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An Efficient Implementation of NC-OFDM Transceivers for Cognitive

Rakesh Rajbanshi Alexander M. Wyglinski Gary J. Minden
Information and Telecommunication Technology Center
The University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045
Email: {rajbansh, alexw, gminden} &

Abstract Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm is employed to make

frI this paper, we present an efficient i'mplementation of a modulation and demodulation highly efficient in terms of
non-contiguous orthogonalfrequency divisionmultiplexing (NC- hardware and computational complexity [61. However, an
OFDM) transceiver for cognzitive radio systerms. NC-OFDM is NC-OFDM may have several subcarriers that are deac-
designed to transmit iZnformation irn the presence of incurnbent tivated, i.e., zero-valued inputs. Thus, the hardware re-
users, deactivating subcarriers located in the vicinity of these sources of the FFT are not fully being exploited. There-
users to avoid irnterference. Given that the core component of fore, a new approach is needed to efficiently implement the
an NC-OFDM transceiver is the fast Fourier transform (FFT), FFT when several subcarriers are deactivated.
and that several of the subcarriers are deactivated, it is possible It has been shown that for situations in which the rela-
to reduce the execution time by "prunirng" the FFT. We propose tive number of zero-valued inputs is quite large, significant
an algorithm that efficiently and quickly prunes the FF1' for
NC-OFDM transceivers. Results show that the proposed al'go- time sahings can be obtained by lpruning"h the FFT al-
rithm substantially outperforms other FFT pruning algorithms [i
when a medium to large number of subcarriers have been deac- literature for enhancing the efficiency of the FFT algo-
tivated. rithm based on decimation-in-time (DIT) and decimation-
in-frequency (DIF) algorithms [8-15]. However, most of
these algorithms are suitable only for systems with specific
1 Introduction zero-input pattern distributions. Furthermore, algorithms
As access to available spectrum is becoming increasingly that prune the FFT for any zero-input pattern do not yield
difficult, several researchers have proposed the concept of an efficient implementation with respect to computational
spectrum pooling', as well as several transceiver designs time [8].
for transmission across non-contiguous portions of spec- In this paper, we present an FFT pruning algorithm
trum to alleviate this problem. For instance, orthogonal designed for NC-OFDM transceivers. The proposed algo-
frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is a promising
for any zero-input pattern. The performance of the pro-
~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~poe alorrh
flexible spectrum pooling system [1]. In
candidate for a candldate
order to support high data rates, the transmission band- is compared
posed algorithm is withru
several other aluorithm
compared with several algorithms otherg
width of the OFDM transceiver must be large. However, proposed in the literature with respect to mean execution
a large contiguous bandwidth mxay not be available for time. The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Sec-
tranmision ToTo provide
transmission. igh data
rovde high whle avoiding
rates while
atarats voiing tion 2 introduces the NC-OFDM framework. Section 3
interference with incumbent user transmission, a variant tpprovides provides an overview of FFT pruninur algorithms.
of OFDM called non-contiguous OFDM (NC-OFDM) was Section 4 presents the proposed algorithm. Simulation re-
proposed [2-4], where the implementation achieves high sults are presented in Section 5, while several concluding
data rates via collective usage of non-contiguous blocks remarks are made in Section 6.
of subcarriers. Simultaneously, NC-OFDM avoids inter-
ference with incumbent users by deactivatinug subcarriers
within their vicinity. Thus, NC-OFDM is a viable trans- A general schematic of an NC-OFDM transceiver is shown
mission technology for cognitive radio transceivers [5] op- in Fig. 1. Without loss of generality, a high speed data
erating in dynamic spectrum access (DSA) networks. stream, x(n), is modulated using M-ary phase shift key-
In the implementation of an OFDM transceiver, the fast ing (MPSK)3. Then, the modulated data stream is split
into N slower data streams using a serial-to-parallel (S/P)
This work was supported by NSF grants ANI-0230786 and ANTI-___________
0335272. 2FFT pruning refers to the procedu1re for improvinLg the efficienlcy
1 pcrl pooling is a resource sharing strategy with the highest of the fast Fourier transformn by remnoving operations on input values
priority for the owner of the license to enhance spectral efficiency. It which are zeroes, and on output values which are not requlired [7].
enables the secondary utilization of already licensed frequency hands 3Other formus of digital mnodulation, including MAQAMA, can also
as aimed at by several regullatory authorities worlLdwide ['1] be emuployed by the transceiver.

1-4244-038_1-20/$00 ©20 IEEE

From Dynamic t Usable Subcarrier ° Unusable Subcarrier
Spectrum Sensing T
ON/OFF Subcarrier ON/OFF Info. 0 ftf


Fig. 2 Subcarrier distributioni over widebanid spectrum

< 2 ~S/P .IFFT .CP .P/S
3 FFT Pruning Technique
In a wide-band communication system, a large portion of
frequency channels may be occupied by other transmis-
(a) NC-OFDM Transmitter. sions, whether incumbent or other unlicensed users. As a
result, these subcarriers are off-limits to our transceiver.
Subcarrier ON/OFF Info. Thus, to avoid interfering with these other transmissions,
the subcarrier within their vicinity are turned off, or rzulled,
as shown in Fig. 2. For the FFT and IFFT blocks, these
null subcarriers are represented as zero-valued inputs. For
r(n) ~(n) highly sparse available frequency spectrum, the number of
S FFT P/S zero-valued inputs in the FFT may be significant relative
to the total number of the usable subcarriers. When the
LAo :Xrelative number of zero-valued inputs is quite large, sig-
nificant time saving can be obtained by pruning the FFT
(b) NC-OFDM Receiver. algorithm.
Fig. 1 Schematic of an NC-OFDM transceiver. For instance, an 8-point DIF FFT butterfly structure
is shown in Fig. 3, where a( represents the ith input sig-
converter. Note that the subcarriers in the NC-OFDM nal to the FFT block. Suppose the incumbent users are
transceiver do not need to be all active as in conven- located at subcarriers al,a5,a7 and a8. Therefore, input
tional OFDM. Moreover, active subcarriers are located in data over all these carrier must always be zero. For a
the unoccupied spectrum bands, which are determined by conventional FFT algorithm, the total number of multipli-
dynamic spectrum sensing and channel estimation tech- cations and additions would be N log2 N. However, with
niques [3,16,17]. The inverse fast Fourier transform (FFT) an FFT pruning algorithm, the unnecessary multiplica-
is then applied to these modulated subcarrier signals. tions and addition operations at the stages b1 and b5 can
Prior to transmission, a guard interval with a length be pruned as their values will always be zeroes. Moreover,
greater than the channel delay spread is added to each multiplications and additions at nodes b3, b4, b7, and b8 can
NC-OFDM symbol using the cyclic prefix (CP) block in be replaced with simple 'copy' operation, whereas addition
order to mitigate the effects of intersymbol interference operations in nodes c1, c3, C5, and C7 can be pruned to save
(ISI). Following the parallel-to-serial (P/S) conversion, the the FFT computation time. Therefore, the FFT compu-
baseband NC-OFDM signal, s(n), is then passed through tation time can be significantly improved with partial and
the transmitter radio frequency (RF) chain, which ampli- complete pruning.
fies the signal and upconverts it to the desired center fre- In wideband communication systems, the channel con-
quency. ditions and incumbent user occupancy4 (ISO) varies over
The receiver performs the reverse operation of the trans- time. Thus, the FFT pruning algorithm should be able
mitter, mixing the RF signal to baseband for processing, to design an efficienit FFT implementation every time the
yielding the signal r(n). Then, the signal is converted into channel condition and ISO changes.
parallel streams using S/P converter, the cyclic prefixAnt_
is discarded, and the fast Fourier transform (FFT) is ap- n
|*_navnt _ttn£>
3.1GenLelral FFT PlrunLing Algolrithm
plied to transform the time domain data into the frequency Alves et a proposed an FFT pruning algorithm that op-
domain. After compensating distortion introduced by the erates on any zero-valued input distribution [8]. Suppose
channel using per-tone equalization [18], the data in the we have a radix-2 FFT algorithm with N levels (2N FFT
active subcarriers is multiplexed using a P/S converter, points). A matrix A/f, with N columns and 2N rows is
and demodulated into a reconstructed version of the orig- generated using Algorithm 1. Each element of the ma-
inal high-speed input, qi). trix corresponds to a addition/multiplication node of the
From this system overview, we observe that the IFFT FFT flow graph. The node needs to be comgputed if the
adPTbocks are critcal components of te tansceiver. Alcmbm speta oc ,ac(SO is defined asthrcin of.
In the next section, we Will dlescribe how it iS possible to ........
the intended transmLission bandwidth occupied by incumbent user
implelment efficient versions of these blocks, ........
O Complete Pruning
Partial Pruning__
Algorithm 1 Generate Mi (proposed by Alves et al. [8])
* No Pruning function Mi=generateMi(m,ivector)
a, 0 a1=O b
;; ~ c > .1: n 2m
a2=x b C2 2: Afi=zeros(n,mn)
a /x / 3: for I = I to m do
4: shiftl 2(m1
a4=x > 5: shift2 2 x shiftl
a.=O =. ...>.. 6: for j = 1 to shiftl do
7: for k - shift2 shift2 n do
a6=x/8: "1= k-shiftl- +1
a7=, b c 9: j2 = ij + shiftl
a8=° /,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,\<8 > < 8 >t\10
it =k -shiftl i+ I -

11: 2 = i + shiftl
Fig. 3 FFT butterfly structure. A value of 'O' denotes a 12: if 1 == 1 then
zero-valued subcarrier and 'x' denotes a data bearing subcar- 13: if ivector(jl) == 1 then
rier. The dotted lines represent the comiputations that can be 14: Mi ( 1, 1) = 1
pruned. 15: MiV(j2,1) = 1
16: end if
corresponding element in the matrix MI is non-zero. On 17: if ivector(j2) == 1 then
the other hand, if the element of the matrix is zero, the 18: AIi(j2, 1) = 1
corresponding node does not need to be computed. For 19: Ali(i1,l) = 1
instance the matrix Mi for the FFT butterfly structure in 20: end if
21: else
Fig 33 would be:
would be:
22: if Ai(jl,1 -1) 1then
o i 1 23: A/'i(ji,l) = 1
1 1 1 24: A/ii(j2,1) = 1
1 1 1 25: end if
1 1 1 26: if A/Ii(j2,1- 1) I then
0 1 1 27: Mi(j2,1) = 1
1 1 1 28: A/i(jl, ) =
1 1 1 29:
end if
end if
31: end for
To obtain the matrix Mi, a subcarrier input vector with 32: end for
2N elements, where each element of this vector correspond 33: end for
to each input element. If the input element is nonzero, 34: return Al
the corresponding vector element will be unity, and if the
input element is zero, the corresponding vector element . . .
will be zero. By using this input vector, we can compute
the firt c n of te m x M* I halves with each recursive stage. This manner of computa-
first column of the matrix M
firstcolunofth i.scn
1 s i d ccumnn of of m Al
x Ai tion
requires the computations proportional to N lo02 N,
the equivalent discrete Fourier transform (DFT)
can be obtained, and so forth. The algorithm to obtain the
matrix MVi is presented in Algorithm 1. would require the computations proportional to N2. In
Note that the FFT pruning Note algorithmn
a e T pplroposedL by.. this work, the proposed algorithm operates in the simi-
lar manner. Additionally, the proposed algorithm prunes
Alves t al. uses coditional statements[8]. However, it is the unnecessary multiplication and addition operations at
knon usmest
that tat imeto xecte
conditional statement
he ondtioal o
tatmen ofen the nodes in the FFT flow graph, in order to reduce the
exceeds the savings obtained by the fewer operations [19]. exuon im the FFT computaions.
Therefore, we propose a re-indexing algorithm and modi- execution time for the FFT computations
fied FFT pruning algorithm to avoid using the conditional First, the matrix Mki similar to the one in Section 3.1 is
statements and reduce FFT computation times. calculated, where each element of the matrix corresponds
to a node of the FFT flow graph. Suppose we have a
4 Proposed
Algorithm radix-2 algorithm with N levels (2N FFT points). Then,
To save an execution time, the proposed alcorithm builds the matrix Mi has N columns and 2N rows. Second infor-
upon the previous algorithm by avoiding the use of con- mnation in the matrix M is processed to the mnatrix i7dex,
ditional statements. The proposed FFT pruning algo- where indices anLd the total nLumber of nonzero elements in
rithm is shown in Algorithm 2. The algorithm is based on each column of the matrix MtX are recorded. To obtain the
Cooley-Tukey dividLe-andL-conquer algorithm that uses in- msatrix Mkindex, we emsploy Algorithms 3. Thne msatrix Mkindex
place colmputation [20]. For a radix-2 FFT, Cooley-Tukey has N columns and 2N +1 rows. For the exalmple in Fig. 3,
Algorithm 2 Proposed PET Pruning Algorithm Algorithm 3 Proposed M1index Calculator
1: m 10 function ALindex=generateindex(AlJi)
2: n 2' 1: [In, m]=size(Ml) % n rows, m columns
3: i=//1 2: y=zeros(n,im)
4: for k= I tom do 3: for j= I to m do
5: le = 2(m+1-k) 4: te=find(M(:, j))
6: 1C2 le/2 5: y(H:length(te),j) = te
7: u 1 6: end for
8: w = cos(r/1c2) - sin(r/lc2) X i 7: y = [sum(LI, 1); zeros(1, m); y]
9: for j = I to le-C Nlindex(l, k) do 8: j = [I1: Tm]
10: for ii = 1 to Mlindex(j + 2, k) - M/index(j + 1, k) -1 do 9: y(l,:) = (n - y(l, :))./2j
11: u=u x w 10: return M1index = Y
12: end for
13: for: k = ltinldexU + 2^ k) to n do
13: k ALndex(j the sparseness factor of 60% or higher. On the other hand,
15: t k + x(i for a sparseness factor of less than 60%, the proposed algo-
16: (ip)= (x(k)
x - (ip)) x u
rithm performs slighly worse. Moreover, we find the time
17: x(k) t to execute the conditional statements exceeds the savings
18: k = k + le obtained by the FFT pruning. We observe reduction in the
19: end for mean execution times of the proposed algorithm for calcu-
20: u=ux w lating the 1024-point FFT with increase in the sparseness
21: end for factor. However, the mean execution time of Cooley-Tukey
22- end for algorithm and Alves et at. algorithm remain relatively con-
stant all the time.
the matrix JVlindex would be: In Fig. 5, the mean number of multiplications employed
6 8 8 by 1024-point FFT are presented for three FFT algo-
2 1 1 rithms. We observe that the reduction in the multipli-
3 2 2 cation and addition operations due to FFT pruning. The
4 3 3 reduction in addition and multiplication operations with
]Viindex = 6 4 4 ,the proposed algorithm is same as that achieved by Alves
7 5 5 et atl. algorithm. On the other hand, the proposed algo-
8 6 6 rithm avoids using conditional statements. Therefore, the
0 7 7 proposed algorithm achieves reduction in FFT computa-
0 8 8 tion time.
The first row of the matrix Alfindex tells the number of 6 Conclusion
nodes and the column of the matrix JVlindex provides the in- . .
dices of the nodes that needs to be calculated in each ET I

stage. Proposed FFT pruninu algorithm in Algorithm 2 pngin NC-OFDM transceivers. The proposed algorithm can
stage. PpeP
uses informationL provided topuneunaccept
by -lkIin,:dx prune unnecessaryI
to d any zero-valued input distribution and prune the
computations*at th corresponding nodes, hencereduc
. compuE
FFT to yield an implementation that results in a faster
execution time. Given that the cogunitive radio units em-
the execution timge for the FFT comnputation. t
ploying NC-OFDM would need to quickly adapt to the
5 Simulation Results changing operating environment, and that the hardware
resources of small form factor cognitive radios are limited,
For the simulations, N 1024 BPSK-modulated subcar-
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