Entrepreneurship Lesson Plan

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I.Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

1. define the meaning of entrepreneurship.

2. recite/identify the characteristics of a good entrepreneur.
3. demonstrate creative entrepreneurial skills among the students.


 Paper, Pen, Coins, Play Money, Meta Card, Projector
Process Involved/Activities: Cooperative Learning, Brainstorming, Individual reflection

 NSTP CSU, Entrepreneurship for SHS by Angeles A. De Guzman, DBA,CPA

Routinary Activities

 Prayer
 Classroom management (outline of the day, reminders of classroom
agreements: cellphone silent mode, polite, strict attendance, respect, order)
 Recall on the last time topic

III. ACTIVITY: Bato-Bato Pick

 Each student should have one (1.00) peso bill.
 Students are to pick up a partner of their choice and play the bato-bato
pick game.
 Whoever wins will get the money.
 The losers will be out and the winners will look for another partner of their
choice until only one will win the game, will get all the money.


Based on the activity, answer the following questions:

1. What character brings out on you when you did the activity?
2. What did you feel as you perform?
3. Share your strategies.


Concept of Entrepreneurship

Definition of Entrepreneurship

 the capacity and willingness to develop, organize and manage a business

venture along with any of its risk in order to make a profit.

 Is a process of actions of an entrepreneur who is always in search of something

new to exploit new ideas into gainful opportunities by accepting the risk and
uncertainty of the enterprise. (Angeles A. De Guzman, DBA,CPA)

 When entrepreneurship describes activities within a firm or large organization, it

is referred to as intrapreneurship.This may include corporate venturing, when
large entities spin off organizations. (Angeles A. De Guzman, DBA,CPA)
 Entrepreneurship employs what Schumpeter called the ‘gale of creative
destruction” to replace wholly or partly inferior innovations across markets and
industries. This destruction simultaneously creates new products and new
business models. (Angeles A. De Guzman, DBA,CPA)

 Entrepreneurship ranges in scale from solo projects (even involving the part-time
entrepreneur) to major undertakings that create many job opportunities. (Angeles
A. De Guzman, DBA,CPA)

 Entrepreneurial activities can be incremental or disruptive. Incremental

innovations are a number of small changes that transform process flows while
disruptive innovations are entirely new approaches. (Angeles A. De Guzman,

Definition of Entrepreneur

 An entrepreneur is a person who seeks a profitable opportunity and takes the

necessary risks to set up and operate a business.

 A person who has a strong desire to make their business grow

 The word entrepreneur was derived from the French verb enterprendre, which
means to “undertake”. This refers to those who undertake the risk of new
enterprises. An enterprise is created by an entrepreneur and the process of its
creation is called entrepreneurship. (Angeles A. De Guzman, DBA,CPA)

Reasons of why people choose entrepreneurship

 Dissatisfaction of income from previous work.

 Their ideas fulfill customer needs.

 Job Security -Over the past ten years, large companies have eliminated more
jobs than they have created.

 Quality of Life -offers a greater possibility of achieving financial capacity than

working for someone else.

Characteristics of an Entrepreneur

1. Risk takers- Entrepreneurs enjoys challenges

-a risk situation exists when result is uncertain either it is success or failure in
business, it is profit or loss.
2. Positive outlook- Entrepreneurs are positive thinkers. They think of success and
bright sides.
3. Self-confident- Entrepreneurs have strong faith in their abilities. They believe
and always think of success.
4. Leadership- Is the ability to create rules and to set goals. It is the capacity to
follow through to see that rules are followed, and goals are accomplished.
5. Passion- It gives entrepreneurs the ability to convince others to believe in their
6. Hardworking-Successful people always attribute their success to hard work.
Thomas Edison said that “Success is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration.”
7. Innovative - Entrepreneurs are creative, they do things in new and different
ways, innovation have provided new products or services of modern civilization.
8. Decision Makers-The decisions that entrepreneurs make will determine the fate
of the company, and it's only through decision-making that things will actually



Entrepreneurs contribution in the society

1. Creates Employment -The biggest employer is the private business sector.

Millions of jobs are provided by the factories, service industries, agricultural
enterprises, and the numerous small-scale businesses.
2. Entrepreneurship improves the way of life- Entrepreneurs continuously
innovate and develop new products and services based on what they perceived
as the needs and wants of the society.
3. Entrepreneurship contributes to more equitable distribution of income and
therefore eases social unrest- Entrepreneurs continuously search, identify and
develop raw materials needed for the production of goods and services.
Therefore, often see the raw materials and other resources in the rural areas.
Thus, giving rural the opportunity of gaining money.
4. Entrepreneurship Utilizes and Mobilizes Resources for great Nation
Productivity. Our country will develop faster economically if none of its
resources were idle or unused.

“The talent” Matthew 25:14-30

Actual Time Frame: 35 minutes

Materials: Coin, Pen and Paper


1. Divide the class into 6 groups with at least 6-7 members (2minutes)
2. Each group will be given a task to plan out on how to put-up a business with a
capital of:
P1.00 (2 groups), P3.00 (2 groups), P5.00 (2 groups)
Market place: Classroom/CSU (10 minutes)
3. Each group will present within 5 mins. the following:

a. business name;
b. kind of investment;
c. present a basic/simple Income statement;
d. characteristics of entrepreneur applied; and
e. site how this investment contributed positive effect in your place

Note: Give emphasis on “All of us, are God’s stewards, and we are to take care on what
is entrusted to us like things, family/relationships, free education, finance, talents &
etc.,29 ‘For to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance;
but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away. Matthew

1. Research on the life of at least one of the successful entrepreneurs in the Philippines
today. Find out what made them succeed. Cite lessons learned from their stories of

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