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Media and Information

First Quarter – Module 1:
Introduction to Media and Information

PREPARED BY: Ms. Anna Camille M. Reyes

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This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
master the nature of media and information. The scope of this module permits it to
be used in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the
diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard
sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them can be changed to
correspond with the textbook you are now using.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

✔ Describe how media and information affect communication.

✔ Define Media and Information Literacy
✔ Describe clearly the importance of media and information literacy.
✔ Editorialize the value of being a media and information literate individual
✔ Share their media lifestyle, habits and preferences.

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Today’s topic embodies essential knowledge that should allow users to engage with media and
information channels in a meaningful manner.

Think of the past week, and record your usage and interaction with media and information
providers (such as internet, social media, TV, radio, newspaper, etc.). Have them indicate how
many hours were spent engaged with each one. Remind them that these do not have to be exact,
and they can estimate the number of hours they spend each week. Write your answers in the table

Weekly Interaction Log with Information and Information Providers

Media or Information Provider Number of hours in a week

ex. Facebook 3 hours

Answer the following questions:

• Which media provider did you spend the most time?

• What roles does media play in your lives?


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Introduction to Media and
Lesson Information Literacy
The Media and Information Literacy course introduces the learners to basic understanding of
media and information as channels of communication and tools for the development of individuals
and societies. It also aims to develop students to be creative and critical thinkers as well as
responsible users and competent producers of media and information.
Media and other information providers play a central role in information and communication
processes. They are one way of communicating information, although their role is much broader
than that. For the purpose of the MIL curriculum, media are defined (irrespective of the nature and
technologies used) as sources of credible and current information created through an editorial
process determined by journalistic values whereby editorial accountability can be attributed to a
specific organization or a legal person. To the extent that media are an important part of every
society’s communication system, their institutional make-up can mesh with a variety of non-media
information providers, such as libraries, museums, archives, Internet information providers, other
information organizations and citizens who produce their own content.


Media and information literacy (MIL) brings together disciplines that were once separate and
distinct. MIL is concerned with giving people an understanding of the importance of media and
other information providers in order to:

▪ make informed decisions

▪ learn about the world around them
▪ build a sense of community
▪ maintain public discourse, and
▪ engage in lifelong learning

Further, MIL should spur citizens to become active producers of information and innovators of
media and information products, as well as critical thinkers. MIL should incite them to use new
and traditional media for self-expression, creativity and greater participation in their country’s
democracy and the global information network.

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What’s New

Components of Media and Information Literacy

✔ Media Literacy
✔ Technology Literacy
✔ Information Literacy


The ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate and compute, using printed and
written materials associated with varying contexts. Literacy involves a continuum of learning,
wherein individuals are able to achieve their goals, develop their knowledge and potential, and
participate fully in their community and wider society.


The physical objects used to communicate with, or the

mass communication through physical objects such as
radio, television, computers, film, etc. It also refers to any
physical object used to communicate messages.

Traditionally, media are source of credible information in

which contents are provided through an editorial process
determined by journalistic values and where editorial
accountability can be attributed to an organization or a legal person. In more recent years the term
‘media’ is often used to include new online media.

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Media Literacy

The ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media in a variety of forms. It aims to empower
citizens by providing them with the competencies (knowledge and skills) necessary to engage with
traditional media and new technologies.


A broad term that covers processed data, knowledge derived from study, experience, instruction,
signals or symbols.

Information Literacy

The ability to recognize when information is needed,

and to locate, evaluate, and effectively communicate
information in its various formats. Includes the
competencies to be effective in all stages of the
lifecycle of documents of all kinds, the capacity to
understand the ethical implications of these
documents, and the ability to behave in an ethical way throughout these stages.

Technology Literacy
The ability of an individual, either working independently or with others, to responsibly,
appropriately, and effectively use technological tools. Using these tools an individual can access,
manage, integrate, evaluate, create and communicate information.

Media and Information Literacy

The essential skills and competencies that allow individuals to engage with media and other
information providers effectively, as well as develop critical thinking and life-long learning skills
to socialize and become active citizens

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Inside the box are logos and icons of new media channels and
applications. Take a look at these icons and answer the questions
that follows.

Questions for Activity 1.1:

1. How many can you name from the logos inside the box? ______________

2. Explain briefly the uses of those that you can name.

1. _____________

2. _____________

3. _____________

4. _____________

5. _____________

6. _____________

7. _____________

3. Which among these websites and applications do you deem useful and credible in terms
of creating, obtaining, and sharing content?

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Why being literate is important?


Literacy has become an essential part of the fabric of the modern societies,
a thread that links all aspects of life and living in our contemporary world.
Its reach is extensive and complex, influencing how fully and effectively a person is able to
engage in the social and economic life of his or her community.

People with good literacy skills are more likely to have:

✔ Higher self-esteem
✔ Better health
✔ Better Jobs
✔ Higher Wages

This is because they are able to take advantage of the opportunities that life may offer.


We take a huge amount of information from a wide array of sources, far beyond the traditional
media (TV, radio, newspaper, magazines). There are text messages, memes, viral videos, social
media, video games, advertising and a lot more. But media shares one thing: someone created it
and it was created for a reason. The digital has made it easy for us to create media. We do not
always know who created something and why they made it and whether it is credible or not. This
makes media literacy an essential skill in the digital age. Specifically, it helps us:

✔ Become a smart consumer of products and information

✔ Learn to think critically
✔ Recognize point of view
✔ Create media responsibly
✔ Identify the role of media in our culture
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✔ Understand the type of influence made media and how we can make informed choices.

✔ To be able to distinguish which among the sources of information are relevant.

✔ An individual will be able to organize and classify the different forms of media which
can be used to secure relevant and substantial information
✔ Aid students in developing effective research skills.


✔ With the new technological discoveries and breakthroughs, people nowadays are even
hoping to find cure for dreaded illnesses.
✔ It will save valuable time and help one do things smoothly.

Media is very important for the society since it is one of the fastest and efficient way
to receive information on various subjects, most importantly current affairs. The
impact of media is very important on society as it helps in building public opinion
and stoke collective consciousness. If you are referring to journalism while talking
about media, then it is important to mention that many philosophers and thinkers have
referred to them as the fourth estate who are thought to be the foremost custodians of
public consciousness.

However, going by the recent trends of how some media organizations have become
biased we can assume that we are living in changing times where we can’t totally rely
on one kind of media for our information. We should open up to the new media like
social media, non-mainstream media outlets and bloggers.

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Imagine waking up one day to find no internet, libraries and smart

devices. Newspapers, magazines, radio stations and TV channels also disappeared.
Guide Questions:
1. How would you be informed of anything now?
2. What would happen with the decisions you usually make?
3. How would if affect the way you live?

4. What would society lose in this situation?


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What’s More

How we communicate has recently been transformed by Web 2.0 and Social Media.
Today, our lives are more connected on a global scale than ever… it truly has become a world

However, it is interesting to see how this technology, though making it significantly

easier to interact with our peers, has also altered how intimate our interactions are with each

The graphic below is a neat representation of the present most popular forms of
communication. It ranges from 10 as the most intimate to 1 as the least intimate. Communication
in the most intimate range involves visual or auditory interaction, whereas the least intimate
forms lack this.
The ranking in this graphic is definitely a matter of opinion and subjective in nature. Would you
categorize these 10 levels in a different way?

How media affects Communication?

Crashing all the boundaries have been media’s concealing capabilities but are often reveals
as it had been seen for so many instances especially now that media has become a village as we
open our lives to many people across all borders, whereas distances is no longer a gaps in almost
possible for that technologies can offer us such as Facebook, Instagram, Skype, Viber and other
sites relating the independence to connect and create oneself and make communication as wide
as one could have imagine.

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As we all know Social Media is one of the most have item in our business schedule. Social
media itself growing rapidly throughout the world. Everyone has social media even some kids in
elementary probably has at least one social media. People use social media such as twitter,
Instagram and Facebook to interact with other people like family, friends or even strangers. The
introduction of social media changes the world in many ways. It affects each individual in
different ways.

There are a lot of benefit by using social media you can enter a new whole world and can be
connected and socialize to different people in the world. As much as social media make it easier
for people to communicate from different areas, still it has negative impact on people who are
using this as medium of communication. Here are some:

✔ Negatively Affect Self-Esteem – Confidence is a feeling of self-assurance arising from

one’s appreciation of one’s own abilities or qualities On social media such as
cyberbullying make people fearful, shy and can’t effectively communicate even in the
real situation.
✔ Loosing Social Skills – Social Media itself change our social interactions. People are
obsessed in social media You probably seen a group of friends or family in the resto
sitting together but none of them were talking because of what? Because they are using
their cellphones. And we all know that it is not good for us. We may lose our
communication skills but they keep on communicating with people over a “filtered
✔ Creates Anti-Social Behavior – People are spending a lot of time glued their eyes in
social media and it has reduced amount of time people spend with each other. Anti-Social
behavior in people as the result of excessive use of social media.

Social Media gives us a lot of benefits because they are multi-functional but the addiction to
social media is most likely “the new cigarette” in the world. Most of us can say that we can’t live
without our social media. We can say that Social is a big help for everyone but we can’t deny the
fact that there are negative impacts in human beings specially in today’s generation. You may
probably enjoy the benefits that social media gives you but remember it can consume yourself.

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1. In your opinion, what makes an individual literate in media and information?


2. How is critical thinking related to media and information literacy?


3. Do you consider yourself a media and information literate individual? Why or why not?

4. What activities/habits do you practice which illustrate media and information literacy?
Give at least three examples.

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NAME: _________________________________________
SECTION: ______________________________________
DATE: _________________________________________

Draw or design a graphic that represents how you understand Media and information Literacy
then write a brief description about it. Provide an extra short bond paper (landscape) with your
NAME, GRADE LEVEL, SECTION and the date today.

“One MIL a day, keeps the (ILL)iterate away”

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2Media and Information
First Quarter – Module 2:
The Evolution of Traditional Media to
New Media

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This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
learn the evolution of media. The scope of this module permits it to be used in many
different learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary
level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the
course. But the order in which you read them can be changed to correspond with the
textbook you are now using.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

 Identify the devices used by people to communicate with each other, store information,
and broadcast information across the different ages.

 Editorialize the roles and functions of media in democratic society

 Identify the roles and functions of media in democratic society
 Draw a timeline that shows the exposure of traditional media to new media.
 Identify the Normative Theories of the press
 Evaluate the type of media in the Philippines using the Normative Theories of the Press

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Today’s topic embodies essential knowledge that should allow users to engage
with media and information channels in a meaningful manner.

Personal Computers, Motion Pictures, Cave Paintings, Television, Radio, Google

Hangouts, Facebook, Skype, Typewriter, Telegraph, Tablet, Smartphones,
Telephone, Clay Tablets, Telegraph, Printing Press

The learner will classify the term above in which age it belongs. And write the
terms in their corresponding columns

Pre-Industrial Information
Industrial Age Electronic Age
Age Age

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The Evolution of Traditional
Lesson Media to New Media
Communication began as drawing on walls of caves, carving on barks trees and later on
papyrus and parchment. Each of these illustrated man’s capacity and desire to interact, link up and
build connections. Communal gatherings were means by which they reached out to each other as
a collective and they spoke to one another using song, dance and prayer.

As population increased, people became more dispersed and settlements were built, mostly in
areas where they can find food. These developments altered how people communicated with one
another, how people passed on information across diverse and dispersed groups of people.
Institutions emerged and became sites whereby knowledge is communicated, and conduits
whereby communication is transmitted. The Roman Catholic Church is fine example of a social
institution that vigorously and aggressively transmitted ideas through the sacred scriptures, and
used its crunches and missionaries as the channels by which the teachings of the Bible was

Traditional media, or as some refer to as old media,

has been used in the marketing/advertising world for
years. When related to advertising, traditional media
encompasses that of television, newspaper, radio and
magazine ads. These forms of communication are the
steadfast ways that businesses have reached both
consumers and other companies for decades. They
are the roots of advertising and the most common
form utilized by businesses on a daily basis. Though

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traditional media is effective, over the course of the last few years we have seen more and more
businesses utilizing new media to reach its target audiences.

New media is the future of advertising.

More and more consumers and businesses
rely on new media to find their information.
Ultimately, new media refers to content that
is easily accessible via many different
forms of digital media. When related to
advertising, some examples of new media
include online advertising (retargeting,
banner ads, etc.), online streaming (radio and television) and social media advertising. Each of
these are means in which businesses have the capability to reach consumers and other businesses
with ease.

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What’s New

Four Ages in the Evolution of Media

 Pre-Industrial Age
 Industrial Age
 Electronic Age
 Information Age


People discovered fire, developed paper from plants, and forged weapons and tools with stone,
bronze, copper and iron

Acta Diurna (Latin: Daily Acts sometimes translated as

In the time of pre-historic men, the way of communication
Daily Public Records) were daily Roman official notices,
between the people was through cave paintings by using
a sort of daily gazette. They were carved on stone or
paint and brushes to draw images. From using these tools,
metal and presented in message boards in public places
pre-historic men were able to deliver messages to tell an
like the Forum of Rome. They were simply called Acta.
event that already happened, teach how to hunt, and possibly
In many ways, they functioned like an early newspaper
for religious reasons.
for the Roman citizenry

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Clay tablets were used as a writing medium, Papyrus is a material similar to thick paper that was used in
especially for writing in cuneiform, throughout the ancient times as a writing surface. It was made from the
Bronze Age and well into the Iron Age. Cuneiform pith of the papyrus plant, Cyperus Papyrus a wetland
characters were imprinted on a wet clay tablet with a sedge. Papyrus can also refer to a document written on
sheets of such material, joined together side by side and
stylus often made of reed.
rolled up into a scroll, an early form of book.

Codex is a book constructed of a number of sheets

of paper, vellum, papyrus or similar materials. The
term is usually reserved to describe manuscript
book, with handwritten contents, but it describes the
format that is now nearly universal for printed books
in the Western world.

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INDUSTRIAL AGE (1700s-1930s)
People used the power of steam, developed machine tools, established iron production and the
manufacturing of various products (including books

A system for transmitting messages from a A system for transmitting voices over a
distance along a wire, especially one creating distance using a wire or radio, by converting
signals b making and breaking an electrical acoustic vibrations to electrical signals.

A machine with keys for producing A printing press s a mechanical device for
alphabetical characters, numerals, and applying pressure to an inked surface resting
typographical symbols one at a time on paper upon a print medium, thereby transferring the
inserted around a roller. ink.

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A sequence of consecutive pictures of objects
photographed in motion by a specially designed
camera (motion-picture camera) and thrown on a
screen by a projector (motion-picture projector) in
such rapid succession as to give the illusion of
natural movement.

ELECTRONIC AGE (1930s-1980s)

The invention of the transistor ushered in the electronic age. People harnessed the power of
transistors that led to the transistor radio, electronic circuits, and the early computers. In this age,
long distance communication became more efficient.

Transistor radio is a small portable radio Television is a telecommunication medium

receiver that uses transistor-based circuitry. used for transmitting moving images in
monochrome (black and white) or in color and
in two or three dimensions and sound.

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Mainframe computers are computers used Apple 1 Computer originally released as the
primarily by large organizations for critical Apple computer, also known later as the
applications; bulk data processing, such as census, Apple 1 or Apple-1 is a desktop computer
industry and consumer statistics and enterprise released by the Apple Computer Company in
resource planning; and transaction processing 1976.

INFORMATION AGE (1900s-2000s)

The internet paved the way for faster communication and the creation of the social network.
People advanced the use of microelectronics with the invention of personal computer, mobile
devices and wearable technology. Moreover, voice, image, sound and data are digitalized.

Describes the efforts, begun in the 1970s, to

build small, portable personal computers that Tablet is a portable computer that uses a
combine the components, inputs, outputs and touchscreen as its primary input device.
capabilities of a desktop computer in a small

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Friendster was social gaming site based in
Internet Explorer is a series of graphical web
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It was originally a
browsers developed by Microsoft and
social networking service website. The
included in the Microsoft Windows line of
website was also used for dating and
operating system.
discovering new events, bands and hobbies.

Facebook is a social networking website that Wearable Technology are smart electronic
users can create and customize their own devices that are worn close to and/or on the
profiles with photos, videos and information surface of the skin, where they detect, analyze
about themselves. and transmit information concerning e.g. body
signals such as vital signs and/or ambient data
and which allow in some cases immediate
biofeedback to the wearer.

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Does technology shaped us or is

it us who shaped technology?
Explain your answer and give an








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What’s More


Given the available media that we now have in the world, what are its
roles and functions in a democratic society?


Provides opportunities for people to communicate. Share ideas,

speculate, tell stories and give information.


Exposes corrupt practices of the government

and the private sector. Creating a space wherein
governance is challenged or scrutinized by the
governed. It also guarantees free and fair elections.

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Resource Center

Acts as a gateway of information for the society’s consumption. Also it

becomes a keeper of memories of the community, preserver of heritage
and source of academic knowledge.


Through its diverse sources or formats, it

bridges the gap of digital divide.

Media must be free of the

 Censorship
 Self-censorship
 Control of the government
 Physical and moral pressure
 Political Prejudice

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Normative theories of the press were first proposed by Fred Siebert, Theodore Peterson and
Wilbur Schromm in their book called “Four Theories of the Press”. It describes an ideal way for
a media system to be controlled and operated by the government, authority, leader and public.

Four Theories of the Press/Media

Authoritarian theory
Describe that all forms of communications are under
the control of the governing elite or authorities or
influential bureaucrats.
Censorship is a suppression of any communication
which may consider as
harmful to the people,
King, government and its
nation. Especially these censorship methods are much familiar in
press which against the freedom of speech and freedom of
expression. In some other cases, the censorship helps to protect the
rulers and authorities from sensitive issues.

Libertarian theory
The theory says that people are rational and their rational
thoughts lead them to find out what are good and bad. The
press should not restrict anything even a negative comment
may give
knowledge and can
make better decision
to a worst situation.
The Libertarian thoughts are exactly against or opposite
to the authoritarian theory which means the authoritarian
theory says “All forms of communication work under
the control of government or elite like king”.

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Social responsibility theory
Allows free press without any censorship but at the
same time the content of the press should be
discussed in public panel and media should accept
any obligation from
public interference or
professional self-
regulations or both.
The theory lies
between both
authoritarian theory and libertarian theory because it gives total
media freedom in one hand but the external controls in other
Soviet media theory
Theory says that the state has absolute
power to control any media for the
benefit of people The government media
provide positive thoughts to create a
strong socialized society as well as
providing information, education,
entertainment, motivation, and

 Authoritarian theory is necessary to control the media to protect and prevent the people from the
national threats through any form communication (information or news). The press is an instrument
to enhance the ruler’s power in the country rather than any threats.
 Libertarian Theory Freedom of press will give more freedom to media to reveal the real thing
happening in the society without any censorship or any authority blockades.
 Social Responsibility Theory The theory lies between both authoritarian theory
and libertarian theory because it gives total media freedom in one hand but the
external controls in other hand. Here, the press ownership is private.
 Soviet media theory is a two-way communication at the same time the whole
media is controlled or works under the leadership.

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How will you describe media in

the Philippines using the
normative theories of the press?







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Complete the sentence stem below. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper. 1. Traditional
Media has been the _________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________________. On the other side,
New Media is considered as ______________________________________
________________________________________________________________. 2. Roles of both
media has shaped our democratic society today through _________________
__________________________________________________________. One it of its benefits, is
the emergence of the Internet of Things which is __________________

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NAME: _________________________________________
SECTION: ______________________________________
DATE: _________________________________________

1. Draw on the space provided below a political cartoon depicting your opinion
about how Philippine media performs its roles and functions in the
Philippines which is a democratic country. (10 points)
2. Explain the message of your political cartoon in not less than 3 sentences. (5

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NAME: _________________________________________
SECTION: ______________________________________
DATE: _________________________________________

Timeline of exposure to traditional or new media

1. The learners will create a timeline of their exposure to traditional or new media. The examples
of media above can be used as basis for the timeline.
2. For each item of media, the learners may include year, short description, and a personal
For more ideas you can visit this link or

“One MIL a day, keeps the (ILL)iterate away”

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