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30. Julia :... .

Andrea : Hi, nice to meet you . I am Andrea.
What is the best utterance to complete the dialogue above?
a. Hello, I am Julia c. How is life? e. Have a nice trip
b. What can I do for you d. Please, accept my condolence

31. Rudi : I am very sorry to hear about Tommy’s death.

Deny : Thank you.
The underlined utterance expresses . . . .
a. introducing b. promise c. sympathy d. greeting e. happiness

32. Mr. Ben : You are promoted as a manager. E

Mr. Polo : I can’t say how pleased I am.
From the dialogue above, we know that Mr. Polo expresses his . . . .
a. introducing b. greeting c. promise d. sympathy e. happiness

33. Renny : I lost my wallet on the way to the police station. E

Fina :... .
What is the best utterance to complete the dialogue above?
a. Oh, I am sorry. I have another appointment d. See you
b. I am afraid I can’t e. What a pity
c. Yes I know, thank you

34. Yeyen : We thank for your nice food. A

Dian : . . . It is special for you.
a. You are welcome c. Well, I know e. Nice to see you
b. Sorry, I don’t know d. I am so sorry

35. Zaki : I heard that you lost your purse. I found it in the classroom. Here you are. B
Daru : Oh, you are my good friend. I am very much obliged to you.
The underlined utterance expresses . . . .
a. apology b. pride c. gratitude d. surprise e. obligation

36. Rizki : Morning, sir. What would you like me to do? A

Mr. Rico : No, thanks.
The underlined utterance expresses . . . .
a. offering b. thank c. apology d. surprise e. pride

37. Nina : Grandma, can I help you with the sewing. E

Grandma : . . . , how kind of you.
a. I am sorry b. I don’t need you c. Never mind d. Don’t worry e. Thank you

38. Shopkeeper : Is there anything I can do for you? A

Customer : I need a pair of Bucheri shoes.
In the dialogue, the shopkeeper wants to . . . help.
a. offer b. ask c. get d. refuse e. accept

39. Anton :.... A

Yuni : I am happy for you.
What is the best utterance to complete the dialogue?
a. I am so happy to get a scholarship c. I am afraid I can’t e. Hello, I am Anton
b. Please, accept my condolence d. Can you help me?

40. Dhea : Dad, didn’t you see me in television? B

Father : Sure, I did. You looked great.
Being a father, he is so . . . . his daughter.
a. honest to b. proud of c. attracted to d. grateful for e. attentive to

01. X : Would you come to my party? E

Y : Oh…thank you for the invitation.
The underlined expression shows…
a. sympathy
b. accepting
c. offering
d. asking
e. refusing

02. Revi : Will you go to the movie with me tonight? C

Mona : . . ., I’d love too but I can’t. I’ve something to do.
a. All right
b. I really like
c. I’m sorry
d. Thank you
e. With pleasure

03. Tina : Mom, Happy birthday! Look what I have for you! B
Mom : Oh, fantastic. It’s a nice bracelet.
Tina : It’s a great bracelet, isn’t it? I have saved my money for a month.
Mom : Thanks, Tina. ….
a. That’s terrible
b. I am very happy to hear that
c. I am afraid, I can’t
d. It’s a bad news
e. I am sorry to hear that

04. Rindang : “We are going to go to Tangkuban Perahu carter next holiday, Dad!” A
Father : With whom will you go there?
Rindang : All my classmates.
Father : OK. You have to be careful.
Rindang : ... .Thank you, dad.
a. That would be great
b. I am sorry to hear that
c. It’s too bad
d. That’s a pity
e. Guess what.

05. Sandra : “Our Basket Team will meet other school in Basket Ball Competition in Kotaagung next December.” C
Official : I hope we will do the best in that competition.
Sandra : ……..our success.
a. Hurry up
b. Let’s go
c. Let’s pray for
d. Let me go
e. Wait me

06. Jono : Have you visited Joni? He got an accident yesterday. C

Anna : Oh, poor Joni. I hope he’ll be better soon.
The bold type sentences express…..
a. sadness
b. apology
c. sympathy
d. surprise
e. pleasure
07. Amin : Why do you look so sad? B
Ana : Didn’t you hear the news last night? The volcano eruption has killed more than a hundred people in my town.
Amin : I am sorry to hear that.
Amin expresses his….
a. fear
b. sympathy
c. sadness
d. apology
e. surprise

08. Agnes :Good afternoon, Nesa. …. C

Nesa : Good afternoon, Agnes. I’m very well. Thank you.
a. What’s your name?
b. Nice to meet you
c. How are you?
d. How do you do?
e. See you later.

09. Wiwin : Good morning. May I introduce myself. My name is Wiwin. D

Resti : Good morning. Wiwin……
Wiwin : How do you do
a. How are you?
b. Are you OK?
c. How is life?
d. How do you do?
e. Are you very well?

48. Rindi : Do you have any plan this afternoon, Dian? D

Dian : No, why?
Rindi : Can you accompany me to the book store?
Dian : OK. What time will we meet?
Rindi : I will pick you up at 4.00 pm.
Dian : OK. I will wait for you.
The underline sentences above is expressing about…
a. declining appointment                      d. accepting appointment
b. pleasure                                                                 e. invite someone
c. canceling appointment

49. Bimo : Jack, I’m sorry I can’t meet you next Sunday. I should go to hospital. My grandfather is sick. B
Jack : That is OK. We can meet another time.
From the dialogue above, we know that Bimo is…
a. accepting Jack’ s appointment                        d. declining Jack’ s appointment
b. refusing Jack’ s appointment                            e. receiving Jack’ s appointment
c. agreeing Jack’ s appointment

20. Tony : Hi. Andi, what about going to Agung's birthday party tonight? A
Andi : I'm afraid I can't. I am going somewhere with Dwi.
The underlined sentence is used to. ...
A. refuse an invitation
B. ask for permission
C. agree to do something
D. express a surprise
E. ask for an apology

21 Ida : Hi, Nina! What's up? Why do you look so sad? A

Nina : I've got a terrible headache.
Ida : Oh, poor you ....?
A. Can I get you some aspirin
B. May I come to your house
C. Could you come to my house
D. Can you do me a favour
E. Can you help me

22. Roby : We will have a party for my sister's birthday next Sunday. C
Would you like to come. Ira?
Ira : I'd love to. It must be a wonderful party.
The underlined expression is used to express ...
A. advice B. intention C. invitation
D. satisfaction E. suggestion

34. Soraya : Hello, Adam, .............? B

Adam : Fine, thanks. How are you?
Soraya : I’m very well. Thank you.
A.How do you do
B.How are you
C. Nice to see you
D. How do you go
E.Nice to meet you

37. Julia :... .A

Andrea : Hi, nice to meet you . I am Andrea.
What is the best utterance to complete the dialogue above?
A. Hello, I am Julia
B. How is life?
C. Have a nice trip
D. What can I do for you
E. Please, accept my condolence

43. Rito : Excuse me! ... to help you turn the radio off? B
Mr. Hasnil : Yes, please. Thank you very much indeed.
A. Is it possible for me B. Would you like me
C. Can you order me D. Is it okay for me E. Can you ask me

44. Wido : Would you like me to carry these books, sir? A

Mr. Sumadi : Sure. Thank you very much.
The underlined expression uses to express….
A. offering to do something B. asking to do something
C. apologizing for someone's mistake D. disagreeing with someone's opinion
E. greeting someone

45. Rudi :.Den, yesterday I heard that merapi mountain exploded again. C
Deny : I am very sorry to hear that.
The underlined utterance expresses . . . .
A. introducing B. promise C. sympathy D. greeting E. happiness

46. Mr. Julian ,an English teacher of SMA opens the regular teaching at 07.15 am. B
Mr. Julian : All my students, good morning.
Students : Good morning, Sir.
Mr. Julian : How is life today.
Students : ....
A. Good luck B. Very well C. Don’t mention it
D. Nice to see you E. See you later
47. Vira is a new student of SMA 2 Pringsewu. She moved from Tanjungkarang. She must introduce herself in front of her new students. B
Vira : Hello, my new friends. . . . my name is Novira.
A. Allow me to introduce you to D. I’d like to introduce you to me
B. Allow me to introduce my self E. Let you introduce me
C. I’d like you to introduce myself

48. Sony : My sister has graduated from Lampung University. D

Olif : I’m happy to hear that
The bold type sentence expresses . . . .
A. regret B. refusal C. complaint D. sympathy E. hope

49. Reni : Let’s eat out in a restaurant, Ulfa? A

Sifa : When ?
Reni : To night.
Sifa : . . . I will wait for you before seven.
A. That’s sound interesting C. That good idea, but E. Enjoy yourself
B. No, thanks D. I don’t want to

50. Mother : Ani, cut these vegetable!. B

Ani : Yes, Mom. Done. What else?
Mother : Enough, thanks.
The underlined expression is used to express . . . .
A. permission C. pleasure E. attention
B. command D. promise

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