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The evolution of the term global south

The term global south is used to described the countries that are less develop means they are
the countries that have lower income, lack of resources, others abuse their natural that causes
lack in natural resources. The term global south is also refers to the countries who suffer from
poverty, the level of their labor of productivity is low, their output per work are extremely low.
In general, the global south is a term used to identify the countries that are developing and the
countries have economically developed.
3. The main characteristics of the global north is, refers to the develop countries or societies ,
which are characterized by established democracy ,wealth, technological advancement, in terms
of political they are political stability, aging population, zero population growth, they have less
or zero population growth because the people who are living in the global north are busy in
their work they don’t have time to make many children. Some countries in global north they
have the policy one child policy and if your first baby is boy no more chance to have another one
and if it’s a girl there is a chance again to have another child. Global north is a dominance of a
world trade and politics. While the global south in terms of economy represents mainly agrarian
economies meaning it is a center of the production, consumption, trade and sale of agricultural
commodities more on agriculture in terms of society, they have large population, low income
and less productivity. But the global south are very hands on in taking care of a farm.

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