the
top 1 million websites were powered by Nginx, according to Netcraft, an Internet research and
cyberattack protection organization. Among the well-known corporate websites that employ
Nginx are Dropbox, Netflix, and Zynga.
Figure 33: Nginx

❖ Apache HTTP Server:

- Apache HTTP Server (also known as 'Apache' for short) is a popular free and open source
server software that was first released in 1995. Until recently, this software dominated the
market and was the software that ran on the most websites (accounting for 71% of all websites
globally at its peak) before being surpassed by Nginx in 2016. April of 2019. As of December
2019, Apache was running on 24% of all websites in the world and was the software behind
31% of the top 1 million most visited websites.

Figure 34: APACHE HTTP

❖ Apache Tomcat
- An operating system for Java applications, Apache Tomcat is a free and open source
application server that executes Java Servlet code, produces and displays web pages created
using JavaServer Page source code, and runs Java Servlet software. Business Version (Java
EE). The most extensively used open source Java application server software is Tomcat, which
debuted in 1998.

Figure 35: APACHE Tomcat

❖ Glassfish:
- The Eclipse Foundation created Glassfish, an open source Java EE application server, which
Sun Microsystems launched in 2006. Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), Java Servlets, and a variety
of other applications are all supported by Glassfish, like the majority of other Java application
server software. It may, however, also operate as a web server, responding to HTTP requests
with static web content.

Figure 36: Glassfish

❖ Internet Information Services (IIS):

- Microsoft created IIS, which is integrated with the Windows Server operating system. Many
services are included in IIS, such as the Web Server service and the FTP Server service. As of
May 2015, there were nearly 248 million websites that used IIS servers.

• All web server features are managed separately, allowing us to easily add, remove,
or replace web server features.

• IIS can use the full power of ASP.NET thanks to the integrated ASP.NET. Because
of ASP.NET's familiar interface and application services, the ASP.NET module speeds up
server development.
Figure 37: IIS

XIV. Explain the relationship between technologies

above with regards to designing, publishing and
accessing a website.
➢ Relationship between them: for communication protocol Rules for communication, grammar,
semantics, and synchronization are all specified in the protocol, along with techniques for error

➢ Using hardware, software, or a combination of both, protocols can be implemented.

➢ The operating system uses device drivers to "command" the hardware to carry out your
instructions. - Web server software Software for web servers is basically software. It is installed
and operated on a computer, and since the server serves as a Web Server, the user may use this
application to view Web site content from another computer on the network (the internet or an
Chapter III: Discuss the capabilities and
relationships between front-end and
back-end website technologies(P3)
I. Frontend
The front-end is what people see when they access a website or utilize a web application. The user
interface, in other words, is the front-end of a website. Users can access interactive (audio and video)
experiences on that website. Front-end is hence sometimes referred to as "Client-side."

HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are the three fundamental languages used in front-end web design. The
content must appear nice on all platforms, thus front-end developers must make sure of this.

Figure 38: Front end

II. Front end Functionality

➢ Identify the main color, logo

➢ Exploiting information on the web (text, images, sounds, etc.)

➢ Use buttons, toolbars…

III. Basic Front-end languages
➢ HyperText Markup Language is one of the three principal languages used to create the front end of
webpages (HTML). It describes how a web page is organized in a browser.

➢ The following fundamental characteristics of the HTML language: Using straightforward,

understandable language and a lot of formatting tags:
- Flexible use for web design with text
- Add images and sounds to web pages with ease
- Can link to many other websites

Figure 39: HTML

➢ CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is also a "backbone" element in front-end development. This
language is used to describe how a web page looks and feels. The website will become more
intuitive and appealing as a result of CSS.

➢ CSS is a web programming language that describes the format of a document written in the HTML
language. It provides HTML with additional functionality. CSS can be used on a variety of
document types in addition to HTML, including XML, XUL, and SVG

➢ Basically, the CSS language has the following main characteristics:

- CSS adds more granular properties than HTML
- As the "beauty" language for the website

- Can be used with a variety of document types, including HTML, XUL, SVG, and others.

Figure 40: CSS

IV. Front end Capabilities

Build intuitive interfaces:

➢ One of the primary objectives of front-end development is to improve the user experience. The
Front-end helps websites become more user-friendly and intuitive. When a website is an article,
the front end acts as a catchy "Title" to draw in visitors.

➢ A company website's front end is of utmost importance. A website that has an easy-to-use, "eye-
catching" interface will attract a lot of visitors. Through its website, the business will tell
customers about its products and make money online.

Help content display well on all platforms:

➢ Front-end developers can now ensure that content looks good across multiple platforms thanks to

➢ Many frameworks for front-end development have been released by technology companies,
• Google: Material, AngularJS…
• Facebook: React native, React,…
• Twitter: Bootstrap, hogan.js…

V. BackEnd
➢ The backend of a website refers to the server side. In addition to ensuring that everything on the
client side of the website runs properly, it organizes and saves data. It is a portion of the website
that the user cannot access or utilize.

➢ Through the FrontEnd application, one may indirectly access the components and functionalities of
BackEnd designers. Writing APIs, building libraries, interacting with system components without
user input, and even doing scientific programming are all duties that are completed by the backend.

➢ Back End Frameworks include Express, Django, Rails, Laravel, Spring,…

Figure 41: Back End

VI. Types of Backend Development Languages
➢ Java

➢ Php

➢ Ruby on rails

➢ Python

➢ .Net

Figure 42: Types of BackEnd Development Languages

VII. The BackEnd Functions

➢ This is where the website's data is stored. In essence, it is a large hard drive. Large data centers are
normally where servers are located.

➢ Only one handler must be defined for back-ends that support the deletion of a result set.

➢ For servers that wish to offer the scan service one handler must be defined.

Search and Retrieve:

➢ The handlers needed to facilitate search and retrieval will now be discussed. Two functions must
be offered: one for retrieving and one for searching (retrieval of one record). You may enhance
multiple-record retrieval by offering a third handler that is called whenever a present request is

➢ A connected group of data that is frequently big enough to store on a storage device. The database
may be searched for fetch. then deliver the needed data so that the front end can show it. The most
used database format right now is MySQL.

➢ A filter that permits other parties to access data from a database is known as an API, or application
programming interface. Developers may now incorporate data from other websites into their own
apps thanks to this. Think about posts on social media, for instance.

Backend capabilities:
➢ Back-End is in charge of developing a system to handle all activities that are not visible when a
user performs an action on the website interface. The Back-Ends will specifically write the code
that will allow browsers to communicate with the information in the database.

➢ BackEnd is the portion of a website or piece of software that consumers cannot see when it is
being utilized in the programming of websites. It is a website's "heart" or "engine," making sure
that it can function well to satisfy user demands. In order to fulfill client requests as quickly as
possible, Back-End will transmit data from the Back End to the Front End.

Relationship between Front end and Back end:

➢ Even though frontend and backend development are separate, they are comparable to the two
halves of a single coin. The ability of each party to cooperate and communicate with one another
as a single unit is necessary for the website to function. None of the sides are more significant than
the others. Both play a crucial role in web development.

➢ Programming's front end development practice concentrates on a website or app's visual

components that users will interact with (the client side). On the other hand, back end development
concentrates on the portion of a website that visitors do not see (the server side). They work
together to develop an interactive website that enables users to browse, use contact forms, and do
other interactive tasks. Dynamic websites include those from Netflix, PayPal, Facebook, and the
Kenzie Academy website you're on right now.

Demonstrate the relationship between Front end technologies and Back end
➢ You employ front-end programming to create a user-friendly and appealing website. Creating user
identities that are securely editable, tracking in-store purchase history and product data, and
performing other functions are all made possible by the backend, which holds all the front-end
components together. You can see that each side has a very distinct function to perform. However,
the user experience and functionality of the website are ultimately determined by the two working

Explain how these relate to Presentation and Application layers:

➢ The website or client makes a request to the Google server whenever you access Google. The
program (application) that searches the database for data from the Google interface is operated by
the server. The server will then respond to the client with this data. The renowned Google interface
will thereafter be displayed when data has been fetched (loaded) by your website.

Chapter IV: Oline creation tool and

comparison table(P4)
I. Online creation tool
➢ A application called a website builder enables you to construct a website without understanding
how to code. There are two types of website builders: online and offline. Software that you
download to your computer and use to develop a website is known as an offline website builder.
Web-based tools called online website builders let you create and modify your website on a
company's server.

II. Give example of oline creation tool

➢ Wix logo creator: Wix logo maker is a quick fix if you need a logo right now. With this robust and
sophisticated tool that is yet quite simple to use, you can make your own logos without any prior
design knowledge.

Figure 43: Wix logo maker

The Wix option:

➢ Similar to the symbols we previously discussed, you already have a huge variety of free
photographs in your Wix website Editor. You may locate them by going to the left-side menu,
choosing "Add," "Image," and then selecting one of the three libraries listed under "Image
Figure 44: The Wix option

➢ From Icones Pro, you may get more than 200,000 free icons. Despite the fact that the site isn't
especially beautiful, you shouldn't reject it too fast because there are countless possibilities
available to you.

➢ On MorgueFile, a variety of royalty-free photos are available. They provide a wealth of premium
photos in their free image collection that may give any website a polished appearance.

III. Comparison table

Online creation tools Custom built website
Design flexibility The design is less It has a high degree of
adaptable because it is flexibility because it can
based on pre- existing design its own style and
models that may not be ideas. Other advanced
compatible with a wide features can be added.
range of other screen sizes.
Performance Low performance due to High performance because
browser limitations. It is we can tailor the size to
difficult to upgrade and different types of browsers
develop further when while also incorporating
there is a lack of security additional
stability. security features.
Functionality Website templates may be Features are limitless, and
the extent of the functions the ability to update and edit
available. It is difficult to is flexible.
add new features.
UX UX tools are software that User experience that is
designers use to research, highly customizable for the
create, and test digital or best possible experience.
physical representations of There is a
their work throughout the distinction.
product development
UI User interface may be Funeral web was created
duplicated with many other based on its own ideas. It
websites that are boring to will be simple to organize
users because of its based on the needs of users
simplicity. or programmers. In
addition, when users need to
change or edit a website,
website creators can help.

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