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Glentham Life Sciences Ltd

Unit 5 Leafield Way

Corsham SN13 9SW
United Kingdom
t: +44 (0) 1225 667 798
f: +44 (0) 2033 978 909

Product Specification

Product Name Povidone iodine

Glentham Code GA7905
CAS Number 25655-41-8
MDL Number MFCD00084483

Molecular Weight 364.94

Molecular Formula (C6H9NO)n.xI
Storage Temp. +20°C

Property Specification

Physical Description Brown or dark purple powder

Loss on Drying ≤ 8.0%
Residue on Ignition ≤ 0.2%
Nitrogen 9.5 - 11.5 %
Available Iodine 9.0 - 12.0 %
Heavy Metals ≤ 20ppm

Specification Version - v1.0

Date Created - 2015-01-06

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Page 1 of 1 Printed: 2023-02-09 11:41:08

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