Current Problems of International Relations

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Contemporary Issues of International Relations


According to me, poverty is a condition where a person or his family does not have money to
fulfill his lifestyle, habits, diet, and other facilities of life. Such a class mostly fears for their daily
livelihood and even though they are having a good time, from time to time the fear of
unavailability of food comes to their mind.

Causes of poverty:

Some of the main causes of poverty are as follows:

 Unemployment
 Competition for natural resources due to growing population
 Bad economy of countries
 Epidemic diseases
 Wars between countries


Unemployment is a cause that is directly linked to poverty if no one in the family is a

breadwinner (i.e., their per capita income is zero) or if the family has only one breadwinner and
many people are dependent on him. However, one day this family will fall into poverty, because
when the per capita income does not cover the per capita needs, gradually all people will lose the
power to obtain the basic needs, which is poverty.

Competition for Natural Resources due to Growing Population:

The population of the whole world has now reached about eight billion, and these eight billion
people need natural resources to live their lives in a good way, where the things that are used are
in small quantity and if the people who use them are increasing every day. , in which case an
atmosphere of competition is born. In this competition, one takes as much as one can get. In this
conflict, there are some people who obtain these resources in large quantities, and there is a large
population that is impoverished by them, and these people live a life of poverty.

Bad Economy of Countries:

Currently, there are some countries in the world where the economy is ideal, and they are
countries that provide their people with all the basic (rather encouraging) needs for a dignified
life. In the second and third world, there are many countries whose economy is stagnant, and
their inhabitants are also deprived of a dignified life (this principle does not apply to their entire
population). A large part of the population of these countries lacks the necessities of life and
lives below the poverty line.

Epidemic Diseases:

Epidemics and diseases spreading in different countries are also the cause of poverty. To take an
example from today, people's lives in many countries have been destroyed due to the arrival of
COVID-19. People faced extreme hardship due to loss of business and jobs. According to some
reports, about 150 million people have crossed the poverty line due to COVID.

Wars between Countries:

One of the reasons for the spread of poverty is that when some countries go to war with each
other, the whole nation suffers in return. The government's attention is diverted from the people
to war, and war is a very expensive business these days. As a result of the war, there is
migration, the spread of disease and famine, which contribute to increasing poverty.

Poverty in the World Right now:

One of the few major problems facing the world today is growing poverty. The impact of
growing poverty affects almost the entire world. Growing poverty means that the world lacks
education, science, technology, and economics. According to the World Bank, the number of
people in the world who do not even have 2.5 dollars a day and live below this limit is increasing
day by day.Poverty rate is high in South Sudan which is around 82.32%.
Effects of Poverty:


Poverty is something that makes a person do anything. No wonder poverty increases crime.
When people do not get enough resources, they turn to various crimes to earn a living. Some
research on Caribbean youth has shown that young people between the ages of 15 and 24 are
more likely to commit crimes. One of the main reasons is unemployment. When unemployment
pushes people into poverty, they turn to crime.

Lack of education:

Due to the increase in poverty, the number of people who go to education is very low because
people cannot get basic needs. So, people are not interested in education so due to lack of
education the world and their countries are facing many kinds of problems.


A big disadvantage of poverty is that many people in the world do not have the power to manage
a home for themselves, so they spend a large part of their lives in homelessness. People living
below the poverty line often leave their areas and migrate to other countries, another devastating
process as many countries do not allow these refugees to stay and enter their country.

United Nations Initiatives to Eradicate Poverty:

Ending poverty is a UN goal they are working hard to achieve Poverty rate was 10.1% in 2015
but reached 8.4% in 2018 thanks to UN programs but due to Covid-19 the rate increased again to
9.4% in in 2020.

UNDP (United Nations Development Program)

The United Nations Development Program is working to lift large numbers of people out of
poverty and into a suitable and comfortable life. They work with governments to ensure accurate
poverty measurements and support them in developing poverty programmers.

Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA)

DESA aims to eradicate poverty and create new jobs. They work with various governments to
accomplish this task

International Day for the Eradication of Poverty:

In December 1992, the General Assembly proclaimed October 17 as the International Day for
the Eradication of Poverty Ion October 17, 1987, over one hundred thousand people gathered in
Paris to declare poverty a violation of human rights and to emphasize the need to come together
to ensure respect. for these rights.


The result of all the above is that poverty is one of the most serious problems in the world today.
The entire world is currently in the grip of poverty in one form or another and it is also causing
many problems Poverty is also one of the many problems that must be eradicated for the overall
development of the entire world.

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