Billy Elliot (Quote Analysis)

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Billy Elliot


Scene description/quote Technical feature Discussion

Dances and hides in his ● Portrays that billy has two facades → 1) that he puts up when surrounded by his family,
bathroom from his family 2) he breaks free and dances
ashamed of what his father ● The emergence of two billies; a facade attempting to conform to an interior, rebellious,
and brother would say stereotype subverting (to push away) individual which breaks through said facade
through dance

Billy is walking home from his Extreme close up and ● Billy’s appreciation of the class is noticed when he changes from his blue (blue indicates
ballet class symbolism gender roles) masculine boxing boots to the white (conventionally feminine) ballet
● The extreme close up of Billy changing his shoes is representative of his own personal
journey and first step into the world of ballet
● The fact that Billy changes from boots to slippers is representative of the values present
in the patriarchal society of Durham. Billy’s transition into the slippers in a close up is
suggestive of the importance of the transition

Mise-en-scene of Billy and Mise-en-scene ● The mise-en-scene is a powerful representation of how our heritage and ancestry clearly
Michael outside the boxing dictates our venturing into new experiences
hall as Billy swings the ● Billy is imitating the experiences of his father and thus is moving towards developing into
door deciding whether to the same type of man, adhering to the same philosophy
enter or not ● Michael serves as a foil to Billy here when he rejects the conservatism of boxing and
remains outside the space
● The difficulty of rejecting such an experience is visually seen by his outsider status, alone
on the bin, as if his identity was discarded because of the experience he rejected
● The pressure to conform to standard experiences is clearly illustrated by Billy entering
the boxing hall and defending the owner of the gloves, his father
● Michael makes the important point that people persist with tradition even though they
have no talent for it, simply because somebody else set out that path to be followed. He
makes us question the significance of tradition
Boxing gloves and ballet ● Boxing gloves around his neck → symbolises masculine ideas being placed onto him and
shoes being a burden to his growth
● Jackie tells Billy that the gloves were his fathers → represent family and upholding these
masculine ideas within the family bloodline

● Ballet → represents femininity and the upper class

● Challenges gender norms that are placed onto him
● Symbol for feminism → men should be allowed to partake in typically feminine activities
and embrace their effeminate sife without being ashamed
● Presents the notion that people from a different class should be allowed to pursue
something that is not considered a part of their class

Hanging up the boxing gloves, Symbolism ● Illustrates the removal of the facade that Billy has put on, hiding his true self from his
choosing ballet shoes instead family
Foreshadowing of his journey ● Billy is physically hanging up the social expectation and is now pursuing his passion
● Inner conflict→ accepting the ballet slippers represents a journey that brings him into
direct conflict with his context
Scene description/quote Technical feature Discussion

Cosmic Dancer Lyrical analysis ● Music and dance can be an escape from the everyday
● “I danced myself right ● Makes the readers wonder if the lyrics have any meaning towards the rest of the film and
out the womb” about Billy
● “I danced myself into
the tomb” “I danced myself right out the womb”
● “I danced…” ● Foreshadowing Billy opening up to his family and being himself
● “Womb” → represents Billy being trapped by family; society’s opinions; adversity;
● Billy is breaking the ‘norms’ and is doing something he enjoys and is being himself
● He was born to dance

“I danced myself into the tomb”

● When he faced negativity and adversity he hid back and didn’t know whether to conform
or rebel to society’s and his family’s expectations
● Danced from birth to death

“I danced…”
● Billy chose to dance despite what everyone thought
● Chose to rebel instead of conform → chose what makes him happy

Montage of Billy trying to Montage ● Billy stays persistent on his journey to becoming a ballet dancer. He struggles but keeps
learn ballet moves Short scenes attempting
● This shows Billy’s passion and desire to learn and become great in his passion. He finds a
sense of fulfillment in dance. As he grows in fulfilment he grows in confidence/

Obstacles and challenges Metaphor ● Obstacles are represented metaphorically through the placement of walls seen as a
● ‘Dancing in barrier → seen during the ‘dancing in frustration sequence’ where, at the climax of his
frustration’ scene dance, Billy is seen to crash into an immovable object - symbolising his context; this
reflects that it is impossible for Billy to succeed and journey towards self fulfilment
without the support of his context - his context weighs heavy on him and can hold him
● He can only go so far without the support of his family
● Each challenge along his journey shapes his identity, builds his resilience and emboldens
him more determined towards his passion
● Correlation between his journey through dance and his growth as a person
● In this way, his increased abilities in dance symbolically represent the growth of his
person, his empathy and worldview, reaching a climax in the final scene of the film, where
Billy, metaphorically the ‘white swan’ launches into the fulness of self

White swan leap Metaphor ● Billy’s journey through dance and his growth as a person can be seen to correlate as his
Symbolism increased abilities in dance symbolically represent the growth of his person, his empathy
and worldview, reaching a climax in the final scene of the film, where Billy,
metaphorically the ‘white swan’ launches into the fulness of self
● Symbolic of him finally being able to express himself and fully accept his identity and
purpose as a dancer, symbolises his freedom
● Correlation between his journey and dance, growth as a person. Climax of the scene
where he’s metaphorically the white swan when he launches into the fullness of self
● Allusion is intended to mirror Billy’s experience where under the influence of his context
he’s forced to conform to society → an obstacle. The swan is like his fullness in form that
brings him fulfilment
● When he leaps it’s a sense of freedom and emerging his identity towards self-fulfilment

Billy attends the audition for Diegetic sound ● Near the end of the film, Billy attends an audition to get into the ballet school. As he
the ballet school Close up shot performs his choreo he is nervous at first, but soon let's go and enjoys the feeling of
● “Sort of feels good” Dialogue dance. This sense of freedom is emphasised through his movement and passion for
● “It's sort of stiff and dance. This concept is reinforced as Billy is asked “What does it feel like when you're
that … but once I get dancing?”, to which Billy replies with;
going … then I, like, ○ “Sort of feels good”
forget everything…” ○ “It's sort of stiff and that … but once I get going … then I, like, forget
● “I sort of disappear … everything…”
like I feel a change in ○ “I sort of disappear … like I feel a change in my whole body … like there's a fire in
my whole body … like me body”
there's a fire in me ○ “I'm just a bird. Like electricity”
body” ● The composer acknowledges the transitions of emotions reflecting the idea of dance for
● “I'm just Billy. This is highlighted in the surrounding attitudes of society. The scene in which Billy a dances at his audition is a symbolic representation of him overcoming his challenges and
bird. Like electricity” being able to do what he desires
● The responders are able to understand the fulfillment that dance brings for Billy and the
satisfaction and sense of purpose that is found. This notion is emphasised when Billy
describes the feeling of dance for him and says “I sort of disappear”. Therefore, dance is
revealed to be a sort of escape for Billy as he is finally able to express himself and has
overcome his adversity

Billy visits Mrs Wilkinson Non-diegetic sound ● “Children of the Revolution” is playing indicating Billy’s own personal revolution against
Long shot society and family
Symbolism ● Long shot displays the middle class standing of Mrs Wilkinson’s neighbourhood. This
foreshadows Billy’s leap from his proletariat life to the bourgeois world of ballet
● The symbolic use of the song is suggesting Billy’s revolt against the social conditions that
are imposed against him
● The long shot shows social disparity and barriers that Billy must overcome – working
class divide
Scene description/quote Technical feature Discussion

Constant referral to the piano Motif of piano ● A significant event can lead to changes in the dynamics of relationships and may carry
and non-diegetic piano sound Non-diegetic sound with them a huge emotional toll
● Ongoing noise of the piano depicts the connection and relationship that Billy had with his
mum → wasn’t strong in the beginning but as Billy found himself and grew closer with his
family, the piano crescendoed
● Motif of piano → becomes significant link between Billy and his mother
● Shows the personal connection he holds and the emotional impact his mother has had on
● The passing of the mother plays an important role in the dynamics of the family. After
Jackie shuts the piano, the use of a close-up shot on the family picture frame creates an
atmosphere that highlights the significance of family and the multiplicity of impacts it can
have on an individual
● As Jackie is pushing the wood into the fireplace he begins to cry as it becomes symbolic of
a piece of the mother being destroyed. The death of his late wife emphasises the constant
need for human interaction and the strong bond/relationship formed with the people we
love → can be exceedingly difficult for one to move on
● Responders are able to understand the impact of the loss of someone close and important
and the plethora of ramifications on the family. It becomes apparent that the passing of
the mother causes detrimental effects on the relationships within the family and fractured
them collectively and individually. Thus, elucidating the idea that one's relationship
depends on many factors and can, however, grow stronger through adversity and
hardships. The desire for a unified family is established at the end other scene

Billy moves from his Juxtaposition ● A significant event can lead to changes in the dynamics of relationships and may carry
imagination to reality in his with them a huge emotional toll
disorganised, cluttered ● Reader is able to compare the two worlds and analyse the effects that loss/grief and the
kitchen strike has had on the Elliot family
● Contrast Billy’s happiness and escape of music to reality and the effect of the strike on his
family and home

Close up shot of facial ● Changed circumstances can lead to familial roles being challenged
expression ● This is evident through the scenes where Jackie is challenged to think differently and be
more open minded about Billy’s interest in dance
● Throughout the beginning of the film, everyone is known to be boxing as they whilst they
grow up, however, Billy’s interest in dance challenged his father’s role on whether he
should support him on something that is considered to be an anomaly in society. This
questions his values and an individual and as a father
● The composer wants to communicate to the responders the challenges that each
individual experiences, especially the sacrifices made for the benefit of a loved one. This
emphasises the importance of family and relationships
● Responders are able to understand the significance of family and relationships.
● Jackie’s role as a father was challenged through his mindset and his actions.
● The sacrifices he made for his family
● A father is supposed to be supportive of his children → Billy challenges this notion as he
breaks from social norms → his father eventually accepts him, although he first believed
against it

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