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The role of literature in our life

From childhood we are accompanied by various literary works: fairy tales,

stories, poems, novels, plays, etc. All of them play a huge role in the formation of
man. Even at an early age, literary works lay down in us the basic moral principles
and norms. Fairy tales teach us to value friendship, do good, respect parents, reflect
on their actions.
It's hard to imagine life without reading. By reading scientific articles, we
gain new knowledge, and reading works of art - pleasure. Literature helps us to
know the world, to understand the meaning of life, to feel its happy and sad
moments. In addition, our vocabulary is replenished and the spiritual world is
Also, people need to know their history. This can be done through books. If
we apply the knowledge gained from reading books in life, it will avoid many
Consequently, literature can act as a time machine, enabling individuals to
go into a specific time period of the story, into the mind and soul of the
protagonist. It affects our worldview, shapes our inner world, enriches our native
language. We must read, love and respect the book as much as possible.

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