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-introduction: In this work we are going to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of

different options after finishing school

-get a job
ad. andrea:
1) you generate money from an early age to be able to save for the future or for something
2) you gain experience in different areas of life.
di. natalia:
1) it can be difficult to get a job without previous work experience.
2) you may not be able to find a job in your field of study.
-go to university
ad. natalia:
1) you will meet many new people with interests similar to yours.
2) more and more companies require an university degree.
dis. andrea:
1) having a university degree doesn’t guarantee your future job.
2) you can’t study what you really like.
-learn a vocation
ad. andrea:
1) allows you to choose the things that make you happy.
2) makes your life goal realistic and achievable.
dis. natalia:
1) you have to study hard.
2) you spend a lot of money
-relax for a while and do nothing
ad. natalia:
1) you will be happier than overwhelmed by studies.
2) you can always come back to study later.
dis. andrea:
1) when you want to dedicate yourself to something it may be too late.
2) you have less money to subsist.
-travel with money you have saved
ad. andrea:
1) you get to know other cultures and learn to be tolerant.
2) learn to develop in different circumstances.
dis. natalia:
1) you may not have saved enough money for the trip you have in mind.
2) you could have an accident on that trip that could damage your life.
-Which do you think is the best thing to do (CONCLUSION)
andrea: In my opinion all possibilities are valid depending on your economic situation, what
you plan to dedicate yourself and more.
natalia: depending on your personality, hobbies and circumstances, we have left these
options for you to choose whether or not you are sure about it.

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